1It was worth a shot.
5No. Mata Nui gets his sword in the movie, and the baterra are not in the movie.
2Hello sir, I have one quick question.
3I remember reading that there's some importance to Mata Nui's weapon, or something like that. Maybe not importance, but a reason it was in the desert or something. Now, we also know that someone defeated a baterra, as stated in the OGD. Now, I have to ask. Is Mata Nui's sword the weapon from a baterra?
4Thank you.
5No. Mata Nui gets his sword in the movie, and the baterra are not in the movie.
1Nothing much
2Hi Greg35. Is there a reason that the cyborg wolves, the baterra, and at least one Element Lord all hang out in the same region? 45a. Does it have anything to do with the fact that they were all made by the Great Beings?
55) The geography of the north is fairly limited, so if you are north of Bara Magna's desert, you are likely to be concentrated in a smallish area.
6Is it possible that the geography of the north limited because there is a giant crater there left from one of the moons spliting away?
7Well, if you took Earth, and split it into pieces, it would be reasonable to assume that the geography of each chunk would be limited, right? I mean, if you were on the chunk with Hawaii on it, you would probably have tropical island and oceans, and not a whole lot else.
8Ok.95) Yes. North of the desert is primarily mountains and valleys10So north of the desert is mostly mountains and valleys So What is to the terrian like south of the desert? Also is/were there any tropical island and oceans on Bara Magna?
111) There isn't any, the desert stretches all the way to the south 122) Not on Bara Magna, no. On the planet it was once a part of, yes
1Hey sir I just want to thank you in advance for answering my questions and also for building bionicle into what it is today. Only three questions
21. Did the Great Beings create planets or were they created in the same process as planets in our universe?
32. Do the beings inside the Red Star know of the Great Beings?
43. When Mata Nui (or whoever controls the body) beckons to the Red Star is supposed to mean that he is finished observing that planet?
5Thanks again for taking your time to answer all of our questions here at BZP.
61) No 72) Yes 83) That's a reasonable assumption
9Pretty good stuff here.
21. Did the Great Beings create planets or were they created in the same process as planets in our universe?
32. Do the beings inside the Red Star know of the Great Beings?
43. When Mata Nui (or whoever controls the body) beckons to the Red Star is supposed to mean that he is finished observing that planet?
5Thanks again for taking your time to answer all of our questions here at BZP.
61) No 72) Yes 83) That's a reasonable assumption
9Pretty good stuff here.
11. Is Telluris a Baterra? Just hazarding a guess.
22. Is Perditus a member of the Glatorian species 32b. If so, is he a Glatorian?
43. Will the two Agori in the Kaxium set have names?
54. When the Toa Nuva arrived at Artakha to get their Adaptive Armor, there was a fortress, just as they were told there would be, but it changed in appearance as they drew near. When Lewa went there in Reign of Shadows, there was still a fortress. Is the fortress a consistent part of Artakha's geography, or does it appear and disappear as the geography changes to Artakha's fancy?
65. Is this fortress where Artakha (the being) lives?
76. In a recent PM, I asked whether Kanohi could be created at abnormally large sizes, and you said yes, pointing out the Hau in Artakha. Just because there's been some confusion on BS01, Is this a real Kanohi Hau, and not just a statue? 86b. Is it a Great Hau or a Powerless Hau?
97. When was the Red Star created?
10As always, thanks in advance.
111) There are no baterra sets, so no. 122-3) Cannot discuss summer sets 134) Constant 145) Yes 156) You asked if a Kanohi could be made at a larger size -- answer's yes. You didn't ask if it would be a Kanohi anyone could wear or use. There's no Toa large enough to wear that Kanohi. 167) After Mata Nui was
17Meh. I had hoped to get some summer info, since so many people were getting info on Ackar and folks. But I guess that's since they've been at least alluded to in story mostly.
18Artakha stuff's nice to know.
1A reply. Still interesting, though.
19Poor Kopeke. So misunderstood.
2Just one quick question before I get into this, how did Kongu know that Matoro would be the destine bearer of the mask?
