1Dear Greg
21.What are the "Organic Birds" from 2001 the users talk about? Im fan since 2002 and don´t know, what they mean.
32.Will Matoro return to Life?
43.Will Mata Nui be like Matoro (will he help the Agori)?
5I would be glad, if you answere the questions (Excuse me for my english)
6I can answer these .

71. Native creatures from the Endless Ocean Planet. 82. No, I don't think so. No. 93. No, and he will help the Agori.
10There .
1Hello Greg. I have some questions for you.
21. What makes Scodonius a creep?
32. How old was Kiina when the EP war took place? Was she to young to participate in it?
43. Why does Ackar train Mata Nui if Mata Nui isn't even going to become a Glatorian?
54. If a battera was going to kill you and it shapshifted back into robot form, is it possible that you could catch it and disable it?
65. Do both riders of the Kaxium V3 set have names? If so, can you tell me them?
7Thank you for taking the time to answer these.
81) I can't discuss summer sets. Any info that is out on him now will be in the podcast. 92) No, she fought in the war too 103) Um, cause he doesn't want Mata Nui to end up dead? The desert is a dangerous place. 114) Sure. That's why it doesn't do that when you're looking. 125) See answer to #1 - sets don't come out for three more months, you don't need to know this now
13Just some questions that were bugging me.
13Now I'm thinking it's a being.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey . I have some Questions for you...
31: Why did the plans for 2010 change? 42: What were the orginal plans? 53: Will we learn about the Red Star this year?
61-2) Since this relates to future story, I cannot discuss it 73) We'll see, don't know yet
8Ok. I have a few more.
94: Are ther plans for Krahka to come back? 105: Is the Red Star a planet or just a star?
114) I won't rule it out, but not at the moment 125) Neither.
13Now I'm thinking it's a being.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey . I have some Questions for you...
31: Why did the plans for 2010 change? 42: What were the orginal plans? 53: Will we learn about the Red Star this year?
61-2) Since this relates to future story, I cannot discuss it 73) We'll see, don't know yet
8Ok. I have a few more.
94: Are ther plans for Krahka to come back? 105: Is the Red Star a planet or just a star?
114) I won't rule it out, but not at the moment 125) Neither.
13Now I'm thinking it's a being.
14It was built by the Great Beings and its interior is full of lifeforms. I think it's pretty clear that it's not a planet, a star, or a being.
1Mr. Farshtey, 2I'm not sure if you got the original version of this, because my Internet lost connection right after I sent it. So I'm sending it to you again, if it did get there, I'm sorry for sending you a second copy of the same questions.
31) Is this image canon?
42) Is it possible that since the crater looks so out of proportion compared to the blue moon, that that crater is where the ocean used to be?
53) Is the green moon where the Skrall were originally from?
64) Is it possible that we may visit either of the moons in the future?
75a) Can you see the Bara Magna from the EO... 8i) ... with a telescope? 9ii) ... without the aid of a telescope? 105b) If you cannot see Bara Magna at all, even with a telescope, can you confirm that the blue moon is not the EO?
116) Is the Red Star a giant piece of machinery, with the creatures inside powering it similar to the MU?
127) Are the Great Beings still living?
13Thanks Mr. Farshtey 14-K
151) Assuming that image makes it into the movie, yes, it is. 162) I really can't speak to this, as I did not do the animation. 173) Can't answer it 184) Don't think so 195) With a telescope, yes 206) I don't want to get into this now 217) Can't answer it
22Thanks, just a follow-up and some new questions![]()
235) If you can see it with a telescope, can I assume that the EO is within the same solar system as Bara Magna, but not a moon of it? It would make sense why it only took a few months for Mata Nui to reach Bara Magna, if they were orbiting the same star.
24New Ones:
258) Was the Red Star made by the Great Beings?
269) Are the inhabitants of the Red Star aware of a world outside of it?
2710) What would Matoran Language sound like? You said it would sound like programming language, but I'm not sure what that would sound like.
2811) Are there younger Glatorian than Gresh?
2912) Are Agori like Glatorian where they wear the colour armour of their tribe?
315) I think it is safe to say the MN telescope is not powerful enough to see out of the solar system, yes 328) Yes 339) No idea at this point 3410) We actually once did a web animation, way back when, in which the characters were heard talking in what sounded like metallic squeaks 3511) Yes 3612) Yes
37So right now I'm thinking that the Red Star is similar in design to the MU, with the creatures inside powering it.
