1Sounds plausible to me; I sent a followup response to it.
1Mata Nui related questions: 21. I am absolutely confused about the Mata Nui - Ignika status. You said, or at least seem to have implied, that Mata Nui's body was made by the Ignika, not by Mata Nui. You said that this was possible because the Ignika had acted on its own in the past. That is very true, or else Toa Ignika wouldn't have existed. But you said the Ignika's mind was dormant, so how can it have made the body for Mata Nui? Or can the Ignika's powers act outside of the Ignika's mind?
32. I have learned that Ackar will be teaching Mata Nui how to fight. Will we see those lessons, if only a bit, in the story outside of "The Challenge of Mata Nui"?
43. Also, I've read somewhere that Mata Nui found his sword on Bara Magna. Is this true, or did he make his sword together with his body?
54. Will Mata Nui's lack of experience of interacting with other living beings be apparent in the story (and/or in "The Legend Reborn")?
6Other questions: 75. I have been thinking about the entire Bionicle story, from the Shattering to all what happened in 2001 to 2008. And I realised that you could trace back all those events to Energized Protodermis. If I said that energized protodermis is the cause for all that we're seeing now and have seen, would that be the truth? Is Energized Protodermis the driving force behind Bionicle?
86. Back in 2006, at the start of the year you said that we would then start with a three-year story arc about the Mask of Life. Is 2009-2011 also a three-year story arc?
97. You said recently that plans for 2010 have changed. Are those changes as big as the changes to the 2007 story were?
108. Just out of curiosity, but how intelligent wold you say Vezon is? We all know he's insane, but the Joker from the Dark Knight was insane too, but still very cunning and intelligent. So how about Vezon?
111) Keep in mind how the Inika masks worked. If the mask is sentient, it can sense what you want to do and do it. And we know the Ignika is sentient. 122) I think so 133) No, found it 144) I know it is something the screenwriter wanted to touch on. 155) I wouldn't call it the driving force. It certainly had something to do with the state of the 2009 setting and the creation of Mata Nui, but it had nothing to do with Makuta's ambitions, which were really the impetus behind 2001-2008. 166) I can't discuss this 177) Yes, I'd say so. 188) Well, he's not Carapar, certainly. But I also don't see him as being a science whiz. I see him as being more cunning than "book-smart." Remember, he has only been in existence a short time.
191. Ah, so it's more like... an 'instictual reaction' of the Ignika, if you could call it that? 203. Apologies if this sounds rude, but I feel it's a bit strange that nobody else before Mata Nui found his sword... Or has that more to do with where in the wastelands it was found? 215. If you put it that way, you're correct of course. But on the other hand, without the energized protodermis on Spherus Magna, the Shattering wouldn't have happened and then Mata Nui wouldn't have been created, right? And with no Mata Nui, no Makuta to be jealous of him, correct? I realize that Energized Protodermis is not a direct cause of this, but in a way, it did set the events of 2001-2008 in motion, didn't it? 228. So Vezon is capable of coming up with some clever plans, for example? I mean, his insane mind is still sane enough to come up with such things, correct?
231) Yup. Think about the mask -- what's its priority? Defending itself. When it sensed it was under threat in the swamp, what did it do? Made a body for itself so it could escape the swamp. Same principle here. It's on a strange world with unknown dangers, makes sense to make a body. 243) I can tell you your worries are groundless, but I cannot explain why because it is movie plot. 255) If you want to stretch a point, you could say that, but I could counter that if it hadn't been EP, something else would probably have sparked the war. 268) Yes. He is a psychopath, he's not a drooling vegetable. Psychopaths are often very intelligent, they simply have no conscience or regard for the feelings of others.
371) ...
The GB...tried...and failed...holy crud... 382) Understandable. 393) Wow, they can even turn into a sandune (that does sound like the T-1000, when he morphed into a paper thin layer of metal that covered the hospital floor) 404) Cool
415) Double cool
421) Awesome . 431a) Not even one? Man they really are unstoppable. 442) That's what I wanted to hear
with that he can be however each fan wants him to be.
451) He's still the hero, so I would assume that he would still have to fight at some point, and I dont want him loosing every fight. 462) Shame... 473) I figured as much but I wanted to make sure... 483a) And that is why I wanted to make sure
494) Either way he is cool
505) YES . Light sword . 516) A bad guy with a conscience. Awesome beyond all comprehension .
2Hey Greg, I have a few questions for you about the Battara and Certavus and a couple more things... Some of these I have sent you before but I never got any answers so either you never received them or I never recieved your answers.
41) If the GBs knew how the Battera were acting now, would they shut them down? Stopping an apocalyptic war is all fine and good but the Glatorian system is not destroying any planets now, so I doubt that the GBs would be happy with their creations whiping them out.
52) You have said that the Battera are mechanical and yet they can shapeshift. Is this like Trasformers, rearranging their inner workings to form any shape, like the T-1000 from Terminator, a liquid metal that can mold itself into any shape, or are they made out of billions of tiny nanobots that can rearrange themselves into any shape? Or some other forth thing that I'm not smart enough to come up with ?
63) If the Battera attacked the Agori and Glatorian in the open fields of the dessert, and every tribe (including the Vorox and Skrall) joined forces, would they stand a shot or would they just be eradicated?
74) If you knew that the Battera were going to attack, and you dropped your sword and armor, would they leave you alone?
85) Are they logical thinkers or do they just do what they were programmed to do without any strategy involved?
