1Hi Greg, I have a couple of Glatorian questions tonight.
21. How accurate would you say that this is in ordering the known Glatorian in age from youngest to oldest? 3Gresh, Gelu, Kiina, Strakk, Malum, Vastus, Tarix, Ackar
42. Has there been a winner of the Great Tournament who wasn't a #1 or #2 from their village?
53. How do villages determine who their #1 or #2 Glatorian are? Is it by how many matches that they have won?
64. Do ties ever occur in arena matches? Like say, Tarix fires a Thornax at the same time as Vastus, both are hit and knocked out. Would it be called a tie and the goods split, or would there be a rematch at a later time for a more definite result?
75. How often do rookie Glatorian get to fight in the arena? 85a. What do they do when they don't get the chance to fight?
96. Which these kinds of matches would/have ever occur? 106a) Glatorian with Glatorian vs. Glatorian with Glatorian 116b) Glatorian vs. Glatorian vs. Glatorian 126c) Glatorian vs. Glatorian in a special rules match, ex. Ackar vs. Kiina but they have to use a specific weapon or can't use Thornax. 136d) Vehicle Race
14Thanks for all you've done and good job with the serials.![]()
161) It's certainly in the ballpark, but some may be the same age as others 172) No, because non #1 or #2 don't get enough actual arena experience to have a real chance in a tournament 183) Yes, you earn it, same way a minor league pitcher earns his way to the big leagues 194) You would have to have a rematch under those circumstances. A lot of things that are fought over cannot be split between villages. 205) Sometimes, but it tends to be in matches over minor things, not major things. 215a) Same thing top Glatorian do, they train 226a) No 236b) No 246c) All the time 256d) No, vehicles are used for combat, not racing
26Sent on a follow-up on a couple of them.
1Hey Greg just listened to RotGB chapter 3 and I had a few questions to ask you.
21)Concerning the new Glatorian introduced Cyrril I think his name was, how do you spell his name cause I'm not sure if its Cyrril or something else. 32)Could he be counted as an Ex-Iconox Glatorian,Ex-Glatorian,Glatorian in general? 43)How tall in comparison to the average glatorian are the Element lords? 54)There are six Element Lords Fire,Water,Sand,Rock,Jungle/Air and Ice correct? 65a)Do they have elemental powers as hinted by the name? 75b)If so on comparison toa Toa how much control over them do they have. 85c)If so I thought you said probably no characters in Bara Magna would have powers?.Change of Heart? 96)How Old is Cyrril?Is He older than characters like Tarix and Strakk?
111) Surel 122) He was never a Glatorian. Glatorian are fighters hired by the villages of the Bara Magna desert to battle on behalf of their villages -- it's a job title. Surel never lived in any of those villages. 133) Too early to discuss 144) Not sure why you are assuming that -- beyond the name, you know nothing about them yet 155a-5c) The ELs were originally planned to be part of later storyline, but due to some changes, I was able to move their arc to this year 166) Probably around the same age as they are
17Some interesting stuff there and someone should get on Biosector01 and get that Surel page made.
1Hey Greg just listened to RotGB chapter 3 and I had a few questions to ask you.
21)Concerning the new Glatorian introduced Cyrril I think his name was, how do you spell his name cause I'm not sure if its Cyrril or something else. 32)Could he be counted as an Ex-Iconox Glatorian,Ex-Glatorian,Glatorian in general? 43)How tall in comparison to the average glatorian are the Element lords? 54)There are six Element Lords Fire,Water,Sand,Rock,Jungle/Air and Ice correct? 65a)Do they have elemental powers as hinted by the name? 75b)If so on comparison toa Toa how much control over them do they have. 85c)If so I thought you said probably no characters in Bara Magna would have powers?.Change of Heart? 96)How Old is Cyrril?Is He older than characters like Tarix and Strakk?
111) Surel 122) He was never a Glatorian. Glatorian are fighters hired by the villages of the Bara Magna desert to battle on behalf of their villages -- it's a job title. Surel never lived in any of those villages. 133) Too early to discuss 144) Not sure why you are assuming that -- beyond the name, you know nothing about them yet 155a-5c) The ELs were originally planned to be part of later storyline, but due to some changes, I was able to move their arc to this year 166) Probably around the same age as they are
17Some interesting stuff there and someone should get on Biosector01 and get that Surel page made.
19But he is of the Glatorian species, right?
1Yeah, he's a Glatorian by species, not title.
