1I guess this really confirms that the end of BIONICLE is nowhere in sight, people. If they're naming locations on Bota Magna, I'm willing to bet someone's going to wind up going there, and the main story will focus on them.
2Also, Lein? Sounds like an interesting name. Rather un-BIONICLE if you ask me, but it does sound epic. I'm sure everybody and their dogs' Core War stories are going to feature Lein now.
3I see is the complete opposite
4He Is naming them , so fans will have every tidbit of info before the end. I sincerely belive it merely supports the end
6augh. not again.
7On a semi-related note, I think that the alien swords are going to be important latter. In fact, future storylines could have to do with said alien stuff.
110. Was it just the Agori of the Plague Tribe members who not allowed or did this also include Glatorian?
210) No Glatorian survived.
310. Wait, I thought Telluris is of the Glatorian species.
4True, I stand corrected.
5Lol, I suppose GregF momentarily forgot because Telluris isn't really used in the storyline.
6Hey GregF, just one question. 7In the past, you have stated that the Mask of Life cannot heal; it's not a Mask of Healing. However, theoretically, it can transform a wounded arm into a fixed arm. Can this be done? 8Thanks.
9I don't know how theoretically it does that. We know that it can evolve or devolve, but a wound is not a natural evolution of a limb, it's something alien to it.
10Well, when I meant theoretically, I meant that if it happened to Dekar, who transformed into Hydraxon, couldn't a part of the body go through a transformation or does it have to be the whole body?
11Like I said, I don't want the MOL to be a mask of healing, it is already powerful enough as it is. So it can't be used that way.
12So the Mask of Life cannot be used for healing.
1Dear Greg, 2I have some questions,
31. At the end of Swamp of Secrets, Krakua mentions that the OoMN knew what Takanuva's destiny was, well what was his destiny/ 42. What happened to Roxtus after TLR? 52a. Did it become part of the mega-city?
6Thank you very much
71) They know, doesn't mean they want to share it with you. It's future storyline. 82) The metal piece there was brought to be part of the mega-city. The dwellings, etc. were abandoned.
9#1 is very interesting...
10Anyone else think this means that Takanuva is going to be the new Mr. Man for the MU? (You know, the pilot of the Matoran Universe). I mean, it's always been Takanuva and Teridax neck and neck. It would make sooo much sense for a Toa of Light to take over after a Makuta. Plus, Taka's a set, so that makes him a likely candidate. Helryx would definitely take care of him if she thought he might someday need to be the robo-dude.
1Hi Greg, 5 Questions Today
21. In the latest comic teridax leaves aqua magna, but there is no mention of the red star, where is it?
32. In the teaser (centrefold of comic) tahu is seen in the stars, is that actually tahu dropping out of the sky or just mata nui interpreting the stars as a tahu constellation?
43. When the ignika changes tahu back to his mata form does it happen over a long distance or is tahu close by?
54. Can the golden armor only be worn by a non-nuva toa?
65. Was Tahu always destined to wear the golden armor or is it just a coincidence that he is wearing it? To clarify i mean did he luck out by him being the one chosen as opposed to someone else?
7I understand if you can't answer some of the spoiler heavy questions.
8Thanks, 9Biopunk
101) It's there, we simply did not have the artist draw it because it would have confused the heck out of most current fans who do not know what the red star even is. 112) I am not going to discuss this 123) Long distance 134-5) Again, this is 2010 stuff, so not going to get into it.
14Not very interesting.
21. In the latest comic teridax leaves aqua magna, but there is no mention of the red star, where is it?
32. In the teaser (centrefold of comic) tahu is seen in the stars, is that actually tahu dropping out of the sky or just mata nui interpreting the stars as a tahu constellation?
43. When the ignika changes tahu back to his mata form does it happen over a long distance or is tahu close by?
54. Can the golden armor only be worn by a non-nuva toa?
65. Was Tahu always destined to wear the golden armor or is it just a coincidence that he is wearing it? To clarify i mean did he luck out by him being the one chosen as opposed to someone else?
7I understand if you can't answer some of the spoiler heavy questions.
8Thanks, 9Biopunk
101) It's there, we simply did not have the artist draw it because it would have confused the heck out of most current fans who do not know what the red star even is. 112) I am not going to discuss this 123) Long distance 134-5) Again, this is 2010 stuff, so not going to get into it.
14Not very interesting.
1Hi Mr Farshtey I have a coupla questions for you
21)Are you going to reveal Nektann's vision and third power next year?
