1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Did the Plague Tribe get along with the other tribes prior to the decimation of their tribe? 32. Actually, did all tribes get along with each other before Element Lords appeared? Or was the reason why they appeared is because the tribes did not get along? 43. Is the reason why their was no Element Lord for the Plague Tribe is because the tribe was disbanded? 54. Were the Great Beings aware that the tribe was decimated? 65. How did the plague originate? 76. Was the disease created by the Great Beings for experimentation? The Great Beings seem like the type to do that. They gave the Vorox tails.87. How can one tell if an Agori is part of a certain tribe? Is it the color? I thought armor determines the color, so couldn't an Agori switch armor color and act like he's part of a different tribe? 98. Are Telluris and Sahmad the only Plague Tribe members residing on Bara Magna? 109. Is there any reason for a Plague Tribe member to be allowed back into Agori society? 1110. Was it just the Agori of the Plague Tribe members who not allowed or did this also include Glatorian? 1211. How well did the Agori and Glatorian of the Fire Tribe get along with each other prior to the Core War? Same goes for Water Agori/Glatorian, etc. I ask this because I don't understand why Glatorian, before Mata Nui landed on Bara Magna, were allowed to switch tribes when they were considered part of tribes before the Core War. Also, Raanu treated the Glatorian as outsiders in various forms of media, never really embraced the Glatorian like they are part of the tribe. 1312. I asked a question regarding the tribes living on the Bara Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. You said that Fire, Water, and Sand Tribes definitely lived there. Now, since no tribe can really live on Aqua Magna, were the Rock, Jungle, Ice, and "Plague" Tribe living on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? And I mean main villages, not outposts.
141) Yes 152) There were always arguments and clashes, just not wars. If everything had been peachy and there were no problems ever, then the GBs wouldn't have wanted surrogates to rule for them, because ruling would be a breeze. 163) The tribe was wiped out before ELs were put in place 174) Of course 185) Haven't decided, since I am not telling a story about the plague 196) No, it was not 207) He could, yes. But remember, these are relatively small tribes. You're not talking millions of Agori. It's like coming into a mid-sized town. If you're a stranger, people know it. Agori do not come into being like Matoran do, where new ones just appear and everyone accepts it. 218) Far as I know 229) I could think of reasons, yes -- mercy. Fairness. Respect. But fear overrides those in most societies. 2310) No Glatorian survived. 2411) Glatorian were and are soldiers. It's not unusual for soldiers, after a war, to become mercenaries, which is exactly what the Glatorian did. And just as in our society, there are people who embrace the military, people who respect them, people who respect and fear them, people who see them as a necessary evil, and people who don't like or trust them at all. 2512) Yes
26I don't think GregF remembers that Telluris is of the Glatorian species.
27I think Greg may have been using Glatorian more as a job title, and not as a species name.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Did the Plague Tribe get along with the other tribes prior to the decimation of their tribe? 32. Actually, did all tribes get along with each other before Element Lords appeared? Or was the reason why they appeared is because the tribes did not get along? 43. Is the reason why their was no Element Lord for the Plague Tribe is because the tribe was disbanded? 54. Were the Great Beings aware that the tribe was decimated? 65. How did the plague originate? 76. Was the disease created by the Great Beings for experimentation? The Great Beings seem like the type to do that. They gave the Vorox tails.87. How can one tell if an Agori is part of a certain tribe? Is it the color? I thought armor determines the color, so couldn't an Agori switch armor color and act like he's part of a different tribe? 98. Are Telluris and Sahmad the only Plague Tribe members residing on Bara Magna? 109. Is there any reason for a Plague Tribe member to be allowed back into Agori society? 1110. Was it just the Agori of the Plague Tribe members who not allowed or did this also include Glatorian? 1211. How well did the Agori and Glatorian of the Fire Tribe get along with each other prior to the Core War? Same goes for Water Agori/Glatorian, etc. I ask this because I don't understand why Glatorian, before Mata Nui landed on Bara Magna, were allowed to switch tribes when they were considered part of tribes before the Core War. Also, Raanu treated the Glatorian as outsiders in various forms of media, never really embraced the Glatorian like they are part of the tribe. 1312. I asked a question regarding the tribes living on the Bara Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. You said that Fire, Water, and Sand Tribes definitely lived there. Now, since no tribe can really live on Aqua Magna, were the Rock, Jungle, Ice, and "Plague" Tribe living on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? And I mean main villages, not outposts.