1So its possible we might get a sneak peek of 2010 if these guys were moved back early?
1Just something I thought about.
2Are the Element Lords the "mysterious shapeshifters" who killed so many Skrall?
3thank you.
4No - remember what Surel said. The ELs led them into war ... now remember that the Skrall obviously had no idea who the shapeshifters were, or how to fight them. If the Skrall had followed the lead of a shapeshifter during the war, wouldn't they have known who and what they were?
1Hey Greg
2I just read RoTGB 3, and I have a question.
3Were the Element Lords what inspired the GBs to give Toa elemental powers?
5Too early to discuss this, Vezon -- they have barely been introduced into story
6Wouldn't it make sense for them to be beings composed entirely of their respective element? Judging by how the chapter ended, wouldn't that make sense?
1Not that I agree with what I am about to say, but it was never stated as a fact that the Ice being was an Elemental Lord.

11. You said that we've met the soldiers of the EP war, but not the war leaders. When will we meat the war leaders? 21. A: Will we meet some as sets? 31. B: Was Tuma one of them?
42. Do Glatorian ever do team matches, like say Gresh and Vastus versus Kiina and Tarix? 52. A: Would tribes ever do an two tribe team and split the resources, like say Gresh and Strakk versus Kiina and Ackar?
61) I can't answer this 71a) No 81b) No 92) If they team up, it is with Agori, not other Glatorian 102a) No
11Considering that the ice tribes main export is exsidian, it would make sense, at least to me, that their Glatorian's weapons would be coated with it. So are they?
12Some are, yes, where it's appropriate
131. Do special forces Skrall have the authority to act as generals? 141. A: Are all Skrall platoon leaders special forces?
152. Do special forces Skrall ever fight in the arena?
163. There are somewhere around 50 special forces Skrall, correct?
171) They are in charge of their squads, but the only "general" is Tuma 181a) No 192) Very rarely 203) I have never given a number, AS
211. Does/Will Perditus work for the fire tribe? 221. A: Is Perditus a Glatorian?
232. Though they are of seperate classes, special forces Skrall are of the same sub-species as soldier class, but have just proven themselves worthy of a higher rank, correct?
243. Have/Will the Thornatus, Baranus, and Skopio be used in the arena?
251, 3) Cannot discuss summer sets 262) A class basically is a sub-species -- Tuma is a different class and is obviously not physically the same as a Skrall warrior
271. Is Mata Nui's body (2009) biologically of the Glatorian species?
282. Are the animals that we have models of representations of them with or without armor?
293. Which summer characters will be featured in the 2009 movie?
304. Considering that Ackar is older than Tarix, they are both noble, and Tarix helped found the Glatorian system, did Ackar help found it too?
311) Yes 322) I wasn't aware we ever said the sand stalker wore armor? 333) Kiina, Ackar, Vastus, Mata Nui all have speaking roles, and the inspiration for Skopio appears 344) I don't believe so. Ackar was not in Vulcanus yet when the system was founded.
11. You said that we've met the soldiers of the EP war, but not the war leaders. When will we meat the war leaders? 21. A: Will we meet some as sets? 31. B: Was Tuma one of them?
42. Do Glatorian ever do team matches, like say Gresh and Vastus versus Kiina and Tarix? 52. A: Would tribes ever do an two tribe team and split the resources, like say Gresh and Strakk versus Kiina and Ackar?
61) I can't answer this 71a) No 81b) No 92) If they team up, it is with Agori, not other Glatorian 102a) No
11Considering that the ice tribes main export is exsidian, it would make sense, at least to me, that their Glatorian's weapons would be coated with it. So are they?
12Some are, yes, where it's appropriate
131. Do special forces Skrall have the authority to act as generals? 141. A: Are all Skrall platoon leaders special forces?
152. Do special forces Skrall ever fight in the arena?
163. There are somewhere around 50 special forces Skrall, correct?
171) They are in charge of their squads, but the only "general" is Tuma 181a) No 192) Very rarely 203) I have never given a number, AS
211. Does/Will Perditus work for the fire tribe? 221. A: Is Perditus a Glatorian?
232. Though they are of seperate classes, special forces Skrall are of the same sub-species as soldier class, but have just proven themselves worthy of a higher rank, correct?