38Also: I think Greg confirmed Bara Magna and the EOPlanet are in the same solar system. 39(more coming soon) 40-K
11) Is Mata-Nui's mission similar to the Baterra? To exterminate anyone from the EP war who still bear arms?
22) Are the beings in the Red Star in there againt their own will?
33) Do all the beings, aside from Rahi and Zyglak, have a purpose toward Mata-Nui's mission? 43a) Most beings? 53b) Anyone?
64) Is Mata-Nui's mission, or at least part of it, to observe planets for signs of war breaking out?
75) Did Mata-Nui have any way to communicate with the GB's when he was going around on his mission?
81) No. Mata Nui was not designed for whole scale murder. 92) No. That's their world, same as Mata Nui was the Matoran's world. 103) Even Rahi have a purpose, same as animals do in our world 114) No 125) He had no need to do so.
13I find number 2 quite interesting.
1I love the fact that I can PM GregF, but I can almost never think of some decent questions. See? Only two. And they're not that interesting either...
2Hello, sir. I hav two questions for you concerning Spherus Magna and the EP war:5Thanks a lot . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 3Would you agree on (nick)naming the EP War "The Magna War"? Probably not, but it sounds nice, don't you think?(Don't bother answering if you find this annoying.)
- 4Is there any hard evidence that specifically denies the possibility that any sapient species we don't know of inhabited Spherus Magna???
61) I already have a name for it, thanks 72) You can't prove a negative, T. What you need to ask is, is there any evidence that any sapient species other than ones we know of ever inhabited Spherus Magna -- and the answer is no, there is no evidence of any sapient species besides the Agori, Glatorian, and Great Beings that we know of at this time.
1So is Energized Protodermis War the real name of the war? It's sounds okay, nothing too special. 

11) Are the beings inside the red star "trapped" in there or is there a way to get out?
22) Is the equipment inside the red star similar to the stuff inside Mata Nui's "brain"?
33) Could the red star send more lightning bolts down and hit other Matoran, changing them to Toa if it wanted to? 43a) Could the lightning of the red star change any Matoran into a Toa no matter the situation or is it determined by the Matoran's destiny?
54) How recently have you known about what the red star is and what it is supposed to do? Was it planned from the beginning?
61) Get out to where? They're in outer space. They would die. 72) Unknown at present. 83) Doubtful. Why? Because the lightning can't reach inside of Mata Nui's robot body, and there are no Matoran outside of it. Remember, the Inika were OUTSIDE the universe when they got hit with the lightning. 93a) You can't become a Toa unless it is your destiny to do so 104) Yes, it was planned from the beginning
111) So you're saying that they are stuck in there?
123a) Say that the six Inika weren't destined to be Toa. Would that shock have killed them?
135) Was the lightning from the red star something that the red star was programed to do?
141) Well, the only alternatives are space flight and teleportation, and I have no reason to think they have either. Then again, weren't the Matoran "stuck" inside Mata Nui? 153A) In general, wearing lots of metal when you are hit by lightning is a bad thing 165) Can't answer it
171) So they can get out of the red star, just that if they do, they'll suffocate in space?
185) Yes, or fall to their deaths, same as anyone else would who climbed out of a satellite
1It was built by the Great Beings and its interior is full of lifeforms. I think it's pretty clear that it's not a planet, a star, or a being.
2Well, while I don't believe it's a being, I should point out that Mata Nui was built by the Great Beings and his interior was filled with lifeforms, yet he was a still a being. So it's possible, just not very plausible.
3Remember though, Greg did say a while ago that there could be more than one Great Spirit...

1Here is a few little things...
20that last one really excited me, I don't think this was known yet.
2Hi again Greg, I just had a couple of questions again.
31. in the commercials, Gresh separates his shield into two arm blades, is this ability considered canon? 41b. If so, will this move appear in storyline?
52. I'm not sure if I have already asked this before, if I have I apologize ahead of time. Can Hahli fly with her fin/wing things?
63. Now the Bara Magnians are mostly organic as apposed to the beings of the MU. Is the armor they have "worn" or is it mostly a sort of a carapace? 73b. Do they have skin or scales? 83c. Are there mechanical parts visible, or are they more like inside like a mechanical skeleton? 93d. Since they are mostly organic, is it safe to assume they follow most Biological laws? like they have muscle tissue, bones, nervous system, organs, blood, etc.