141) Yes 152) There were always arguments and clashes, just not wars. If everything had been peachy and there were no problems ever, then the GBs wouldn't have wanted surrogates to rule for them, because ruling would be a breeze. 163) The tribe was wiped out before ELs were put in place 174) Of course 185) Haven't decided, since I am not telling a story about the plague 196) No, it was not 207) He could, yes. But remember, these are relatively small tribes. You're not talking millions of Agori. It's like coming into a mid-sized town. If you're a stranger, people know it. Agori do not come into being like Matoran do, where new ones just appear and everyone accepts it. 218) Far as I know 229) I could think of reasons, yes -- mercy. Fairness. Respect. But fear overrides those in most societies. 2310) No Glatorian survived. 2411) Glatorian were and are soldiers. It's not unusual for soldiers, after a war, to become mercenaries, which is exactly what the Glatorian did. And just as in our society, there are people who embrace the military, people who respect them, people who respect and fear them, people who see them as a necessary evil, and people who don't like or trust them at all. 2512) Yes
26I don't think GregF remembers that Telluris is of the Glatorian species.
27I think Greg may have been using Glatorian more as a job title, and not as a species name.
28No it's the other way around.
1Hey Greg. Had a little question regarding Scarabax that I hoped you could answer.
2I was reading Challenge of Mata Nui (really digging the art style, too) and at the end there was what appeared to be part of a relic that depicted the Scarabax Beetle, in a similar pose and with similar markings to the one used on the Vehicle sets of this year. I didn't really think anything of it, until I got the titan Mata Nui set today (also a fantastic set, much better then the reviews I've seen give it credit for) and the box was also decorated with a similar symbol (which is roughly this surrounded by a Maze/Skrall Shield design). Since it was seen on a relic, I guess what I'm getting at is: were Scarabax Beetles, presumably before The Shattering but possibly afterwards as well, an important/revered part of Spherus Magna/Bara Magna mythology? Similar to the Dung Beetle of Egyptian culture. If so, is it still as important, or do the residents of Bara Magna simply not have time for mythology given the lives the have to deal with? (I'm guessing the latter, given peoples reactions to Click during the movie)
3Also, was the bird seen in the book, the one that Ackar asks Mata Nui to observe the flight patterns of (this one) intended to be the Striker bird mentioned in The Crossing?
4Thanks in advance.
51) Not something I have done any research on. I created the beetles but did not intend for them to have any significance except as pests, and certainly that is how everyone but Mata Nui treats them in the movie. It was the director's idea to have one be a heroic character. 62) No
7Rather disappointing. I might send a follow-up, but it pretty much tells me all I need to know.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Did the Plague Tribe get along with the other tribes prior to the decimation of their tribe? 32. Actually, did all tribes get along with each other before Element Lords appeared? Or was the reason why they appeared is because the tribes did not get along? 43. Is the reason why their was no Element Lord for the Plague Tribe is because the tribe was disbanded? 54. Were the Great Beings aware that the tribe was decimated? 65. How did the plague originate? 76. Was the disease created by the Great Beings for experimentation? The Great Beings seem like the type to do that. They gave the Vorox tails.87. How can one tell if an Agori is part of a certain tribe? Is it the color? I thought armor determines the color, so couldn't an Agori switch armor color and act like he's part of a different tribe? 98. Are Telluris and Sahmad the only Plague Tribe members residing on Bara Magna? 109. Is there any reason for a Plague Tribe member to be allowed back into Agori society? 1110. Was it just the Agori of the Plague Tribe members who not allowed or did this also include Glatorian? 1211. How well did the Agori and Glatorian of the Fire Tribe get along with each other prior to the Core War? Same goes for Water Agori/Glatorian, etc. I ask this because I don't understand why Glatorian, before Mata Nui landed on Bara Magna, were allowed to switch tribes when they were considered part of tribes before the Core War. Also, Raanu treated the Glatorian as outsiders in various forms of media, never really embraced the Glatorian like they are part of the tribe. 1312. I asked a question regarding the tribes living on the Bara Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. You said that Fire, Water, and Sand Tribes definitely lived there. Now, since no tribe can really live on Aqua Magna, were the Rock, Jungle, Ice, and "Plague" Tribe living on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? And I mean main villages, not outposts.