243. Have/Will the Thornatus, Baranus, and Skopio be used in the arena?
251, 3) Cannot discuss summer sets 262) A class basically is a sub-species -- Tuma is a different class and is obviously not physically the same as a Skrall warrior
271. Is Mata Nui's body (2009) biologically of the Glatorian species?
282. Are the animals that we have models of representations of them with or without armor?
293. Which summer characters will be featured in the 2009 movie?
304. Considering that Ackar is older than Tarix, they are both noble, and Tarix helped found the Glatorian system, did Ackar help found it too?
311) Yes 322) I wasn't aware we ever said the sand stalker wore armor? 333) Kiina, Ackar, Vastus, Mata Nui all have speaking roles, and the inspiration for Skopio appears 344) I don't believe so. Ackar was not in Vulcanus yet when the system was founded.
35What about Gelu ?.
11. You said that we've met the soldiers of the EP war, but not the war leaders. When will we meat the war leaders? 21. A: Will we meet some as sets? 31. B: Was Tuma one of them?
42. Do Glatorian ever do team matches, like say Gresh and Vastus versus Kiina and Tarix? 52. A: Would tribes ever do an two tribe team and split the resources, like say Gresh and Strakk versus Kiina and Ackar?
61) I can't answer this 71a) No 81b) No 92) If they team up, it is with Agori, not other Glatorian 102a) No
11Considering that the ice tribes main export is exsidian, it would make sense, at least to me, that their Glatorian's weapons would be coated with it. So are they?
12Some are, yes, where it's appropriate
131. Do special forces Skrall have the authority to act as generals? 141. A: Are all Skrall platoon leaders special forces?
152. Do special forces Skrall ever fight in the arena?
163. There are somewhere around 50 special forces Skrall, correct?
171) They are in charge of their squads, but the only "general" is Tuma 181a) No 192) Very rarely 203) I have never given a number, AS
211. Does/Will Perditus work for the fire tribe? 221. A: Is Perditus a Glatorian?
232. Though they are of seperate classes, special forces Skrall are of the same sub-species as soldier class, but have just proven themselves worthy of a higher rank, correct?
243. Have/Will the Thornatus, Baranus, and Skopio be used in the arena?
251, 3) Cannot discuss summer sets 262) A class basically is a sub-species -- Tuma is a different class and is obviously not physically the same as a Skrall warrior
271. Is Mata Nui's body (2009) biologically of the Glatorian species?
282. Are the animals that we have models of representations of them with or without armor?
293. Which summer characters will be featured in the 2009 movie?
304. Considering that Ackar is older than Tarix, they are both noble, and Tarix helped found the Glatorian system, did Ackar help found it too?
311) Yes 322) I wasn't aware we ever said the sand stalker wore armor? 333) Kiina, Ackar, Vastus, Mata Nui all have speaking roles, and the inspiration for Skopio appears 344) I don't believe so. Ackar was not in Vulcanus yet when the system was founded.
35What about Gelu ?.
36Nothing for him.
1What about Stronius? And the inspiration for Skopio, I wonder if it is a creature.
1Are Gelu and Stronius in the Movie ? if not, why are they not in it ?
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash.
3This Q made my mouth fall off, then how come all six canister sets in the 03-05 Movies were there ?
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash.
3This Q made my mouth fall off, then how come all six canister sets in the 03-05 Movies were there ?
1Are Gelu and Stronius in the Movie ? if not, why are they not in it ?
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash.
3This Q made my mouth fall off, then how come all six canister sets in the 03-05 Movies were there ?
4Uh, 'cause they were six intertwined characters who spent a lot of time together. There aren't any teams of six in this movie, so some characters who have nothing to do with the main characters won't appear. Can't change what's already done, but they could have non-speaking parts.


1Are Gelu and Stronius in the Movie ? if not, why are they not in it ?
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash.
3This Q made my mouth fall off, then how come all six canister sets in the 03-05 Movies were there ?
4Uh, 'cause they were six intertwined characters who spent a lot of time together. There aren't any teams of six in this movie, so some characters who have nothing to do with the main characters won't appear. Can't change what's already done, but they could have non-speaking parts.![]()
6I fear that they will probably get demoted to the role of the Vahki in Bionicle 2. But atleast we can hope for a cameo.
1Keep in mind that in the first three movies, only six of the respective year's canister sets had individual personalities. The Vahki, Visorak and Rahkshi could barely be considered characters since other than looks and powers, they were all the same or similar to each other -- and none of them required voice actors, since none ever talked.
