1Hey Greg.
21. When Certavus was Iconox's #1 Glatorian, was Strakk #2, or someone else? 32. Why exactly hasn't Surel healed over 100,000 years? His organic parts should have regrown by now... 43. "The Crossing" mentions Iconox's "tribal elders." It could just be an error of translation, but shouldn't there be one elected leader, like Vulcanus' Raanu? If so, will we ever meet this Agori in story?
5Thank you for your time.
71) Strakk was 82) I am not sure where you are getting that from. Glatorian do not have a Wolverine-like healing factor, and they're not Toa. They are mostly organic. If you damage bone and nerves enough, they don't heal on their own. 93) I don't plan to introduce him in story, and why would it be so hard to imagine he might have a council of advisers? Same way a Mayor has a finance chief and a police chief and a public works chief ...
102. It all depends on what kind of damage was done to him, then, because skin grows back, and muscles can mend themselves if there is enough left of them. Would those parts of him not have regenerated over thousands of years? Or is he basically skin, broken bones, enough muscles left to hobble, and the odd mechanical implant? 113. Why would it be hard? Because I'm not all there.So, all the villages (save Roxtus) operate with an elected leader and a council of advisers? 123a. Who elects the council of advisers? The leader?
134. Just an arbitrary thought here. We still are at a loss for two spear names for the Toa Hagah. I once asked you how you liked the name "Tidal Spear" for Gaaki's spear, and you said you liked it. Therefore, would you canonize the name "Tidal Spear" for Gaaki's Toa Tool? It'd just be one less thing.
14Thank you for your time.
152) Look at war veterans though -- how many of them are permanently crippled? And keep in mind this is a world where there doesn't seem to be very advanced medicine, so more people would sustain more permanent damage. 163) We don't know that all other villages do this, just that Iconox does it. 173a) They would be appointed by the elder. 184) Sure
19Three emoticons sum up my feelings on #4:


1Hey Greg.
21. When Certavus was Iconox's #1 Glatorian, was Strakk #2, or someone else? 32. Why exactly hasn't Surel healed over 100,000 years? His organic parts should have regrown by now... 43. "The Crossing" mentions Iconox's "tribal elders." It could just be an error of translation, but shouldn't there be one elected leader, like Vulcanus' Raanu? If so, will we ever meet this Agori in story?
5Thank you for your time.
71) Strakk was 82) I am not sure where you are getting that from. Glatorian do not have a Wolverine-like healing factor, and they're not Toa. They are mostly organic. If you damage bone and nerves enough, they don't heal on their own. 93) I don't plan to introduce him in story, and why would it be so hard to imagine he might have a council of advisers? Same way a Mayor has a finance chief and a police chief and a public works chief ...
102. It all depends on what kind of damage was done to him, then, because skin grows back, and muscles can mend themselves if there is enough left of them. Would those parts of him not have regenerated over thousands of years? Or is he basically skin, broken bones, enough muscles left to hobble, and the odd mechanical implant? 113. Why would it be hard? Because I'm not all there.So, all the villages (save Roxtus) operate with an elected leader and a council of advisers? 123a. Who elects the council of advisers? The leader?
134. Just an arbitrary thought here. We still are at a loss for two spear names for the Toa Hagah. I once asked you how you liked the name "Tidal Spear" for Gaaki's spear, and you said you liked it. Therefore, would you canonize the name "Tidal Spear" for Gaaki's Toa Tool? It'd just be one less thing.
14Thank you for your time.
152) Look at war veterans though -- how many of them are permanently crippled? And keep in mind this is a world where there doesn't seem to be very advanced medicine, so more people would sustain more permanent damage. 163) We don't know that all other villages do this, just that Iconox does it. 173a) They would be appointed by the elder. 184) Sure
19Three emoticons sum up my feelings on #4:![]()
21Now for Pouks' weapon we need some cheesy name like 'Quaker Shaker'.
1Thank you for replying so quickly to my message, sir. There were a few more things I wanted to ask:
21. What is the pronunciation of Surel's name? 32. What is the name of the Swamp that used to be at the bottom of Karda Nui? 43. What really was the huge beast that Kongu summoned with his mask in Comic 9: Battle in the Deep .?