101) Certavus was claimed to be the Muhhamed Ali of Glatorian, which tells me that he is probably the best Glatorian who ever lived, but I don't like to just assume so can you tell me, was he the best of all time? (not counting the Skrall of course) 111a) If he was the best ever, could he have a fighting chance against the Skrall? I mean any chance at all, like 1/100, but it is still possible?
122) Do you have a personality idea for Certavus other then "mind over matter", "the brain in mightier then the sword" etc? Like was he a strict disciplinarian, or a dreaming idealist like Gresh, or what? You don't have to tell me what it is, I just want to know if you have one.
141) You would think that, having only had a very short time of practice at somthing that guys like Tarix and Ackar have been doing for 100,000 years+, Mata-Nui would be sort of a pathetic fighter (comparatively). Experts say that even for so called geniuses it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert (which takes about 10 years of constant grueling practice every day). Is it safe to assume that being an artificial life, Mata-Nui was designed learn things much faster then the natural life on Bara-Manga?
152) Could Teridax now create Matoran that are naturally Shadow Matoran (without ever having to be drained of anything)?
163) Glatorian color has to do with their armor right, which means that if Strakk put on Malum's armor he would be red correct? It's not like Toa, where the armor changes color when a Toa puts it on. 173a) Glatorian usually wear armor that is color matched to the villiage they're employed to right, similar to an Olympic athelete wearing the color of the country they represent, to show respect for their tribe and whatnot?
184) Is Malum a bad guy, or just a guy who made a bad descision?
195) When in contact with a Toa, the Av-Matoran Solek could generate solid light objects right? Could he create a sword or some other bladed weapon with this ability? If so would it be a very effective weapon?
206) Maybe it is just the situations that she often appears in that makes her seem that way, but sometimes Lariska seems less evil then the other Dark Hunters. Would you say that this is accurate, or is it just the situations that she happens to often find herself in?
21Sorry for so many questions. Once again, thanks for your time
221) Already tried to. They can't. 232) I don't really want to go into the technical details. I think when you do that, the characters lose all their coolness factor. 243) Here's the problem. Baterra do not mass like an army and attack. They hide and kill you from behind. So the more of you there are, the more targets they have. And then what do you do? Shoot at every sand dune until you find the one that's really a baterra? 254) Yes 265) No, they have to use strategy, that's core to how they operate. Think of it like one of those computer chess programs that can think thousands of moves ahead.
271) He was certainly the best of his era 281a) No. 292) Really haven't thought about it, since he's dead.
301) Well, we have to see how much fighting he does, and how he goes about doing it. He's not going to become a Glatorian, we already know that. And even if you aren't a martial artist or something, there are techniques you can learn to give yourself an edge. 312) No 323) Correct 333a) Yes 344) Malum has anger management issues, always has had. He's violent and brutal by nature. At the same time, he would not side with the Skrall or something like that. 355) Yes 366) I think Lariska has a conscience, and not all DH do.
371) ...

421) Awesome . 431a) Not even one? Man they really are unstoppable. 442) That's what I wanted to hear

451) He's still the hero, so I would assume that he would still have to fight at some point, and I dont want him loosing every fight. 462) Shame... 473) I figured as much but I wanted to make sure... 483a) And that is why I wanted to make sure

1Hi, I have some new questions. 2*Is the yellow that is used in the Mata Nui set the same yellow as Bitil's ? 3Ore is it more like Keetongu ? 4*If Matoran are destined to become a Toa in one dimension, are they also destined to become one in another dimension ? Like Tanma in the Kingdom Alternate Universe ? 5*Are the Jetpacks on the back of an Av-Matoran a part of there anatomy ? 6* If not, are they given to them and by who ? 7* What happend with Takua's Pakari when he changed into Takanuva ? The one he was wearing when he was a Matoran. 8*Wich color has the Kraahkan of the Alternate Teridax ? Black ore Gold ? 9*I don't understand the fact that the Alternate Teridax wears that mask. I mean 10Shadow power, fear and anger powers ; that doesn't seem like a Kanohi the good Teridax would wear. I was more thinking about a Kanohi Hau. 11*Wich version of the Hordika is the accurate version : the Movie version of the Set version ? 12* If a Shadow Matoran becomes a Toa of Shadow, does his wings stay and become bigger ? Ore do they dissapear ? 13* So can a Toa of Light use the special Av-Matoran powers if he knows them ? 14*Did Mata Nui's creation had something to do with the Shattering ? 15*Is there a link between "the Melding" and the job that Mata Nui needs to do ?
16Thanks for answering.
171) No idea 182) No. Because Takua was not destined to become a Toa in the dimension where Tuyet ruled 193) No, they're not. The Av-Matoran made those. 204) Most likely vaporized 215) Gold 226) But part of being good is being able to control your dark side, not just avoiding it. By wearing that mask, Makuta confronts temptation every day and overcomes it. 237) The movie version is simply a different artistic intepretation of the characters, the same way two different artists might draw Batman differently. 248) No idea, since it's never happened. 259) Yes, but there is no one to train him in their use, so how would he learn them? 2610) Not directly, no 2711) I can't answer this, deals with future storyline
28Hmm, 295 and 6 are really interesting. Maybe someone needs to update BS01
1Drat, King of Vampire's post asked all of the questions I just sent Greg :/
2Will edit Q's and A's in once Greg responds to my follow-ups.
25Pretty cool that Greg linked them to the bohrok.
26Also its weird how he says "Not a relevant question". Maybe the GBs would never have to come into contact with baterra. Maybe they unleashed them and fled somewhere.
2Will edit Q's and A's in once Greg responds to my follow-ups.