141) Yes 152) There were always arguments and clashes, just not wars. If everything had been peachy and there were no problems ever, then the GBs wouldn't have wanted surrogates to rule for them, because ruling would be a breeze. 163) The tribe was wiped out before ELs were put in place 174) Of course 185) Haven't decided, since I am not telling a story about the plague 196) No, it was not 207) He could, yes. But remember, these are relatively small tribes. You're not talking millions of Agori. It's like coming into a mid-sized town. If you're a stranger, people know it. Agori do not come into being like Matoran do, where new ones just appear and everyone accepts it. 218) Far as I know 229) I could think of reasons, yes -- mercy. Fairness. Respect. But fear overrides those in most societies. 2310) No Glatorian survived. 2411) Glatorian were and are soldiers. It's not unusual for soldiers, after a war, to become mercenaries, which is exactly what the Glatorian did. And just as in our society, there are people who embrace the military, people who respect them, people who respect and fear them, people who see them as a necessary evil, and people who don't like or trust them at all. 2512) Yes
26I don't think GregF remembers that Telluris is of the Glatorian species.
27I think Greg may have been using Glatorian more as a job title, and not as a species name.
28No it's the other way around.
29Glatorian isn't the species name, the species has not been named. At the time there were not Glatorian gladiators, but there were soldiers, one of which Telluris may not of been at the time.
30And I said may, He could of just forgot about Telluris, but I'm just saying.
1Hey Greg.![]()
2I was thinking recently, and I think this makes sense. Was Mata Nui nearing his mission's completion at the time that he fell asleep? If he landed on Aqua Magna when he fell asleep, obviously he was heading towards it, possibly to start pulling the planet back together. With the newest comic, we can see there are tons of other places to land out there, but he just happened to land on Aqua Magna, one of the three planets he was supposed to put back together. IMO, that's too unlikely to be an accident.
3On that note, I'm also wondering, is the big pillar thing in the center of the maze is maybe where one of the other planets is supposed to connect to Bara Magna? That was just a random thought I had, but still worth asking.
51) Yes 62) No, the planet is not a LEGO model, doesn't need a piece to connect to. That is the Great Beings' fortress on Bara Magna
7Not sure if 1 is new or not, and 2 was just a completely random thought I had.
1Hey Greg. Thanksgiving is coming up and I just wanted to say thanks for the storyline and keeping me in tact with it. Hope you have a good one.
21a. How are you? 31b. Your day? 42. Are the prisoners of the Pit left on Aqua Magna now when Teridax left? Or were they killed? 53. Is Angonce and the imprisoned Great Being the same? 64. You told me the Vorox were called Vorox before they got their tails, does that mean each of the Glat tribes were called something in groups? 75. When you had something to do with BIONICLE how long did you think it was going to last? 86. Is there a name to the Skrall with green? Is he nameless? Will he be named? 97. Was the decision of the Piraka being Nektann up to you? 108. Was it a coincidence that the Rahkshi was yellow and for storyline's stake you had to make it the Heat Vision Rahkshi? 119. Are there any more tribes for Spherus Magna natives? 1210. Are the Bone Hunters related to the Skrall or the Rock Agori? 1311. Each Matoran on different lands look different. Would this be because of climate? Devolution?
14Thanks . .
161) Just started 172) For now, they are on AM 183) No 194) Not necessarily, no 205) No idea. But when I first read the story in 2000 and learned the company was planning to end it at the end of 2001, I thought, "This has a lot of potential and could last a long time." 216) I don't plan to name him, no. 227) Not up to me, I suggested it, and the story team agreed as long as the actual product name did not change 238) Yes. Sets come first, story comes second. I work with what they give me. 249) Right now, I have no plans to introduce new tribes 2510) Rock Agori 2611) No. Remember, in some cases Matoran rebuilt themselves, or got rebuilt like the Voya Nui Matoran.
27I think 5, 7, and 8 are new...I think...? I am sending a follow up for a couple.