5Thank you, sir, for sparing the time to read this message.
61) Um, the pronunciation I used on the pod cast -- Sir-L 72) It doesn't have a name 83) It was a primitive sea beast. What was in the story about it is what story material exists
1Thank you, sir, for replying so promptly again. The answers really helped. 2This time, I was hoping you could provide a couple of pronunciations:
31. How is 'Gelu' pronounced? 42. What is the pronunciation of 'Ackar'? 53. Incidentally, does the name 'Ackar' bear any relation to the word 'Ackbar' which is a word in an Oriental language meaning 'great'?
6Thank you for reading this.
71) Gay-loo 82) Ack-r 93) No, we wouldn't have gone near Ackbar since it is also a Star Wars name.
11) Can you confirm that the masks worn by the Toa Metru when they were Matoran were masks in Great form? 22) Do you think we will ever return to the Matoran Universe (I mean, if the main story will some day revolve around Matoran and Toa again)? 33) Is Tuma happy to be allied to the Rock Tribe, or does he just see them as pawns? 44) Skrall used to live on Spherus Magna and participate in the Energized Protodermis War, correct? 55) Are all Bone Hunters small like Fero? 66) Will we find out who are the shapeshifters later this year or in 2010? 77) Will we learn the truth about the red star later this year or in 2010? 88) Which has been your favorite year overall to write about? 99) This is completely off-topic, but which has been your favorite superhero movie recently?
101) They were Matoran masks carved in the shape of Great Masks. They turned into Great Masks when the Matoran became Toa. 112) Don't know, probably depends on how popular non-MU becomes 123) I don't think "happy" comes into play. Warriors need support personnel, it's as simple as that. 134) Yes 145) Yes 156) Probably this year 167) Don't know yet 178) 2004, because that was the first year I was doing the books 189) In terms of acting and direction, Dark Knight was the best, but it's not one I would want to see again, as it was very bleak and depressing. Watchmen I have not seen.
19Phew . I had to send it six times so I could get anwsered. Would someone be so kind to improve the pages of the respective Kanohi of the Toa Metru to put they were indeed Great-shaped when they were Matoran? I'm looking forward for #6 .
1Hey GregF I have a question to ask you. Since we don't know anything about Pouks' Toa Tool, would it be alright is you could canonize the name "Avalanche Spear"? I think it sounds pretty cool.
2Oh, and as a storyline question, What are Tuma's feelings towards Stronius, if at all? Does he value Stronius and respect him, or does he simply view him as a secret weapon?
3Thanks in advance.
41) Sure 52) Tuma's feelings toward Stronius would be pretty much the same as any general's feelings about a member of Special Forces. He values him for the job he can do, beyond that, he doesn't have particular feelings for him.
6Yeah, I got to name Pouks Staff. Finally we have some information on the guy.
1Hi, I have some more questions. 2* Could you explain the element Plasma ? I really don't know what that is. 3* Is the combination of yellow and blue the official color for Lightning Toa ? 4A lot of mocists use them. 5* When Toa create a Toa Stone, is this considerd as giving up his power ? 6* Assuming that a Toa achieved it's destiny and he created a Toa Stone, 7would he turn into a Turaga ? 8- If yes, is did Lihkan change into a Toa when Vakama and the others turned into Toa ?- 9* How much Kanohi could a Suva hold ?
10Thanks for answering.
121) Plasma is super-heated ionized gas 132) I don't recall ever describing a Toa of Lightning as yellow and blue ... did I do that? If I were going to pick colors, it would be white and blue, but I don't usually decide that, set designers do. 143) Only a very, very tiny fraction of a Toa's power goes into a Toa stone. So just making one Toa stone would not be enough. 154) Again, depends on how many he makes. 165) He changed into a Turaga when they became Toa, yes, because his destiny was to aid in their creation 176) Depends on how big the suva is
18Answer number two is interesting.
19In reality, plasma is actually the fourth state of matter.
20...which is super-heated ionized gas. An ion, BTW, is an atom that has a gained a positive or a negative electrical charge by gaining or losing an electron. Ah, how I love quantum physics.