2Now, though, it seems that all of the winter sets except for Malum will be in the movie, plus there are six individual summer canisters, plus Tuma, Fero, and the summer sets. That's a lot more characters than Mask of Light-Web of Shadows ever had. The only time were were ever close to this was Web of Shadows with the Rahaga, and even them only one had a decent-sized role.
2Now, though, it seems that all of the winter sets except for Malum will be in the movie, plus there are six individual summer canisters, plus Tuma, Fero, and the summer sets. That's a lot more characters than Mask of Light-Web of Shadows ever had. The only time were were ever close to this was Web of Shadows with the Rahaga, and even them only one had a decent-sized role.
1Some good stuff I got here...
275 is the most interesting, but most of them got a good answer. I'm proud of myself...it's the first time I ever got any information from my Greg PMs.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, and if this is a little too long for you, I apologize in advance. Sorry about all the questions, it's just that...I was curious.
31. If a bone hunter were alone in the desert (with the rock steed), and a pack of Vorox came upon him, would they attack him? Seems likely.
42. How long does it take for desert fever to kick in? (Or, if the desert's cold at night, desert chills)
53. Is all Berix looks for scrap and fragments of things? If he found a fragment of the Book of Certavus, and recognized it, would he keep it? (That was just as an example, since he owns that book now.)
64. If a party of Glatorian were traveling through the desert, and night came, when they slept, would one or more stand watch? Seems pretty foolish for all of them to sleep, since Vorox or the like could come upon them and drag them off or whatever they do.
75. I understand if you can't answer this one, or you already got this, but: what caused the Vorox's devolution? And if you can't say, when will we find out?
86. Do Vorox eat Glatorian?
97. If absolutely necessary, would a Glatorian ally with a bone hunter?
108. Do the Zesk do any hunting that doesn't consist of ambushing passersby from underground?
119. About how nasty is the average bone hunter? Is Fero more or less nasty than the average?
1210. Has anyone ever beaten a Skrall in the arena? Ever?
1311. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we find out the identity of the Skrall's informant who told them about the Tajun caravan, in the movie?
14Thanks in advance,
161) Most likely, Vorox don't like bone hunters, and if there are that many Vorox around, it means the bone hunter is in their territory. 172) Not something I have a time written down for. 183) He is mainly looking for things he can get use out of. He's not putting the stuff up on ebay or something, he's patching things together with it. 194) Of course. You don't sleep out in the wilderness and not keep watch, that would be stupid. 205) It's simple really. If you took a bunch of humans, and stuck them in the wilderness with no food, no water, etc., some of them would work together to survive and some would basically revert to bestial behavior. In the case of the Vorox, they reverted as a group. They had always been nomadic to start with, so they didn't have a history of a fixed village to fall back on, and they simply became savages after the Shattering. 216) Not as a general rule, no, because Glatorian fight back. Like any hunter, you go after prey that is going to cost you the least amount of energy to bring down. 227) This is a hypothetical, and I don't answer hypotheticals. I can't think of any circumstance that would cause this situation to come up. 238) Not much, no. Why would they? Walking up to your prey in the open is risking getting hurt. Again, it's about conservation of energy -- if you can take your prey from ambush, why wouldn't you? 249) They are all pretty nasty. They're bandits and murderers. 2510) No 2611) Yes
275 is the most interesting, but most of them got a good answer. I'm proud of myself...it's the first time I ever got any information from my Greg PMs.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 3Thanks.
4Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
5Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
6There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 3Thanks.
4Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
5Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
6There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
7Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
1One quick question:
21) Could a Toa of Magnetism/Iron affect the the movements of Mata Nui's body? If not, could a group of them do so?
3It would take a lot of power, and you would be warping the universe around you to do it -- if the movements are not being dictated by the central brain but being forced on the body, then the stabilizers may not work. So if you moved an arm that way, you might cause massive quakes, etc. Sort of like how you can move your arm just fine, but if someone takes it and yanks it, you might get muscle tears or worse.
1Some good stuff I got here...
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, and if this is a little too long for you, I apologize in advance. Sorry about all the questions, it's just that...I was curious.
31. If a bone hunter were alone in the desert (with the rock steed), and a pack of Vorox came upon him, would they attack him? Seems likely.
42. How long does it take for desert fever to kick in? (Or, if the desert's cold at night, desert chills)
53. Is all Berix looks for scrap and fragments of things? If he found a fragment of the Book of Certavus, and recognized it, would he keep it? (That was just as an example, since he owns that book now.)