1Good morning/evening 2ight,
3I don't have that many questions, but please answer them:
41. Does Mutagen always turn what it touches into a water-breathing creature, or does its effect vary on the location?
52. Does Vezon now have gold armor to match the Olmak's color?
63. Do the Bionicle Stars have any story relevance?
71) Unknown, since we have never seen mutagen active in another location. 82) No 93) Yes
10Ya know, just 'cuz Brutaka's Olmak was gold, Tridax's doesn't have to be. Just 'cuz Tahu's Hau was red, were the Mata's? Nope
1Just a question I asked Greg about the eighth chapter of RotG (which was just posted today, I think). Putting it in spoiler tags just to be safe:
7True, there's nothing extremely interesting here, but it's nice to know Tarduk will be in the story next year, though unfortunately not as a set. Which means he'll probably appear in a web serial instead. I was hoping he would get a more important role, but that's fine just the same IMO.
GregF TNTOS 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I just finished listening to the latest chapter of RotG a few minutes ago. Great chapter, but I have one question concerning Tarduk's future role in the story after 2009:
3Will Tarduk be a main character next year and perhaps also have a new set? That last bit after the end sure implied to me that he was going to play a role next year, but I could be (and probably am) wrong.
4I'll understand if you can't answer this right now, but it has certainly caught my interest and makes me wonder about 2010 a bit more than I usually do.
61) I don't know how much of a role he will play in story yet, but he will not be a set.
7True, there's nothing extremely interesting here, but it's nice to know Tarduk will be in the story next year, though unfortunately not as a set. Which means he'll probably appear in a web serial instead. I was hoping he would get a more important role, but that's fine just the same IMO.
1Hello Greg, first off I would like to congratulate you on your work.
2now, onto the questions:
31. I've noticed that Kopaka hasn't been in RoS, and I just have to asks: will Kopaka be in RoS anytime soon? 42. Energized Protodermis will not be featured prominently next year, correct? 53. Will Mata-Nui be in control of the prototype-robot next year at all? 64. When will the next Riddle of the Great Beings chapter be up? 75. How does it feel to be writing the BIONICLE books and comics?
8thank you for taking time out from your schedule to answer the questions of the members of bzp.
9signed, 10Xenith
111) I'm sure he will be, yes 122) Not that I know of, no 133) I can't discuss this 144) Already is 155) Tiring
1New GB stuff.
2Hello, Greg. I have a few questions I hope you can answer.
31. Why can't you show a Great Being? (If you can't answer it, can you specify why you can't?)
42. Does Angonce exist/did he exist?
53. Does anyone other than the Great Beings themselves know what they are and/or what they look like?
64. Will we ever see what a Great Being looks like?
75. Are there male and female GBs?
8Thank you so much for your time.
91) I can answer it. I can't show a Great Being because the people who run the BIONICLE franchise in Denmark have asked me not to. 102) He definitely did, whether he still does we don't know yet. 113) Yes. 124) I have no idea, that's not up to me to decide. 135) Can't discuss it
1In Empire of the Skrall you said this:
2Pain exploded in the center of Tuma's back. He hit the ground, even as two baterra emerged from the rocks behind them -- or rather, the baterra had been the rocks behind them.
3Earlier you said that Tuma had gained an injury in his back that mata nui exploited in the Arena. 4My Question is: Could this possibly be the earlier injury that mata nui used?
1Hello, Mr.Farshtey
2I just read the last RotGB, and there are a few things that aren't clear:
31)Tarduk and his friends ended up in the Arena Magna after the Skrall destroyed it. But how can I be, since in Comic 2 Tarduk appears with Gresh?
42)In Comic 3, Tarduk tells to Gresh and Vastus about shapeshifting monsters and an entire valley that was a maze: but he actually never reached it in 2009 so how could he describe it? And it doesn't seem to me that the Agori have met any Baterra.
53)Does Mata Nui pass through the archway on the way to the maze?
61) Author's license 72) But he'd heard about them certainly -- for that matter, a lot of Agori have, the baterra were active before the war against more than just Skrall. 83) I haven't told the story of his journey yet
91)Yes, but then was Gresh alone when he was training or was Tarduk teleported before the fight? Or could it be that the Agori was actually preparing the arena during comic 2, between the encounter with Malum and the beginning of the tournament?
102)And what about the maze? tarduk said he was there with some Agori, but he wasn't .