1Hi, I have some more questions. 2* Could you explain the element Plasma ? I really don't know what that is. 3* Is the combination of yellow and blue the official color for Lightning Toa ? 4A lot of mocists use them. 5* When Toa create a Toa Stone, is this considerd as giving up his power ? 6* Assuming that a Toa achieved it's destiny and he created a Toa Stone, 7would he turn into a Turaga ? 8- If yes, is did Lihkan change into a Toa when Vakama and the others turned into Toa ?- 9* How much Kanohi could a Suva hold ?
10Thanks for answering.
121) Plasma is super-heated ionized gas 132) I don't recall ever describing a Toa of Lightning as yellow and blue ... did I do that? If I were going to pick colors, it would be white and blue, but I don't usually decide that, set designers do. 143) Only a very, very tiny fraction of a Toa's power goes into a Toa stone. So just making one Toa stone would not be enough. 154) Again, depends on how many he makes. 165) He changed into a Turaga when they became Toa, yes, because his destiny was to aid in their creation 176) Depends on how big the suva is
18Answer number two is interesting.
19In reality, plasma is actually the fourth state of matter.
20...which is super-heated ionized gas. An ion, BTW, is an atom that has a gained a positive or a negative electrical charge by gaining or losing an electron. Ah, how I love quantum physics.![]()
21... which is the fourth state of matter.
1YAY I got answers to all the questions I asked o.o . .
21YAY I got answers to all the questions I asked o.o . .
2I only have a few questions to ask:
31) Was it always the story teams intention of Makuta winning?
42) When were the Elemental Lords originally set to appear? 52b) When was that changed? 62c) Will we learn more or possibly see some of them in later chapters (this year)
73) Malum, Strakk, Gresh and Tarix are all members of the same species right? 83b) Vorox are just a branch off of that species right? 93c) Glatorian is their job title, not species name correct? 103d) Could you tell what the species name is if its 3c is correct, or will we learn it later? 113e) Is Surel a member of that species?
121) The original idea was that Mata Nui awakening would be the end of the story. When it was decided in 2006 to awaken Mata Nui and keep the story going beyond that, we needed a way to keep old fans interested, so instead of just wrapping up the MN story by having him awaken and everything be great, we decided to do what we did. 132) 2010 142b) Because 2010 plans changed 152c) Yes, definitely 163) Yes 173b) Same species, just regressed to being bestial 183c) Correct 193d) We have no plans to assign a species name to them 203e) Yes
21YAY I got answers to all the questions I asked o.o . .
1Thank you, sir, for the answers. I hope you would be so kind as to answer these as well:
21. What is the phonetic pronunciation of 'Kiina'? 32. Why is it that Kopaka has changed so little, despite being in the same team as Toa like Pohatu, Gali and Lewa? 43. Who would you say is the most quarrelsome of all the Toa seen so far?
5Thank you.
61) Kee-nuh 72) Because I like him as he is. How much has Batman changed because of spending a lot of time with Superman and Wonder Woman? Answer: not much at all. 83) Off the top of my head, Onewa.
1Hi, I have some more questions. 2* Could you explain the element Plasma ? I really don't know what that is. 3* Is the combination of yellow and blue the official color for Lightning Toa ? 4A lot of mocists use them. 5* When Toa create a Toa Stone, is this considerd as giving up his power ? 6* Assuming that a Toa achieved it's destiny and he created a Toa Stone, 7would he turn into a Turaga ? 8- If yes, is did Lihkan change into a Toa when Vakama and the others turned into Toa ?- 9* How much Kanohi could a Suva hold ?
10Thanks for answering.
121) Plasma is super-heated ionized gas 132) I don't recall ever describing a Toa of Lightning as yellow and blue ... did I do that? If I were going to pick colors, it would be white and blue, but I don't usually decide that, set designers do. 143) Only a very, very tiny fraction of a Toa's power goes into a Toa stone. So just making one Toa stone would not be enough. 154) Again, depends on how many he makes. 165) He changed into a Turaga when they became Toa, yes, because his destiny was to aid in their creation 176) Depends on how big the suva is
18Answer number two is interesting.
19In reality, plasma is actually the fourth state of matter.
