1Maybe that's a good thing. GregF now has artistic license to do whatever the Pit he wants, without TLC always telling him what he can't do. Greg would have to create new characters every period of time, unless TLC decided to re-release old sets. Now we just have to see whether he's better off on his own or not.
2BIONICLE is still owned by TLG. The only thing that has changed is that story decissions are now decided by a one-man vote. GregF can't do anything that he couldn't do before.
3Actually, he can kill off characters without permission. Before, he needed to ask.
4But he could kill off characters before. It's true he doesn't need permission for that now, but he still isn't allowed to kill off half of the cast in a gruesome battle.
5Actually he can, that's exactly what he did in one of the last chapters of Dark Mirror, it would just be unwise to throw away so many characters.
6Those weren't the main universe characters, though. In real life, alternate universes in fiction pretty much exist so the authors can go on a killing spree.
7Stephen King goes on killing sprees anyways

1Hi Greg . I hope you are well, could you please answer my questions please, they have been on y head for a time.
21.-how are you sir? 32.- I believe you said that one of the reasons that Teridax needed the Vahi was that he had to wait for the memory loss to kick in or the matoran would remember what happened to them, that the memory erasing process was what had to take time, is this true? 43.- also I recall you said that using Pohatu´s mask you can vibrate your molecules so you can pass through solid objects, is this true? cause i always believed that Pohatu could do that by running fast and making holes in the walls because of the speed. 54.- could a kanohi Huna allow you to turn parts of your body invisible instead of your whole body, example let´s say I wanted to make my head invisible, could I? 65.- If you run out of names for Bionicle could you use names of your other novels that you di before like with Gresh? 7thank you very much 8LordofBionicles
92) Yes 103) No, if you crash into a solid object at high speed, you just break your bones. (Think about a fast car hitting a wall) 11You need to pass through the molecules to get through a solid object. 124) No 135) No, because even Gresh had to be approved by Legal for use in BIONICLE. I can't use any name that hasn't been approved by Legal, and they are done approving for BIONICLE as it is a dead line.
14so does that mean that if Teridax have woken them up while they were still on Metru Nui they would remember everything? also i recall you said that they lost their memory when they were at Mata Nui
151) If they had been awakened shortly after being put in the canisters, yes, they would have remembered everything. Once the physical transformation had time to happen, the mental one did too.
1They just want to have Bionicle as a back up to HF if it was a fail. And it'not.
2Actually, that's not it. If Hero Factory fails, there is no chance of Bionicle coming back. Or any buildable figures. Not that I really care, because they don't really have reason for bringing back Bionicle
3I not the one who actually say this. I remember clearly that GregF himself said it is. They just want Bionicle not to be forgotten so one day the'll have the possibility to bring it back. 4-R, Serials Leader in B. Untold-
5Right, but they won't bring it back if Hero Factory sells dismally and is a total flop. They're most likely to bring BIONICLE back if Hero Factory sells well, but not as well as BIONICLE, and the trend stays like that for a while.
6Ooops, yeah, I was confused a bit. My memory played tricks on me. Sorry.

1Hi Greg. 2Sorry about your diabetes.
31) It's true that you finished ST chapter 5 but Bink is on holidays? 41.1) If it's yes, can you explain me A BIT about the chapter? 52) What is the goal of the Dark Hunters? 63) There are some Bohrok Kal alive? 74) What is currently doing Berix? 85) How many chapters will have TYQ, TPTB and ST? 96) They will be in 2011, correct? Or they will finish at the end of this year?
101) Not finished, yet, no, since he is on vacation until next week and can't post it, no point in my rushing to get it done 112) Power 123) As I recall, the Kal got bashed up pretty bad. I doubt any are still up and walking around 134) Same as pretty much everyone else, working to build new cities and a new society 145) No idea. I don't decide that ahead of time. 156) Again, no idea.
1I just want to know how Tren Krom escaped the MU. Wasn't he fused to the island? And if he was freed, who had the power to undo something the GBs did?
2The GBs... :sarcasm:
3Mata Nui could have.
4Isn't it quite possible that when the MU died, whatever power held Tren Krom just...disappeared?
5I'll have to ask Greg about that.
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago

1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, just a few questions about our favorite organic being.
31) I saw in the OGD that Tren Krom escaped from the MU, my question is how? Did Mata Nui release Tren Krom?
42) Now that he is free, what would he be doing?
53) Would the Toa or what is left of the OoMN consider him a threat to the new world or do they not care?
6Thanks for answering in advance Greg .
71-2) No one knows. His disappearance from his island is a mystery. 83) Whether he is a threat or not depends on his attitude, I guess. Does he want to be a part of the society or does he want to dominate it?
9Just some stuff I asked about Tren Krom
31) I saw in the OGD that Tren Krom escaped from the MU, my question is how? Did Mata Nui release Tren Krom?