41) If the baterra are made to kill armed combants, does this mean that if Skrall A and Skrall B were standing next to each other, and Skrall A had a sword and thornax but B didn't have any kind of weapon, would the baterra only kill A or them both?
52) Do the GBs know that the baterra are still running about killing things?
63) Do the GBs have some kind of 'failsafe' to disable the baterra?
74) If the GBs made baterra, did they also upload how to make the makuta into mata nui? After all, their shapeshafting is fairly similar. Or did mata nui come up with the makuta idea himself?
91) Just A. 102) I'd assume so. 113) They already used it. It didn't work. 124) I would say the things Mata Nui created would have to have come from programming given him by the GBs. But the baterra, in terms of physical appearance, are actualy much closer to looking like Bohrok than looking like Makuta. And the Makuta shapeshifting didn't happen until they evolved into antidermis, which the GBs did not know would happen.
133) That's interesting. What was the failsafe? Does it have anything to do with the shattering? Or just some big ol' switch somewhere? 144) Did Mata Nui know/suspect that the Makuta would evolve?
165) Would a baterra kill a GB with a weapon? (if applicable as I do not know much about the GBs) 176) If a skilled warrior knew that a baterra was around and what they were after, would simply discarding his weapons and walking away dissuade the baterra from attacking? Or would the sight of the warrior with an armament initiate an irreversible targeting system of some kind? (obviously nobody on bara magna knows anything sustantial about them, but im just curious) 187) Do the baterra have any powers other than shapeshifting and the physical weaponry?
19Thanks again
203) Does not have to do with the Shattering 214) No
225) Not a relevant question 236) If he's got them when the baterra sees him, it will already be too late to discard them 247) Not that we know of, no
25Pretty cool that Greg linked them to the bohrok.
26Also its weird how he says "Not a relevant question". Maybe the GBs would never have to come into contact with baterra. Maybe they unleashed them and fled somewhere.
1Hello again, Greg . Just a few things for you to confirm.
21)Why did Gelu retire? 31a)On BS01, he retired because he realized the dangers of being a Glatorian. Is this true? 42)Did Strakk and Vastus ever one the Great Tournament? 53)Who do you think has the most wins the Great Tournament? 64)Is there ever a #2 Glatorian win the Great Tournament? 75)How smart is Mata Nui compared to the Great Beings? 86)Is it possible for Alternate Teridax to fight the Shadow Takanuva army later on in RoS? Many people would love to see that.
9That's all for now. Thanks again .
101) No, that is not true. Gelu's new job -- escorting traders through deserts filled with bone hunters and Vorox -- is MORE dangerous than being a Glatorian. He retired because there is more profit to be made as an armed guard than as a Glatorian. 112) Vastus did, yes, Strakk never did 123) Of the living Glatorian, Tarix does 134) Yes 145) I can't discuss the Great Beings 156) Lots of things are possible
14) I would say the things Mata Nui created would have to have come from programming given him by the GBs. But the baterra, in terms of physical appearance, are actually much closer to looking like Bohrok than looking like Makuta. And the Makuta shapeshifting didn't happen until they evolved into antidermis, which the GBs did not know would happen.
2Not terribly relevant but I find that so strange because I used a Krana for a Baterra moc... odd coincidence.
3It does make sense though, the Bohrok being robots as well.
1Hello again, Greg . Just a few things for you to confirm.
21)Why did Gelu retire? 31a)On BS01, he retired because he realized the dangers of being a Glatorian. Is this true? 42)Did Strakk and Vastus ever one the Great Tournament? 53)Who do you think has the most wins the Great Tournament? 64)Is there ever a #2 Glatorian win the Great Tournament? 75)How smart is Mata Nui compared to the Great Beings? 86)Is it possible for Alternate Teridax to fight the Shadow Takanuva army later on in RoS? Many people would love to see that.
9That's all for now. Thanks again .
101) No, that is not true. Gelu's new job -- escorting traders through deserts filled with bone hunters and Vorox -- is MORE dangerous than being a Glatorian. He retired because there is more profit to be made as an armed guard than as a Glatorian. 112) Vastus did, yes, Strakk never did 123) Of the living Glatorian, Tarix does 134) Yes 145) I can't discuss the Great Beings 156) Lots of things are possible
16Only one known Shadow Takanuva is alive and concuss.
1Hey Greg; I hope that you're having a good day today.![]()
2Before I begin ranting off questions, I had something on my mind. I'd really like you to know that I'm sorry about the possibility of BIONICLE book discontinuation. I know that it's something that you enjoy and I hope that you know that all of us here at BZPower will stick with you if Scholastic decides to quit publishing BIONICLE books.
3And so, I go to questions:
41) I know that you can't talk about the Baterra too much, so I'll try to stay a bit shallow on the discussion on them. Were the Baterra engineered as a sort of superior soldier during the EP War that somehow went... haywire?
52) Are all of the armor that the Glatorian/Agori own leftover from the EP War?
63) I'm guessing on evidence of RoS4 that the Red Star has something to do with Mata Nui's transportation?
74) Are there any Bara Magna characters that you have purposely written to resemble some Matoran Universe characters?
85) Would a Toa of Psychics be a possible Toa Element (Seeing as it allows a wide range of mental assaults and abilities)?
9Thanks .![]()
101) Incorrect, in that they did not go haywire -- they are doing exactly what they were always intended to do. 112) Yes 123) Very good, Kohila 134) Physically or mentally? 145) I don't plan on introducing any new elements for the foreseeable future, so really not thinking about it
151) So can we deduce that the Baterra were artificially created by some other species? 162) Who provided them armor during the war? 173) To expand, is there machinary in the Red Star to provide the transportation ability? 183a) Are the beings in the Red Star providing transportation abilities? 194) Mentally, like how people are seeing Vakama in Raanu.