64. If a party of Glatorian were traveling through the desert, and night came, when they slept, would one or more stand watch? Seems pretty foolish for all of them to sleep, since Vorox or the like could come upon them and drag them off or whatever they do.
75. I understand if you can't answer this one, or you already got this, but: what caused the Vorox's devolution? And if you can't say, when will we find out?
86. Do Vorox eat Glatorian?
97. If absolutely necessary, would a Glatorian ally with a bone hunter?
108. Do the Zesk do any hunting that doesn't consist of ambushing passersby from underground?
119. About how nasty is the average bone hunter? Is Fero more or less nasty than the average?
1210. Has anyone ever beaten a Skrall in the arena? Ever?
1311. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we find out the identity of the Skrall's informant who told them about the Tajun caravan, in the movie?
14Thanks in advance,
161) Most likely, Vorox don't like bone hunters, and if there are that many Vorox around, it means the bone hunter is in their territory. 172) Not something I have a time written down for. 183) He is mainly looking for things he can get use out of. He's not putting the stuff up on ebay or something, he's patching things together with it. 194) Of course. You don't sleep out in the wilderness and not keep watch, that would be stupid. 205) It's simple really. If you took a bunch of humans, and stuck them in the wilderness with no food, no water, etc., some of them would work together to survive and some would basically revert to bestial behavior. In the case of the Vorox, they reverted as a group. They had always been nomadic to start with, so they didn't have a history of a fixed village to fall back on, and they simply became savages after the Shattering. 216) Not as a general rule, no, because Glatorian fight back. Like any hunter, you go after prey that is going to cost you the least amount of energy to bring down. 227) This is a hypothetical, and I don't answer hypotheticals. I can't think of any circumstance that would cause this situation to come up. 238) Not much, no. Why would they? Walking up to your prey in the open is risking getting hurt. Again, it's about conservation of energy -- if you can take your prey from ambush, why wouldn't you? 249) They are all pretty nasty. They're bandits and murderers. 2510) No 2611) Yes
275 is the most interesting, but most of them got a good answer. I'm proud of myself...it's the first time I ever got any information from my Greg PMs.
28Look at the answer to 5. Greg had said they regressed due to a cataclysm that struck Bara Magna and split it into three. Now he has confirmed that this was the Shattering . We can be completely sure Bara Magna used to be Spherus Magna
1Some good stuff I got here...
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, and if this is a little too long for you, I apologize in advance. Sorry about all the questions, it's just that...I was curious.
31. If a bone hunter were alone in the desert (with the rock steed), and a pack of Vorox came upon him, would they attack him? Seems likely.
42. How long does it take for desert fever to kick in? (Or, if the desert's cold at night, desert chills)
53. Is all Berix looks for scrap and fragments of things? If he found a fragment of the Book of Certavus, and recognized it, would he keep it? (That was just as an example, since he owns that book now.)
64. If a party of Glatorian were traveling through the desert, and night came, when they slept, would one or more stand watch? Seems pretty foolish for all of them to sleep, since Vorox or the like could come upon them and drag them off or whatever they do.
75. I understand if you can't answer this one, or you already got this, but: what caused the Vorox's devolution? And if you can't say, when will we find out?
86. Do Vorox eat Glatorian?
97. If absolutely necessary, would a Glatorian ally with a bone hunter?
108. Do the Zesk do any hunting that doesn't consist of ambushing passersby from underground?
119. About how nasty is the average bone hunter? Is Fero more or less nasty than the average?
1210. Has anyone ever beaten a Skrall in the arena? Ever?
1311. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we find out the identity of the Skrall's informant who told them about the Tajun caravan, in the movie?
14Thanks in advance,
161) Most likely, Vorox don't like bone hunters, and if there are that many Vorox around, it means the bone hunter is in their territory. 172) Not something I have a time written down for. 183) He is mainly looking for things he can get use out of. He's not putting the stuff up on ebay or something, he's patching things together with it. 194) Of course. You don't sleep out in the wilderness and not keep watch, that would be stupid. 205) It's simple really. If you took a bunch of humans, and stuck them in the wilderness with no food, no water, etc., some of them would work together to survive and some would basically revert to bestial behavior. In the case of the Vorox, they reverted as a group. They had always been nomadic to start with, so they didn't have a history of a fixed village to fall back on, and they simply became savages after the Shattering. 216) Not as a general rule, no, because Glatorian fight back. Like any hunter, you go after prey that is going to cost you the least amount of energy to bring down. 227) This is a hypothetical, and I don't answer hypotheticals. I can't think of any circumstance that would cause this situation to come up. 238) Not much, no. Why would they? Walking up to your prey in the open is risking getting hurt. Again, it's about conservation of energy -- if you can take your prey from ambush, why wouldn't you? 249) They are all pretty nasty. They're bandits and murderers. 2510) No 2611) Yes
275 is the most interesting, but most of them got a good answer. I'm proud of myself...it's the first time I ever got any information from my Greg PMs.