104. Will some of the winter characters continue play fairly important roles in the summer story? 11The reason I ask this is because I really want to see Gresh have a pretty good role in the movie and see him in some cool action.
12Thanks again for all your hard work in building an intricate and unique storyline .
131) It is canon, won't appear in story 142) No, fish have fins, they can't fly with them. 153) Worn 163b) Not something I have worried about, since they won't be shown without armor 173c) Inside, they're implants 183d) Again, not something I have spent a lot of time worrying about. 194) Gresh plays a significant role in the movie
20that last one really excited me, I don't think this was known yet.
1Good evening/ night/ I dunno it's 1 AM, Mr. Farshtey. 2I have a few more questions I would like to ask.
3Av-Matoran 41. Were there any plans to name the Av-Matoran masks?
5Sand Tribe 62. Are there Sand Tribe Agori and and Glatorian that aren't Vorox and Zesk?
7Speaking of Vorox and Zesk, did you find what had been previously written about them? If so, could you answer my questions from my last pm?
81. Are the Vorox and Zesk tails mutations gained after their regression or just a part of their armor? 92. Zesk are wearing armor, right?
10That's all I've got. 11Thank's in advance.
121) If there had been, we would have done it by now. 132) No 142) Zesk are wearing armor, yes
15I was just curious about the Av-Matoran masks. 16There are a lot of unnamed masks, but these are the only ones in set form.
11) Is the Red Star alive or sentient in any way? 22a) Is the Red Star working in favor of Mata Nui? 32b) If not, is it working against him? 43aI) Are the beings in the Red Star aware of what's going on in the MU? 53aII) If 1) is correct, is the Red Star? 63b) Are they aware of what's going on in Bara Magna?
7Thank you for your time .
81) No 93) No 103b) No
11This "like the MU" stuff is especially interesting, because of this info I asked Greg a while back... if it's not alive or sentient like Mata Nui, but it is similar to the MU, then I wonder what it could be and what its purpose is. (then again, that's what everyone is wondering, so...)
1Well, the beings live inside the Red Star, not on it.
1Are the beings in the Red Star Matoran?
2I can't answer this.
3I'm surprised I'm the first one to ask this.
4Oh, I am sure this was asked a couple of times in the past. It's been hinted that Matoran aren't the beings in the Red Star.![]()
5I think they would be pretty big to see from the outside.
6Not necessarily. We don't just what Gali saw, but it was a sign of life. We humans aren't big, but our night lights can be seen from space.
1Well, the beings live inside the Red Star, not on it.
2I know, but I think it would be hard to tell such small beings are lifeforms from that distance.
3Are the beings in the Red Star Matoran?
4I can't answer this.
5I'm surprised I'm the first one to ask this.
6Oh, I am sure this was asked a couple of times in the past. It's been hinted that Matoran aren't the beings in the Red Star.![]()
7I think they would be pretty big to see from the outside.
8Not necessarily. We don't just what Gali saw, but it was a sign of life. We humans aren't big, but our night lights can be seen from space.
9But you can't tell exactly what those lights are if you're an alien out in space.
1Hey GregF, I have three questions this time. I am aware that you read two of the questions through the message tracker, but I never got a response to those questions. So I'll just add them here again. 21. Was Mata Nui aware of the Barraki attempting to take over the Matoran Universe? 32. Was there any communication whatsoever between the Order of Mata Nui and Mata Nui before the Great Cataclysm? 43. It is believed that Mata Nui caused the Time Slip so that the Order of Mata Nui could move Av-Matoran around the various locations of the Matoran Universe. Did Mata Nui cause the Time Slip? 5Thanks a lot.
61) Yes 72) No 83) Can't answer this
9I needed this for clarification.
1Well, the beings live inside the Red Star, not on it.
2I know, but I think it would be hard to tell such small beings are lifeforms from that distance.
3Are the beings in the Red Star Matoran?
4I can't answer this.
5I'm surprised I'm the first one to ask this.
6Oh, I am sure this was asked a couple of times in the past. It's been hinted that Matoran aren't the beings in the Red Star.![]()
7I think they would be pretty big to see from the outside.
8Not necessarily. We don't just what Gali saw, but it was a sign of life. We humans aren't big, but our night lights can be seen from space.