20...which is super-heated ionized gas. An ion, BTW, is an atom that has a gained a positive or a negative electrical charge by gaining or losing an electron. Ah, how I love quantum physics.![]()
21... which is the fourth state of matter.
22I just put that because you put 'in reality', which made it sound as if you were saying that what Greg was saying was wrong.
1HeroMatoro, he's just saying that because Bionicle physics are different from our physics. Right? 

1My first PM to Greg.
Only one piece of interest though.
2Dear Greg,
3Thanks for replying to my topic. I have a few questions that I wanted to have answered.
41. Do Nui-Rama come in more than one color besides orange and green? 52. Nui-Jaga? 63. I noticed in the Mata Nui Online Game, the orange Nui-Rama don't attack you until you get to their nest. Does this mean that certain types (or colors) of Nui-Rama have certain jobs like any colony insect would? 74. Every time I look at the Great Being's character on Bioniclesector01, I always think more and more that their character was based off us Lego fans. Because they treated Vultraz like a hunk of plastic bricks and have the urge to create and create. Did you base their character off of this? 85. Are the shapeshifters more or less primitive than the Vorox? 96. If you could do three serials that took place in three alternate universes that you hadn't written about yet, which ones would you choose? 107. Did you base Helryx's character off of M from the new James Bond films?
111-2) Not to my knowledge 123) I can't answer questions related to MNOG, I didn't work on it. 134) No. 145) Less, by far. 156) No idea 167) No

2Dear Greg,
3Thanks for replying to my topic. I have a few questions that I wanted to have answered.
41. Do Nui-Rama come in more than one color besides orange and green? 52. Nui-Jaga? 63. I noticed in the Mata Nui Online Game, the orange Nui-Rama don't attack you until you get to their nest. Does this mean that certain types (or colors) of Nui-Rama have certain jobs like any colony insect would? 74. Every time I look at the Great Being's character on Bioniclesector01, I always think more and more that their character was based off us Lego fans. Because they treated Vultraz like a hunk of plastic bricks and have the urge to create and create. Did you base their character off of this? 85. Are the shapeshifters more or less primitive than the Vorox? 96. If you could do three serials that took place in three alternate universes that you hadn't written about yet, which ones would you choose? 107. Did you base Helryx's character off of M from the new James Bond films?
111-2) Not to my knowledge 123) I can't answer questions related to MNOG, I didn't work on it. 134) No. 145) Less, by far. 156) No idea 167) No
11 Have the Matoran of Karzahni been rebuilt yet? 21a Is their armor similar or identical to the current Matoran of Metru Nui?
3Thank you.
41) Well, the Matoran of Metru Nui have been kind of busy, so probably not 51a) Oh, I would say identical in terms of general style and what it's made of
6That's too bad for those Matoran. Hopefully Ahkmou doesn't work them too hard.
11 Have the Matoran of Karzahni been rebuilt yet? 21a Is their armor similar or identical to the current Matoran of Metru Nui?
3Thank you.
41) Well, the Matoran of Metru Nui have been kind of busy, so probably not 51a) Oh, I would say identical in terms of general style and what it's made of
6That's too bad for those Matoran. Hopefully Ahkmou doesn't work them too hard.
7Hopefully you realise they aren't real.

11 Have the Matoran of Karzahni been rebuilt yet? 21a Is their armor similar or identical to the current Matoran of Metru Nui?
3Thank you.
41) Well, the Matoran of Metru Nui have been kind of busy, so probably not 51a) Oh, I would say identical in terms of general style and what it's made of
6That's too bad for those Matoran. Hopefully Ahkmou doesn't work them too hard.
7Hopefully you realize they aren't real.
8What are you talking about?
11 Have the Matoran of Karzahni been rebuilt yet? 21a Is their armor similar or identical to the current Matoran of Metru Nui?
3Thank you.
41) Well, the Matoran of Metru Nui have been kind of busy, so probably not 51a) Oh, I would say identical in terms of general style and what it's made of
6That's too bad for those Matoran. Hopefully Ahkmou doesn't work them too hard.
7He might just make them work harder because of it.