42) Now that he is free, what would he be doing?
53) Would the Toa or what is left of the OoMN consider him a threat to the new world or do they not care?
6Thanks for answering in advance Greg .
71-2) No one knows. His disappearance from his island is a mystery. 83) Whether he is a threat or not depends on his attitude, I guess. Does he want to be a part of the society or does he want to dominate it?
9Just some stuff I asked about Tren Krom
1Greetings Greg, Sorry about the Disease, I just wanted to let you know that my family and I feel for you. My Grandfather had Diabetes and it runs in my family, so we know what it's like.
2Now on the topic of Matoran/toa Romance (Please don't stop reading), I'd like to present
3Exhibit A.
4There was a movie called "Robots" several years ago, and in it, a robot couple (which are incapable of Reproduction) receive a "Build a Baby" Kit. They build a son, and he goes on to save the world from oppression. The point is that unless I'm mistaken, Matoran/Toa and this universe' Robot species are remarkably alike, except the robots enjoy romantic love regardless of their physical shortcomings.
5Now for
6Exhibit B, "WALL-E".
7Wall-E and EVE were more than content with their limited forms of physical affection (Holding hands, Hugging, and Kissing (an electric spark between both heads)
8And finally
9Exhibit C
10Once upon a time a real-life husband suffered a brain injury at work that reduced his mental/emotional age to that of a child. His wife learned that "Sex isn't a Need, It's a Want" and she learned to live without it.
11So now in light of this new evidence, what is the verdict your honor?
13The policy stands, M. I'm not changing it and I have no wish to keep discussing it.
14"Facts are Stubborn things."
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago
9I swear to the Great Beings, if he names the kid Tahu or Gali, I'll send him a cake. Wait...on second thought, I'll donate to the kid's college fund.
10@Monturrock: WALL-E was a kid's movie, him falling in love with EVE made the movie adorable and cute

1I just want to know how Tren Krom escaped the MU. Wasn't he fused to the island? And if he was freed, who had the power to undo something the GBs did?
2The GBs... :sarcasm:
3Mata Nui could have.
4Isn't it quite possible that when the MU died, whatever power held Tren Krom just...disappeared?
5I'll have to ask Greg about that.
6Well if that was the case, then Tren Krom should have escaped during the period between Mata Nui's death and Matoro's revival.
1I just want to know how Tren Krom escaped the MU. Wasn't he fused to the island? And if he was freed, who had the power to undo something the GBs did?
2The GBs... :sarcasm:
3Mata Nui could have.
4Isn't it quite possible that when the MU died, whatever power held Tren Krom just...disappeared?
5I'll have to ask Greg about that.
6Well if that was the case, then Tren Krom should have escaped during the period between Mata Nui's death and Matoro's revival.
7Not enough time, maybe? Mata Nui/MU was only dead for a few minutes the first time, then Matoro revived it. This time, it ain't comin back, so there was more time for the power to wear off.
1I would imagine that it would work in much the same way as his life support systems giving out would be.
4Oh, oh MY. Now THAT is very interesting, but how could the GBS have known that Toa would end up on SM anyway at that point?1Greg's answer in bold.
2Hi again, Greg. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if Marendar was built before or after the Great Cataclysm. It'd be nice to have this information for an epic I'm working on.
3The GC, when Mata Nui crashed into Aqua Magna? Before.
5-I found the power, I lived the legend.
4Oh, oh MY. Now THAT is very interesting, but how could the GBS have known that Toa would end up on SM anyway at that point?1Greg's answer in bold.
2Hi again, Greg. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if Marendar was built before or after the Great Cataclysm. It'd be nice to have this information for an epic I'm working on.
3The GC, when Mata Nui crashed into Aqua Magna? Before.
5-I found the power, I lived the legend.
6Because Mata Nui's mission was to return to Spherus Magna anyway. I believe Mata Nui would have been dismantled, but I'm not sure what they would have done with the nanotech; I'm guessing if the Toa ever went rogue on SM, Marendar would have been released.
7But I'm not 100% sure.
1It's been stated that the MU would've gone offline; everything would've died in the MU; and then they would've likely taken it all apart. =p 'Least; I think that's what was said...
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago
9I swear to the Great Beings, if he names the kid Tahu or Gali, I'll send him a cake. Wait...on second thought, I'll donate to the kid's college fund.
10@Monturrock: WALL-E was a kid's movie, him falling in love with EVE made the movie adorable and cute, but this is BIONICLE bro, Greg's realistic here.
11I could probably name a few other movies, but those are the two I knew off the top of my head and I gave a real life scenario to boot. To me, it made Bionicle that much more believable and meaningful to have the Hewkii+Macku, Jaller+Hahli romances, and a little awkward and rather funny for the Metau+/-Nokamma one.