32)Can there be Skakdi of any elements? Like a female Skakdi of Fire etc...
4Thanks .
51) No idea at this point 62) We've only seen Skakdi of the six elements, but I don't think we have said that is all there can be.
7I phrased question 2 wrongly...
1I just have some more questions that I hope you can answer. =D
21. Now that Lewa is in Tren Krom's body, does Lewa have Tren Krom's powers?
32. Is there any possible way the Makuta could come back to life? 42a. If yes, how?
53. Since Spheres Magna (or however you spell it) split into three planets (Aqua Magna, Bara Magna, and Bota Magna), how did the Agori and Glatorian(and others) all go on Bara Magna and all the Matoran and Toa(and others) go on Aqua Magna and whatever is on Bota Magna just go there? As in, how did they just go there after the shattering?
6Now I have some questions about you.
74. How old are you? I'm 10.
85. Have you ever had a pet? Currently, we have, like, 40 parakeets, 7 goats, and 10 chickens.
96. Do you ever read fanficton?
10I understand if you cannot answer these. Anyways, thank you for your time, Mr. Farshtey .
111) No, because TK's powers are mainly mental, not physical 122) I don't think so, no 133) You're forgetting, the Matoran live inside the giant Mata Nui robot, so they did not "go" to Aqua Magna. The robot was launched from Spherus Magna into space before the Shattering, and 100,000 years later, crashed into Aqua Magna. 144) 44 155) I used to have cats, yes, but my wife is allergic so I had to give them away 166) No, I'm not allowed to do that.
17Nothin' interesting...
18EDIT: 100th post .

1Why is he not allowed to read fan fiction?
1I would assume so that he can't steal ideas from them, and can't be aqueoused it.
1Hi Greg.
2I'm a little confused by the most recent RotGB. In Comic 2, Tarduk is with Gresh on the outskirts of Atero preparing for the Tournament the next day when Malum shows up. Does this mean that the entire Red Star expedition took place after that altercation? If so, why were those Agori willing to miss the Great Tournament? Because the events of RotGB have lasted several days at least.
3Thanks. Hope you can clear this up.
4Triggy 5BS01 Staff
6Yes, it does, and they were willing to miss it because I needed them to do so.
7One thing more - you have already been asked about how Tarduk knew about the Baterra when he mentions shapeshifting monsters in Comic 3, but that he hadn't traveled back up to the VotM yet. You answered that of course he would know about them, as would many Agori (Metus included), but because they didn't actually encounter them, this seems to conflict with Tarduk's honest nature. They were not even mentioned in those segments of the journey north that we covered in RotGB.
8Would it possible for Tarduk instead to have been referring to the Element Lords as shapeshifting monsters? He saw at least two of them, Water and Rock, do just that - and this might clear up the confusion the fan base currently seems to be in about that reference.
10Triggy 11BS01 Staff
12ELs would not be news to anyone, though, as both Agori and Glatorian lived under their rule. It would be the equivalent of you saying, "I journeyed to DC and saw ... a Congressman ."
13Well, actually I'm Canadian, so... it might have been noteworthy.
14Fair enough - but does this mean the Agori possibly had some altercation with the Baterra that wasn't described in the text of RotGB? Even if they just witnessed them shapeshifting - there are sections of the story where you write: "They walked for several hours until..." What do you think?
15Triggy 16BS01 Staff
17There may well have been aspects of the journey that did not make it into print. Consider it an untold story of the journey which fans can now describe in their fan fiction.
181. Is the encounter between Baterra and the three Agori from RotGB something we can "officially" consider? Meaning that you have given this encounter canon status? If so, can you confirm it's after the encounter with the Rock Lord, when they walk for several hours along the banks of the Dormus?
192. Is the Valley of the Maze fortress where the Kanohi Ignika was forged?
203. A while back, you canonized that Bara Magna means Great Barren. Does this still stand canonically? Or is it Barrens, pluralized?
21Thanks again so much.
22Triggy 23BS01 Staff
241) Yes and yes 252) That would make logical sense, since the robot was made near there. 263) No, it's Barren, singular
27#3 - EPIC WIN.

1A few new things, and some interesting things about how Greg writes the novels:
2Hey, I sent you this PM about a week ago, and I guess the server ate it or something, since you never replied, so I am sending it again:
3Hey GregF,
41. So I am kind of confused about the whole Malum thing. I've been hearing it confirmed that Malum didn't kill his opponent, just nearly did (I think this was because his opponent was Strakk), yet in Raid in Vulcanus it says:5. . ."He's fighting Ackar. You know they kicked Malum out, right? He killed an opponent who had already surrendered. . ."6(from page 16, I added the bold) 7So, did you change your mind since the time you wrote RoV? did Metus just have wrong info? is it something I'm just not getting?