1Hey GregF, another question. 2Is Tidal Spear the name of Gaaki's Toa Tool, and is the Quake Spear the name of Pouk's Toa Tool? 3Thanks.
5So, which it could it be? 6Quake Spear or Avalanche Spear?

1Hey Greg, 2 questions for ya. 21. When Teridax was speaking through the body of maxilos, was it the robots voice matoro heard, or was it teridax's voice. 32. What is the range of the Botar's species teleportation powers. 4Thanks Dude. 5-SK
61) If he was speaking through the robot's mouth, it would be Maxilos'. If he was speaking telepathically, it would be Teridax's. 72) We haven't set a range for it, so it basically comes down to "as much as I need it to be for story"
8Nothing new. 9-SK
1Hey GregF, another question. 2Is Tidal Spear the name of Gaaki's Toa Tool, and is the Quake Spear the name of Pouk's Toa Tool? 3Thanks.
5So, which it could it be? 6Quake Spear or Avalanche Spear?7The point is that fan-made suggestions to GregF can be quite confusing.
8No wonder GregF doesn't usually take them.
9I will send him a reply PM.
1Hey Greg. I was looking over the whole "Glatorian as a title and not species" concept, and I was wondering; is it possible that Glatorian is the species name itself, as well as a title? I see it as like Toa; you can be of the Toa species, and not be considered a "Toa" (such as Spinner, or Savage, or even Nidhiki, who all defected to the Dark Hunters and lost the right to the title "Toa") and you can also not be of the Toa species (like the Toa Ignika, and now Toa Mata Nui) but still be considered a "Toa" in a loose sense of the word. So, basically, I'm asking: Is Glatorian the species name, as well as the title?
2Either way, was the use of the word "Glatorian" as a title put into use before the war over EP started?
3Thanks in advance if you can answer these.
41) No, it's not, and Toa is not a species name, either. 52) No, it was not -- there were no Glatorian prior to the Shattering
1Hey GregF, another question. 2Is Tidal Spear the name of Gaaki's Toa Tool, and is the Quake Spear the name of Pouk's Toa Tool? 3Thanks.
5So, which it could it be? 6Quake Spear or Avalanche Spear?7The point is that fan-made suggestions to GregF can be quite confusing.
8No wonder GregF doesn't usually take them.
9I will send him a reply PM.
10That's not my point, though. Of course, he will go with his original answer: Avalanche Spear. However, unless it was written down in some book or serial or story, I wouldn't call it canon, or at least tools to sets that we won't be seeing ever. He could easily change his mind, without him realizing he said another answer before.

1Hey Greg. I was looking over the whole "Glatorian as a title and not species" concept, and I was wondering; is it possible that Glatorian is the species name itself, as well as a title? I see it as like Toa; you can be of the Toa species, and not be considered a "Toa" (such as Spinner, or Savage, or even Nidhiki, who all defected to the Dark Hunters and lost the right to the title "Toa") and you can also not be of the Toa species (like the Toa Ignika, and now Toa Mata Nui) but still be considered a "Toa" in a loose sense of the word. So, basically, I'm asking: Is Glatorian the species name, as well as the title?
2Either way, was the use of the word "Glatorian" as a title put into use before the war over EP started?
3Thanks in advance if you can answer these.
41) No, it's not, and Toa is not a species name, either. 52) No, it was not -- there were no Glatorian prior to the Shattering
7So Toa and Turaga are technically called Matoran?
1Hey Greg. I was looking over the whole "Glatorian as a title and not species" concept, and I was wondering; is it possible that Glatorian is the species name itself, as well as a title? I see it as like Toa; you can be of the Toa species, and not be considered a "Toa" (such as Spinner, or Savage, or even Nidhiki, who all defected to the Dark Hunters and lost the right to the title "Toa") and you can also not be of the Toa species (like the Toa Ignika, and now Toa Mata Nui) but still be considered a "Toa" in a loose sense of the word. So, basically, I'm asking: Is Glatorian the species name, as well as the title?
2Either way, was the use of the word "Glatorian" as a title put into use before the war over EP started?
3Thanks in advance if you can answer these.
41) No, it's not, and Toa is not a species name, either. 52) No, it was not -- there were no Glatorian prior to the Shattering
7So Toa and Turaga are technically called Matoran?