20Thanks again.
211) Yes 222) The ELs 233) Yes 243a) No 254) Nope
1Hey Greg; I hope that you're having a good day today.![]()
2Before I begin ranting off questions, I had something on my mind. I'd really like you to know that I'm sorry about the possibility of BIONICLE book discontinuation. I know that it's something that you enjoy and I hope that you know that all of us here at BZPower will stick with you if Scholastic decides to quit publishing BIONICLE books.
3And so, I go to questions:
41) I know that you can't talk about the Baterra too much, so I'll try to stay a bit shallow on the discussion on them. Were the Baterra engineered as a sort of superior soldier during the EP War that somehow went... haywire?
52) Are all of the armor that the Glatorian/Agori own leftover from the EP War?
63) I'm guessing on evidence of RoS4 that the Red Star has something to do with Mata Nui's transportation?
74) Are there any Bara Magna characters that you have purposely written to resemble some Matoran Universe characters?
85) Would a Toa of Psychics be a possible Toa Element (Seeing as it allows a wide range of mental assaults and abilities)?
9Thanks .![]()
101) Incorrect, in that they did not go haywire -- they are doing exactly what they were always intended to do. 112) Yes 123) Very good, Kohila 134) Physically or mentally? 145) I don't plan on introducing any new elements for the foreseeable future, so really not thinking about it
151) So can we deduce that the Baterra were artificially created by some other species? 162) Who provided them armor during the war? 173) To expand, is there machinary in the Red Star to provide the transportation ability? 183a) Are the beings in the Red Star providing transportation abilities? 194) Mentally, like how people are seeing Vakama in Raanu.
20Thanks again.
211) Yes 222) The ELs 233) Yes 243a) No 254) Nope
28Wow...that makes my info that I got earlier today seem...like nothing. Excellent finding on the red star .
29Why the heck is Greg all of a sudden giving out so much? Not that I am complaining, but still, isn't it odd?
1Just some opinions from Greg and some miniscule details on the Graphic Novels.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 51. Do you approve of the Order's actions? Such as killing everyone who knew of Artakha's location, secretly experimenting on Ehlek's species, tampering with alternet dimensions and imprisoning an innocent Tuyet just to try and make a weapon they deemed to powerful for anyone else to have?
62. Do you find it difficult to include any real character development with, often times, more than 6 new main characters and villians being introduced each year?
71) I don't have to "approve" it. If I am writing a book about a serial killer, I don't need to approve of his actions to be able to write about him. I am not pushing a political agenda with my writing or something, I am doing a drama. And in a drama, there is room for shades of gray along with black and white.
82) Sure. If I could do comics where I focused on one or two characters an issue, it would be a lot easier to build their characters and give them that kind of focused screen time. When you have to feature 12 characters an issue, you don't have room to do a lot of character development for any one character. But the point of the story is to promote sales of sets, which means you have to show as many sets as you can.
91) Sorry, I just reread my question and realized how rude that sounded. What I meant to ask was your opinion on their actions.
10And new ones:
112) Can Mata-Nui see what the Ignika has seen?
123) Who will be the illustrator for the Hydraxon comic in GN #6? 133a) Who will be the illustrator for GN #8? 143b) Could you explain what going on with GN #8 a bit clearer? Is it going to have the same characters, just a different story?
15Again, thanks for your time .
161) I think they are doing what they perceive as necessary. The analogy I always use is the CIA and the police ... the police can do some things, and not do others, because the trust of the public is important for them to do their job. The CIA, on the other hand, does not need the trust of the public as they don't operate out in the open, so they can do things police can't. In the same way, Toa have to behave in certain ways that the OOMN does not. A police officer has to only use his weapon if he feels he is being threatened or someone else is, or he gets in trouble; a spy, on the hand, can have a "license to kill." 172) No 183-3a) I don't know the guy's name 193b) Here's the deal. GN #7 will collect the 2008 comics. GN #8 will feature three stories set on Bara Magna, featuring the set characters, that will be all new. Then GN #9 will collect the 2009 comics.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 51. Do you approve of the Order's actions? Such as killing everyone who knew of Artakha's location, secretly experimenting on Ehlek's species, tampering with alternet dimensions and imprisoning an innocent Tuyet just to try and make a weapon they deemed to powerful for anyone else to have?
62. Do you find it difficult to include any real character development with, often times, more than 6 new main characters and villians being introduced each year?
71) I don't have to "approve" it. If I am writing a book about a serial killer, I don't need to approve of his actions to be able to write about him. I am not pushing a political agenda with my writing or something, I am doing a drama. And in a drama, there is room for shades of gray along with black and white.
82) Sure. If I could do comics where I focused on one or two characters an issue, it would be a lot easier to build their characters and give them that kind of focused screen time. When you have to feature 12 characters an issue, you don't have room to do a lot of character development for any one character. But the point of the story is to promote sales of sets, which means you have to show as many sets as you can.
91) Sorry, I just reread my question and realized how rude that sounded. What I meant to ask was your opinion on their actions.
10And new ones:
112) Can Mata-Nui see what the Ignika has seen?
123) Who will be the illustrator for the Hydraxon comic in GN #6? 133a) Who will be the illustrator for GN #8? 143b) Could you explain what going on with GN #8 a bit clearer? Is it going to have the same characters, just a different story?
15Again, thanks for your time .
