1I think this is new?
2Hello again GregF. I have two question this time.
31. In the 4th chapter of Reign of shadows Teridax mentioned that he would beckon the red star and begin his journey. So my question is dose Teridax need the red ster to help move to different planets? 41a. If not is it used for scouting other planets and giving him the locations?
5Thank you for answering and I hope you have a great day.
61) Yes
7Maybe that's the major hint in RoS4 that Greg said.
1I hope this means I finally got the Red Star purpose...:
2Thanks for replying so quickly .
31) I meant, it looks like the Red Star function is to guide or let Mata Nui locate himself in space (kinda like a GPS). So in case of malfunction, one of the things that the Toa Nuva had to do was to list the location of the Red Star so Mata Nui could know it. Am I in the right way?
4Thanks again, 5![]()
61) Nope. But I will give you the same hint I gave others -- what helps the space shuttle lift off and escape the pull of gravity?
7So let me see, the Red Star serves as an Orbital manouvering System to Mata Nui?
8No. An orbital maneuvering system works when you're in orbit -- not for lift-off.
9Well, then it can only be two things, and one wouldn't make any sense, however, as BIONICLE is fiction...
10Is the Red Star the reason that Mata Nui can travel through space? Like some kind of propulsion system?
11Thanks again, 12
13You're getting extremely warm ...
14I think I finally got it: The Red Star provides to Mata Nui the energy needed so he can propulse to and through the space. Is it that?
15Thanks a lot for your time.
16Okay, think device that helps the space shuttle take off, and has the initials b. r. --
18Uhm, the only thing that seems to concord with this seems to be... The Red Star boosts Mata Nui through space, and the Star goes always in front while travelling. Is it that way?
19Thanks a very lot for yoyr time Greg.
20No. Go back and read my last hint again. What device has the initials b.r., and helps the space shuttle attain escape velocity?
21Well, let me see this then. The Red Star provides an extra boost to Mata Nui while he leaves the planet, acting as the Rokcet Booster of the shuttle? (I'm really having a hard time finding something with those initials.)
22Ding ding ding ding ding ... go the head of the class.
1Well, the new RS info is spectacular.
1Guys, can you discuss the red star in the Official Red Star Topic?
1WOAH . Thats spectacular information . Now we know the true purpose of the Red Star...but is there more?
1Well, let me see this then. The Red Star provides an extra boost to Mata Nui while he leaves the planet, acting as the Rokcet Booster of the shuttle? (I'm really having a hard time finding something with those initials.)
2Ding ding ding ding ding ... go the head of the class.
3Did the lightning sent by the red star that transformed the Inika have anything to do with this "extra boost"?
3Just thought I'd add this1Dear Greg in the first reader for this year there is a page in which it shows a page of Cervetus's Book and it is written in Matoran and Berix could read it, was this merely artistic license?
2Yes. The only BIONICLE language the artist knew was Matoran, so that was what he used. By the time he came and asked me about it, it was too late to change it
1Hello again Greg . Just a few questions:
21)Some time ago, you said there was a #2 Glatorian who once won the The Great Tournament. 31a)Is this someone that we know of? If so, can you tell who he is? 42)Gresh is still new to being a #2 Glatorian, correct? 53)Is a Bone Hunter riding a Rock Steed capable of defeating a Skrall himself? 64)There aren't many Glatorians on Bara Magna, correct? 74a)If so, were they killed by the baterra?
8That's all thanks in advance .
91) It was the Tesara #2 prior to Gresh, who has since died 102) Fairly new, yes 113) Unknown, the bone hunters have not raided Roxtus 124) Correct 134a) Some were, prior to the Shattering, many more simply died in the war
14Now we know how Gresh became #2.

15And someone should edit BS01
11) Has the red star been physically connected to Mata Nui before?
21a) If it has, was it connected on the outside or the inside?
32) If Mata Nui can change someone/something's fate, Can he control what they will become when they come into contact with EP?
43) Do the GB's have anything to do with the implants that are in the Glatorians?
54) Could Tuyet use the Nui Stone to turn a Toa into a Turaga(by taking all their Toa Power)?
