1It's a general fact that the Matoran speak their own language, and Bionicle is "translated" into English. That's why we have words like Kanohi or Kanoka, with obvious English equivalents. In Matoran language, a disk is a "Kanoka." In English, a Kanoka is a "disk."
11. Quite a while ago, you said that the battera's true name might have been something like Armed Combatant Pacification Drones. Is this their true name, or just an example you thought of?
21) Just an example
32. I was thinking about the Matoran language and something occurred to me.
4Although it hasn't been confirmed, lets just say for this example that Kanoka means disk. if I were a Matoran and I wanted to write disk, would I spell
6The reason I ask this is because earlier sentences written in matoran in things such as MNOG were english words in matoran lettering, while sometimes matoran pronunciations of words are seen in matoran lettering. I wanted to know which was canon.
72) Both.
8So matoran have two ways of writing each word?![]()
10Interesting find. Does that mean they would refer to Matoran of gravity as 'Matoran of Garai'?
11I think they would just refer to them as "Gar-Matoran," or whatever the prefix is, as they call Matoran of Light "Av-Matoran," not "Matoran of Avohkii"
1Good day, Mr. Farshtey. A few questions I hope you don't mind answering...
21) We all know that Takanuva now carries a Power Lance, but his Stars set depicts weapons that resemble the Staff of Light instead. Does he change weapons at any point? 32) While were on that, is there a storyline reason for him having silver armour instead of gold? As in, disguising his armour colour or something? 43) Concerning the Stars Rakhshi, is it necessary for it to be a Heat Vision Rakhshi for storyline? (As in, does a Heat Vision Rakhshi appear prominently in storyline) Or is it just a general set representation of the Rakhshi?
5That's all for now. Thank you for your time.
61) Yes 72) Not at this point, no. I think the set designers simply decided to go that color route. 83) It is a heat vision Rahkshi, because it is yellow, and that is the color of heat vision Rahkshi. Set designers determine the color of sets, I don't. I work with what they give me.
93)So, will this particular Rakhshi have a major role in 2010 story?
10I can't discuss 2010 story.
11Takanuva gets new weapons. Do we already know that?
12Nope, don't think we do. Nice find .
1I guess it wasn't officially confirmed by Greg or anything, but I would hope most people would be able to deduce that Takanuva is now carrying two blades instead of the Power Lance simply by looking at his picture...
1but i cant send greg a mail
i did say it understand? right

1Hi Greg, just a quick question.
2You recently said Gelu and Strakk participated in the Battle of Roxtus. Since they were fighting the Skrall does this mean Mata Nui would have given them Ice Powers for the Battle.
3Thanks for your time.
4No. Keep the sequence of events in mind. Mata Nui defeats Tuma, is confronted by Metus, then the Glatorian show up. There is no way Mata Nui had time to run around to every Glatorian in the middle of a pitched battle and give them Toa power. Mata Nui never even met Gelu, and certainly wouldn't give Strakk power after what he did.
5Oh well, not much.
1Just resending this encase you didn't get it last time (never got a reply).
2I have two (and a half) questions regarding the Stars Rahkshi:
31. In my earlier PM I asked if the Stars Rahkshi was a character that had been seen in the story before, what I had meant by that was whether or not the Stars Rahkshi was a specific Rahkshi that had been seen before.
42. Does the Stars Rahkshi have a name (or is it just "Heat Vision Rahkshi")? 52b. If so can you reveal it's name?
6Thanks for the time again Greg.