82. Will Reign of Shadows be continued into next year?
93. when was it decided that the "Piraka" in 2010 would be called Nektann?
10Not entirely BIONICLE questions:
11Something another member asked you caught my eye.
123.) What is your opinion about foreshadowing as a writer (when you write a story)? (Like? Dislike? Fun? Dreadful?)
133) Fun, when you can do it and if you don't overdo it. In my case, a lot of times it is "post-shadowing," because sometimes I write the books backwards, starting from the end.
14I thought this was a brilliant idea (where did you learn to do it?) and thought I would inquire further.
154. How does it work? it is like if a book has, say, 20 chapters, you start with chapter 20, then write 19? 165. So, do you find more motivation to write when you work this way? 176. what Bionicle books (if any) have you written in this manor? 187. Do you think your writing suffers any because of starting to write at the end? (you can't let the characters tell the story when you're starting from the end, can you?) 198. would you recommend this "writing from the end first" idea as a possibility for all the budding writers we have on BZP?
211) ROV was written in the middle of 2008. Things occasionally vchange in overall story between then and now. 222) That's the plan right now 233) When it was decided that there would be a Piraka as a set at all. The only named Skakdi besides the six Piraka is Nektann, so that was the obvious choice. 244) Sometimes, yes. Sometimes I write 20, then go back to 1, sometimes I write 20, and go to 19. 255) My motivation is my contract, the deadline I have to meet, and the money they are paying me to do it. 266) More than one -- Final Battle was one, I remember. 277) No, I don't, because it insures that the ending gets the space and time it deserves, as opposed to having to be rushed because I am long on word count. 288) Probably not, because it's harder than writing beginning to end. We are trained as readers to think from beginning to end, so going from end to beginning is counter-intuitive
1Hey GregF, I have a couple of Lein questions. 21. What is the pronunciation of Lein? 32. How did Lein die? 43. Did Lein die before or after the Shattering? 53a. If after, which piece of Spherus Magna did he end up on? 64. What did Lein trade? 75. How did he get a drift named after him? 86. Did he interact with any current characters in any significant way? 9Thanks.
101) Pronounced like lane 112-6) I didn't do an extensive character background on him, E, because he is long-dead and never appearing in story. What I have shared on him is all that exists on him.
12Hey GregF, I have seven questions for you. 131. Toa of Light have the ability to change how others see their body color, correct? 142. How many more chapters of Reign of Shadows can we be expecting? I assume Empire of the Skrall has one more chapter to go. 153. Were the Skopio creatures modified prior to Telluris making his Skopio XV-1? 164. So Tarduk makes three trips to the Valley of the Maze, correct? The first in Riddle of the Great Beings, the second during the events of the movie, and one after the movie to lead Mata Nui there? 175. Did the Great Beings physically create the islands in the Matoran Universe themselves (not the civilizations on it or anything, but the actual landmasses), and if so, at what point did they do that? Before or after making Metru Nui? 186. Are Thornax scarce on Bara Magna? 197. Do the Skopio creatures have their own special supply of Thornax? Or do they shoot energy? 20Thanks.
211) If they have developed that skill, yes 222) ROS runs into next year 233) Yes 244) No. He does not lead Mata Nui there. He is there when Mata Nui gets there. 255) Metru Nui got made first, and yes, of course they made the islands. Those were parts of their robot. 266) I don't recall whether we said they were rare or not, I think we may have 277) Since I really have not dealt with the creatures themselves in story, I haven't worried about it
11) Remember that web-shaped symbol Tarduk discovered along with the red star symbol and the map? Was it the symbol of the Valley of the Maze (Skrall Symbol)? 22) Could you tell me who opened the portal to Mazeka and Vultraz or we will find out soon? 33) Did the Bone Hunters fight on the side of the Rock Army in the Core War? 44) Why does Fero have a Skrall hemlet? 55) The Element Lord of Rock was a Skrall of Tuma's class, correct?