161) I think they are doing what they perceive as necessary. The analogy I always use is the CIA and the police ... the police can do some things, and not do others, because the trust of the public is important for them to do their job. The CIA, on the other hand, does not need the trust of the public as they don't operate out in the open, so they can do things police can't. In the same way, Toa have to behave in certain ways that the OOMN does not. A police officer has to only use his weapon if he feels he is being threatened or someone else is, or he gets in trouble; a spy, on the hand, can have a "license to kill." 172) No 183-3a) I don't know the guy's name 193b) Here's the deal. GN #7 will collect the 2008 comics. GN #8 will feature three stories set on Bara Magna, featuring the set characters, that will be all new. Then GN #9 will collect the 2009 comics.
1Hello Greg.
2I have a small question that has been bugging me for a while:
3Is Stronius a Skrall?
5I am surprised it has been bugging you that long, since the set isn't even out yet. Anyway, yes, he is.
6Thank you so much for your extremely quick reply .
7I understand that, because he is named, Stronius is a higher rank and more well-known Skrall. Is he Tuma's Lieutenant? If not, what rank is he?
8No, he is not Tuma's lieutenant, and naming does not mean you are higher-ranked. It just means you did something heroic once. Stronius is an elite warrior, but Branar, who just appeared in Empire of the Skrall, is just a standard Skrall warrior who was fortunate enough to earn a name.
9Oops. Was "bugging me for a while" wrong to say?
10Anyway, I'm sure a lot of others who knew about Stronius were wondering as well.
11Knowing this, I KNOW now that I want to collect Stronius.
1Hi Greg, I have a few Qs about the Vorox.
21)Do all Vorox have tan armor? 31a.Same helmet? 41b.Same weapons?
52)If yes to 1a, can't even pack leaders have different helmets?
6Some Qs about the Glats.
73)Did Malum kill the former pack leader of his Vorox pack?
84)Would Malum have helped Strakk in his steal-the-Exidian plan on The Crossing? (Considering the load would be going to somewhere else, not Volcanus)
95)Can't there be #3 Glats?
106)From the recent Topic you make, people stopped thinking Gelu was a coward and starting thinking he is greedy, is he?
117)In the Official Rock Tribe topic, it is said the special forces Skrall go on suicide missions, so why didn't they sent a SFS instead of Branar for his mission?
12A Q about the Baterra
138) How can Baterra deduce if anyone has a weapon if they have never seen that weapon before?
14And a quick Q.
159)Is it true Nocturn is dead (seriously hope the answer is nope)?
16Thanks for your time .
171) Yes 182) I have to say no, because I plan to show a pack leader in comic and the artist will not have some other helmet he can draw 193) No 204) No. Malum really doesn't care what Vulcanus gets or doesn't get 215) Doesn't work that way. Think of it like this -- you have a company with 100 full-time employees and 200 part-time employees. Well, why can't you have 200 full-time employees and 100 part time employees? Because full-time employees cost more and you can't afford it. Villages cannot afford the cost of paying three Glatorian what they pay two, so they keep the rest as trainees, which costs less. 226) I don't know, is it greedy to want to make more money than you do? And provide a vital service in the process? If not for him, food supplies would not be reaching Tajun. Does that mean everyone who quits their job to take one that pays better is greedy? 237) Because Branar is not on a suicide mission. While he COULD die on it, his orders are to come back with the information that the baterra are out there. It's the Vorox's job to die. 248) Baterra know what a weapon is, it doesn't matter if they have seen it before or not. 259) Yes
261)Vorox lack originality 272)Thats new 283)good 294)interesting 305)interesting too 316)good 327)"Vorox's job to die" LOL 338)oh 349)

35I sent him a follow up, so wait for more.
1Hi Greg, I have a few Qs about the Vorox.
21)Do all Vorox have tan armor? 31a.Same helmet? 41b.Same weapons?
52)If yes to 1a, can't even pack leaders have different helmets?
6Some Qs about the Glats.
73)Did Malum kill the former pack leader of his Vorox pack?
84)Would Malum have helped Strakk in his steal-the-Exidian plan on The Crossing? (Considering the load would be going to somewhere else, not Volcanus)
95)Can't there be #3 Glats?
106)From the recent Topic you make, people stopped thinking Gelu was a coward and starting thinking he is greedy, is he?
117)In the Official Rock Tribe topic, it is said the special forces Skrall go on suicide missions, so why didn't they sent a SFS instead of Branar for his mission?
12A Q about the Baterra
138) How can Baterra deduce if anyone has a weapon if they have never seen that weapon before?
14And a quick Q.
159)Is it true Nocturn is dead (seriously hope the answer is nope)?
16Thanks for your time .
171) Yes 182) I have to say no, because I plan to show a pack leader in comic and the artist will not have some other helmet he can draw 193) No 204) No. Malum really doesn't care what Vulcanus gets or doesn't get 215) Doesn't work that way. Think of it like this -- you have a company with 100 full-time employees and 200 part-time employees. Well, why can't you have 200 full-time employees and 100 part time employees? Because full-time employees cost more and you can't afford it. Villages cannot afford the cost of paying three Glatorian what they pay two, so they keep the rest as trainees, which costs less. 226) I don't know, is it greedy to want to make more money than you do? And provide a vital service in the process? If not for him, food supplies would not be reaching Tajun. Does that mean everyone who quits their job to take one that pays better is greedy? 237) Because Branar is not on a suicide mission. While he COULD die on it, his orders are to come back with the information that the baterra are out there. It's the Vorox's job to die. 248) Baterra know what a weapon is, it doesn't matter if they have seen it before or not. 259) Yes
261)Vorox lack originality 272)Thats new 283)good 294)interesting 305)interesting too 316)good 327)"Vorox's job to die" LOL 338)oh 349), I think the BS01 people have to edit nocturn.