28Look at the answer to 5. Greg had said they regressed due to a cataclysm that struck Bara Magna and split it into three. Now he has confirmed that this was the Shattering . We can be completely sure Bara Magna used to be Spherus Magna
29Yeah, we were aware the Shattering affected both Bara Magna and Spherus Magna. We found out it affected Bara Magna in EotS. BS01 won't accept it still.


1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 3Thanks.
4Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
5Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
6There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
7Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
8I am a member of the BS01 staff, alright? I know what BS01 requires. We require it in writing, not by voice.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 3Thanks.
4Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
5Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
6There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
7Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
8I am a member of the BS01 staff, alright? I know what BS01 requires. We require it in writing, not by voice.
9They obviously didn't know that, and neither did I. Considering I am of higher rank than you here, I have no idea how you expect them or me to know. Plus, Greg said a whole bunch of people already asked.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 3Thanks.
4Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
5Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
6There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
7Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
8I am a member of the BS01 staff, alright? I know what BS01 requires. We require it in writing, not by voice.
9They obviously didn't know that, and neither did I. Considering I am of higher rank than you here, I have no idea how you expect them or me to know. Plus, Greg said a whole bunch of people already asked.
10Children please. This is the official Greg Dialogue, not the Official 'My Internet Rank Is Better Than Yours' Dialogue. Take it outside.
11Anywho I sent Greg a PM about the Elemental Lords, I'll post that here when I get it back.
1To the whole "SM/3=BM+2 thing"; yes, there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999(blahyougetthepicture)% chance that they are one and the same. There is always that .0000(blah)1% chance that it ISN'T. Hence, nothing doing.
2I want it too, but facts are facts and speculation is speculation.
12I missed the part where we were ranked 8O
13I want one.
25What'd you ask?
26Hopefully whatever is you asked, he can discuss it.
2I want it too, but facts are facts and speculation is speculation.
3Hey GregF, just one question. 4Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 5Thanks.
6Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
7Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
8There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
9Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
10I am a member of the BS01 staff, alright? I know what BS01 requires. We require it in writing, not by voice.
11They obviously didn't know that, and neither did I. Considering I am of higher rank than you here, I have no idea how you expect them or me to know. Plus, Greg said a whole bunch of people already asked.
12I missed the part where we were ranked 8O
13I want one.
14Hey GregF, just one question. 15Could you give me the pronunciation of Surel? 16Thanks.
17Sure -- I have been getting this a lot, which surprises me, since I pronounced it on the podcast - it's Sir-L
18Couldn't you tell from the podcast?
19There's a lot of things I can tell. I asked him for the pronunciations because we like them from him, not from sources that are guessing how it is sounded out in written letters.
20Well his 'guess' is what he tells you for the pronunciation.
21I am a member of the BS01 staff, alright? I know what BS01 requires. We require it in writing, not by voice.
22They obviously didn't know that, and neither did I. Considering I am of higher rank than you here, I have no idea how you expect them or me to know. Plus, Greg said a whole bunch of people already asked.
23Children please. This is the official Greg Dialogue, not the Official 'My Internet Rank Is Better Than Yours' Dialogue. Take it outside.
24Anywho I sent Greg a PM about the Elemental Lords, I'll post that here when I get it back.
25What'd you ask?
26Hopefully whatever is you asked, he can discuss it.
1I apologize, but I am not commenting on my group. My group is the Member group, so I fail to see his logic about him being of a higher rank than me, as we are in the same group.

3Hey GregF, just one question. 4The Element Lords have no relation at all to the Toa whatsoever, correct? 5Thanks.
1Hey Greg.
21. When Certavus was Iconox's #1 Glatorian, was Strakk #2, or someone else? 32. Why exactly hasn't Surel healed over 100,000 years? His organic parts should have regrown by now... 43. "The Crossing" mentions Iconox's "tribal elders." It could just be an error of translation, but shouldn't there be one elected leader, like Vulcanus' Raanu? If so, will we ever meet this Agori in story?