61) Yes 72) I'd have to go back and check, I wrote that over a year ago 83) No 94) Because that is how the set designer designed him 105) Originally, yes
11Really nothing much. Number 1 was just to confirm, but number 2 I really expected it to be significant to the story

11) Remember that web-shaped symbol Tarduk discovered along with the red star symbol and the map? Was it the symbol of the Valley of the Maze (Skrall Symbol)? 22) Could you tell me who opened the portal to Mazeka and Vultraz or we will find out soon? 33) Did the Bone Hunters fight on the side of the Rock Army in the Core War? 44) Why does Fero have a Skrall hemlet? 55) The Element Lord of Rock was a Skrall of Tuma's class, correct?
61) Yes 72) I'd have to go back and check, I wrote that over a year ago 83) No 94) Because that is how the set designer designed him 105) Originally, yes
11Really nothing much. Number 1 was just to confirm, but number 2 I really expected it to be significant to the story. Anyway, I kinda expected that answer for number 4.
12on 2, that was Vezon when he was dimension jumping in RoS.
12) Can you confirm that the fortress of the VotM is where the Ignika's "forges that burn hotter than suns" were located? I believe you already claimed that the caverns of ice where it was cooled were located elsewhere on Spherus Magna. Maybe in the Northern Frost?
2Triggy 3BS01 Staff
42) Sure, I can confirm that

1Wait, do we know if the great beings intended for the Mask of Life to come alive, or if that was just a side effect of the mask's nature?
1Hi Mr Farshtey, 2I'm just resending this with some new questions.
3Nektann: 41) Will his eyebeam power be revealed? 52) Will his Skakdi power be revealed?
6The Legend Reborn: 73) Have you seen it yet (If not igore this section)? 84) What happened to Tarix's tube after it fell from his mouth (after his mouth protecter opened when Ackar stopped the match)? 95) Why was Gresh so excited about a match starting when they arrived in Tesara? 106) What was the strange glow around Mata Nui's weapon when he cut the cliff off?
11Post TLR: 127) Who else knows about the mega-city being a robot? 138) Of these, who are in denial?
14Aqua Magna: 159) Is it possible that the Great Beings could have created a shelter for any beings to live in on the bottom of the ocean floor?
16Thanks, 17Kiina77
181) Don't know 197) Anyone who has been up high enough to see it 208) Raanu 219) They didn't
22Nothing new there.
1Some 2010 stuff. We now know what happened to Gresh.
21) In what form of media are we going to hear about the "Stars" transformation? (ex. We will hear about Tahu's in a comic.)
32) In the comics, is Nektann to be refered to as "Nektann" or "Piraka".
43) Can you describe your emotions towards your job?
54) In another topic you said that there would only be one novel left. Is this true, and what is the reason for only one novel left?
65) In the 2010 story, will the Rahkshi be a singular person, or a species as a whole?
76) Nektann is a warlord correct? Can you list any wars that we are aware of that he has participated in?
87) What land is Nektann native to?
98) Are there any MU natives that are aware of Bota Magna's existance?
109) Are you going to release some info about Bota Magna any time soon?
1110) Does Tahu literally look like his 2001 form in 2010? I understand in media he would look like his stars form, but in story will he look like his first form ever?
1211) Can you confirm that the armor on Tahu's arms, and chest in his stars form is what adaptive armor looks like?
1312) Is Gresh in his current form, or has he gone through some sort of transformation?
1413) What is Click doing now that Mata-Nui is all giant.
1514) Skrall stars is comfirmed to just be a green warrior class skrall, correct?
1615) Any news on what happened to Takanuva? I understand if you can't answer.
171) Book, most likely comic 182) He hasn't appeared in comic yet, so I don't know 193) I don't see the point of this question 204) It is true, and the reason is poor sales of the books 215) More than one 226) The civil war on Zakaz 237) Zakaz 248) Brutaka and Tren Krom 259) Probably not 2610) In comic, he looks like the 2010 set 2711) I don't understand your question 2812) Again, Gresh in the comic looks like his 2010 set. Remember, he doesn't have to transform to look different, just grab different pieces of armor 2913) Mata Nui is not in his robot form yet in story 3014) Yes 3115) Not planning to address it
11. Did the Great Beings use the teleportation device to travel to the Matoran Universe?
22. Did the Great Beings build another teleportation device in the Matoran Universe to get back home?
33. Is that how the stars get to Bara Magna?
44. Is Angonce one of the two Great Beings that hid the Kanohi Ignika in the Matoran Universe?
51-2) No need. The last time they were in the MU, Mata Nui was not done yet and hadn't been launched. So all they had to do was walk inside and walk out. 63) No 74) It's possible
22. Did the Great Beings build another teleportation device in the Matoran Universe to get back home?
33. Is that how the stars get to Bara Magna?
44. Is Angonce one of the two Great Beings that hid the Kanohi Ignika in the Matoran Universe?
51-2) No need. The last time they were in the MU, Mata Nui was not done yet and hadn't been launched. So all they had to do was walk inside and walk out. 63) No 74) It's possible
113) What is Click doing now that Mata-Nui is all giant.