111) The latter explanation makes the most sense 122) Right, because the plans for ROTGB changed between when comic 2 was written, which was late 2008, and now. We decided to have Tarduk go back on his own so he could team with Mata Nui there, which couldn't happen until after the events of the movie.
1Hi. I have some questions which I hope that you can answer:
2(Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna Spoilers)
35) The names of Bara Magna and Spherus Magna are Latin. Can you confirm that those names, along with Bota Magna, are in Agori language, too?
5- Toa Pohatu Mata
6(Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna Spoilers)
75) Yes
8I don't think that was confirmed already, but it was generally assumed.
1This sheds some light on the Tarduk "stuff." There's still some stuff left unresolved, though.
21. In RotGB Tarduk returns after the siege of atero, however he's already there the day of the invasion in The Fall of Atero? So, what happened?
32. Are the two pillars by Tesara tree trunks? If so, what happened to the trees? Did the prototype knock them down when n it "exploded"?
43. Will Tarduk be returning in graphic novel #10 with Mata Nui? If not, was what you were hinting at something else?
54. Was Tarduk's return to the valley during TLR what you mentioned at the end?
61) Right, but he is not seen during or after the invasion, right? He is seen speaking to Gresh PRIOR to the attack, which simply means he left with the other Agori after speaking to Gresh. We see him the night before the invasion, not the day of. 72) No idea what you're referring to 83) That is the plan, yes 94) Yes
1This sheds some light on the Tarduk "stuff." There's still some stuff left unresolved, though.
21. In RotGB Tarduk returns after the siege of atero, however he's already there the day of the invasion in The Fall of Atero? So, what happened?
32. Are the two pillars by Tesara tree trunks? If so, what happened to the trees? Did the prototype knock them down when n it "exploded"?
43. Will Tarduk be returning in graphic novel #10 with Mata Nui? If not, was what you were hinting at something else?
54. Was Tarduk's return to the valley during TLR what you mentioned at the end?
61) Right, but he is not seen during or after the invasion, right? He is seen speaking to Gresh PRIOR to the attack, which simply means he left with the other Agori after speaking to Gresh. We see him the night before the invasion, not the day of. 72) No idea what you're referring to 83) That is the plan, yes 94) Yes
10So he does return with Tarduk But where is he in the Last comic, and what does TLR mean?
1This sheds some light on the Tarduk "stuff." There's still some stuff left unresolved, though.
21. In RotGB Tarduk returns after the siege of atero, however he's already there the day of the invasion in The Fall of Atero? So, what happened?
32. Are the two pillars by Tesara tree trunks? If so, what happened to the trees? Did the prototype knock them down when n it "exploded"?
43. Will Tarduk be returning in graphic novel #10 with Mata Nui? If not, was what you were hinting at something else?
54. Was Tarduk's return to the valley during TLR what you mentioned at the end?
61) Right, but he is not seen during or after the invasion, right? He is seen speaking to Gresh PRIOR to the attack, which simply means he left with the other Agori after speaking to Gresh. We see him the night before the invasion, not the day of. 72) No idea what you're referring to 83) That is the plan, yes 94) Yes
10So he does return with Tarduk But where is he in the Last comic, and what does TLR mean?
11The Legend Reborn

1Dear Greg, I have a few questions:
21. If Tarduk took around a few days to try to reach the valley of the maze, how was he at Atero one day before the Skrall attacked? 32. Was there any particular reason the EL of rock let Tarduk and his friends live? 43. It is true that Tarduk is going back to the VoTM with someone else? 53a. Is he or she a set? 64. Is the Energized Protodermis the energy source of the MU?
71) Because he didn't leave until the day before the tournament. 82) Yes. They were no threat to him, and if they could find their way into the maze and through it, he could follow them through without their being aware of it. 93) No, he is going back on his own 104) No
11. Was this the final chapter?
21) Yes
32. Tarduk has traveled up again by Comic three, thus his mentioning of baterra, right?
42) Nope. Tarduk is gone for the entirety of the movie events.
53. Did The Crossing take place after Raid on Vulcanus? I ask because it would be odd if such and event happened twice in a row, especially with the Glatorian being worried the second time.
63) No, it had to have happened before ROV, because ROV takes place after the attack on Atero, and the villages were not at war with the Skrall in The Crossing.