8no i think their species would be bionicle
1what about when vakama says "the way of the bionicle" as in their way but i could be wrong
1Hey GregF, another question. 2Is Tidal Spear the name of Gaaki's Toa Tool, and is the Quake Spear the name of Pouk's Toa Tool? 3Thanks.
5So, which it could it be? 6Quake Spear or Avalanche Spear?7The point is that fan-made suggestions to GregF can be quite confusing.
8No wonder GregF doesn't usually take them.
9I will send him a reply PM.
10That's not my point, though. Of course, he will go with his original answer: Avalanche Spear. However, unless it was written down in some book or serial or story, I wouldn't call it canon, or at least tools to sets that we won't be seeing ever. He could easily change his mind, without him realizing he said another answer before.![]()
11*bashs head into desk* Where'd Quake Spear come from? Anyway, of course he can't keep track, because no one documents what he originally said without digging up the Spanish Inquisition and throwing twenty-thousand other names at him to confuse him.

12There hasn't been any confusion over Tidal Spear, though - if we put it up on BS01, he wouldn't be able to mess up like that, as it's out in the open, should he forget. Now that a GM has it, can it go up, or are we going to continue to complicate things?


1You know, if I had said a different name for Tidal Spear, it would have probably been OKed as well. 2I am not bashing GregF in any way. But I know he's busy and he doesn't keep track of all this.
3Yeah, I still don't think ET and I will allow Tidal Spear just yet.
4I know - I simpathize with the poor dude.


1Hi, 2Here some stuff I got back from Greg:
20Nothing much though...
3Hi Greg, 4I just read RoTGB and I loved it, great stuff on the Element Lords, Surel and stuff, but I have some questions about. I understand if you can't answer them all![]()
5Element Lords:
61) Is there a reason why their story was rescheduled from next year to this year? 72) The being made of ice on the end of the podcast, was it by any chance an Element Lord? 83) Where they made by the great beings? 94) Were we supposed to, or are we going to see the Element Lords in a movie, set or picture?
10Bara Magna:
115) In one of the answers you gave in the OGD, some members, including me, found it interesting that you said something about the Shattering that happened on Bara Magna. You've said before that the Shattering only happened on Shperus Magna, and had an effect on Bara Magna. So my question now is: can you confirm that Bara Magna used to be a piece of Spherus Magna? I understand if you can't![]()
12I know it are mostly questions that you probably can't answer, but it was worth a shot. 13Oh, one last thing, if you have the time and when you feel like doing so, could you pass the word to the set designers that they did an awesome job on the sets this year?![]()
14Thanks for your time,
161) Yes 172-3) Can't answer it 184) Never, most likely. There are no plans for them to be sets, and since there are no sets, they cannot be illustrated or put in a movie. 195) Can't answer it
20Nothing much though...
1Hey Greg. I was looking over the whole "Glatorian as a title and not species" concept, and I was wondering; is it possible that Glatorian is the species name itself, as well as a title? I see it as like Toa; you can be of the Toa species, and not be considered a "Toa" (such as Spinner, or Savage, or even Nidhiki, who all defected to the Dark Hunters and lost the right to the title "Toa") and you can also not be of the Toa species (like the Toa Ignika, and now Toa Mata Nui) but still be considered a "Toa" in a loose sense of the word. So, basically, I'm asking: Is Glatorian the species name, as well as the title?
2Either way, was the use of the word "Glatorian" as a title put into use before the war over EP started?
3Thanks in advance if you can answer these.
41) No, it's not, and Toa is not a species name, either. 52) No, it was not -- there were no Glatorian prior to the Shattering
7So Toa and Turaga are technically called Matoran?
8no i think their species would be bionicle
9No, Turaga and Toa are actually... "transformed" Matoran.
1Yeah, Toa, Turaga, and Matoran are all of the same species, with the same name. I guess that'd be Matoran. 2And as for the SM vs. BM thing with the Shattering-- why does Greg continue to avoid confirming that they're the same? The only reason I can think of is that there's some twist to it, something that'll be important later in the story. 3That, or they're not the same place after all... 4-Cressona