213) Mata Nui is not in his robot form yet in story
3Please don't start some huge discussion that will get this topic closed again, but Greg may have just said that Mata Nui will control the prototype robot (Yes, I know many people out there already think this). Of course, he may have been refering to his original body. Who knows.

113) What is Click doing now that Mata-Nui is all giant.
213) Mata Nui is not in his robot form yet in story
3Please don't start some huge discussion that will get this topic closed again, but Greg may have just said that Mata Nui will control the prototype robot (Yes, I know many people out there already think this). Of course, he may have been refering to his original body. Who knows.![]()
4Since now Mata Nui's Giuide spoilers are allowed I can tell you:
5Mata Nui controlling the prototype robot is a fact. He will be doing so with the power hidden in the Valley of the Maze
113) What is Click doing now that Mata-Nui is all giant.
213) Mata Nui is not in his robot form yet in story
3Please don't start some huge discussion that will get this topic closed again, but Greg may have just said that Mata Nui will control the prototype robot (Yes, I know many people out there already think this). Of course, he may have been refering to his original body. Who knows.![]()
4Since now Mata Nui's Giuide spoilers are allowed I can tell you:5Mata Nui controlling the prototype robot is a fact. He will be doing so with the power hidden in the Valley of the Maze
6Ah, that would make sense. Thanks.
1Hi Mr Farshtey, 2I'm just resending this with some new questions.
3Nektann: 41) Will his eyebeam power be revealed? 52) Will his Skakdi power be revealed?
6The Legend Reborn: 73) Have you seen it yet (If not igore this section)? 84) What happened to Tarix's tube after it fell from his mouth (after his mouth protecter opened when Ackar stopped the match)? 95) Why was Gresh so excited about a match starting when they arrived in Tesara? 106) What was the strange glow around Mata Nui's weapon when he cut the cliff off?
11Post TLR: 127) Who else knows about the mega-city being a robot? 138) Of these, who are in denial?
14Aqua Magna: 159) Is it possible that the Great Beings could have created a shelter for any beings to live in on the bottom of the ocean floor?
16Thanks, 17Kiina77
181) Don't know 197) Anyone who has been up high enough to see it 208) Raanu 219) They didn't
22Nothing new there.
23Still Raanu denies everything...i would think he learned his leason by now....
1Hi Mr. Farshtey
2I have a couple of questions if you don't mind....
31. Who are the glatorian that participated in the battle of Atero? 42. If six matoran from six different can form a "matoran nui." Can six toa of six different elements form a "toa nui?" 52a. Can a matoran nui use elemental powers? 62b. Can a Matoran nui use mask powers? 73. Who now serves in the glatorian defence service? 84. What is the status of Telluris? (Dead, alive?) 95. Can element lords use mask powers? 106. Can a elementaly charged glatorian use a nova blast? 117. Are Ackar, Kiina, Tarix, and Gresh the only elementaly charged glatorian? 128. (I know this is probably old but I don't know.) Who is the current chronicler in the MU?
13Thanks 14Electon
151) All of them, pretty much, except Malum. They were all there for the tournament. 162) No, Toa Nui does not exist 172b) No and no. You can find details on the Matoran Nui on biosector01.com 183) All of the Glatorian we know of except Strakk and Malum 194) Alive 205) No 216) Not sure, but if they could, it likely would kill them 227) No, I believe Vastus is also shown somewhere using an elemental power 238) Kopeke
24Some old, some new.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. I just had a few questions: 21. Takadox is capable of hypnotizing certain beings. Does this power extend to the other members of his species or is it exclusively his?
32. When a Toa transforms into a Turaga, their Great Mask becomes a Noble Mask. Is this the only way for Noble masks to be created, or can they be crafted from Kanoka and/or through other mask-making procedures?
43. Was the Ignika the first Kanohi ever to be crafted (I ask this because it's the earliest known recorded Kanohi)? If not, do you know which was?
54. Why is Lhikan's Hau shaped differently than the standard Hau form?
65. Are there any plans to involve any Matoran/Toa/Turaga of the less common elements (sonics, magnetism, gravity, the Green, lightning, plasma) in the story?