61) Yes 72) Outside 83) To the extent that the original tech came from them, yes 94) No. You can't turn into a Turaga unless you complete your destiny and CHOOSE to give up your Toa power.
10For some reason, I didn't get the answer for number 2.
21a) If it has, was it connected on the outside or the inside?
32) If Mata Nui can change someone/something's fate, Can he control what they will become when they come into contact with EP?
43) Do the GB's have anything to do with the implants that are in the Glatorians?
54) Could Tuyet use the Nui Stone to turn a Toa into a Turaga(by taking all their Toa Power)?
61) Yes 72) Outside 83) To the extent that the original tech came from them, yes 94) No. You can't turn into a Turaga unless you complete your destiny and CHOOSE to give up your Toa power.
10For some reason, I didn't get the answer for number 2.
11) So, if the Red Star is Mata Nui's "rocket booster", yet doesn't follow him, does it mean the RS attaches to Mata Nui at some point after the take off? 22) Is the lightning that created the Toa Inika related to the take off procedures? 33) Strentching perhaps a little too far the space shuttle analogy, were the craft and the rocket boosters are vastly different things, does this mean the RS beings aren't Matoran? 44) Ignika made its Toa body from algae/bacterias but had to use sand for Mata Nui's, right?
51) Yes 62) No 73) Not prepared to discuss that yet 84) Sand and whatever microscopic organisms might be living in that sand
21. First of all, can you tell me exactly what Mata Nui's mission is, or are you going to make this difficult for me? tongue.gif 32. Does Mata Nui have multiple missions? 43. On a scale of 1 to 10, how specifically is Mata Nui looking when he lands on a planet to observe? 1 meaning he's just kinda looking around, 10 meaning he's looking for a very specific artifact 54. When he crashed on the EOP, was he intentionally heading there, or was he trying to go somewhere else? 65. If he had landed on the EOP under normal circumstances (i.e. not crashing and not being taken over by a certain Makuta), would he have had any use for that planet? 76. Would he have any use to land on Bara Magna or its moons? 87. Will it benefit Mata Nui's mission at all to be on Bara Magna personally? 98. Can Mata Nui's mission be completed, or is it an ongoing thing? 108a. If it can be completed, what will happen to Mata Nui when it is? Will the Great Beings have to destroy him? 119. Can his mission be completed in Mask of Life form, or does he have to get back to his body? 1210. How do the Matoran working in Metru Nui help him? Are they doing something specifically that benefits him, or is it the mere fact that they are working?
131) No, I can't tell you what it is, that's future story 142) No 153) He is not looking for something specific. 164) He was not heading there, no 175) He would have observed it as he had others before it 186) Same answer -- he is gathering knowledge. Knowledge can be found in many places. 197) Time will tell 208) Yes, it can be completed 218a) I can't answer this, relates to future story 229) No, it cannot be completed in his current form (trapped inside a mask) 2310) The same way that the cells of your brain which work inside your head help you
24I thought I had it down... But unfortunately he wasn't able to tell me anything I didn't already know.
1Is Mata Nui's sword/shield (which is it, exactly? There are conflicting sources...) so special because it is alive, or at the very least once was? If that's the case, did he make it from a scarab?
2He has a sword and a shield in the movie -- but only the shield comes with the set. And since your question relates to movie plot, I can't answer it.

1Were is this Sword that Mata Nui claims to have in DoD ? Is it that weapon that comes with the set ?
2I don't know what comes with the titan set, as I have not seen it. The sword he refers to he gets in the movie.
3Does he get early in the movie or latter in the movie?
4Can't discuss movie plot 5ok. If Mata Nui has yellow eyes then why does his new body have blue eyes.
6Oh, good an easy one --
7Mata Nui's yellow eyes belong to his 40 million foot high robot body. What the Mask of Life makes for him is not a robot body or in any way his original body, so why would it have to have yellow eyes? Your eye color is not dictated by your mind or spirit, and that is all that there is of Mata Nui in the Ignika.
2I don't know what comes with the titan set, as I have not seen it. The sword he refers to he gets in the movie.
3Does he get early in the movie or latter in the movie?
4Can't discuss movie plot 5ok. If Mata Nui has yellow eyes then why does his new body have blue eyes.