9But you can't tell exactly what those lights are if you're an alien out in space.
10You can take a good guess. The lights avoid the poles, deserts, jungles and high mountains; and tend to be on the coasts. It's more likely they are caused by a relatively advanced species than anything else.
1Some new baterra info.
58This was obviously sent before we learned how to stop the baterra. The bit about them being on other planets is interesting.
21. The baterra don't seem to be a very effective doomsday weapon, since they seem to only be able to kill things one by one and they've taken so many years to accomplish their mission. Is there something to them that we're missing? 32. Is Surel the same species as the Glatorian? 43. Wouldn't it be hard for Gelu to find work, since quitting in the wake of the attack on Atero would seem pretty cowardly? Who'd hire a caravan guard that had a history of avoiding danger? 53a. I've heard Gelu thinks there's more profit to be made as a guard. Do you think so? 64. Are there sandstorms on Bara Magna? I don't recall ever hearing any references to one... 75. Is there a reason that the cyborg wolves, the baterra, and at least one Element Lord all hang out in the same region? 85a. Does it have anything to do with the fact that they were all made by the Great Beings? 96. We know the Great Beings are pretty detached from their creations on an emotional level. Do they view all lifeforms with a similar lack of respect? 106a. Do they regret releasing the baterra, on a moral level? 117. If the Great Beings can build things out of materials other than protodermis, why did they build Mata Nui and everything inside him out of protodermis? 128. Are the baterra confident enough that they feel they can "play" with the Skrall like we saw them do, or are they programmed to use psychological warfare to scare and intimidate their targets? 139. Are Agori who fight in the arena with vehicles technically called "Glatorian"? 149a. Do Glatorian on foot ever fight vehicles? 1510. If each village has two Glatorian and three or four trainees, what do all the other members of the Glatorian species do with their lives?
161) How do you know, C? Think about how big the armies likely were in that war, and how few veteran Glatorian we know about ... what happened to all the rest of the warriors? 172) Yes 183) Anyone who needs a caravan guard. No one sees him as avoiding danger -- there is more danger in escorting a wagon across the dunes and risking bone hunter attack than there is fighting a match against Ackar. 193a) Yes. A caravan guard can ask for a percentage of the goods as his payment. 204) Yes 215) The geography of the north is fairly limited, so if you are north of Bara Magna's desert, you are likely to be concentrated in a smallish area. 226) No 236a) They regret releasing them because they didn't get the job done in time. It was already too late by the time they made the decision to unleash them. 247) Because protodermis works better and is more durable. 258) The former. Logically, they know that of all the tribes, the Skrall are the least likely to figure out how to stop them. 269) No 279a) No 2810) See answer to #1. And there are some warriors who either by choice or by circumstance do not want to be Glatorian, and wind up bandits, etc.
291. How did they manage to kill on such a huge scale if their style is more keyed to individual assassinations? It seems like if their targets were in a large enough group (like, say, an army platoon), the baterra would be unable to sneak up. What is it about the baterra that make them better genocide machines than, say, a bomb? 303. Does anyone think any less of him for quitting the Glatorian business? 315. Sorry, I don't quite understand your response. Are the mountains everything north of the desert? 326. So the Great Beings have no qualms with committing genocide to serve their own purposes? 337. Does this mean that the wolves and baterra were made before protodermis was discovered? 348. Does this mean the baterra are machines with spirits in them, like Mata Nui?
35And a few new questions: 3611. Were the baterra built before the EP war, and released too late to stop it, or did the Great Beings only start building them as a response to the war and not finish them in time? 3712. When Spherus Magna shattered, its inhabitants were scattered to different places, one of them Bara Magna. We know the baterra were built to exterminate the soldiers in the EP war, which took place all across the planet. Is it possible that some of the baterra were scattered to planets other than Bara Magna after the Shattering? 3813. You recently compared the distance between Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean to the distance between Earth and Mars. Does this mean Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean are in roughly the same region of space? 3914. Has anyone ever taken down a baterra? 4015. Do the baterra know how to repair themselves? 4116. Was the EP war the only time the Great Beings ever considered using genocide to solve a problem? 4217. If the Great Beings discovered what happened to Mata Nui's body, would they be willing to slaughter the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe to shut him down, assuming Makuta knew how to stop them from exploiting any failsafes? 4318. Is Makuta actively planning to hunt Mata Nui down, or does he have more important things to plan?