7Thank you for your time.
91) Others have it too, just not to the strength he does 102) No, they can be created from Kanoka at the proper power level 113) My guess would be either Artakha or Karzahni's mask would have been the first 124) Different style - -it wasn't made in Metru Nui, so it was not done in the same style as masks there are done 135) Not specific plans, no, but that doesn't mean they won't appear
14Hurrah for the unsung heroes of the less common elements .

1Wow, a species of hipnotizing... beings? And I think it was stated somewhere that the Ignika was the first mask... Greg must have forgotten
2But two things, Jovarr
31) Could you please give every question and every answer its own line, just like everyone else here? Would make it easier to read
. 42) I guess it is a copy-and-paste error, but there's no need to post the same thing three times in the same post.

2But two things, Jovarr
31) Could you please give every question and every answer its own line, just like everyone else here? Would make it easier to read

1Yeah, sorry about that.
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions. 21. What is the power source of the Matoran Universe and the power source that the Great Beings hid in the Valley of the Maze? 32. Is the staff of the Rahkshi of Heat Vision called the Staff of Heat Vision, like Lerahk's staff is called the Staff of Poison, etc.? 43. Is the White Teridax whom Mazeka is traveling with flawed with the ancient curse? 54. How is Teridax currently making Kraata when no more Makuta are on his side? 65. If a Rahi is injured, how does it heal itself? 76. How does a MU inhabitant heal his or her own tissues? 8Thanks.
91) That gets revealed later 102) Yes 113) No, because the curse is ambition. The good Makuta conquered their ambition 124) He is still made of antidermis, E 135) Most likely it won't, unless a Makuta repairs it. Who heals an animal in the wild that injures itself? 146) They have no need to do so, for the most part, because their organic parts are shielded so well from outside forces. But just as the tissue spontaneously regenerates when you attach new parts, it can to a limited degree regenerate itself the same way ours can.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have a few questions.
21. There more elements then the ones we know, correct?
32. When BIONICLE finally does end, are you going to release previously unknown information? (Such as TSO's real name)
43. Do you own any sets?
53b. If so, what's your favorite?
64. Do the Skakdi warlords have the standard elements, or the lesser known ones?
75. Can the prefix of plasma be "Io" (the first two letters in ion)
8Thank you for your lime
101) Probably 112) Depends on what you mean by "end" -- even if LEGO stopped doing sets, that does not mean official story would end, so I would not need to rush and release lots of stuff right away. 123) Yes 133b) Don't know 144) Probably both 155) I don't need a prefix for plasma right now, but will keep your suggestion in mind if I do.
16I don't know if that's new or not, but it's still interesting...
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. When will we find out about the inhabitants in the Red Star or what caused lightning to strike six Matoran? 32. Do the inhabitants know that they are living in a giant ball, or are they unaware like the Matoran Universe inhabitants were about living in a giant robot? 43. Since the Matoran Universe contains Energized Protodermis, does the Red Star contain EP as well? 54. Is there a power source in the Red Star similar to what the MU contains? 65. Was it the power source of the Red Star that caused the lightning? Like did the lightning come from the power source? 76. Do the inhabitants of the Red Star call their location the Red Star, or do they have another name for it? 87. Did the prophecies around the telescope come from Vakama's visions? 98. Is Vakama getting messages from Mata Nui or is he really seeing the future? 109. Has the message that Krakua sent back in time happened yet? 1110. Is BIONICLE 9: The Fall of Atero the title of the ninth Graphic Novel and is BIONICLE 10: Power of the Great Beings the title of the tenth Graphic Novel? 12Thanks.
131) I can't give you a timeline on this. 142) Haven't decided, since I have not written a story about them yet 153) Yes 164) Yes 175) See answer to #2 186) I am sure they do not call it that. 197) I doubt it 208) I can't answer this 219) No 2210) Yes, although right now work on #10 is on hold until they see how #8 and #9 sell.
1Hello Mr. GregF. smile.gif I have some questions. I understand if they cannot be answered.
21: Could a MU inhabitant exit out of the Mata-nui robot by climbing out of his mouth, or eye?
32: Is there more life inhabited stars besides the Red Star?
43: Does only Tahu degrade to a toa Mata? Or do the all the toa Nuva?
54: Can Tahu still wear Kanohi Nuva?
6Thankyou in advance sir.