7Now we know Tarduk's whereabouts during TLR.
9Edit: Regarding the post below: I had asked the question before the others had been posted.
21) Yes
32. Tarduk has traveled up again by Comic three, thus his mentioning of baterra, right?
42) Nope. Tarduk is gone for the entirety of the movie events.
53. Did The Crossing take place after Raid on Vulcanus? I ask because it would be odd if such and event happened twice in a row, especially with the Glatorian being worried the second time.
63) No, it had to have happened before ROV, because ROV takes place after the attack on Atero, and the villages were not at war with the Skrall in The Crossing.
7Now we know Tarduk's whereabouts during TLR.

9Edit: Regarding the post below: I had asked the question before the others had been posted.
1As apposed to making the toa of water &lightning all female, and then making all of the other toa male?
1If there continues to be off-topic discussion, we may end up with no discussion at all, which I have to say, may not be an entirely bad idea.
1Now now, they already moved the conversation, there's no need to beat a dead horse.
1Not shure if new.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey3Sorry to bother you but I have one quick question.
41. Do the glatorian use the matoran language or not? 51a. If not what is there language?
7They have their own language. Matoran language is programming language, the way we speak English but also have programming languages we use for computer programs.
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. In this quote, you mention that Energized Protodermis is a power source of the Matoran Universe: 3Hey GregF, just one question. 4What was the reason for the Great Beings to storing EP in Mata Nui? Didn't it seem like a dangerous substance for an experiment to contain? 5Thanks.
6Simple. They needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground.
7However, in a more recent quote, you mention that Energized Protodermis is not a energy source of the Matoran Universe:
84. Is the Energized Protodermis the energy source of the MU?
94) No
10Which one is correct? 112. Binkmeister mentioned that not all BIONICLE names went through legal checks, such as Teridax and Tuyet. Is this true?
121) Actually, there is no contradiction here. I said they needed a more stable power source -- and what stabilized the power source they had was the EP they added into the universe. I never said the EP replaced it. 132) I don't recall if Tuyet did, but Teridax definitely came off a name list because it was appearing in a book. It had to be approved by LEGO in Denmark for the book to be published, and they wouldn't approve it if the name had not gone through legal.
1Nice 2010 and other info here.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg. I have some questions for you.
41. Can a powered-up Glatorian such as Ackar wear a Kanohi?
52. Is Vultraz dead yet?
63. When the MU inhabitants meet a Bara Magnan, will they be able to communicate?
74. How does Teridax and/or his troops react to the Skrall assisting them?
85. Do you have any ideas for 2010 serials?
96. On a scale of 1-10, how powerful is the Golden Armor?
10Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these.
111) No. It would sort of like saying, "Can you take the battery pack out of your camera, hook yourself up to it and run on the juice?" 122) Nope 133) Gonna have to, or it's going to be a story full of, "Huh? What?" 144) They really don't care. They don't know what Skrall are,or even that they are an intelligent species. 155) I haven't spent much time thinking about it yet 166) I can't discuss this
1Dear Greg, I have a few questions:
21. If Tarduk took around a few days to try to reach the valley of the maze, how was he at Atero one day before the Skrall attacked? 32. Was there any particular reason the EL of rock let Tarduk and his friends live? 43. It is true that Tarduk is going back to the VoTM with someone else? 53a. Is he or she a set? 64. Is the Energized Protodermis the energy source of the MU?
71) Because he didn't leave until the day before the tournament. 82) Yes. They were no threat to him, and if they could find their way into the maze and through it, he could follow them through without their being aware of it. 93) No, he is going back on his own 104) No
112. why don't the ELs just go into the VoTM if they are fighting over it? 124. Then why is the EP so important to the MU? 135. When Mata Nui goes to the VoTM, has Tarduk already been there on his second trip? 146. Why is Teriax bothering to destroy Mata Nui. I'm pretty sure you once said that he let mata nui go out of the MU without destroying him to let him live knowing he was beaten.
152) Can't get through the maze. 164) Because it stabilizes the power source they do use 175) Yes 186) Right, but he also expected that Mata Nui would die fairly quickly, either because the mask would go into a sun or in some other way get destroyed. Once he realizes weeks have gone by and the mask is still active, he figures he may have a problem with a still surviving Mata Nui.