441) Bombs kill innocent civilians. Baterra do not. And if you have, say, 200 baterra, all disappearing and reappearing, all picking the time and place for combat, you can do a lot of damage. 453) They would if he just quit and did nothing. But he is performing a needed service. 465) Yes. North of the desert is primarily mountains and valleys 476) How is it genocide? The baterra are not programmed to kill everyone of a species. They are programmed to kill armed combatants. Lay down your weapons, make peace with other factions, and the baterra stop bothering you. Insist on making war, and you die. That's not genocide. That's what we call a "peace-keeping force" in our world. 487) Or that the GBs simply were not working yet with protodermis at that time. Possibly they reserved proto for their work on the inner workings of Mata Nui. It's an artificial substance, maybe it was scarce or something. 498) Nope. No spirits, they're not living things. They're just machines with AI. 5011) The latter 5112) Yes 5213) I think that is reasonable to assume. As I told someone else today, you can see BM from the MN telescope, which you probably could not do were it not in the same solar system 5314) Yes 5415) No 5516) See my answer to #6. I do not see this as genocide, and would be curious to know why you do? To my way of thinking, police are allowed to kill someone with a gun who is shooting at them. Does that mean they are committing genocide because they are killing all humans with guns who are shooting at them? No, because they are not killing ALL members of the species regardless of their behavior, which is what genocide is. If the US Army wipes out the army of Uzbekistan in a war, is that genocide? Or is it one army destroying another army in combat? 5617) This is irrelevant, because they don't know. I have way too many questions to get to on here to answer hypotheticals. 5718) We'll see as the story rolls along
58This was obviously sent before we learned how to stop the baterra. The bit about them being on other planets is interesting.
1Hi Greg .
2I have yet another question about the Red Star, although I had hoped the previous one would be last... it raised more questions.
3A while back I asked if the beings in the Red Star knew what was going on in Bara Magna. I want to clarify: do they know about the EP war and the Shattering? Are they aware of anything outside of the Red Star at all?
4Thank you .
6The plot thickens... the Red Star beings seem as clueless as the Matoran. So who's controlling the Red Star, if not itself?
1Some new baterra info.
21. The baterra don't seem to be a very effective doomsday weapon, since they seem to only be able to kill things one by one and they've taken so many years to accomplish their mission. Is there something to them that we're missing? 32. Is Surel the same species as the Glatorian? 43. Wouldn't it be hard for Gelu to find work, since quitting in the wake of the attack on Atero would seem pretty cowardly? Who'd hire a caravan guard that had a history of avoiding danger? 53a. I've heard Gelu thinks there's more profit to be made as a guard. Do you think so? 64. Are there sandstorms on Bara Magna? I don't recall ever hearing any references to one... 75. Is there a reason that the cyborg wolves, the baterra, and at least one Element Lord all hang out in the same region? 85a. Does it have anything to do with the fact that they were all made by the Great Beings? 96. We know the Great Beings are pretty detached from their creations on an emotional level. Do they view all lifeforms with a similar lack of respect? 106a. Do they regret releasing the baterra, on a moral level? 117. If the Great Beings can build things out of materials other than protodermis, why did they build Mata Nui and everything inside him out of protodermis? 128. Are the baterra confident enough that they feel they can "play" with the Skrall like we saw them do, or are they programmed to use psychological warfare to scare and intimidate their targets? 139. Are Agori who fight in the arena with vehicles technically called "Glatorian"? 149a. Do Glatorian on foot ever fight vehicles? 1510. If each village has two Glatorian and three or four trainees, what do all the other members of the Glatorian species do with their lives?
161) How do you know, C? Think about how big the armies likely were in that war, and how few veteran Glatorian we know about ... what happened to all the rest of the warriors? 172) Yes 183) Anyone who needs a caravan guard. No one sees him as avoiding danger -- there is more danger in escorting a wagon across the dunes and risking bone hunter attack than there is fighting a match against Ackar. 193a) Yes. A caravan guard can ask for a percentage of the goods as his payment. 204) Yes 215) The geography of the north is fairly limited, so if you are north of Bara Magna's desert, you are likely to be concentrated in a smallish area. 226) No 236a) They regret releasing them because they didn't get the job done in time. It was already too late by the time they made the decision to unleash them. 247) Because protodermis works better and is more durable. 258) The former. Logically, they know that of all the tribes, the Skrall are the least likely to figure out how to stop them. 269) No 279a) No 2810) See answer to #1. And there are some warriors who either by choice or by circumstance do not want to be Glatorian, and wind up bandits, etc.