71) Now? Sure, if he wanted to fall 40 million feet to his death. 82) The red star is not really a star, it's more like a satellite 93) Yes, only Tahu 104) Not as a Mata, no, he wouldn't be able to use them. But his other Nuva masks were all lost when Ta-Koro got destroyed anyway.
21: Could a MU inhabitant exit out of the Mata-nui robot by climbing out of his mouth, or eye?
32: Is there more life inhabited stars besides the Red Star?
43: Does only Tahu degrade to a toa Mata? Or do the all the toa Nuva?
54: Can Tahu still wear Kanohi Nuva?
6Thankyou in advance sir.
71) Now? Sure, if he wanted to fall 40 million feet to his death. 82) The red star is not really a star, it's more like a satellite 93) Yes, only Tahu 104) Not as a Mata, no, he wouldn't be able to use them. But his other Nuva masks were all lost when Ta-Koro got destroyed anyway.
1hi greg, i have some questions that i couldn't find answers for:
21-are we ever going to see the kaita again?
32-what is the significance of genders in the bionicle story?
43-have we seen the last of the seven turaga and ahkmou?
54-how did axonn and brutaka reach the chamber where helryx is held captive?
65-was the story planned since 2001?
76-did the visorak die?
87-is the bionicle story going to end at 2012?
98-why didn't the six turaga tell the matoran about metru nui when they were on mata nui?
109-why do makuta have shadow powers? they were supposed to be protectors.
1110-what is the significance of the orange kraata that comes with the nike shoe in the story?
1211-why didn't bionicles have hands till now?
1312-is gelu going to be a "toa" like ackar and the others?
1413-are we going to see the noble form of the following masks?: 15toa mahri kanohi 16kanohi rode 17kanohi olmak 18kanohi kau kau 19kanohi hau 20kanohi pakari 21the kanohi nuva 22the avohkii 23kanohi krahkann
2414-when are we going to read about the barraki again?
2515-what happened to the toa mahri?
271) No plans for that at the moment 282) The major differences in genders in BIONICLE (at least in the Matoran universe) tends to be psychological, rather than physical. In Metru Nui, for example, the females were the teachers and the students, while the males were more the crafters. 293) No 304) Teleportation 315) Parts of it, yes. We generally plan 2-3 years ahead 326) Yes, but they have since been recreated by Makuta 337) I can't discuss future story plans 348) Well, if they had, the Matoran would have wanted to go back to Metru Nui right away, and they would have been pounded by the Manas and Makuta Teridax. 359) And you can't protect someone with that power? Cloak, in Marvel Comics, does it all the time. 3610) I don't think it had any signficance, as I recall 3711) Set designers saw no need for them, and remember, Glatorian are not the same as Toa -- Toa are mainly mechanical, Glatorian are more like you and me, wearing armor. Toa can pick things up magnetically, Glatorian need hands. 3812) Mata Nui has never met Gelu, so he has not given him elemental powers 3913) Nothing planned 4014) Don't know 4115) They are active in the resistance within the Matoran Universe.
429-isn't shadow evil?
4311-but 4 of the stars have hands
4416-why does tarduk have claws instead of hands and feet?
4517-do matoran have names of months and days?
469) Shadow came to be regarded as an evil power after the Makuta revolt 4711) That's the set designers call to make, not mine. I just do story 4816) Because that is how his tribe evolved 4917) They may have, but we never established anything like that for them
1hi greg, i have some questions that i couldn't find answers for:
21-are we ever going to see the kaita again?
32-what is the significance of genders in the bionicle story?
43-have we seen the last of the seven turaga and ahkmou?
54-how did axonn and brutaka reach the chamber where helryx is held captive?
65-was the story planned since 2001?
76-did the visorak die?
87-is the bionicle story going to end at 2012?
98-why didn't the six turaga tell the matoran about metru nui when they were on mata nui?
109-why do makuta have shadow powers? they were supposed to be protectors.
1110-what is the significance of the orange kraata that comes with the nike shoe in the story?
1211-why didn't bionicles have hands till now?
1312-is gelu going to be a "toa" like ackar and the others?
1413-are we going to see the noble form of the following masks?: 15toa mahri kanohi 16kanohi rode 17kanohi olmak 18kanohi kau kau 19kanohi hau 20kanohi pakari 21the kanohi nuva 22the avohkii 23kanohi krahkann
2414-when are we going to read about the barraki again?
2515-what happened to the toa mahri?