6Oh, good an easy one --
7Mata Nui's yellow eyes belong to his 40 million foot high robot body. What the Mask of Life makes for him is not a robot body or in any way his original body, so why would it have to have yellow eyes? Your eye color is not dictated by your mind or spirit, and that is all that there is of Mata Nui in the Ignika.
1Is Mata Nui's sword/shield (which is it, exactly? There are conflicting sources...) so special because it is alive, or at the very least once was? If that's the case, did he make it from a scarab?
2He has a sword and a shield in the movie -- but only the shield comes with the set. And since your question relates to movie plot, I can't answer it.
5Yeah, I asked to:
6In the magazine, it calls Mata-Nui's shield the "Scarab Shield". Is it because Mata-Nui turned a Scarab into a shield?
8Can't discuss future storyline

1Well, let me see this then. The Red Star provides an extra boost to Mata Nui while he leaves the planet, acting as the Rokcet Booster of the shuttle? (I'm really having a hard time finding something with those initials.)
2Ding ding ding ding ding ... go the head of the class.
3Did the lightning sent by the red star that transformed the Inika have anything to do with this "extra boost"?
6And some of the mystery remains. Maybe the energy came from a sudden discharge of the Red Stars INTERNAL energies?
1Here is some stuf about Hydraxon:
2Hi. 3I heard that there will be a Graphic Novel about Hydraxon. Will it be about the original Hydraxon or the new one?
4Thank You for Your time.
5It's not a graphic novel about Hydraxon -- it's a 10 page story inside a graphic novel that includes all the 2007 comics. And it's set after Matoro's death, so it's the new one.
1Here is some stuf about Hydraxon:
2Hi. 3I heard that there will be a Graphic Novel about Hydraxon. Will it be about the original Hydraxon or the new one?
4Thank You for Your time.
5It's not a graphic novel about Hydraxon -- it's a 10 page story inside a graphic novel that includes all the 2007 comics. And it's set after Matoro's death, so it's the new one.
6I think that was known for a while. The comic will probably be about Hydraxon forming an alliance with Lesovikk.
1Here is some stuf about Hydraxon:
2Hi. 3I heard that there will be a Graphic Novel about Hydraxon. Will it be about the original Hydraxon or the new one?
4Thank You for Your time.
5It's not a graphic novel about Hydraxon -- it's a 10 page story inside a graphic novel that includes all the 2007 comics. And it's set after Matoro's death, so it's the new one.
6I think that was known for a while. The comic will probably be about Hydraxon forming an alliance with Lesovikk.
7Greg said Lesovikk isn't in it, but Pridak is.
1Hi GregI saw a post on another site in which a member said he or she got the new brickmaster early and in it were two new pic's of The Legend Reborn and in both of them Mata Nui had a beetle on his shoulder so if that is correct my question is does Mata Nui get a pet beetle when he arrives on Bara Magna? oh and one more question can you confirm that Mata Nui's weapon is called the "scarab shield"? 2Thats all for now and thanks for your time
31) I can't discuss future storyline 42) His shield is, yes, which comes with the set, but he also has a sword in the movie.
1Hi GregI saw a post on another site in which a member said he or she got the new brickmaster early and in it were two new pic's of The Legend Reborn and in both of them Mata Nui had a beetle on his shoulder so if that is correct my question is does Mata Nui get a pet beetle when he arrives on Bara Magna? oh and one more question can you confirm that Mata Nui's weapon is called the "scarab shield"? 2Thats all for now and thanks for your time
31) I can't discuss future storyline 42) His shield is, yes, which comes with the set, but he also has a sword in the movie.
5I'm suprised Greg can't talk about something as trivial in the Movie as Mata Nui befriending a beetle.
6Maybe it'll be his sidekick.

1Lol... the Great Spirit with a pet bug.
1Oohh, me got good Element Lord stuff.
13So the Element Lords must have been like the baterra in that they got out of control, so the GBs trapped them somewhere. Maybe the two moons? 14And why did the GBs make them in the first place?

2Hey Greg, some questions.