71) No. 82) At this point, we have not given it a BIONICLE-sounding name, because we don't have any on the approved list that sound appropriate for a Rahkshi
11. So the bad guy sets next year are piraka (nektann), the rahkshi, and skrall and good guy sets are gresh, takanuva, and tahu, correct? 1a. so does the skrall join teridax? 1b. how does nektann become bad, i always saw him as good kinda? 1c. who is your favorite bad guy star? 1d. your favorite good guy star? 1e. you said there would be a fourth bad guy, who is this? 1) Yes 1a) No 1b) Why? He's a warlord. He respects power. Who has the most power now? Teridax. 1c-1d) Don't have one 1e) I don't recall saying that
4Let me clear this up, dommel, you have to make 10 post before sending him any questions. 3I know you can't, but your questions have already been asked, and he can't answer them.2but i cant send greg a mail i did say it understand? right
11. So the bad guy sets next year are piraka (nektann), the rahkshi, and skrall and good guy sets are gresh, takanuva, and tahu, correct? 1a. so does the skrall join teridax? 1b. how does nektann become bad, i always saw him as good kinda? 1c. who is your favorite bad guy star? 1d. your favorite good guy star? 1e. you said there would be a fourth bad guy, who is this? 1) Yes 1a) No 1b) Why? He's a warlord. He respects power. Who has the most power now? Teridax. 1c-1d) Don't have one 1e) I don't recall saying that 4Let me clear this up, dommel, you have to make 10 post before sending him any questions. 3I know you can't, but your questions have already been asked, and he can't answer them.2but i cant send greg a mail i did say it understand? right
5He has 10 posts, but for some reason he can't PM, so he keeps asking for people to ask Greg for him. And I keep telling him that Greg can't answer those questions.
11. Do the Skrall join Mata Nui to resist against Makuta? 1a. if not do they attack someone like in the desert and thats why there is a skrall set next year? 2. Will we see characters from the past 10 years next year in the comics or the storyline? 3. so is 2010's movie about the fight or the Stars? 1) No 1a) Well, who do the Skrall have cause to be angry at? 2) Not in the comic, no. Comic is primarily going to focus on the set characters. 3) I can't discuss this
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. How are you? I've sent this PM about 6-7 days ago and the server might have eaten it.
21) How did Karzanhi get the Matoran to the Southern Continent? Underwater chutes? Teleportation?
32) Why didn't any of the Matoran try to return to their homelands?
43) Why were Matoran the only species sent to Karzanhi?
54) In an earlier PM (waaaay back) you said that only Matoran from the six main tribes were present on Voya Nui. Why weren't other tribes sent?
65) When is the approved name list you have refreshed?
7Thank you for your time,
8-makuta of xhini nui-
91) What are you referring to? 102) Well, one, they would have run into the Manas, and two, they were psychologically beaten down. 113) Because they were being by Turaga, and Turaga have no authority over any other species. Matoran are crucial because they are the workers. 124) Because we were only doing sets in the six main colors for 2006. Story follows sets 135) Normally every year.
141) The matoran of Voya Nui (Balta, Garan &Co.) that were sent from Karzahni to the Voya Nui region of the Southern Continent.
152) What I meant was, the Matoran Voya Nui before it broke off. Why didn't they try to return homeeven though they were no longer in Karzahni?
163) So what would have happened if, say, a Vortixx or Skakdi had been injured or lazy?
174) But could it be possible that there were Matoran of other elements, they just weren't in the 'spotlight'?
185) How many names are usually on the list when it is refreshed?
19Again, thank you for your time,
20-makuta of xhini nui-
211) Ship 222) Well, given what happened to them -- their Turaga sent them off to a terrible place where they got basically surgically altered -- would you want to go back and live under that Turaga again, or with other Matoran who let you get sent off like that? 233) Most likely they would have been punished by their own people. 244) Depends. If we wrote it was only the six main elements, that is all there was. If we never wrote that, then yes, it would be possible. 255) Varies. Usually, of all the names we submit, about 50-60% get rejected by Legal.
26Does anyone know if it was ever stated in the books or comics that only Matoran of the six main tribes lived on Voya Nui?
27-makuta of xhini nui-
1No. That came from Greg himself. I have all the books and as far as I recall, there was no mention. The books usually don't say: There are Matoran of this tribe, of this and of this one, but not of this one. They simply say: "There are Matoran".
11. then why do we have a skrall set and not like a other thing? 1) Because the Skrall are still active on Bara Magna, and when they spot Glatorian under attack by invaders, they join in because they hate Glatorian. They aren't working for Makuta, they are simply taking advantage of their enemies being vulnerable.
1No. That came from Greg himself. I have all the books and as far as I recall, there was no mention. The books usually don't say: There are Matoran of this tribe, of this and of this one, but not of this one. They simply say: "There are Matoran".
2Yeah, that's what I originally thought. I own all the books too and don't remember them mentioning only specific tribes. I just wasn't exactly sure.
1Greetings, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you:
21. I've gotten mixed answers from you about who made the Golden Kanohi. On one occasion, you said the Great Beings, on another you said Artakha. So, for future clarification, who made the Golden Kanohi?
32. I've heard that the Toa Nuva would be trasformed into Mata. Is that right, or is only Tahu going to be "devolved".
43. Do Toa create and destroy matter when using their respective elements?
54. Is there a difference between the Mask of Mind Control and the Mask of Rahi Control? For instance, if you had the Mask of Mind Control, would you even need the Mask of Rahi Control? 64a. Same with the Mask of Possibilities and the Calix?
75. Could a Toa of Light become invisible by warping the light particles around him? 85a. Could he also use that to create an illusion?
96. Are a Toa's power amplified by wearing the mask of his/her respective element (i.e. Takanuva and the Avohkii)? 106a. If so, how are they amplified?
117. I remember hearing something about a "Toa Nui". Is that possible to be formed? 127a. If so, will it be sometime soon? 137b. How much power could it have? I remember something saying that it could have the power to rival Mata Nui, but I'm not sure...
148. If three individuals completely different Toa Teams formed a Kaita, they would be a different "person", right (i.e. If Norik, Gaaki, and Iruni formed a Toa Kaita, it would not turn out to be Akamai but someone else)? 158a. If Tahu, Onua, and another Toa, say, Krakua formed a Kaita, would that still be Akamai or someone else? 168b. Would that Kaita have a different mask that contained all the mask powers of the combinants? 178c. Will the Toa Kaita ever reappear in story?
189. Out of curiosity, what is your favorite comic book in the "superhero" genre?
201) I'd have to go back and check what was written. That was 2001 story and I was really not involved in that at all, beyond the couple of comics that I wrote. 212) Only Tahu 223) Not sure I understand your question 234) Yes, because not all Rahi have that much of a mind to control 244a) One allows you to basically perform at the level of an Olympic athlete, and one allows you to alter probability, so very different things. 255) Theoretically, yes, but we don't let him have that power. An invisible guy who shoots lasers is a little too powerful 265a) He has been working on making holograms, yes 276) Unknown, since we have never shown a Toa wearing the mask of his element. I tend to doubt it would help much. 287) No such thing exists. 298) I believe so, yes 308a) Someone else 318b) Yes 328c) No plans for that at this time. 339) Avengers
343. It's like if a Toa of Stone was out space (breathing somehow, but that's beside the point) and created Stone there, thus creating matter. Could he do that?
354a. Ah, okay. It sort of confused me with the Calix being the Mask of Fate and all that. IMO, it would have better named the Mask of Enhancement, but oh well... 364b. Oh, and what about the Kadin and the Miru (the Mask of Flight and the Mask of Levitation)? If you had the Mask of Flight, would the Miru just be useless, then?
375a. How big can those holograms be?
386. Actually, Takanuva does wear the Avohkii...
398. So there are hundreds of possibilities for different Kaita, each with different names, mask and powers? 408a. If three Toa join together and one of them has been partially infected with a shadow leech (i.e. Takanuva, Toa of Twilight form), will the Kaita have the shadow power as well? 418b. Could Ackar, Kiina, and Gresh (the Glatorian with elemental power) form a Kaita? 428c. Could a "normal" Glatorian form a Kaita?
439. What about your favorite DC Comic?
44New Questions:
451. You mentioned that Kiina's name was based off of your wife's name. Has there been another character name that was named after a person you know like that (besides Tobduk, Jerbraz and Johmak)?
462. How powerful would you say that the Sister of the Skrall that Angonce is?
473. Can the elementally powered Glatorian do a Nova Blast? 483a. Gresh's power is air, not plant, right?
494. Were the characters that are Stars chosen because of highest sales or something else?
505. Could the Ignika turn the Toa Mahri into the Toa Inika back again?
516. If a Toa of Lightning had gotten Inika powers, would she be doubly powerful?
52Thank you,
543) I believe so 554b) No, for a couple reasons. One, the fact that we have jet planes doesn't mean we have no use for hot-air balloons anymore. And two, you may not have access to both -- there were, for example, no Kadin on Metru Nui or Mata Nui. 565) Depends on how much power you want to expend to create and maintain them 576) True 588) Yes 598a) Yes 608b-8c) No 619) Probably JSA
621) Don't think so, no 632) Not sure I understand your question? 643) If they could, and it's not definite they can, highly doubtful they would survive doing it 653a) Yes 664) No idea, I wasn't involved in choosing them 675) Yes 686) Good question. I tend to lean away from it, simply because compared to what a ToL could already do, the Inika powers might not amount to more than a drop in the bucket.
693. So, yes, a Toa can create matter of it's own element? 704b. On that note, the Toa Metru masks were not only warn by them, right? (Meaning, there were more Matoran that wore the Huna than just Vakama, etc.)? 714c. Could the Ta-Matoran make more different 72ew masks now that they're back in Metru Nui?
732. I meant how powerful is she in comparison to any being. 743. Would that be because Toa are more mechanical and thus can withstand more impact? 756. I think it's my turn to say "I don't understand your answer".
773) Yes 784b) Yes 794c) Depends. What the mask power is depends on the disk and the purity of the liquid protodermis, so they don't necessarily have a lot of say in the creation of new powers. 802) No idea, we don't know if she even exists or if she is just a myth at this point 813) Yes 826) Well, if you already control lightning, and can even do a lightning nova blast, that extra lightning power from the red star probably is not going to be that noticeable for you. It's like giving the Human Torch a flamethrower to use.
83More info, some of it new.

11. Does Gresh have a big role next year? 1a. if so, what importance? Gresh has a role, same as the other Stars do. I cannot go into details on what it is or how important it is, since it is 2010 story.
1Hi Greg,
2I actually sent this question before, but I'm not sure if it got lost or if you thought it was rude. Hopefully it was the former, but just in case I'll try to word it a little more carefully this time.
3Alright, so: I think I've spotted an... inconsistancy in the story line, and please correct me if there's something I'm not seeing. But the Mata Nui robot that Makuta now controls is about 40 million feet tall, yes? So that's about 7500 miles, which is almost the diameter of an Earth-sized planet.
4Now, the prototype robot whose limbs were scattered over the surface of Bara Magna: was the prototype robot supposed to be smaller than the Mata Nui robot? Because if it were the same size, I don't see how it's possible for even every Agori on Bara Magna, pulling together, to be able to drag its limbs across the desert, because they'd be about the size of a continent.
5I was just wondering if this is something that could be cleared up. Thanks .
7It is smaller than the Makuta-controlled robot, yes. That was the always the intent. If it comes down to a giant robot fight, you don't want the hero in a robot that is as big or bigger than his enemy.
8Don't know if ya'll knew that, but I sure didn't.
9And I suppose that basically confirms a giant robot battle in the sky .

1I think they would just refer to them as "Gar-Matoran," or whatever the prefix is, as they call Matoran of Light "Av-Matoran," not "Matoran of Avohkii"
2Hmm...this gives me an idea.

32. Will we see characters from the past 10 years next year in the comics or the storyline?
42) Not in the comic, no. Comic is primarily going to focus on the set characters.
5Note that he refers to the comics as Comic. Another sign of the Fall of Bionicle

1Greetings, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you:
21. I've gotten mixed answers from you about who made the Golden Kanohi. On one occasion, you said the Great Beings, on another you said Artakha. So, for future clarification, who made the Golden Kanohi?
32. I've heard that the Toa Nuva would be trasformed into Mata. Is that right, or is only Tahu going to be "devolved".
43. Do Toa create and destroy matter when using their respective elements?
54. Is there a difference between the Mask of Mind Control and the Mask of Rahi Control? For instance, if you had the Mask of Mind Control, would you even need the Mask of Rahi Control? 64a. Same with the Mask of Possibilities and the Calix?
75. Could a Toa of Light become invisible by warping the light particles around him? 85a. Could he also use that to create an illusion?
96. Are a Toa's power amplified by wearing the mask of his/her respective element (i.e. Takanuva and the Avohkii)? 106a. If so, how are they amplified?
117. I remember hearing something about a "Toa Nui". Is that possible to be formed? 127a. If so, will it be sometime soon? 137b. How much power could it have? I remember something saying that it could have the power to rival Mata Nui, but I'm not sure...
148. If three individuals completely different Toa Teams formed a Kaita, they would be a different "person", right (i.e. If Norik, Gaaki, and Iruni formed a Toa Kaita, it would not turn out to be Akamai but someone else)? 158a. If Tahu, Onua, and another Toa, say, Krakua formed a Kaita, would that still be Akamai or someone else? 168b. Would that Kaita have a different mask that contained all the mask powers of the combinants? 178c. Will the Toa Kaita ever reappear in story?
189. Out of curiosity, what is your favorite comic book in the "superhero" genre?
201) I'd have to go back and check what was written. That was 2001 story and I was really not involved in that at all, beyond the couple of comics that I wrote. 212) Only Tahu 223) Not sure I understand your question 234) Yes, because not all Rahi have that much of a mind to control 244a) One allows you to basically perform at the level of an Olympic athlete, and one allows you to alter probability, so very different things. 255) Theoretically, yes, but we don't let him have that power. An invisible guy who shoots lasers is a little too powerful 265a) He has been working on making holograms, yes 276) Unknown, since we have never shown a Toa wearing the mask of his element. I tend to doubt it would help much. 287) No such thing exists. 298) I believe so, yes 308a) Someone else 318b) Yes 328c) No plans for that at this time. 339) Avengers
343. It's like if a Toa of Stone was out space (breathing somehow, but that's beside the point) and created Stone there, thus creating matter. Could he do that?
354a. Ah, okay. It sort of confused me with the Calix being the Mask of Fate and all that. IMO, it would have better named the Mask of Enhancement, but oh well... 364b. Oh, and what about the Kadin and the Miru (the Mask of Flight and the Mask of Levitation)? If you had the Mask of Flight, would the Miru just be useless, then?
375a. How big can those holograms be?
386. Actually, Takanuva does wear the Avohkii...
398. So there are hundreds of possibilities for different Kaita, each with different names, mask and powers? 408a. If three Toa join together and one of them has been partially infected with a shadow leech (i.e. Takanuva, Toa of Twilight form), will the Kaita have the shadow power as well? 418b. Could Ackar, Kiina, and Gresh (the Glatorian with elemental power) form a Kaita? 428c. Could a "normal" Glatorian form a Kaita?
439. What about your favorite DC Comic?
44New Questions:
451. You mentioned that Kiina's name was based off of your wife's name. Has there been another character name that was named after a person you know like that (besides Tobduk, Jerbraz and Johmak)?
462. How powerful would you say that the Sister of the Skrall that Angonce is?
473. Can the elementally powered Glatorian do a Nova Blast? 483a. Gresh's power is air, not plant, right?
494. Were the characters that are Stars chosen because of highest sales or something else?
505. Could the Ignika turn the Toa Mahri into the Toa Inika back again?
516. If a Toa of Lightning had gotten Inika powers, would she be doubly powerful?
52Thank you,
543) I believe so 554b) No, for a couple reasons. One, the fact that we have jet planes doesn't mean we have no use for hot-air balloons anymore. And two, you may not have access to both -- there were, for example, no Kadin on Metru Nui or Mata Nui. 565) Depends on how much power you want to expend to create and maintain them 576) True 588) Yes 598a) Yes 608b-8c) No 619) Probably JSA
621) Don't think so, no 632) Not sure I understand your question? 643) If they could, and it's not definite they can, highly doubtful they would survive doing it 653a) Yes 664) No idea, I wasn't involved in choosing them 675) Yes 686) Good question. I tend to lean away from it, simply because compared to what a ToL could already do, the Inika powers might not amount to more than a drop in the bucket.
693. So, yes, a Toa can create matter of it's own element? 704b. On that note, the Toa Metru masks were not only warn by them, right? (Meaning, there were more Matoran that wore the Huna than just Vakama, etc.)? 714c. Could the Ta-Matoran make more different 72ew masks now that they're back in Metru Nui?
732. I meant how powerful is she in comparison to any being. 743. Would that be because Toa are more mechanical and thus can withstand more impact? 756. I think it's my turn to say "I don't understand your answer".
773) Yes 784b) Yes 794c) Depends. What the mask power is depends on the disk and the purity of the liquid protodermis, so they don't necessarily have a lot of say in the creation of new powers. 802) No idea, we don't know if she even exists or if she is just a myth at this point 813) Yes 826) Well, if you already control lightning, and can even do a lightning nova blast, that extra lightning power from the red star probably is not going to be that noticeable for you. It's like giving the Human Torch a flamethrower to use.
83More info, some of it new.
85Sorry for the off topic...so Angonce is a female? We already know this or is this new or just a mistake? I mean read 2)...
1No, he meant the Skrall Sister that was taught to use her psionic powers by Agonce.
11. Does Gresh have a big role next year? 1a. if so, what importance? Gresh has a role, same as the other Stars do. I cannot go into details on what it is or how important it is, since it is 2010 story.
2Could you please post your answers in list form from now on? Having them all packed in a row like that makes them extremely difficult to read.
1I think they would just refer to them as "Gar-Matoran," or whatever the prefix is, as they call Matoran of Light "Av-Matoran," not "Matoran of Avohkii"
2Hmm...this gives me an idea.I need to PM Greg.
3Don't bother, I already asked this a while ago. He said no, they weren't necessarily named like that.

11. Does Gresh have a big role next year? 1a. if so, what importance? Gresh has a role, same as the other Stars do. I cannot go into details on what it is or how important it is, since it is 2010 story.
2Could you please post your answers in list form from now on? Having them all packed in a row like that makes them extremely difficult to read.
3I can't there is something wrong with computer that stops me from doing it.
1Here's a tip for you, LOST: When you get a reply from Greg, click the reply button. This will take you to a PM screen. Select and copy all the text in the message window, and then paste it here in your post. It will automatically be lined up correctly. 

1i could not find the post but someone quote one of mine and it said greg said comic and the person thought it meant the fall of bionicle well i asked greg and he said
21. Do the Skrall join Mata Nui to resist against Makuta? 1a. if not do they attack someone like in the desert and thats why there is a skrall set next year? 2. Will we see characters from the past 10 years next year in the comics or the storyline? 3. so is 2010's movie about the fight or the Stars?
31) No 41a) Well, who do the Skrall have cause to be angry at? 52) Not in the comic, no. Comic is primarily going to focus on the set characters. 63) I can't discuss this
72.you said comic not comics does this mean that there is only one comic next year?
82) No, there is not only one next year
1Okay here's the final change request about those new Kanohi. This is from the results of a poll we ran to see which name people liked best. Swert and I eventually agreed this is what we'd like to do based on popular demand.
2The mask is currently named Vulture, image is here:
4Power is, quoting from BS01: "Drains the energy of recently deceased beings nearby. Worn by Vultraz. Considered to be an immoral Mask of Power."
5So, the question -- we'd like to change the official power name to "Scavenging", and also say that "Vulture" is a nickname given to the mask as well. Approve?
1Hey Greg . I hope your feeling good for the beginning of the week .![]()
21. Does the Golden Armor have to do with Tahu's transformation from a Nuva to a Mata? 32. Out of curiousity, does the Golden Armor have anything to do with EP, possibly a defense against its' mutations? 43. [[VoF Spoiler Question]]
5Thanks .
61-2) I can tell you EP has nothing at all to do with 2010 story, because there is none on Bara Magna. Beyond that, I can't discuss this 73) Yes
8Jist of the PM? 2010 does not center around EP or even related to EP.
9~Kohilå*** Spirit Fable Epic ~ Review ***
1What's VoF?
1Hello Greg, I just have a few questions I want to ask.
21. Could Teridax kill Tren Krom?
32. Could a Makuta's antidermis be reverted back into an biomecanical state by energized protodermis if it was his/her destiny?
43. Shapeshifting in a biomechanical form, would it be quick and painless or long-ish and painful?
54. The technology in Atakus's swords, are they native in the Matoran Universe?
65. After the events of The Legend Reborn, what happened to most of the Rock Agori?
7Thank you for your time.
81) Yes 92) Yes 103) Quick and painless 114) No 125) Scattered in the desert
13Some things I was curious about, not sure if any of it is really new.
1Good morning/evening 2ight,
3I don't have that many questions, but please answer them:
41. Does Mutagen always turn what it touches into a water-breathing creature, or does its effect vary on the location?
52. Does Vezon now have gold armor to match the Olmak's color?
63. Do the Bionicle Stars have any story relevance?
71) Unknown, since we have never seen mutagen active in another location. 82) No 93) Yes
1Good morning/evening 2ight,
3I don't have that many questions, but please answer them:
41. Does Mutagen always turn what it touches into a water-breathing creature, or does its effect vary on the location?
52. Does Vezon now have gold armor to match the Olmak's color?
63. Do the Bionicle Stars have any story relevance?
71) Unknown, since we have never seen mutagen active in another location. 82) No 93) Yes
10Weren't Gorast, Krika and Bitil mutated by it?
1Good morning/evening 2ight,
3I don't have that many questions, but please answer them:
41. Does Mutagen always turn what it touches into a water-breathing creature, or does its effect vary on the location?
52. Does Vezon now have gold armor to match the Olmak's color?
63. Do the Bionicle Stars have any story relevance?
71) Unknown, since we have never seen mutagen active in another location. 82) No 93) Yes
10Weren't Gorast, Krika and Bitil mutated by it?
11Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was mutagen that did it to them. Leaked in or something, didn't it?
1Yep, it did- I'm sure Greg just forgot. 

1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Did the Plague Tribe get along with the other tribes prior to the decimation of their tribe? 32. Actually, did all tribes get along with each other before Element Lords appeared? Or was the reason why they appeared is because the tribes did not get along? 43. Is the reason why their was no Element Lord for the Plague Tribe is because the tribe was disbanded? 54. Were the Great Beings aware that the tribe was decimated? 65. How did the plague originate? 76. Was the disease created by the Great Beings for experimentation? The Great Beings seem like the type to do that. They gave the Vorox tails.87. How can one tell if an Agori is part of a certain tribe? Is it the color? I thought armor determines the color, so couldn't an Agori switch armor color and act like he's part of a different tribe? 98. Are Telluris and Sahmad the only Plague Tribe members residing on Bara Magna? 109. Is there any reason for a Plague Tribe member to be allowed back into Agori society? 1110. Was it just the Agori of the Plague Tribe members who not allowed or did this also include Glatorian? 1211. How well did the Agori and Glatorian of the Fire Tribe get along with each other prior to the Core War? Same goes for Water Agori/Glatorian, etc. I ask this because I don't understand why Glatorian, before Mata Nui landed on Bara Magna, were allowed to switch tribes when they were considered part of tribes before the Core War. Also, Raanu treated the Glatorian as outsiders in various forms of media, never really embraced the Glatorian like they are part of the tribe. 1312. I asked a question regarding the tribes living on the Bara Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. You said that Fire, Water, and Sand Tribes definitely lived there. Now, since no tribe can really live on Aqua Magna, were the Rock, Jungle, Ice, and "Plague" Tribe living on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? And I mean main villages, not outposts.
141) Yes 152) There were always arguments and clashes, just not wars. If everything had been peachy and there were no problems ever, then the GBs wouldn't have wanted surrogates to rule for them, because ruling would be a breeze. 163) The tribe was wiped out before ELs were put in place 174) Of course 185) Haven't decided, since I am not telling a story about the plague 196) No, it was not 207) He could, yes. But remember, these are relatively small tribes. You're not talking millions of Agori. It's like coming into a mid-sized town. If you're a stranger, people know it. Agori do not come into being like Matoran do, where new ones just appear and everyone accepts it. 218) Far as I know 229) I could think of reasons, yes -- mercy. Fairness. Respect. But fear overrides those in most societies. 2310) No Glatorian survived. 2411) Glatorian were and are soldiers. It's not unusual for soldiers, after a war, to become mercenaries, which is exactly what the Glatorian did. And just as in our society, there are people who embrace the military, people who respect them, people who respect and fear them, people who see them as a necessary evil, and people who don't like or trust them at all. 2512) Yes
26I don't think GregF remembers that Telluris is of the Glatorian species.
1Good morning/evening 2ight,
3I don't have that many questions, but please answer them:
41. Does Mutagen always turn what it touches into a water-breathing creature, or does its effect vary on the location?
52. Does Vezon now have gold armor to match the Olmak's color?
63. Do the Bionicle Stars have any story relevance?
71) Unknown, since we have never seen mutagen active in another location. 82) No 93) Yes
10the niazesk in karda-nui? anyone remember? what about bitil, krika, and gorast, who were all locked in one form by the mutagen? the swamp stalkers? they were all mutated by the pit mutagen and didn't turn into water-breathing creatures. greg forgot them >.<