271) No plans for that at the moment 282) The major differences in genders in BIONICLE (at least in the Matoran universe) tends to be psychological, rather than physical. In Metru Nui, for example, the females were the teachers and the students, while the males were more the crafters. 293) No 304) Teleportation 315) Parts of it, yes. We generally plan 2-3 years ahead 326) Yes, but they have since been recreated by Makuta 337) I can't discuss future story plans 348) Well, if they had, the Matoran would have wanted to go back to Metru Nui right away, and they would have been pounded by the Manas and Makuta Teridax. 359) And you can't protect someone with that power? Cloak, in Marvel Comics, does it all the time. 3610) I don't think it had any signficance, as I recall 3711) Set designers saw no need for them, and remember, Glatorian are not the same as Toa -- Toa are mainly mechanical, Glatorian are more like you and me, wearing armor. Toa can pick things up magnetically, Glatorian need hands. 3812) Mata Nui has never met Gelu, so he has not given him elemental powers 3913) Nothing planned 4014) Don't know 4115) They are active in the resistance within the Matoran Universe.
429-isn't shadow evil?
4311-but 4 of the stars have hands
4416-why does tarduk have claws instead of hands and feet?
4517-do matoran have names of months and days?
469) Shadow came to be regarded as an evil power after the Makuta revolt 4711) That's the set designers call to make, not mine. I just do story 4816) Because that is how his tribe evolved 4917) They may have, but we never established anything like that for them
50I'm pretty sure that the mu inhabitants always had hands, but the sets didn't
1Some 2010 stuff, explaining Gresh "Stars" Tahu "Stars" and Takanuva "Stars" plus a really good adaptive armor theory.
210) Does Tahu literally look like his 2001 form in 2010? I understand in media he would look like his stars form, but in story will he look like his first form ever?6.
311) Can you confirm that the armor on Tahu's arms, and chest in his stars form is what adaptive armor looks like?
412) Is Gresh in his current form, or has he gone through some sort of transformation?
515) Any news on what happened to Takanuva? I understand if you can't answer
710) In comic, he looks like the 2010 set 811) I don't understand your question 912) Again, Gresh in the comic looks like his 2010 set. Remember, he doesn't have to transform to look different, just grab different pieces of armor 1015) Not planning to address it
1110) I understand that, but in story is he supposed to be his original form? 1211) On the Tahu Stars set, there is armor that hadn't been used on previous avotoran designs, located on his arms and his chest. Are these what adaptive armor looks like? 1312) So is it comfirmed that he just grabbed different pieces of armor? If the answer is yes, can it be comfirmed that Takanuva just picked up different armor as well? 1415) Won't that leave hardcore fans confused?
1510) In story, the Ignika turns him back into a Mata. I am not sure the Ignika cares if he looks just like he did in 2001, which is probably why he doesn't. 1611) Not something I have discussed with the team. 1712) Wouldn't really make sense for Takanuva to do that, as he has no time to do that. What was suggested to me is that he is using his light power to alter the perception of color, but we haven't made that official yet. 1815) Or it opens up a new topic for fan fiction.
1Just something I was curious about.
2Hello, sir.
3You have said before that you are not allowed to read fan-fiction. Is this because LEGO doesn't want to risk plagiarism, or something else?
4If you don't want to answer, feel free not to. It was just something I was sort of curious about.
6It's for two reasons. One, there is always the chance that if you are reading someone else's work, you can accidentally use some of it later not realizing you are stealing it -- and I don't want to risk that. Also, if I don't read it and everyone knows I don't read it, then no one can sue LEGO claiming their ideas were stolen.
7It's the same reason that if you send a letter in to LEGO suggesting a new character or set design, it never gets to the people who design the sets -- it gets bounced to Consumer Service and they send a form letter back saying we are not allowed to accept ideas from outside the company.
11. Are we ever going to find out Miserix's mask power? 22. In 2001, we saw that Rahi don't have to wear a mask on their head to be affected by it. Can infected masks affect any species just by attaching to their bodies? 33. Can a being able to use masks wear and use a Kanohi somewhere other than their face? 44. What about a Makuta? If one took, say, the form of a Muaka, would they be able to wear and use a mask on their shoulder, like a Muaka wears an infected mask?
51) If it becomes relevant, yes 62) Unknown, we only know that is the case with Rahi 73) No 84) I would say no -- the face is basically the access point for most non-Rahi species, the interface. If you remember back to 2001, Onua does not get "charged up" on the beach until he puts the mask on his face, it doesn't happen from just picking the mask up and having it in his hand.
9I mostly just wanted to remind him he hasn't given Miserix a mask yet, but this is good info too. =P