291. How did they manage to kill on such a huge scale if their style is more keyed to individual assassinations? It seems like if their targets were in a large enough group (like, say, an army platoon), the baterra would be unable to sneak up. What is it about the baterra that make them better genocide machines than, say, a bomb? 303. Does anyone think any less of him for quitting the Glatorian business? 315. Sorry, I don't quite understand your response. Are the mountains everything north of the desert? 326. So the Great Beings have no qualms with committing genocide to serve their own purposes? 337. Does this mean that the wolves and baterra were made before protodermis was discovered? 348. Does this mean the baterra are machines with spirits in them, like Mata Nui?
35And a few new questions: 3611. Were the baterra built before the EP war, and released too late to stop it, or did the Great Beings only start building them as a response to the war and not finish them in time? 3712. When Spherus Magna shattered, its inhabitants were scattered to different places, one of them Bara Magna. We know the baterra were built to exterminate the soldiers in the EP war, which took place all across the planet. Is it possible that some of the baterra were scattered to planets other than Bara Magna after the Shattering? 3813. You recently compared the distance between Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean to the distance between Earth and Mars. Does this mean Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean are in roughly the same region of space? 3914. Has anyone ever taken down a baterra? 4015. Do the baterra know how to repair themselves? 4116. Was the EP war the only time the Great Beings ever considered using genocide to solve a problem? 4217. If the Great Beings discovered what happened to Mata Nui's body, would they be willing to slaughter the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe to shut him down, assuming Makuta knew how to stop them from exploiting any failsafes? 4318. Is Makuta actively planning to hunt Mata Nui down, or does he have more important things to plan?
441) Bombs kill innocent civilians. Baterra do not. And if you have, say, 200 baterra, all disappearing and reappearing, all picking the time and place for combat, you can do a lot of damage. 453) They would if he just quit and did nothing. But he is performing a needed service. 465) Yes. North of the desert is primarily mountains and valleys 476) How is it genocide? The baterra are not programmed to kill everyone of a species. They are programmed to kill armed combatants. Lay down your weapons, make peace with other factions, and the baterra stop bothering you. Insist on making war, and you die. That's not genocide. That's what we call a "peace-keeping force" in our world. 487) Or that the GBs simply were not working yet with protodermis at that time. Possibly they reserved proto for their work on the inner workings of Mata Nui. It's an artificial substance, maybe it was scarce or something. 498) Nope. No spirits, they're not living things. They're just machines with AI. 5011) The latter 5112) Yes 5213) I think that is reasonable to assume. As I told someone else today, you can see BM from the MN telescope, which you probably could not do were it not in the same solar system 5314) Yes 5415) No 5516) See my answer to #6. I do not see this as genocide, and would be curious to know why you do? To my way of thinking, police are allowed to kill someone with a gun who is shooting at them. Does that mean they are committing genocide because they are killing all humans with guns who are shooting at them? No, because they are not killing ALL members of the species regardless of their behavior, which is what genocide is. If the US Army wipes out the army of Uzbekistan in a war, is that genocide? Or is it one army destroying another army in combat? 5617) This is irrelevant, because they don't know. I have way too many questions to get to on here to answer hypotheticals. 5718) We'll see as the story rolls along
58This was obviously sent before we learned how to stop the baterra. The bit about them being on other planets is interesting.
59So could the Battera technically be considered the Great Beings' army in the war?
1Some interesting stuff about Kongu.
2Just one quick question before I get into this, how did Kongu know that Matoro would be the destine bearer of the mask?
3I'd have to go back and read the books again, that was two years ago and I really don't remember what I had in mind at the time.
4I believe it was mentioned in Makuta's guide. I'm not sure, I haven't gotten it yet. I've read somethings from some members. Anyways, main event time.
5It has been said that Jaller and Hahli were the most effected of the Mahri by Matoro's death. I don't think this necessarily true anymore. I really think the one most effected by this was actually Kongu. There are two reasons I believe this:
61) It has been said in Makuta's guide that Kongu knew Matoro was the destined guardian and the destined bearer.