1Nice 2010 and other info here.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg. I have some questions for you.
41. Can a powered-up Glatorian such as Ackar wear a Kanohi?
53. When the MU inhabitants meet a Bara Magnan, will they be able to communicate?
61) No. It would sort of like saying, "Can you take the battery pack out of your camera, hook yourself up to it and run on the juice?"
73) Gonna have to, or it's going to be a story full of, "Huh? What?"
1I was interested as too whether or not there would be a language barrier.
1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey. A few more Qs, if you don't mind.
21) I know we're way beyond this, but when Mutran went to Tren Krom's island, he learned the inner workings of the universe through Tren Krom's mind. Is this knowledge basically the fact that Mata Nui was a giant robot? 32) If yes to (1), then the virus used to strike Mata Nui down, can it be compared to a hacker releasing a virus onto the internet and waiting for it to do it's damage? (Thus, the 300 year wait until the Great Cataclysm) 43) Out of curiosity, in which part of Mata Nui's mechanical body did the Makuta release the virus into?
5Thanks in advance.
61) Yes 72) Yes 83) Hasn't been revealed
1Hello, I hope you have a good day. If you don't mind, I'd be happy to have a few questions answered.
2So, I recently got Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna from Amazon.com, and I think it's a very interesting book, and well-written. Anyways, I have a few questions on it:
31A) There is a mention of "Lein's Drift". As we've never heard of this place before, is it safe to assume that it is not a location on Bara Magna? 41If yes to question 1, can you tell us where Lein's Drift was/is located? Like, the Northern Frost, the Great Volcano, etc. 51CA) Was this location named after a character? 61C
If so, will we meet this character in the story? 72) Were all Skopio given a Thornax Launcher, and other mechanical implants by the Great Beings? That isn't specified in the book. 83) From what I understood, the Skopio XV-1 can move under the sand. Is this correct, or did I misunderstand the text?
9Thanks .
101) Correct 111b) Bota Magna 121c) Yes 131cb) Nope, he's long dead 142) Not that I know of 153) I'll have to go back and look at the entry, but I believe that referred to the creature, not the vehicle
16Hi. I have some questions which I hope that you can answer:
17Quote from Mata Nui's Guite to BM:
18Atakus carries twin swords, both of which glow with an unearthly light. These were found in a weapons cache near what the Skrall believed to be a baterra encampment.
19You earlier said that the swords are alien to Spherus Magna.
20My questions are:
211) Baterra are/were only active on Bara Magna, right? Then how did weapons, which alien to Spherus Magna, end up near the baterra?
221b) Were they, by any chance, created by the Great Beings? Because if they were, you could consider them alien to Spherus Magna, couldn't you?
232) Did Atakus find the swords before or after the Shattering? (I assume after, due to the baterra thing)
244) In the book, it was also stated that "cendox" is an Agori word, meaning "serpent strike". Would it be possible to divide the word into two words, one meaning serpent, and the other meaning strike?
254) The names of Bara Magna and Spherus Magna are Latin. Can you confirm that those names, along with Bota Magna, are in Agori language, too?
27- Toa Pohatu Mata
281) I said the Skrall "believed" them to baterra equipment. I did not say the Skrall were correct in their belief. 292) Yes 304) If you like, I guess, but "cen" and "dox" by themselves are not legally approved terms by LEGO. 315) Yes
32Quite interesting, actually. (At least I think so)
1Toa Pohatu Mata, you just reminded me that I've still got these...
2Hi Greg
3I just read Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna yesterday and I have to say: excellent job .Still, some questions remained.
41) What is Lein's Drift and where is/was it? 52) Who/what is Lein? 63) What and where is the Spherus Magna Field of Mist? 74) The book says Gelu was wounded during the Battle of Roxtus and went off to chase Stronius through the mountains, claiming his current status is "unknown". Did Gelu survive? If so, where is he now? And did he get Stronius?
8Thanks, 9NtM
101) Lein's Drift is on Bota Magna, at a drift (ford) in one of the rivers. Lein was a jungle Agori who first opened a trading post there. 113) North Bota Magna 124) Gelu is alive, he did not capture Stronius
131) "was" an Agori? What happened to him. 143) But what is it? A swamp? 154) So he's back with the other Glatorian?