31) Which happens first - The Crossing or Riddle of the Great Beings? 42) In Ch. 4 of Riddle, Crotesius says that the Element Lord of Fire saved them. Does this mean there are six Element Lords, just like there are 6 Toa Mata? 53) And am I right in assuming the avalanche was caused by the Element Lord of Ice? 64) And did the Great Beings take the idea of elemental powers for the Toa from the Element Lords?
7Thanks, 8
91) Riddle of the Great Beings happens first 102) Where does it suggest there would be as many as six, or only six? All that's been identified thus far is two 113) Yes 124) Yup ... but the GBs also created the Element Lords (that's your scoop for the day)
13So the Element Lords must have been like the baterra in that they got out of control, so the GBs trapped them somewhere. Maybe the two moons? 14And why did the GBs make them in the first place?

1The GBs created the Els? That's new, isn't it?
1Oohh, me got good Element Lord stuff. 2Hey Greg, some questions.
31) Which happens first - The Crossing or Riddle of the Great Beings? 42) In Ch. 4 of Riddle, Crotesius says that the Element Lord of Fire saved them. Does this mean there are six Element Lords, just like there are 6 Toa Mata? 53) And am I right in assuming the avalanche was caused by the Element Lord of Ice? 64) And did the Great Beings take the idea of elemental powers for the Toa from the Element Lords?
7Thanks, 8
91) Riddle of the Great Beings happens first 102) Where does it suggest there would be as many as six, or only six? All that's been identified thus far is two 113) Yes 124) Yup ... but the GBs also created the Element Lords (that's your scoop for the day)
13So the Element Lords must have been like the baterra in that they got out of control, so the GBs trapped them somewhere. Maybe the two moons? 14And why did the GBs make them in the first place?
16Wow . the GBs made the ELs, didn't see that coming.
1Hi Greg![]()
21) will Mata Nui's sword get a name in the movie?
32) I noticed that the third weapon to the right (on the wall next to Gresh) in This Image of The training center in SoC looks a lot like Toa Mata Nui's Scarab sheild is this just a coincedence (sp?) or is this were Mata Nui get's his sheild?
4He has a sword and a shield in the movie53) So does Mata Nui ditch his thornax launcher?
6Questions on the EP war
71) Was any sort of artilliry used in the Ep war?
82) Since no one can beat a Skrall in a match wouldent the Ep war of been pretty much one sided or were things diffrent back then?
93) what were the Agori doing during the war? were they soldiers?
10and one question on Toa would it be possible to have a Toa with wood as an element or would wood go under a Toa of Plant life's controll?
11thats all for now and thanks for your time
121) No 132) No 143) I don't recall if he uses the launcher in the movie or not
151) No, not really 162) Ah, but we have seen Vorox beat Skrall in the wilds. In a match, you have rules you have to follow which governs how the fight goes -- you can't really do an ambush in an arena, for one thing. 173) Support staff, mainly 184) Plant Life, that's what it is
1Hey Greg, how you doing? I have a couple of Q's, hope you can answer them.
21) You mentioned that Mata Nui has a sword in the movie, was this the movie makers decision, yours, or did it come in the prototype set?
32) When GB's created the Element Lords, did the GBs expect them to go to war with one another?
43) A couple months ago, you said Gresh is a bit different in the movie than he is early in the year. What caused this, or in what way did he change?
61) Mine. I wrote it into the original screen treatment. 72) No 83) His mood is lighter in the movie. Gresh, because he is young and relatively inexperienced, tends to try and act very grim and serious all the time, and Kiina has been after him to lighten up, which he does (somewhat) in the film.
11) I'm going to go ahead and ask/suggest, when a Match is settled for a battle between two villages, do they go to one of those villages to do battle, or always to a neutral battle spot? I ask simply because I figure it would be more safe to have them travel to a neutral area rather than their rival's, who might simply assault you if you were to win (IE, if someone were to beat Tarix in Tajun, they would be either heckled or so forth since they have lost (with the sole exception being Skrall, of course.)) 21) It is normally held in one of the two villages involved. Heckling is certainly an option, but that is far from an assault. Any physical violence by villagers against another village's Glatorian would be a violation of the social system and most likely provoke a war neither side could afford
32) I'm also under the impression that they do one-on-one battle. Is this the exact system, or could more than two tribes stake claim in a resource and have a three-way dance for it, or will this never officially pop up in canon, so you don't have to worry about it? 42) It is possible for that to happen, yes. In that case, you have two Glatorian fight, and a third fight the winner of that match.