72) Kongu, according to the guide, threatened Kopeke to not write anything bad about Matoro.
8With Kongu's knowledge, he would have been torn about knowing that Matoro would die and not be able to do anything about it. In fact, I think he was. This has proof in the fact that Kongu threatened Kopeke. Toa shouldn't threaten Matoran. Kongu probably wouldn't have done this otherwise.
9I'm not sure, what do you think?
10Kongu's grief is mentioned in the Makuta Guide, but I don't see a reference to him knowing Matoro was the destined bearer, though I vaguely recall something like that being mentioned somewhere.
11But I am not sure what your theory is -- it's not a contest to see who grieves the most over a loss of friend. How do you measure if Kongu is most affected or Jaller is most affected, and why would you want to bother?
12That's not exactly what I'm trying to get at. I think I'm really getting at Kongu's unseen character growth. Before, I wouldn't think he would have threatened any Matoran like he did Kopeke, but now...
13Has Matoro's death enraged him more than anything, or is it something else?
14And what bad thing was Kopeke going to write about Matoro, or was Kongu preemptive striking?
152) Well, let's put it this way. Let's say you have a friend, and your friend dies (God forbid) ... how would you feel about someone maybe writing something bad about him? Wouldn't it make you angry? It would me, even if it wasn't my best friend. "Don't speak ill of the dead" is still a maxim most people believe in following when they can. 163) Preemptive striking. Kopeke is not the nicest of people, so it was reasonable for Kongu to worry a little.
1Possibly some new stuff here.
2Hi Greg.
31. Why didn't the Great beings make the Baterra sentient and non-robotic lifeforms? Is it due to the possibility of them going against their creators, and wrecking havoc? or that the robotic versions are minded into one goal like rahkshi if under the control of a makuta and obey the great beings completely?
42. I heard someone took down a Baterra, who was it? Will they be revealed in the story later?
53. Why exactly were the great beings unable to shut down the Baterra? Did the Baterra react to this violently?
64. I heard in the OGD that the red star is like a satellite, so does this mean that the beings inside it operate the red star and assist Mata Nui for traveling through the universe?
7Thanks in advance.
81) Because there simply wasn't time. They were reacting to a crisis and racing the clock. 92) I am not going to discuss who it was, that gets dealt with later. 103) Because the shutdown device didn't work 114) Follow the story and find out
2Hi Greg.
31. Why didn't the Great beings make the Baterra sentient and non-robotic lifeforms? Is it due to the possibility of them going against their creators, and wrecking havoc? or that the robotic versions are minded into one goal like rahkshi if under the control of a makuta and obey the great beings completely?
42. I heard someone took down a Baterra, who was it? Will they be revealed in the story later?
53. Why exactly were the great beings unable to shut down the Baterra? Did the Baterra react to this violently?
64. I heard in the OGD that the red star is like a satellite, so does this mean that the beings inside it operate the red star and assist Mata Nui for traveling through the universe?
7Thanks in advance.
81) Because there simply wasn't time. They were reacting to a crisis and racing the clock. 92) I am not going to discuss who it was, that gets dealt with later. 103) Because the shutdown device didn't work 114) Follow the story and find out
1Not great stuff, just some things that were on the top of my mind:
121) Yeah, I kinda figured it out 132) Wow... my thinking is reasonable
. 143) Oh, well, I think that without counting the stinger tails the answer could be yes... 154) Another home run . 164a) Oh, well, I don't think it is important by now... considering they're all dead and the two remaining can't shapeshift anymore.
21) Most Glatorian that work for a determined tribe used to be memers of that determined army in the war on Spherus Magna, correct (for example, Tarix is a Glatorian in Tajun, so he fought in the water army on the war)? 32) Glatorian (the species) are not elemental, so if they would all take off their armour, they would all look the same, right? 43) If yes to 2, if for example Gresh took off his armour and killed a Vorox in the desert previously, could he put on the Vorox's armour and be easily mistaken by a Vorox? (In physicall appearance I mean) 54) Do the Makuta (species) have a "default" form? 64a) Is it Makuta Teridax's "Shadow Titan" form? (The Makuta 2003 set)
71) Reasonable to assume that, yes 82) Also reasonable to assume that 93) Probably not, because the stinger tail is a part of them, not their armor 104) I would assume so 114a) Hasn't been identified what it is in story
121) Yeah, I kinda figured it out 132) Wow... my thinking is reasonable

1I have a few qs about pevious pm answers.