35I sent him a follow up, so wait for more.
36How did he die?
1A few thingies. Could be useful.
271) I think he misinterpreted... 282) Cool . I think this is new. 293) Interesting... 304) Alrighty then. 315) This might be new. 326) I lol'd. 337) Figured as much. 348) Yeah, that makes sense. 359) I thought so. Baterra seem cruel like that. 3610) Kinda surprising. The second part could be a typo.
2QUOTE 3I know you're probably getting a lot of PMs with the recent info on the baterra and the Red Star, but there are a few things I've been wanting to ask you about.
41) I noticed you don't spell baterra with a capital 'B'. Is there a storyline reason for this?
52) Will we be seeing Branar in the story again?
63) Do the beings in the Red Star have any impact whatsoever on the transportation mechanism?
74) What's been happening with Pridak? We haven't seen him since he found the BoM's Plan and met up with TSO.
85) Do the vehicles have any role at all in the movie?
96) If someone very physically strong(maybe Stronius or Malum?) was not carrying a weapon, and assuming they could find a baterra, could they defeat one using martial arts or something like that? (since they only attack armed combatants)
107) Just to clarify, not all named Skrall are in the Special Forces, right? 117a) And not all Special Force Skrall are named?
128) Why did the baterra's fail-safe thingy not work? Just a malfunction, or for a more important reason?
139) You mentioned to one member that if a baterra sees you, and you drop your weapons, you're fine. But to another member you said that it would be too late. So just to be sure, which is correct?
1410) Lastly, how is baterra pronounced?
15Thanks for taking time to answer BZP's questions . It's really cool to have you here. smile.gif
161) Same reason we spell Rahkshi with a capital R, not a small r 172) Yes, definitely 183) Don't want to answer this one 194) We'll get to him, don't worry 205) Some vehicles do, not sure which ones 216) They only attack armed combatants, but they aren't going to stand there and let you pound on them. That would be kinda dumb of them. 227) Correct. Branar, for example, is not special forces 237a) Correct 248) Hasn't been revealed yet, we have barely touched on the baterra in story at this point 259) Would be the latter 2610) Bah-the-ruh
271) I think he misinterpreted... 282) Cool . I think this is new. 293) Interesting... 304) Alrighty then. 315) This might be new. 326) I lol'd. 337) Figured as much. 348) Yeah, that makes sense. 359) I thought so. Baterra seem cruel like that. 3610) Kinda surprising. The second part could be a typo.

11.After the shattering did any new glatorian or Agori come into existence?
22.If so about how many?
33.Is Tersera's jungle slowly shrinking?
44. Don't the Bone hunters realize that if they starve and kill of the Agori and the glatorian, they too will starve, as their will be no one else to steal from?
51) Yes 62) Don't know, I didn't keep count 73) No 84) Why would they starve? If they kill all the Tajun Agori and Glatorian, wouldn't they then get the oasis? If they do the same to Tesara, don't they get the jungle and the food that grows there?
22.If so about how many?
33.Is Tersera's jungle slowly shrinking?
44. Don't the Bone hunters realize that if they starve and kill of the Agori and the glatorian, they too will starve, as their will be no one else to steal from?
51) Yes 62) Don't know, I didn't keep count 73) No 84) Why would they starve? If they kill all the Tajun Agori and Glatorian, wouldn't they then get the oasis? If they do the same to Tesara, don't they get the jungle and the food that grows there?
1Makuta's Guide to the BIONICLE World. I suggest looking at this topic for more information.
1Hi Greg.
2I'm currently working on a theory about the red star, and I need some stuff for this:
31.) Does the red star move so, that he is always above MN? I mean, is it in an geostationary orbit? 42.) Is the only purpose of it to transport the MU? 53.) Does MN have to touch the red star to use it for transportation? 64.) Could the MU jump high enough to reach it? 75.) If yes to 3 and 4, is the MU even able to travel in space without the red star? 86.) How big is the red star in comparison to the MU? 97.) Is the red star spherical? 108.) Does it have a solid hull? 118b.) If yes, is the hull red, or is it transparent and the red comes from the inside? 129.) Just want confirmation, the Great Beings built the red star, correct? 139b.) If yes, did they put its 'inhabitants' in there? 1410.) Do its inhabitants know MN uses the red star for transportation?
1511.) Off-topic: Do you watch Stargate?
161) Fixed orbit 172) Can't answer it 183) Too early to discuss 194) No need 205) Yes 216) Smaller 227) Doubt it 238) Yes 248b) Too early to discuss 259) Yes 269b) Yes 2710) No 2811) No
GregF SPIRIT 11) Is one of the Red Star's functions to act as a power source for Mata Nui?
22) Other than the creation of the Toa Inika, has the Red Star ever shot lightning down at Mata Nui before? 32) a) If so, does this happen often?
43) Did the Great Beings make the original Antidermis that Mata Nui then made into the Makuta?
54) Before rejecting their Light, did the Makuta have Shadow powers?
65) Were there any major difference in how Mata Nui made the Makuta compared to how the Great Beings made them in the Melding Universe?
76) When were the Iron Wolves created in relation to the war (before, during, or after)?
87) Have the Iron Wolves fulfilled the need for which they were created?
98) Were the Iron Wolves the failsafe plan against the Baterra? 108) a) Was Mata Nui at all part of the failsafe against the Baterra?
111) No 122) No 133) Yes 144) Yes 155) No 166) Before 177) They weren't created to fulfill a specific need 188) No 198a) No
20Darn... thought I had something there...