5Thank you for your time.
71) Strakk was 82) I am not sure where you are getting that from. Glatorian do not have a Wolverine-like healing factor, and they're not Toa. They are mostly organic. If you damage bone and nerves enough, they don't heal on their own. 93) I don't plan to introduce him in story, and why would it be so hard to imagine he might have a council of advisers? Same way a Mayor has a finance chief and a police chief and a public works chief ...
10Yeah, I'm sending follow ups to 2 and 3.

1Hi, I have some more questions. 2* Could you explain the element Plasma ? I really don't know what that is. 3* Is the combination of yellow and blue the official color for Lightning Toa ? 4A lot of mocists use them. 5* When Toa create a Toa Stone, is this considerd as giving up his power ? 6* Assuming that a Toa achieved it's destiny and he created a Toa Stone, 7would he turn into a Turaga ? 8- If yes, is did Lihkan change into a Toa when Vakama and the others turned into Toa ?- 9* How much Kanohi could a Suva hold ?
10Thanks for answering.
121) Plasma is super-heated ionized gas 132) I don't recall ever describing a Toa of Lightning as yellow and blue ... did I do that? If I were going to pick colors, it would be white and blue, but I don't usually decide that, set designers do. 143) Only a very, very tiny fraction of a Toa's power goes into a Toa stone. So just making one Toa stone would not be enough. 154) Again, depends on how many he makes. 165) He changed into a Turaga when they became Toa, yes, because his destiny was to aid in their creation 176) Depends on how big the suva is
18Answer number two is interesting.
1Are Gelu and Stronius in the Movie ? if not, why are they not in it ?
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash. 3so their Minor characters ?
4If they appear in the movie at all, yes. (Remember, I wrote the story for the movie before the sets were designed, so I used as many characters as I needed to tell my story -- but LEGO needs a certain number of sets out each year, so new characters had to be added to be set-only.) Characters like Gelu and Stronius will get their screen time in books, comics and web serials. 5Will they appear the july comic ?
6I believe that all six summer canister figures appear in the July comic, yes.
8so does DOD come before CoM and does CoM come after July comic ?
10Desert of Danger, Challenge Of Mata Nui.
11Both of those books take place during the events of the movie, so after July comic. And yes, DOD happens before COM.
2I have no idea if they may show up and not have speaking roles, but they don't have speaking roles, I know that. You cannot have a cast thousands in an animated movie of this length -- otherwise, you have to give screen time to so many characters that no one gets very much focus and the movie turns into a mish-mash. 3so their Minor characters ?
4If they appear in the movie at all, yes. (Remember, I wrote the story for the movie before the sets were designed, so I used as many characters as I needed to tell my story -- but LEGO needs a certain number of sets out each year, so new characters had to be added to be set-only.) Characters like Gelu and Stronius will get their screen time in books, comics and web serials. 5Will they appear the july comic ?
6I believe that all six summer canister figures appear in the July comic, yes.
8so does DOD come before CoM and does CoM come after July comic ?
10Desert of Danger, Challenge Of Mata Nui.
11Both of those books take place during the events of the movie, so after July comic. And yes, DOD happens before COM.
1Hi, I have some more questions. 2* Could you explain the element Plasma ? I really don't know what that is. 3* Is the combination of yellow and blue the official color for Lightning Toa ? 4A lot of mocists use them. 5* When Toa create a Toa Stone, is this considerd as giving up his power ? 6* Assuming that a Toa achieved it's destiny and he created a Toa Stone, 7would he turn into a Turaga ? 8- If yes, is did Lihkan change into a Toa when Vakama and the others turned into Toa ?- 9* How much Kanohi could a Suva hold ?
10Thanks for answering.
121) Plasma is super-heated ionized gas 132) I don't recall ever describing a Toa of Lightning as yellow and blue ... did I do that? If I were going to pick colors, it would be white and blue, but I don't usually decide that, set designers do. 143) Only a very, very tiny fraction of a Toa's power goes into a Toa stone. So just making one Toa stone would not be enough. 154) Again, depends on how many he makes. 165) He changed into a Turaga when they became Toa, yes, because his destiny was to aid in their creation 176) Depends on how big the suva is
18Answer number two is interesting.
19In reality, plasma is actually the fourth state of matter.