161) Died. He lived ages ago. 174) It's a valley 184) Yes
1Dear Greg, 2I have some questions,
31. At the end of Swamp of Secrets, Krakua mentions that the OoMN knew what Takanuva's destiny was, well what was his destiny/ 42. What happened to Roxtus after TLR? 52a. Did it become part of the mega-city?
6Thank you very much
71) They know, doesn't mean they want to share it with you. It's future storyline. 82) The metal piece there was brought to be part of the mega-city. The dwellings, etc. were abandoned.
9#1 is very interesting...
1Some interesting news regarding the power of the Great Beings in the Valley of the Maze and the power source of the Matoran Universe:
8I wonder if this will have any bearing on the story. Maybe it will, since Teridax is coming to Bara Magna next year and what's in the Maze will also be dealt with then, too (I think). Perhaps Mata Nui uses the power of the Great Beings to rebuild the giant robot pieces or something like that. I don't know, but it's interesting to know just the same.
TNTOS 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Recently you have revealed that the energized protodermis is not the power source for the MU, but is actually stabilizing the true power source, which has lead me to do some thinking.
3Right now I'm assuming that it would take something incredibly powerful to power a 40 million foot tall robot that has an entire universe of living beings within it. And then there's the power in the Valley of the Maze that the Element Lords are after, something that will make them powerful if they obtain it (I think).
4So what I am asking is, is the same source of energy used to power the MU the same power that the Element Lords are after in the Maze? Or is it different? True, we don't know much about the Maze or the power within the Maze at the moment, but I am still curious just the same.
5I'm probably wrong about this, but I just thought of it this morning and wanted to see what you thought.
GregF 7Yes, it is the same
8I wonder if this will have any bearing on the story. Maybe it will, since Teridax is coming to Bara Magna next year and what's in the Maze will also be dealt with then, too (I think). Perhaps Mata Nui uses the power of the Great Beings to rebuild the giant robot pieces or something like that. I don't know, but it's interesting to know just the same.
1I guess this really confirms that the end of BIONICLE is nowhere in sight, people. If they're naming locations on Bota Magna, I'm willing to bet someone's going to wind up going there, and the main story will focus on them.
2Also, Lein? Sounds like an interesting name. Rather un-BIONICLE if you ask me, but it does sound epic. I'm sure everybody and their dogs' Core War stories are going to feature Lein now.
2Also, Lein? Sounds like an interesting name. Rather un-BIONICLE if you ask me, but it does sound epic. I'm sure everybody and their dogs' Core War stories are going to feature Lein now.
1I guess this really confirms that the end of BIONICLE is nowhere in sight, people. If they're naming locations on Bota Magna, I'm willing to bet someone's going to wind up going there, and the main story will focus on them.
2Also, Lein? Sounds like an interesting name. Rather un-BIONICLE if you ask me, but it does sound epic. I'm sure everybody and their dogs' Core War stories are going to feature Lein now.
3I see is the complete opposite
4He Is naming them , so fans will have every tidbit of info before the end. I sincerely belive it merely supports the end
1Some interesting news regarding the power of the Great Beings in the Valley of the Maze and the power source of the Matoran Universe:
TNTOS 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Recently you have revealed that the energized protodermis is not the power source for the MU, but is actually stabilizing the true power source, which has lead me to do some thinking.
3Right now I'm assuming that it would take something incredibly powerful to power a 40 million foot tall robot that has an entire universe of living beings within it. And then there's the power in the Valley of the Maze that the Element Lords are after, something that will make them powerful if they obtain it (I think).
4So what I am asking is, is the same source of energy used to power the MU the same power that the Element Lords are after in the Maze? Or is it different? True, we don't know much about the Maze or the power within the Maze at the moment, but I am still curious just the same.
5I'm probably wrong about this, but I just thought of it this morning and wanted to see what you thought.
GregF 7Yes, it is the same
8I wonder if this will have any bearing on the story. Maybe it will, since Teridax is coming to Bara Magna next year and what's in the Maze will also be dealt with then, too (I think). Perhaps Mata Nui uses the power of the Great Beings to rebuild the giant robot pieces or something like that. I don't know, but it's interesting to know just the same.
10Well, we who have Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna already knew that. (It was stated that the GB hid the power source of the experiment robot in the Vally of the Maze)