3I'd have to go back and read the books again, that was two years ago and I really don't remember what I had in mind at the time.
4I believe it was mentioned in Makuta's guide. I'm not sure, I haven't gotten it yet. I've read somethings from some members. Anyways, main event time.
5It has been said that Jaller and Hahli were the most effected of the Mahri by Matoro's death. I don't think this necessarily true anymore. I really think the one most effected by this was actually Kongu. There are two reasons I believe this:
61) It has been said in Makuta's guide that Kongu knew Matoro was the destined guardian and the destined bearer.
72) Kongu, according to the guide, threatened Kopeke to not write anything bad about Matoro.
8With Kongu's knowledge, he would have been torn about knowing that Matoro would die and not be able to do anything about it. In fact, I think he was. This has proof in the fact that Kongu threatened Kopeke. Toa shouldn't threaten Matoran. Kongu probably wouldn't have done this otherwise.
9I'm not sure, what do you think?
10Kongu's grief is mentioned in the Makuta Guide, but I don't see a reference to him knowing Matoro was the destined bearer, though I vaguely recall something like that being mentioned somewhere.
11But I am not sure what your theory is -- it's not a contest to see who grieves the most over a loss of friend. How do you measure if Kongu is most affected or Jaller is most affected, and why would you want to bother?
12That's not exactly what I'm trying to get at. I think I'm really getting at Kongu's unseen character growth. Before, I wouldn't think he would have threatened any Matoran like he did Kopeke, but now...
13Has Matoro's death enraged him more than anything, or is it something else?
14And what bad thing was Kopeke going to write about Matoro, or was Kongu preemptive striking?
152) Well, let's put it this way. Let's say you have a friend, and your friend dies (God forbid) ... how would you feel about someone maybe writing something bad about him? Wouldn't it make you angry? It would me, even if it wasn't my best friend. "Don't speak ill of the dead" is still a maxim most people believe in following when they can. 163) Preemptive striking. Kopeke is not the nicest of people, so it was reasonable for Kongu to worry a little.
173) How is Kopeke not nice? I thought he was just shy.
18He is shy, but others do not realize that, and regard him as cold and aloof. He is therefore perceived as being not nice, which is what Kongu was reacting to.
19Poor Kopeke. So misunderstood.
1A reply. Still interesting, though.
2Just one quick question before I get into this, how did Kongu know that Matoro would be the destine bearer of the mask?
3I'd have to go back and read the books again, that was two years ago and I really don't remember what I had in mind at the time.
4I believe it was mentioned in Makuta's guide. I'm not sure, I haven't gotten it yet. I've read somethings from some members. Anyways, main event time.
5It has been said that Jaller and Hahli were the most effected of the Mahri by Matoro's death. I don't think this necessarily true anymore. I really think the one most effected by this was actually Kongu. There are two reasons I believe this:
61) It has been said in Makuta's guide that Kongu knew Matoro was the destined guardian and the destined bearer.
72) Kongu, according to the guide, threatened Kopeke to not write anything bad about Matoro.
8With Kongu's knowledge, he would have been torn about knowing that Matoro would die and not be able to do anything about it. In fact, I think he was. This has proof in the fact that Kongu threatened Kopeke. Toa shouldn't threaten Matoran. Kongu probably wouldn't have done this otherwise.
9I'm not sure, what do you think?
10Kongu's grief is mentioned in the Makuta Guide, but I don't see a reference to him knowing Matoro was the destined bearer, though I vaguely recall something like that being mentioned somewhere.
11But I am not sure what your theory is -- it's not a contest to see who grieves the most over a loss of friend. How do you measure if Kongu is most affected or Jaller is most affected, and why would you want to bother?
12That's not exactly what I'm trying to get at. I think I'm really getting at Kongu's unseen character growth. Before, I wouldn't think he would have threatened any Matoran like he did Kopeke, but now...
13Has Matoro's death enraged him more than anything, or is it something else?
14And what bad thing was Kopeke going to write about Matoro, or was Kongu preemptive striking?