53) What happens if all six tribes were to claim a resource, would it be split evenly, or would a tournament be settled? Let's say it's the most beautiful spring water they could find or something. 63) It would have to be settled by matches. If they could agree on things like sharing resources, they wouldn't need Glatorian to start with
74) Concerning Primary vs Secondary Glatorian, is this system due to in case of Glatorian injury, or multiple claims in resources, or is it simply a system BS01/BZP has come up with? (I'm not sure where it originated, but when we began the Bara Magna navigation template, they had it installed, so I went with it. I'm hoping it's from a PM you answered.) 84) No, originated with me. It exists in case of injury to or fatigue of the Prime Glatorian. If you only have one good Glatorian, he/she is going to get worn out pretty quick, so you really need two, and no village can afford more than a Prime and Second (except the Skrall, who do not pay their Glatorian)
95) Can we officially get a name of the species the Glatorian are from, or is this something answered in a future storyline 10ot something you need to be concerned with? We're looking for the official term since we hate mistakingly identifying Surel as a Glatorian, when he was not. 115) No name exists for the species. I have a grand total of maybe two names left on the approved name list, neither of which makes sense as a species name, so I am not going to name the species.
12Well, now we know why Glatorian don't have a species name. -Swert
1Me: 2Good evening Mr. Farshtey. 3I have some more questions I wish to ask.
41. You told another member that Pohatu Nuva's adaptive armor would be orange in normal form. 5Would Lewa's be lime green then? Would Tahu's be burgundy? 62. If the Toa Nuva chose to, could they keep their armor in a certain form? 7Example: Let's say Gali enjoyed being able to fly around. Could she keep her armor as it was in Karda Nui? 83a. Will Gelu be replaced? 93b. If so, will we meet his replacement? In a serial maybe? 104. So, the male Skrall, for the most part, stay as far away from the females as they can, right? 11Is that because the females do not/are not allowed to fight? 125. What sort of things would we see in the villages? 136. Do any of the Glatorian we've met have implants? 147. Do you have a schedule you keep for writing serials? 15Example: One week you'll write the blog serial. The next week, you'll write the audio serial.
16Thanks in advance. 17Greg: 181) Yes, because if they appear again in comic, it would be based off the most recent sets, since the current artist has no access to 2002 sets 192) No, the armor works automatically, the Toa do not control it 203a) Eventually3b) Not happening this year 214) I don't want to discuss the females yet, I am saving that for later this year 225) Not sure I understand your question 236) I am sure most do 247) I do them in the order of EOS, ROS, and then ROTGB
25My comments:
28Okay, that's kind of cute.
33I had asked him that, but he didn't answer as extravagantly to me. 34I wonder what those names are?
41. You told another member that Pohatu Nuva's adaptive armor would be orange in normal form. 5Would Lewa's be lime green then? Would Tahu's be burgundy? 62. If the Toa Nuva chose to, could they keep their armor in a certain form? 7Example: Let's say Gali enjoyed being able to fly around. Could she keep her armor as it was in Karda Nui? 83a. Will Gelu be replaced? 93b. If so, will we meet his replacement? In a serial maybe? 104. So, the male Skrall, for the most part, stay as far away from the females as they can, right? 11Is that because the females do not/are not allowed to fight? 125. What sort of things would we see in the villages? 136. Do any of the Glatorian we've met have implants? 147. Do you have a schedule you keep for writing serials? 15Example: One week you'll write the blog serial. The next week, you'll write the audio serial.
16Thanks in advance. 17Greg: 181) Yes, because if they appear again in comic, it would be based off the most recent sets, since the current artist has no access to 2002 sets 192) No, the armor works automatically, the Toa do not control it 203a) Eventually3b) Not happening this year 214) I don't want to discuss the females yet, I am saving that for later this year 225) Not sure I understand your question 236) I am sure most do 247) I do them in the order of EOS, ROS, and then ROTGB
25My comments:
263) A couple months ago, you said Gresh is a bit different in the movie than he is early in the year. What caused this, or in what way did he change?