21) I asked you if the rest of the Hagah had masks shaped differently than they should be (Norik : Pehkui=/=Kiril, but it was carved that way) and in a #b, i asked you if it was at least possible, and you said yes, did you mean yes, it is possible or yes, they do?
32)I dont get why you cant tell us what color is Tobduk, when you can tell us the colors of other people, like Johmak, Kahrzani (Dark Destiny) Tridax, or miserix in Destiny War?
4And i just want to know a few things about BM
53) How tall are Bone Hunters?
64)Is there any lmitations to baterra shapeshifting?
75)Would a Baterra attack anyone with only a shield?
86)What if the baterra where loooking at some agori mining exidian, would they attack them if they were using sharp tools?
97)How many of the Glatorian we know have won the great tournament?
10thats all thanks in advance.
111) Yes, they do 122) Because I choose not to. 133) Easiest answer to this is take the bone hunter set and compare size of it to a Glatorian set. A Glatorian set is roughly 6-7 feet tall. 144) Yes 155) Probably, yes. You don't need a shield if you aren't planning to get into a fight. 166) If they are in the process of mining, they are obviously not making war, so no. 177) Vastus, Ackar, Tarix and Certavus
181)Interesting 192)Too bad 203).... 214)Even more interesting 225)Or youre using it as a sled... 236)So... 247)Intresting
25not much, but really interesting
1Hi Greg .
2A while ago, I asked if the Red Star was the thing that made important things happen, and you said "No - you're thinking too big." I couldn't help but shake the thought that I was on to something, but I had guessed that it had a job larger than it really was. So now my new question is: is it a backup? So, just in case some crazy Makuta knocks Mata Nui out and now six Toa Inika are needed to find the Mask of Life, there was something there to give them the proper zap?
3Thanks .
4No. A major hint was given to the red star's function in the last ROS chapter
5Ooh. That tidbit in the last chapter was more significant than I thought...
1The hint revealed that the Red Star has something to do with Mata Nui's transportation. 

1Whatever the case, it's the Official Red Star Topic you're looking for.
1Some interesting stuff about Kongu.
2Just one quick question before I get into this, how did Kongu know that Matoro would be the destine bearer of the mask?
3I'd have to go back and read the books again, that was two years ago and I really don't remember what I had in mind at the time.
4I believe it was mentioned in Makuta's guide. I'm not sure, I haven't gotten it yet. I've read somethings from some members. Anyways, main event time.
5It has been said that Jaller and Hahli were the most effected of the Mahri by Matoro's death. I don't think this necessarily true anymore. I really think the one most effected by this was actually Kongu. There are two reasons I believe this:
61) It has been said in Makuta's guide that Kongu knew Matoro was the destined guardian and the destined bearer.
72) Kongu, according to the guide, threatened Kopeke to not write anything bad about Matoro.
8With Kongu's knowledge, he would have been torn about knowing that Matoro would die and not be able to do anything about it. In fact, I think he was. This has proof in the fact that Kongu threatened Kopeke. Toa shouldn't threaten Matoran. Kongu probably wouldn't have done this otherwise.
9I'm not sure, what do you think?
10Kongu's grief is mentioned in the Makuta Guide, but I don't see a reference to him knowing Matoro was the destined bearer, though I vaguely recall something like that being mentioned somewhere.
11But I am not sure what your theory is -- it's not a contest to see who grieves the most over a loss of friend. How do you measure if Kongu is most affected or Jaller is most affected, and why would you want to bother?
12That's not exactly what I'm trying to get at. I think I'm really getting at Kongu's unseen character growth. Before, I wouldn't think he would have threatened any Matoran like he did Kopeke, but now...
13Has Matoro's death enraged him more than anything, or is it something else?
14And what bad thing was Kopeke going to write about Matoro, or was Kongu preemptive striking?
152) Well, let's put it this way. Let's say you have a friend, and your friend dies (God forbid) ... how would you feel about someone maybe writing something bad about him? Wouldn't it make you angry? It would me, even if it wasn't my best friend. "Don't speak ill of the dead" is still a maxim most people believe in following when they can. 163) Preemptive striking. Kopeke is not the nicest of people, so it was reasonable for Kongu to worry a little.
17He read the Ignika's mind in the battle against Vezon, remember?