152) Well, let's put it this way. Let's say you have a friend, and your friend dies (God forbid) ... how would you feel about someone maybe writing something bad about him? Wouldn't it make you angry? It would me, even if it wasn't my best friend. "Don't speak ill of the dead" is still a maxim most people believe in following when they can. 163) Preemptive striking. Kopeke is not the nicest of people, so it was reasonable for Kongu to worry a little.
173) How is Kopeke not nice? I thought he was just shy.
18He is shy, but others do not realize that, and regard him as cold and aloof. He is therefore perceived as being not nice, which is what Kongu was reacting to.
19Poor Kopeke. So misunderstood.
20Well, he's not exactly empathetic.
1Hey GregF, just two question. 21. If Mata Nui set the destinies of the Makuta, then why did set Teridax's destiny so that he would overthrow Mata Nui? Did Teridax really tamper/play with destiny? 32. Can a Nui Stone be used as Toa Stone, to turn destined Matoran into Toa? 4Thanks.
51) How do you know that what Makuta has done isn't what he was supposed to do, just at the wrong time and in the wrong way? 62) Probably
71) Well, I have seen this answer before, but nevertheless interesting.
1Hey GregF, just two question. 21. If Mata Nui set the destinies of the Makuta, then why did set Teridax's destiny so that he would overthrow Mata Nui? Did Teridax really tamper/play with destiny? 32. Can a Nui Stone be used as Toa Stone, to turn destined Matoran into Toa? 4Thanks.
51) How do you know that what Makuta has done isn't what he was supposed to do, just at the wrong time and in the wrong way? 62) Probably
71) Well, I have seen this answer before, but nevertheless interesting.
8This proabably implies that Makuta was a failsafe if MN couldn't do his mission.
1Hey GregF, just two question. 21. If Mata Nui set the destinies of the Makuta, then why did set Teridax's destiny so that he would overthrow Mata Nui? Did Teridax really tamper/play with destiny? 32. Can a Nui Stone be used as Toa Stone, to turn destined Matoran into Toa? 4Thanks.
51) How do you know that what Makuta has done isn't what he was supposed to do, just at the wrong time and in the wrong way? 62) Probably
71) Well, I have seen this answer before, but nevertheless interesting.
8This proabably implies that Makuta was a failsafe if MN couldn't do his mission.
9It seems to obvious though. Something tells me he had a bigger purpose.
1Some old questions I forgot to post.
21. Are the Skrall naturally strong or are they strong simply because of really hard work?
33. What kind of housing do Agori and Glatorian live in?
44. Is Tarduk the only Jungle Agori to walk on all fours or do others walk like that as well?
55. How will Mata Nui talk to the Agori and Glatorian? He can only speak Matoran, right?
66. On the subject of Mata Nui, how the cheese can he make a body for himself if he can't use the Ignika?
7Thanks in advance. I really appreciate it.
81) Both. You can have a ton of muscle, but if you don't train it -- if you just sit around all day -- it's going to be useless to you. 93) Crude shelters, mostly, the sort of thing you would be able to build if I dropped you in the desert tomorrow. 104) I am sure others do as well 115) Wrong. His creators were capable of speaking the same language as the Glatorian and Agori, so that language is in his memory. Matoran is computer language, it would be like you walking around saying, "01011011000100" to everyone. 126) But the Ignika can act on its own.
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions about the Red Star. 21. Does the Red Star move when Mata Nui moves from planet to planet? 32. Does the Red Star rotate or is it fixed? 43. Does the Red Star revolve around on a fixed path, or does it not move at all? 54. Is there some kind of signal that the Red Star gives off to let Mata Nui know that he can now go observe another planet? 65. How does Mata Nui beckon to the Red Star? Some kind of signal Mata Nui emits or is it a wave of the hand or what? 7Thanks.
8The red star is in geosynchronous orbit around the planet. If Mata Nui needs to leave the planet, he beckons to the red star, which assists him. Beyond that, I have nothing more to add at this time.
9Wait, the Red Star as a geosynchronous orbit around the Endless Ocean Planet, correct?
1QUOTE 2Hello sir, Its an honor to talk to you. smile.gif
31: Since Brutaka's mask got wrecked has he found a new one? (I ask because its hard to live without one)
42: Can Toa physically age like old people?
53: Since the Toa Nuva's amour has adapted, does it resemble their Mata, or old Nuva like form?
64: Because Gali no longer wields a Nynrah-ghost blaster, does that mean she has a toa-tool again?
7BM question
8Does Ackar look old and frail in appearance?
91) We'll get to that 102) Yes, but since they are largely mechanical, they live a lot longer than humans do 113) Once it goes back to "normal," it would look like their Nuva armor 124) Yes 135) No
14I thought that 2 was interesting.
31: Since Brutaka's mask got wrecked has he found a new one? (I ask because its hard to live without one)
42: Can Toa physically age like old people?
53: Since the Toa Nuva's amour has adapted, does it resemble their Mata, or old Nuva like form?
64: Because Gali no longer wields a Nynrah-ghost blaster, does that mean she has a toa-tool again?
7BM question
8Does Ackar look old and frail in appearance?
91) We'll get to that 102) Yes, but since they are largely mechanical, they live a lot longer than humans do 113) Once it goes back to "normal," it would look like their Nuva armor 124) Yes 135) No
14I thought that 2 was interesting.
11. By now, Takanuva has lost his flight ability, yes? 22. Let's say, an unarmed Glatorian stumbles upon a Baterra. The Baterra doesn't attack him, and just walks past him. Would the Glatorian be able to do a sneak attack from behind, or is the Baterra too smart to fall for tricks like that? 33. Do you have plans for the alternate Shadow Takanuva to appear anytime soon? 44. About the Hydraxon comic, will it feature any of these characters: 5- Spinax 6- Lesovikk and Sarda 7- The Barraki? 85. Did the Skrall take part in the EP war? 95a. If yes, were they part of any Elemental Lord's army? 106. You said that Mata Nui's melee weapon is a shield, but in Desert of Danger it is mentioned as a sword. So can you clarify this?
111) Yes 122) Yes, he would, but a sneak attack with what, if he has no weapon? What's he going to do, punch the baterra? 133) I don't make a lot of long-range plans, I pretty much throw in whichever characters I feel like writing about that day 144) Pridak. 155) Yes 165a) Yes -- they're rock, remember? 176) The set comes with a shield. The sword is in the movie only. I was answering the question with regard to the set.
18Number 4 is kinda disappointing. I was hoping for Lesovikk to appear in the comic, but Pridak is okay. And somebody needs to edit BS01.
1Hey GregF, just two question. 21. If Mata Nui set the destinies of the Makuta, then why did set Teridax's destiny so that he would overthrow Mata Nui? Did Teridax really tamper/play with destiny? 32. Can a Nui Stone be used as Toa Stone, to turn destined Matoran into Toa? 4Thanks.
51) How do you know that what Makuta has done isn't what he was supposed to do, just at the wrong time and in the wrong way? 62) Probably
71) Well, I have seen this answer before, but nevertheless interesting.
8This proabably implies that Makuta was a failsafe if MN couldn't do his mission.
9It seems to obvious though. Something tells me he had a bigger purpose.
10Well, let's take it somewhere else.
1Just got a few questions:
21. Will Teridax destroy the Matoro statue in Metru-Nui? 32. What does Teridax do to Toa in the MU? 43a. Why did Makuta not kill the Turaga? 53b. Where are the Turaga in Metru-Nui? 64. Is Ahkmou's position pretty much that of a puppet governor? 75. How are the vehicles on Bara Magna fueled? 86. Do the Bara Magna villages have a 'constitution' of sorts on how their village is governed?
9Thanks .
111) Why bother? Is the statue a threat to him? Remember, Matoro did just what Makuta wanted him to do -- saved Mata Nui. 122) Nothing. Again, they are no threat to him 133A) See answer to #2 143b) Imprisoned in the Coliseum 154) By and large, yes 165) Haven't worried about it 176) I'm sure there is some mutual understanding, I don't know that it's written down
18Not much that is new.
1But if the Red Star is in orbit around the ENDLESS OCEAN planet, what is the point if Mata Nui goes to other planets?
3It probably follows, or travels to another planet. The RS hasn't always been around the EOP.
4Also, Red Star Topic.
1Hey Greg. 21. Is this the order of these events? Creation of the Iron Wolves, discovery of EP, EP War begins, creation of regular Protodermis, beginning of the Matoran Universe, creation of the baterra, completion of Mata Nui, the Shattering. 32. BS01 won't take anything implied. Could you confirm if it was Botar who used the second Olmak (the one used by the Toa of Jovan's team before and the Brotherhood of Makuta later) to transport Tuyet to an alternate dimension and retrieve the second Tuyet? 42a. Was Tuyet put in an alternate universe with no Toa, or a pocket dimension with no Toa? 53. You've said the Endless Ocean Planet has a name, but it hasn't been revealed. Then you said there was no one around to name it. So who names it, then? Teridax, the inhabitants of Bara Magna, the Great Beings? 63a. If you have an idea, when will the name be released?
7Thank you for your time.
91) The only thing I would alter is that we don't know that regular proto was not discovered until that late. They may have discovered it earlier and just not been working with it. 102) Yes 112a) Alt. universe 123) I can't discuss this, relates to future story 133a) Should be this year, I think

1Hello Greg. I was wondering, seeing as the beings in the MU are basically technology running the MU, would destiny be programming?
2Also, was the Red Star originally meant to revolve around the EO Planet?
3Thanks in advance, 4-BT
51) Depends on how metaphysical you want to get about the whole thing. 62) No. Where it is depends on where Mata Nui is, it wasn't designed for one specific planet or another.
7Did we already know it traveled with Mata Nui?
11. Why didn't Mata Nui trained the Makuta to enbrace the light?
22. Does Brutaka knows Mata Nui's mission?
33. When are we going to find out more about the Shattering(requarding Spherus Magna and/or Bara Magna)?
44. What does Teridax want to do with the other worlds once he concored them?
55. Does Teridax has the power to destroy a planet by amplifying one of his Kraata powers?
66. Did Pohatu's name became a Matoran slang due his destruction of the Shadow One's fortress?
77. What did the Order of Mata Nui wanted with the Nui Stone?
88. How do the Zyglak feel?
91) You can't control, at the end of the day, someone else's morality. Freedom means the freedom to make choices. Look at the number of people raised in good homes with loving parents who wind up criminals ... in the end, they make their own choices, you can't make them for them. 102) Yes 113) Later this year 124) Control them, use them to amass more power so he can conquer more. Makuta believes everyone benefits from his leadership. 135) He doesn't need to amplify a kraata power, he has enough power in his new body to do it 146) Yes 157) The Nui Stone is an incredibly powerful artifact in a universe full of Toa. 168) Feel about what?
1Hello Greg. I was wondering, seeing as the beings in the MU are basically technology running the MU, would destiny be programming?
2Also, was the Red Star originally meant to revolve around the EO Planet?
3Thanks in advance, 4-BT
51) Depends on how metaphysical you want to get about the whole thing. 62) No. Where it is depends on where Mata Nui is, it wasn't designed for one specific planet or another.
7Did we already know it traveled with Mata Nui?
8Note Greg didn't say the RS travels with Mata Nui, just that its location depends on Mata Nui's.
1Hi Greg, thanks for the last answers, now just a few more.
21. I believe in the OGD, I read a quote saying that the baterra resemble the Bohrok. Seeing as they both have similar objectives, (baterra - "clean the world of armed fighters", Bohrok - clean the island of objects) were the Bohrok based on the baterra?
32. In the LEGO magazine that had the Bara Magna map, there was a shadow of Mata Nui's set. He was holding a weapon other than the weapon we've seen him with in Desert of Danger and the set. Is that weapon supposed to be the sword he gets?
43. Do Glatorian have hair?
54. On BS01, it states that Zesk spit out musk that identifies whoever has it as an ally of the Sand Tribe. 64a) Does this ever wear off? 74b) Is this one of the requirements needed for a being to be able to control the Vorox?
8Thanks for all your hard work.9-Det
101) Yes 112) I have no idea where that image came from 123) No idea, not something I have worried about since we won't be showing them without armor 134a) Yes 144b) No. To be a leader of a Vorox tribe, you have to defeat the tribe's alpha male. All musk does is keep you from getting killed by them when you go visit
15I think 1 is pretty interesting.
1Hi Greg, thanks for the last answers, now just a few more.
21. I believe in the OGD, I read a quote saying that the baterra resemble the Bohrok. Seeing as they both have similar objectives, (baterra - "clean the world of armed fighters", Bohrok - clean the island of objects) were the Bohrok based on the baterra?
32. In the LEGO magazine that had the Bara Magna map, there was a shadow of Mata Nui's set. He was holding a weapon other than the weapon we've seen him with in Desert of Danger and the set. Is that weapon supposed to be the sword he gets?
43. Do Glatorian have hair?
54. On BS01, it states that Zesk spit out musk that identifies whoever has it as an ally of the Sand Tribe. 64a) Does this ever wear off? 74b) Is this one of the requirements needed for a being to be able to control the Vorox?
8Thanks for all your hard work.9-Det
101) Yes 112) I have no idea where that image came from 123) No idea, not something I have worried about since we won't be showing them without armor 134a) Yes 144b) No. To be a leader of a Vorox tribe, you have to defeat the tribe's alpha male. All musk does is keep you from getting killed by them when you go visit
15I think 1 is pretty interesting.
17WOAH . That is an epic piece of news right there.
1I came up with a few more questions. 2I hope you don't mind answering them.
3Hydraxon: 41. Is the Hydraxon comic in the sixth Bionicle Comic collection about the first or second Hydraxon? 52. If the OOMN found out that Hydraxon was dead and Hydraxon II took his place, would Hydraxon II lose his job as the jailer of the Pit? (I know it doesn't matter now, and they probably won't find out anyway. Who would tell them?)
6Glatorian: 73. How much of an age difference is between Tarix, Strakk, and Malum to Gresh? A lot, or very little?
8Set Design: 94. On a scale of one to ten, how much say do you and the story team get in the set design? One being almost none and ten being you practically design them yourselves.
10Thanks in advance.
111) Second -- takes place after Matoro's death, it's not a flashback story 122) The OOMN is not in a position to be picky right now 133) A decent amount 143) Some members of the team, like the franchise manager, get a lot ... others, like me, get none, which in my case is how I prefer it. I'm not an artist and don't presume to tell other artists how to do their work.
11. What is the name of the Hydraxon graphic novel?
22. Is the graphic novel about Hydraxon and Pridak in the war or in the Pit?
33. If Pohatu's AA goes back to 'normal' will he still be orange, or will he go back to brown?
41) The Hydraxon thing is only a 10-page story, it's not the complete graphic novel. Most of the novel is the 2007 comics reprinted 52) In the Pit 63) Orange, but we have no plans to show him in a comic or otherwise in his "default" armor at this point
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 21. Only one Red Star exists, correct? 32. Has the Red Star always orbited around the Endless Ocean Planet? 4Thanks.
51) Yes 62) No, of course not. Mata Nui visited many different worlds before crashing on EOP
72. So then the Red Star follows wherever Mata Nui goes, and once Mata Nui reaches a planet, the Red Star orbits that planet?
8It does not follow him, no
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 21. Only one Red Star exists, correct? 32. Has the Red Star always orbited around the Endless Ocean Planet? 4Thanks.
51) Yes 62) No, of course not. Mata Nui visited many different worlds before crashing on EOP
72. So then the Red Star follows wherever Mata Nui goes, and once Mata Nui reaches a planet, the Red Star orbits that planet?
8It does not follow him, no
9Now I don't understand anything

1Hey GregF, just few questions. 21. Only one Red Star exists, correct? 32. Has the Red Star always orbited around the Endless Ocean Planet? 4Thanks.
51) Yes 62) No, of course not. Mata Nui visited many different worlds before crashing on EOP
72. So then the Red Star follows wherever Mata Nui goes, and once Mata Nui reaches a planet, the Red Star orbits that planet?
8It does not follow him, no
9Now I don't understand anything...
10That's because he follows it, I presume.


1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I hope you're doing quite well. I have a few questions for you.
21. You've said that Gresh's shield splitting into two is not storyline-canon. Does that mean the thornax launcher is his only weapon, or does he use his shield as an offensive weapon, as well?
32. Do the Agori have any sort of writing system?
43. Already we have "baterra" as an old Skrall word--will we see any more hints of constructed languages (like we did in Mata Nui, with the prefixes for fire, ice, etc.)?
54. Along those lines, do we know if the names of villages and Agori mean anything, like they did in many older cultures? Or has Bara Magna come to a state where particular names no longer have any particular meaning, as in the modern American culture?
6Thanks very much, sir .
81) Actually, I think what I said is that it is canon, it just doesn't happen in story. 92) Yes -- in the first reader this year, they search for a book 103) I don't know, as I have very few approved words left on my lists to be able to use 114) I am sure they do have meanings
12I feel dumb for not thinking about the book when I asked about the writing system.
1Hola .
2I saw a quote that said the Red Star does not follow Mata Nui, and yet somehow it ends orbiting the planet Mata Nui is on. So I was wondering: if the Red Star were to become a part of Mata Nui while he traveled, would that count as following him?
3As a second question: what happened to the telescope? Is it just some odd part protruding off of Mata Nui's face now?
4Adios .
61) If you put your backpack on when you go to school, is your backpack "following" you? 72) I believe the telescope was shown collapsing in the "Mata Nui gets up" video last year, though I may be misremembering
1I saw a quote that said the Red Star does not follow Mata Nui, and yet somehow it ends orbiting the planet Mata Nui is on. So I was wondering: if the Red Star were to become a part of Mata Nui while he traveled, would that count as following him?
21) If you put your backpack on when you go to school, is your backpack "following" you?
3So, the Red Star is Mata Nui's intergalatic jetpack?
1I saw a quote that said the Red Star does not follow Mata Nui, and yet somehow it ends orbiting the planet Mata Nui is on. So I was wondering: if the Red Star were to become a part of Mata Nui while he traveled, would that count as following him?
21) If you put your backpack on when you go to school, is your backpack "following" you?
3So, the Red Star is Mata Nui's intergalatic jetpack?
4Now, now...he did not say that. He did not answer the question at all, but rather deflected it in a way that, unless you take more then half a moment to think on his answer, makes it seem like he might be answering in the positive. Odds are, this actually means that it is incorrect, but he would like for us to jump to conclusions and think that it is correct.
1Now, now...he did not say that. He did not answer the question at all, but rather deflected it in a way that, unless you take more then half a moment to think on his answer, makes it seem like he might be answering in the positive. Odds are, this actually means that it is incorrect, but he would like for us to jump to conclusions and think that it is correct.
2I was trying to be funny.
1good one (

1I think this is new?
2Hello again GregF. I have two question this time.
31. In the 4th chapter of Reign of shadows Teridax mentioned that he would beckon the red star and begin his journey. So my question is dose Teridax need the red ster to help move to different planets? 41a. If not is it used for scouting other planets and giving him the locations?
5Thank you for answering and I hope you have a great day.
61) Yes
2Hello again GregF. I have two question this time.
31. In the 4th chapter of Reign of shadows Teridax mentioned that he would beckon the red star and begin his journey. So my question is dose Teridax need the red ster to help move to different planets? 41a. If not is it used for scouting other planets and giving him the locations?
5Thank you for answering and I hope you have a great day.
61) Yes