273) His mood is lighter in the movie. Gresh, because he is young and relatively inexperienced, tends to try and act very grim and serious all the time, and Kiina has been after him to lighten up, which he does (somewhat) in the film.
28Okay, that's kind of cute.
295) Can we officially get a name of the species the Glatorian are from, or is this something answered in a future storyline 30ot something you need to be concerned with? We're looking for the official term since we hate mistakingly identifying Surel as a Glatorian, when he was not. 315) No name exists for the species. I have a grand total of maybe two names left on the approved name list, neither of which makes sense as a species name, so I am not going to name the species.
32Well, now we know why Glatorian don't have a species name. -Swert
33I had asked him that, but he didn't answer as extravagantly to me. 34I wonder what those names are?
1Two days old, but still good. 

2Just a few things I've been wondering recently.![]()
31) Does the Red Star literally attach to Mata Nui and carry him off the planet?
42) Does the Red Star have other intended functions related to the Matoran Universe?
51. Is this the order of these events? Creation of the Iron Wolves, discovery of EP, EP War begins, creation of regular Protodermis, beginning of the Matoran Universe, creation of the baterra, completion of Mata Nui, the Shattering.
61) The only thing I would alter is that we don't know that regular proto was not discovered until that late. They may have discovered it earlier and just not been working with it.
73) I thought Protodermis (non-energised) was created, not discovered. Can you clarify this please?![]()
84) Regular Protodermis was definitely created after the discovery of EP, correct?
95) Are you able to say what the first project created by the Great Beings which used regular Protodermis was?
106) If the villagers of Bara Magna ask Mata Nui for help to fight the Skrall and whatnot, would he accept easily, or would he take some time to assess the situation more thoroughly?
117) Did the Great Beings ever anticipate a situation where Mata Nui (as in his mind, not body) would object to his mission for some reason and cease to proceed as planned?
128) Are the Great Beings a single species?
139) If the Bionicle line stopped selling as well as it usually does, would Lego drop it and make a new one, or try and salvage it by using different tactics and strategies? Usually I would suspect the first option, but Bionicle is a very major line and brand name for Lego so I was wondering what would happen.
1410) The EP war caused the Shattering, correct?
1511) How did the Energised Protodermis Entity react to the war? Did it participate, stand by or object to it?
1612) How scattered is the EPE at the moment? Is it only spread across a few places, scattered across many, or contained with a certain location such as Mata Nui?
1713) Is Mata Nui's mission to solve a problem, or was it a way to avoid a problem (sorry if you don't get that question)?
1814) Who exactly was fighting over the EP in the EP war? Was it pretty much various elemental factions warring over this super valuable substance?
1915) If so, were the elements at peace before this?
2016) Why would the elemental factions want EP? Simply because it is so powerful, or did they have a specific purpose in mind when trying to control it?
2117) Did Makuta learn much about this whole war etc... from working so closely to the EPE for so long?
2218) Has LEGO considered reintroducing those comics back into the canister sets? IMO it would be a great way to hook people into the story, subscribe the the rest of the comics and it would help make up for the fewer amount of chapter books these days. =)
23Thank you for answering these, Greg. =)
241) Yes 252) That is its primary function 263) An invention can also be referred to as a "discovery" 274) Nope, I never said that. I said it may not have been in use before the discovery of EP. 285) Not at this time, no 296) I can't discuss this, deals with future storyline 307) No, they had no reason to consider that, and in fact it never happened. So they were right not to worry about it. 318) Can't answer it 329) If it stopped selling well, after so many years, I think the feeling would be that the line was fatigued and needed at best a rest. 3310) It was related to it, yes 3411) Wasn't involved. 3512) Most of the sources of EP in the MU have been destroyed, so it is confined to a small area 3613) Solve 3714-16) Too early to discuss 3817) No. 3918) No, not to my knowledge. Because the canister set comics cannot have dialogue or text, it is really hard to convey a whole lot of story with them besides "These are the good guys, these are the bad guys."
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they've just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won't get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can't discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it's their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata's canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn't been revealed, because what's important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn't been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don't need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask's power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don't know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva's Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don't understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven't given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can't combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel