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2How are Toa Seals formed? Do 6 Toa have to combine their elements into one beam as seen in the 2nd movie, or do they surround the enemy and 6 beams of EE have to hit the target at the exact time as seen in the comics? What I am really asking is if comics have precedence over movies, or vice versa? 3Thanks.
4All six powers have to be used at the same time
1Man, this flood of new info is amazing . I'm loving the info on the baterra (anyone else reminded of Predator? Even just a little?) and the Red Star is certainly unexpected. So much for the no space travel policy we had in the MU. Space, here we come .
16)I meant, greedy as in Strakk, that he just stopped being a Glat because of the pay?
2I forgot to ask you a few questoions about the BH
31)Are all Rock Steeds red?
42)How tall are BHs, 5ft?
5These are a bout the MU habitants. 63)I didnt see anything on BS01, so i will ask, did Hydraxon, Lessovik, and Sarda leave the Pit?
74)Was Teridax serious about vaporizing the EOP?
8Thats all i have for now, so please try to cope with me. 9Thanks in advance .
106) Yes 111) Yes 122) BH? 133) Yes 144) Yes
15Not much...
1Hello Greg. I have some questions regarding Thornaxes and their strength.
21. When a thornax explodes is it a fiery explosion or a more pnuematic one? 32. Is a Thornax strong enough that if you were to be hit in the shoulder, would you lose your arm? 43. Does the Thornax launcher do something to the Thornax to "prime" it or would you be able to throw it to make it explode?
5Thank you.
61) Not fiery, no 72) Not if it didn't explode, no. 83) I don't think you would get enough velocity to trigger an explosion on impact if you just threw it
92. I mean if it did explode. Is the explosion strong enough to pose a serious threat to your limbs?
10Oh, sure
11Glad I asked these before I posted my theory about explosive thornaxes. Now it is simply "Internal rotting produces gas, produces pressure, produces explosion".
11) Are "The Collapse" and "The Shattering" the same disaster or are the diffrent because the name's suggest they are diffrent events. 22) Was "The Collapse" Bara Magna spliting into three diffrent part's?
31-2) Can you remind me where you saw "the Collapse" referenced?
4Hi Greg while I was reading a translated version of The Crossing I read a part when Strakk is rembering Bara Magna Before a disaster which he refer's to as "The Collapse"5Strakk saw this land as it once was. He came from the far north - Iconox was not his home. He was just nearby when the catastrophe took place that was later called "The Collapse".
6The word used in the original English text is "Shattering," not "Collapse." Whoever translated it from Polish to English for BZP made a mistake -- there's no mention of the word "collapse" in that chapter.
7Ok thanks for clearing that up. I've got one more question Are the beings inside the Red Star there as a maintanice(sp?) crew?
8Too early to discuss
11) Was Nocturn killed by a Maxilos when he tried to escape? 22) Was Hydraxon present when he tried to escape?
3I haven't bothered to sketch out the details of his death, since I am not writing a story about it, but my assumption is Hydraxon killed him.
4Whoa... when did we learn that Nocturn was dead??
11) Was Nocturn killed by a Maxilos when he tried to escape? 22) Was Hydraxon present when he tried to escape?
3I haven't bothered to sketch out the details of his death, since I am not writing a story about it, but my assumption is Hydraxon killed him.
4Whoa... when did we learn that Nocturn was dead??
5Appearently it was mentioned in the Makuta's Guide to the Universe. GregF confirmed it yesterday.
1Thank you sir, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this. There are a few pronunciations which we need for Biosector01. I hope you will be able to help us here:
21) What is the phonetic pronuciation of 'Ka', Matoran Kongu's pet Gukko bird? 32) What is the pronunciation of 'Graalok', the Ash Bear? 43) How is 'Protodax' pronounced?
5Thank you sir.
61) Kah 72) Grah-lock 83) Proh-toh-dacks
1Hello again Greg, I loved the Reign of Shadow's forth installment
, I have a few more questions here, hope you're not too busy. Thanks .
21. Would a nova blast from a Toa of Gravity create a Black-hole? 31) It might, yes 4That wouldn't be good, no sirree .
52. Why, as a writer have you liked Teridax so much? 62) Villains are always more interesting to write than heroes -- ask any comic book writer. Villains act; heroes react.
73. If Axon used his Mask of Truth and realized that Miserix was only in an illusion, could he use a mask of telepathy or mind control to force Miserix into believing that he really isn't a 2D picture on the wall after all? If yes, then could this method work on the Toa Hagah? although I guess axonn could just switch masks with them, but maybe that would leave him vunerable to Teridax' illusions again.
83) I don't think mind control would work, because as soon as you shut off the mind control, they will go back to where they were before. Telepathy would help, certainly, if you had enough willpower to overcome the strength of Makuta's suggestion.
94. As of right know, how many toa does Tuyet have the power of? 1000 Toa? 10,000 Toa? 100,000 Toa? 1,000,000 Toa? Or have you not decided yet? 104) I am not planning to assign a number to it, there's no reason to.
115. Could Tuyet use the power of the Nui Stone to make hundreds of Toa Stones? 125) I suppose, but why bother? How many Toa come into existence is dependent on how many are destined to do so, not how many Toa stones you make. 13Just wondering if she could do it.
146. Is their any hope for the inhabitants of the MU? I mean on one hand we have a Psychopath who wants to conquer the "REAL" Universe, and on the other we have a super powerful Toa of Water who wouldn't know kindness if it robbed her of her strength . 156) Where there's life, there's hope. Remember, Mata Nui still lives.
167. What has happened to Brutaka, and I don't need to be reminded of where he is? He hasn't been mentioned once (other than in Axon's illusion, which doesn't count of course) since RoS came online . 177) We'll get to him, don't worry 18Hope this goes the same for Vezon too . He's soooooo Funny .
198. The Shadowed One has the same virus that Teridax used to put Mata Nui into a coma, will he or somebody else use it to put Teridax into a coma? 208) Depends. Do you think Teridax would let him do that? 21Hope my follow ups get through.
228.a If you answer by saying you can't discuss future story plans, then by doing that are you implying that the Virus is going to play a part in the future story? 238a) It has to play some part, whether it's used or not, because it was introduced into story.
24Thanks a bunch .

21. Would a nova blast from a Toa of Gravity create a Black-hole? 31) It might, yes 4That wouldn't be good, no sirree .
52. Why, as a writer have you liked Teridax so much? 62) Villains are always more interesting to write than heroes -- ask any comic book writer. Villains act; heroes react.
73. If Axon used his Mask of Truth and realized that Miserix was only in an illusion, could he use a mask of telepathy or mind control to force Miserix into believing that he really isn't a 2D picture on the wall after all? If yes, then could this method work on the Toa Hagah? although I guess axonn could just switch masks with them, but maybe that would leave him vunerable to Teridax' illusions again.
83) I don't think mind control would work, because as soon as you shut off the mind control, they will go back to where they were before. Telepathy would help, certainly, if you had enough willpower to overcome the strength of Makuta's suggestion.
94. As of right know, how many toa does Tuyet have the power of? 1000 Toa? 10,000 Toa? 100,000 Toa? 1,000,000 Toa? Or have you not decided yet? 104) I am not planning to assign a number to it, there's no reason to.
115. Could Tuyet use the power of the Nui Stone to make hundreds of Toa Stones? 125) I suppose, but why bother? How many Toa come into existence is dependent on how many are destined to do so, not how many Toa stones you make. 13Just wondering if she could do it.
146. Is their any hope for the inhabitants of the MU? I mean on one hand we have a Psychopath who wants to conquer the "REAL" Universe, and on the other we have a super powerful Toa of Water who wouldn't know kindness if it robbed her of her strength . 156) Where there's life, there's hope. Remember, Mata Nui still lives.
167. What has happened to Brutaka, and I don't need to be reminded of where he is? He hasn't been mentioned once (other than in Axon's illusion, which doesn't count of course) since RoS came online . 177) We'll get to him, don't worry 18Hope this goes the same for Vezon too . He's soooooo Funny .

198. The Shadowed One has the same virus that Teridax used to put Mata Nui into a coma, will he or somebody else use it to put Teridax into a coma? 208) Depends. Do you think Teridax would let him do that? 21Hope my follow ups get through.
228.a If you answer by saying you can't discuss future story plans, then by doing that are you implying that the Virus is going to play a part in the future story? 238a) It has to play some part, whether it's used or not, because it was introduced into story.
24Thanks a bunch .
1Hey Greg . I just have a few questions for you to answer...
2One: Are the Baterra sapient or are they just emotionless machines? (Just to let you know, I'm asking this mainly because the Baterra were put in 'Sapient Species' catagory in BioSector01).
3Two: Would Mata Nui be able to activate his mask powers if he were to say... get an adrenaline rush like the Toa Metru did during their adventures (although they were more fond and aware of the usage of masks)?
4Three: Are there any beings on Bara Magna who would be able to match Tuma in an arena match (maybe Mata Nui if he were to change into a bigger form)?
5Four: Although that Tuma and the Skrall don't know this, but wouldn't you say that Tuma and the Skrall still wouldn't have a chance to defeat the Baterra mainly because the Baterra are terminator machines that never rest or eat like the Skrall do, thus putting them at a disadvantage?
6Five: Which Glatorian do you think would stand the best of chances against any soldier Skrall in Arena/Single Combat?
7These questions are about the future graphic novels...
8Six: Is the Hydraxon comic supposed to be a side story telling of Hydraxon's origins or is it supposed to be an exclusive story of what happens afterwards?
9Seven: How long is the eighth graphic novel supposed to be? b. Will the # of pages be restricted like the other graphic novels or will it have more pages?
10Eight: How good are the graphic novels selling fight now (please rate from 1 to 12)? b. How much better do they sell than the novels?
11Thanks for answering my questions and I hope you have a good day, Mister Farshtey.
12-Toa Deserok
131) The baterra are machines and do have AI, but I do not regard them as sapient. They essentially are just following their programming. If they were sapient, they probably would have realized there is no more need to do so. 142) If and how his mask powers will come into play is something I really can't discuss, as it is movie-related 153) Mata Nui will not be changing into a bigger form, so that's irrelevant. 164) Actually, there is no need to defeat the baterra ... all you have to do is lay down your arms and live in peace, and they will leave you alone. So in that sense, I don't give the Skrall high hopes. 175) None. You can't beat a Skrall in the arena. 186) It's set after Matoro's death. We already know Hydraxon's origin, so no need to go into it. 197) 75 pages, and the pages of the GNs are not "restricted" -- not sure what you mean by that. 208) I have no idea. But keep in mind that for the most part, what Papercutz has been doing is reprinting the old comics ... which means that while they have to pay for printing and distribution to stores, they don't have any development cost beyond just shrinking the pages to fit their size book. Scholastic has to pay for the development of the novels, because it's all-new material and for editing on them, etc. So Papercutz can sell fewer copies of a book and still make a profit.