12As beings capable of emotion, we connect with and relate to scenarios involving love, we laugh when a male and female character meet each other in a less than memorable manner (101 Dalmatians) and later marry. We cry when a husband or wife sacrifices themselves to save their spouse (Mulan 2). And we cheer when the prodigal son is redeemed (Beauty and the Beast).
13True love is timeless, always has been always will be, it doesn't matter if you see it in a "Kid's movie" that happens to be watched and loved by people young and old, or an adventure film like (The Princess Bride).
14Now "1000 years of holding hands, equals 1000 years of holding hands" may be true, but how do we know that matoran and toa don't react more powerfully to this type of affection/physical contact than humans? What if to them this was the ultimate way of saying "I love you" what if they experienced more fulfillment than some human couples. 15Then what?
16Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
17The last I checked True marriage wasn't based on a single aspect of the relationship, it's about a friendship that is stronger and deeper than nearly any other on earth. So yeah, Greg can keep Bionicle the way it was rewritten, and he can feel good about it, or not, that's his choice, but as a being with free-will, I too can make choices. I noticed how much more I like "believing" (my choice of what I deem cannon) in a Bionicle where a matoran of Fire and a Matoran of Water, representing two elements that naturally oppose one another, could fall in love. It's just so sweet.
18As a writer I know it takes setting some writing boundaries to maintain order in a make-believe world, healthy Boundaries make life a blast . But I also know how destructive "Repressive boundaries" can be to the creative process and to people in general. It would be one thing to start out without love and keep it that way, that would be fine, but writing cannon and then de-canonizing it several years later is not ok.
19All that I've said may come to nothing, in the sense that Greg may never change his mind about Matoran Love, but hopefully someone will benefit from what I've been given to say and the wisdom the words hold will spread like wildfire.
20That was a blast .

1One of these days every one will realize not matter how likely romance is in the Matotran Universe Greg does not want it and that is pretty much finale.
1The Powers That Be....perhaps this refers to my fellow Great Beings. Would it not be wondrously insane if the destiny of Takanuva is to kill the Great Beings? I wouldn't be surprised if they are the next victims...or the ultimate victims.
1Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
2What? They're a fictional species, and the absence of love is one of their fundamental traits. We can't be so arrogant to believe that every single non-human species must be able to experience the whole range of human emotions (and only those emotions) just because we have glorified our own traits so much we refuse to consider that maybe wholly different species that developed under extremely different circumstances might be driven by things other than love, in this case.
1Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
2What? They're a fictional species, and the absence of love is one of their fundamental traits. We can't be so arrogant to believe that every single non-human species must be able to experience the whole range of human emotions (and only those emotions) just because we have glorified our own traits so much we refuse to consider that maybe wholly different species that developed under extremely different circumstances might be driven by tings other than love, in this case.
3I'd totally Agree with you, But at one point in time, A toa named Metau was in love with a Toa named Nokama who didn't share his feelings. This was cannon until several years ago, and when you combine it with the non-cannon Flash Movies of the Bohrohk era you get the feeling that Love existed in the Bionicle Universe. Now, as I stated in my post, There would be no reason to fret over this issue if love had never appeared in Bionicle, But since it appeared first-got removed later, you get this strange scenario of (They printed it, you bought it, they didn't like it, they removed it.) I don't believe that an auther has any write to decanonize what they've had published, Editing is meant to be effectively carried out before the book gets published, not later.
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago
9I swear to the Great Beings, if he names the kid Tahu or Gali, I'll send him a cake. Wait...on second thought, I'll donate to the kid's college fund.
10@Monturrock: WALL-E was a kid's movie, him falling in love with EVE made the movie adorable and cute, but this is BIONICLE bro, Greg's realistic here.
11I could probably name a few other movies, but those are the two I knew off the top of my head and I gave a real life scenario to boot. To me, it made Bionicle that much more believable and meaningful to have the Hewkii+Macku, Jaller+Hahli romances, and a little awkward and rather funny for the Metau+/-Nokamma one.
12As beings capable of emotion, we connect with and relate to scenarios involving love, we laugh when a male and female character meet each other in a less than memorable manner (101 Dalmatians) and later marry. We cry when a husband or wife sacrifices themselves to save their spouse (Mulan 2). And we cheer when the prodigal son is redeemed (Beauty and the Beast).
13True love is timeless, always has been always will be, it doesn't matter if you see it in a "Kid's movie" that happens to be watched and loved by people young and old, or an adventure film like (The Princess Bride).
14Now "1000 years of holding hands, equals 1000 years of holding hands" may be true, but how do we know that matoran and toa don't react more powerfully to this type of affection/physical contact than humans? What if to them this was the ultimate way of saying "I love you" what if they experienced more fulfillment than some human couples. 15Then what?
16Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
17The last I checked True marriage wasn't based on a single aspect of the relationship, it's about a friendship that is stronger and deeper than nearly any other on earth. So yeah, Greg can keep Bionicle the way it was rewritten, and he can feel good about it, or not, that's his choice, but as a being with free-will, I too can make choices. I noticed how much more I like "believing" (my choice of what I deem cannon) in a Bionicle where a matoran of Fire and a Matoran of Water, representing two elements that naturally oppose one another, could fall in love. It's just so sweet.
18As a writer I know it takes setting some writing boundaries to maintain order in a make-believe world, healthy Boundaries make life a blast . But I also know how destructive "Repressive boundaries" can be to the creative process and to people in general. It would be one thing to start out without love and keep it that way, that would be fine, but writing cannon and then de-canonizing it several years later is not ok.
19All that I've said may come to nothing, in the sense that Greg may never change his mind about Matoran Love, but hopefully someone will benefit from what I've been given to say and the wisdom the words hold will spread like wildfire.
20That was a blast .I Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as It was fun to type.
21I'd just like to give my own opinion on this matter, and then I'll never contribute again. 22First, I think that the existence of 'love' in the MU and whether we'll ever see such content in canon story are TWO SEPARATE ISSUES. Greg has stated innumerable times that he isn't good at romance, so he's decided that doesn't want to write that stuff and therefore continually states that it doesn't exist within the MU. That's his final statement on the subject, and he's not likely to change his mind. But you know what? He's the current author of BIONICLE and has brought us loads of awesome stories. He deserves the right to decide what he writes about, and what rules he'll make. This is an entirely different universe, where practically nothing is similar to ours, so he just does what he's best at.
23But, if you were ask me if I think love exists in the MU, then I'd probably say yes. Matoran, like humans, show attraction. We take likings to certain attributes, and that includes others of our own kind. We'll like some people more than others, so it'd probably happen with Matoran. A Matoran could find another one that he/she likes so much that he/she would never want to leave the other's side. But really, as Greg said, that's as far as it gets. Our difference is that our hormones and genetic differences allow us to do something else, which eventually could lead to reproduction, and the two humans committing to raise another. That's our goal in life. Matoran having free will at all is a glitch in their design, so really, they could just be like infertile humans. Two Matoran could care for each other enough that they'll commit to caring for each other for the rest of their lives, but that's it. But it's up to us to personally decide whether we want to believe it can happen.
24And I think we should all seriously stop asking Greg about this. We can't convince him to include romance in the MU, and he's stated his opinion on the possibility of it. Let's just make up our own minds, and be happy with that. Besides, do we really need romance in BIONICLE? No one complains this much with Transformers, or the A-Team. It's about awesome battles, chivalry, and coolness. I just wanna see good guys and bad guys kick mask, with Vezon running around in the middle.
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago
9I swear to the Great Beings, if he names the kid Tahu or Gali, I'll send him a cake. Wait...on second thought, I'll donate to the kid's college fund.
10@Monturrock: WALL-E was a kid's movie, him falling in love with EVE made the movie adorable and cute, but this is BIONICLE bro, Greg's realistic here.
11I could probably name a few other movies, but those are the two I knew off the top of my head and I gave a real life scenario to boot. To me, it made Bionicle that much more believable and meaningful to have the Hewkii+Macku, Jaller+Hahli romances, and a little awkward and rather funny for the Metau+/-Nokamma one.
12As beings capable of emotion, we connect with and relate to scenarios involving love, we laugh when a male and female character meet each other in a less than memorable manner (101 Dalmatians) and later marry. We cry when a husband or wife sacrifices themselves to save their spouse (Mulan 2). And we cheer when the prodigal son is redeemed (Beauty and the Beast).
13True love is timeless, always has been always will be, it doesn't matter if you see it in a "Kid's movie" that happens to be watched and loved by people young and old, or an adventure film like (The Princess Bride).
14Now "1000 years of holding hands, equals 1000 years of holding hands" may be true, but how do we know that matoran and toa don't react more powerfully to this type of affection/physical contact than humans? What if to them this was the ultimate way of saying "I love you" what if they experienced more fulfillment than some human couples. 15Then what?
16Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
17The last I checked True marriage wasn't based on a single aspect of the relationship, it's about a friendship that is stronger and deeper than nearly any other on earth. So yeah, Greg can keep Bionicle the way it was rewritten, and he can feel good about it, or not, that's his choice, but as a being with free-will, I too can make choices. I noticed how much more I like "believing" (my choice of what I deem cannon) in a Bionicle where a matoran of Fire and a Matoran of Water, representing two elements that naturally oppose one another, could fall in love. It's just so sweet.
18As a writer I know it takes setting some writing boundaries to maintain order in a make-believe world, healthy Boundaries make life a blast . But I also know how destructive "Repressive boundaries" can be to the creative process and to people in general. It would be one thing to start out without love and keep it that way, that would be fine, but writing cannon and then de-canonizing it several years later is not ok.
19All that I've said may come to nothing, in the sense that Greg may never change his mind about Matoran Love, but hopefully someone will benefit from what I've been given to say and the wisdom the words hold will spread like wildfire.
20That was a blast .I Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as It was fun to type.
21I'd just like to give my own opinion on this matter, and then I'll never contribute again. 22First, I think that the existence of 'love' in the MU and whether we'll ever see such content in canon story are TWO SEPARATE ISSUES. Greg has stated innumerable times that he isn't good at romance, so he's decided that doesn't want to write that stuff and therefore continually states that it doesn't exist within the MU. That's his final statement on the subject, and he's not likely to change his mind. But you know what? He's the current author of BIONICLE and has brought us loads of awesome stories. He deserves the right to decide what he writes about, and what rules he'll make. This is an entirely different universe, where practically nothing is similar to ours, so he just does what he's best at.
23But, if you were ask me if I think love exists in the MU, then I'd probably say yes. Matoran, like humans, show attraction. We take likings to certain attributes, and that includes others of our own kind. We'll like some people more than others, so it'd probably happen with Matoran. A Matoran could find another one that he/she likes so much that he/she would never want to leave the other's side. But really, as Greg said, that's as far as it gets. Our difference is that our hormones and genetic differences allow us to do something else, which eventually could lead to reproduction, and the two humans committing to raise another. That's our goal in life. Matoran having free will at all is a glitch in their design, so really, they could just be like infertile humans. Two Matoran could care for each other enough that they'll commit to caring for each other for the rest of their lives, but that's it. But it's up to us to personally decide whether we want to believe it can happen.
24And I think we should all seriously stop asking Greg about this. We can't convince him to include romance in the MU, and he's stated his opinion on the possibility of it. Let's just make up our own minds, and be happy with that. Besides, do we really need romance in BIONICLE? No one complains this much with Transformers, or the A-Team. It's about awesome battles, chivalry, and coolness. I just wanna see good guys and bad guys kick mask, with Vezon running around in the middle.
25So that's the reason, oh~, Ok, Well if Greg's no good at romance, That's fine with me. What you said in the middle was great, also the Kind of romance I have only ever intended to talk about is the "spend the rest of our lives together" kind, so yeah, I'm glad you think it could happen too. It's been a pleasure to converse with you, and if your interested, you're welcome to add me to your friends list.
1First of all sorry on the diabetic diagnosis but congrats on the baby. Just three questions related to those topics.
21. Type 1 or 2? Just wondering cause my dad has it too. 32. Boy or Girl? 42a. Does he/she have a name yet?
51) 2 62) Won't know until the birth 72a) Oh, yes, we picked names out years ago
9I swear to the Great Beings, if he names the kid Tahu or Gali, I'll send him a cake. Wait...on second thought, I'll donate to the kid's college fund.
10@Monturrock: WALL-E was a kid's movie, him falling in love with EVE made the movie adorable and cute, but this is BIONICLE bro, Greg's realistic here.
11I could probably name a few other movies, but those are the two I knew off the top of my head and I gave a real life scenario to boot. To me, it made Bionicle that much more believable and meaningful to have the Hewkii+Macku, Jaller+Hahli romances, and a little awkward and rather funny for the Metau+/-Nokamma one.
12As beings capable of emotion, we connect with and relate to scenarios involving love, we laugh when a male and female character meet each other in a less than memorable manner (101 Dalmatians) and later marry. We cry when a husband or wife sacrifices themselves to save their spouse (Mulan 2). And we cheer when the prodigal son is redeemed (Beauty and the Beast).
13True love is timeless, always has been always will be, it doesn't matter if you see it in a "Kid's movie" that happens to be watched and loved by people young and old, or an adventure film like (The Princess Bride).
14Now "1000 years of holding hands, equals 1000 years of holding hands" may be true, but how do we know that matoran and toa don't react more powerfully to this type of affection/physical contact than humans? What if to them this was the ultimate way of saying "I love you" what if they experienced more fulfillment than some human couples. 15Then what?
16Who are we to say the matoran species is incapable of romantic love because we compare their physical makeup with ours? Would it be right for a government to tell someone with a rare genetic defect or an injury that he or she is forbidden to feel romantic love because certain anatomy is missing? That's like saying "You can't breath because you don't have a nose."
17The last I checked True marriage wasn't based on a single aspect of the relationship, it's about a friendship that is stronger and deeper than nearly any other on earth. So yeah, Greg can keep Bionicle the way it was rewritten, and he can feel good about it, or not, that's his choice, but as a being with free-will, I too can make choices. I noticed how much more I like "believing" (my choice of what I deem cannon) in a Bionicle where a matoran of Fire and a Matoran of Water, representing two elements that naturally oppose one another, could fall in love. It's just so sweet.
18As a writer I know it takes setting some writing boundaries to maintain order in a make-believe world, healthy Boundaries make life a blast . But I also know how destructive "Repressive boundaries" can be to the creative process and to people in general. It would be one thing to start out without love and keep it that way, that would be fine, but writing cannon and then de-canonizing it several years later is not ok.
19All that I've said may come to nothing, in the sense that Greg may never change his mind about Matoran Love, but hopefully someone will benefit from what I've been given to say and the wisdom the words hold will spread like wildfire.
20That was a blast .I Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as It was fun to type.
21I'd just like to give my own opinion on this matter, and then I'll never contribute again. 22First, I think that the existence of 'love' in the MU and whether we'll ever see such content in canon story are TWO SEPARATE ISSUES. Greg has stated innumerable times that he isn't good at romance, so he's decided that doesn't want to write that stuff and therefore continually states that it doesn't exist within the MU. That's his final statement on the subject, and he's not likely to change his mind. But you know what? He's the current author of BIONICLE and has brought us loads of awesome stories. He deserves the right to decide what he writes about, and what rules he'll make. This is an entirely different universe, where practically nothing is similar to ours, so he just does what he's best at.
23But, if you were ask me if I think love exists in the MU, then I'd probably say yes. Matoran, like humans, show attraction. We take likings to certain attributes, and that includes others of our own kind. We'll like some people more than others, so it'd probably happen with Matoran. A Matoran could find another one that he/she likes so much that he/she would never want to leave the other's side. But really, as Greg said, that's as far as it gets. Our difference is that our hormones and genetic differences allow us to do something else, which eventually could lead to reproduction, and the two humans committing to raise another. That's our goal in life. Matoran having free will at all is a glitch in their design, so really, they could just be like infertile humans. Two Matoran could care for each other enough that they'll commit to caring for each other for the rest of their lives, but that's it. But it's up to us to personally decide whether we want to believe it can happen.
24And I think we should all seriously stop asking Greg about this. We can't convince him to include romance in the MU, and he's stated his opinion on the possibility of it. Let's just make up our own minds, and be happy with that. Besides, do we really need romance in BIONICLE? No one complains this much with Transformers, or the A-Team. It's about awesome battles, chivalry, and coolness. I just wanna see good guys and bad guys kick mask, with Vezon running around in the middle.
25So that's the reason, oh~, Ok, Well if Greg's no good at romance, That's fine with me. What you said in the middle was great, also the Kind of romance I have only ever intended to talk about is the "spend the rest of our lives together" kind, so yeah, I'm glad you think it could happen too. It's been a pleasure to converse with you, and if your interested, you're welcome to add me to your friends list.
26It's not that Greg can't write romance its that he does not want to, if he did he would be writing romance novels not BIONICLE Stories.
1Hey Guys . This is the Greg Dialogue, not the love/sex topic. Please continue the discussion in the proper topic, please. This is why we have fan-epics, so let Greg decide to use romance when he wants to. Everything in the past relating to the Matoran Universe with romance has been made not canon. End of discussion.
2-Toa Deserok
2-Toa Deserok
1Geez. How did this issue even get revived? It was settled years ago. Give it up. 2However, let's not forget that love is not impossible for Matoran, just romantic love. I do believe that Jaller and Hahli, for example, really love each other, but as friends. Matau may in fact have had a strange fascination with Nokama, but it was strictly because he wanted to know her better.
11. What are the pronunciations for Orde or Zaria? 22. Did Orde, Zaria, or Chiara fight outside the MU against the Rahkshi? 32a. If so, might this have been the place where Onua met them? 43. Assuming GN10 won't be published, will you be posting the content on BZP as short stories maybe? 54. Out of curiousity did the names Oris, Tera, and Likus from the Bionicle 5 treatment get passed through legal?
6Thanks for your time.
71) Ord is pronounced Ord, like "board" without the b. Zaria is pronounced zah-REE-uh. 82) Yes 92a) Or afterwards. You don't really have time to meet and chat during a battle. 103) I can't. Papercutz paid me for the 25 pages I wrote for the book (the first third of it), which means they own that content. I can't do anything with it. 114) No, because the treatment never even got to the first LEGO approval stage, since the line got cancelled.
12#3 is somewhat sad.
13) I can't. Papercutz paid me for the 25 pages I wrote for the book (the first third of it), which means they own that content. I can't do anything with it. 24) No, because the treatment never even got to the first LEGO approval stage, since the line got cancelled.
3That sucks. Extra names are what we currently need. Too bad they won't be posted. At least the rest could. 4-R, Serials Leader in B. Untold-
1Hello. Sorry to hear about your diabetes. Anyway, here's a few more questions.
21. If somehow, a Makuta had Light powers (if a Makuta wore the Avohkii), could they intertwine light with their Shadow Hands, or create a Light Hand? 32. Could a Makuta from The Melding Alternate Universe create a light hand? 43. Is Takua (he was called "Takua" in The Melding Universe) a Toa or a Matoran in The Melding Universe? 54. Would it be possible for a Toa to have multiple elements? 65. From 1 to 100, what would you rate the Golden Beast's (the creature created from the 5 remaining Piraka, a Zyglak, a Vortixx, and a Stelt worker) power, 1 being as weak as an insect, and 100 being as powerful as the Mata Nui Robot and beyond.
71) Light would be painful for a Makuta, so it's unlikely they would do what you suggest. 82) Yes 93) Matoran. If the Makuta don't rebel, Takanuva is not needed, therefore he never comes into being. 104) No 115) I don't really like to do set ratings for things like this, it's too subjective.
12If there is anything new, it's the light hand. Otherwise, nothing new.
1Hi, Greg. I'm working on an entry for the Stasis Toa Contest on BS01, and I'd like to have a reference to Lightning Bugs. (In mine, Varian is a Toa of Lightning.) Currently, though, "Lightning Bug" is considered an unofficial name. Would it be okay to mark it as official?
2It's okay, though I am a little reluctant to use a name that is a standard name for an Earth creature. Not a big issue, though.
1Hello, Greg, I have some questions that I'd like you to answer. I've sent these to you before, but I'm not sure if you got them. 21. Did the GBs completely create the Iron Wolves and bio-mechanical dinosaurs, or did they just modify existing creatures? 32. Do you think the Rock Agori will join the new social system? 43. In a previous PM, you said that your official job is the Editorial Director for Lego Club. What do you do as the Editorial Director? 54. Are SM inhabitants born with their mechanical implants? 64b. If not, then how do they get them, and at what age? 74c. If not, then how do the Iron Wolves and Bota Magna Dinosaurs get them? (not the originals) 85. Did the Ignika unmutate the Shadow Matoran? 96. Why did the Ignika give Gresh Air powers? 107. Will the OOMN stay together? 118. In the absence of TSO, has Lariska taken control of the DH, like in Time Trap? 129. Do the Bota Magna Agori actually have real plants in their armor, or does it just look like plants? 1310. Why did the GBs transform the Sand Tribe in the first place? 1411. BS01 says that after the shattering, the Agori lost the ability to make new things. Is this true? If so, why couldn't they? 1512. If Toa of Gravity are so powerful, how was Lariska able to kill one? Was he a rookie? 1612b. Also, why did he make her be in zero-gravity? Wouldn't it make more sense to increase the gravity around her to the point where she couldn't move? 1713. Are Orde, Zaria, and Chiara the only Toa searching for the GBs? 1814. Why did Angonce stay on SM? 1915. Why are the Makuta's masks considered immoral? I can see how the Avsa and Felnas might be considered immoral, but the Jutlin, Crast, Shelek, and maybe even Mohtrek could all be useful for good if worn by Toa. 2016. What happens if a duplicate summoned by the Mohtrek gets killed or mutated or something else happens to them?
21P.S. I really appreciate all you do for us Bionicle fans, and on your own time too, and with such a busy personal life. Thank you so much.
221) They modified existing creatures. 232) I don't think they will be allowed to 243) I plan out and oversee the execution of the nine editions of the magazine we do every other month, plus work on other LEGO communication projects. 254) No 264b) Through surgery, and when they need them 274c) The ones that exist are the ones that the GBs created. 285) Not to my knowledge, no 296) Because Mata Nui was the governing will, and to him, green means air 307) Yes 318) Right now, the DH is pretty disorganized, so not at this time 329) Real plants 3310) Why do they do anything? Like most scientists, because they can. 3411) It was a post-holocaust society. Over time, skills get lost in a situation like that. 3512) Or Lariska is simply really good at her job. 3612b) Could be he had done that already, and then erased her gravity as a way of disorienting her. 3713) They are the ones assigned to do it. There is a lot of work for the others to do on SM. 3814) I personally feel it is because he felt more of an attachment to the Agori than some of the others did. 39Keep in mind, though, that there is no evidence the other GBs actually left the planet, just that they disappeared. No one knows where they went. 4015) Think about it -- who is going to hear, say, "Mask of Corruption" and think, "Wow, what a benevolent mask that is." The Mohtrek violates the laws of time. And in some cases, they were considered immoral because of who wore them and what they did with them. They are symbols now. 4116) Someone just asked me this the other day, and it's a good question. In comics, if your past self gets damaged, what happens is an alternate future gets created in which your present day self is similarly damaged. It does not affect your "main universe" self. But we do not know if that applies here, it's something BZP should probably discuss.
1i wonder if they lost the ability to reproduce when they got their extensive implants which is why we havent seen any non mechanicized agori since the great beings left
1Hello Mr.Farshtey, 21. In BIONICLE Adventures:8 Challenge of the Hordika it sais Sidorak cursed in a language that was old when Metru Nui was new; was he speaking Agori? 32. What would be the difference between a Mohtrek and a Mohtrek Nuva? 43. I was wondering could you confirm that Jutlins (Antroz's mask) are made from weaken disks? 54. When Teridax took over the MU, did he know about the pocket dimenshions? 65. What was the point of Mutran/Chirox wearing a Shelek when they already possess the ability of silence in their 42 Rahkshi powers? It would be like a Toa of Gravity wearing a Garai. 76. Was their a Makuta assigned to wach over northern region of the southern continent? 87. When the gravity stabilizers failed in the MU did all the protodermis rush up to Metru Nui? 98. I've been wondering about this for awhile; if say the Vahi was destroyed and time unravled in the MU an then a stranger from outside the MU peered inside the robot via the hatch would he see time unraveling? 109. And finaly is it possible that their are other Av-Matoran other than Takua in Metru Nui? 11Thank you very much,
121) No, just a early version of programming language 132) No idea, since there is no Mohtrek Nuva 143) No. Weaken does not make things rot and rust, it weakens them. 154) Well, he certainly would have known about the zone of darkness. 165) Simple. If he uses his silence Makuta power, he can't use another power at the same time. If has a mask that lets him use a silence power, then he can use silence plus a Makuta power. 176) I suppose so. 187) It actually would have rushed past Metru Nui and pooled in the face. 198) Yes. 209) No. The Order did not seed more than one Av-Matoran in a location. The point was for them to be spread out.
121) No, just a early version of programming language 132) No idea, since there is no Mohtrek Nuva 143) No. Weaken does not make things rot and rust, it weakens them. 154) Well, he certainly would have known about the zone of darkness. 165) Simple. If he uses his silence Makuta power, he can't use another power at the same time. If has a mask that lets him use a silence power, then he can use silence plus a Makuta power. 176) I suppose so. 187) It actually would have rushed past Metru Nui and pooled in the face. 198) Yes. 209) No. The Order did not seed more than one Av-Matoran in a location. The point was for them to be spread out.
1Are you going to name the Glatorian species? 2Doubtful
3Can Toa of the Green control lumber (cut and already dead plant life)? 4Yes
5Can Toa of Air control smoke? 6No. Smoke is not air, it's a pollutant in air.
7Could the GBs create Toa of unusual elements, such as Kinetics, Acid, Crystal, Sand, Shadow etc.? 8Those are not Toa elements. Whether or not the GBs could make Toa of those elements, it's possible, but they have not done so.
3Can Toa of the Green control lumber (cut and already dead plant life)? 4Yes
5Can Toa of Air control smoke? 6No. Smoke is not air, it's a pollutant in air.
7Could the GBs create Toa of unusual elements, such as Kinetics, Acid, Crystal, Sand, Shadow etc.? 8Those are not Toa elements. Whether or not the GBs could make Toa of those elements, it's possible, but they have not done so.
1Some interesting stuff..
35 is for all you mocist out there.
121) Look at it this way ... what better way to limit the destruction that can be caused by savage Skakdi than to make it that they can only use their powers if they do what they hate to do and are unlikely to do, work together? 132) They have to be working together, it's not just a matter of proximity. 143) Unlikely. Vorox did not naturally evolve to be what they are, they evolved based on their reaction to a disaster. So I don't think the Ignika can undo what amounts to learned behavior. 154) Yes, and no. 165) He always did
2The ignika could make a turaga a toa and a toa a matoran .?
35 is for all you mocist out there.
4Mr. Fartshey, 5Im sorry to bother you (again), but I got some questions I wanted to ask, and rather not easy ones.
6(1) How come Skakdi, which are by nature not very cooperative creatures, can only use their elemental power when together, But Toa, which mostly are co-working, can use them independently?
7(1Does Skakdi have to cooperate in order to use the elemental powers, or just be near each other, and thus fight each other with them?
8(2A) Can the Ignika change a Vorox back to a regular glatorian? If So, would he be able to talk normally?
9(2Can the Ignika change a Turaga to a Toa, or a Toa to a matoran? If so, would this effect his memory?
10(3) Did Nocturn had four hand before he was mutated by the pit water, or they just emerge out as he got mutated?
11An onest fan of you and your work, KakamaFreak
121) Look at it this way ... what better way to limit the destruction that can be caused by savage Skakdi than to make it that they can only use their powers if they do what they hate to do and are unlikely to do, work together? 132) They have to be working together, it's not just a matter of proximity. 143) Unlikely. Vorox did not naturally evolve to be what they are, they evolved based on their reaction to a disaster. So I don't think the Ignika can undo what amounts to learned behavior. 154) Yes, and no. 165) He always did
1I've been thinking about the reason that the GBs did not build the Third Robot. Recent story events have caused me to come up with a somewhat plausible theory:
2Was the Third Robot not built because they feared that the inhabitants would become intelligent (specifically the Toa)?
3Also, another question: You recently said that Taka's destiny would be revealed if it was relevant to the story (I can't provide the quote). Does this mean that Taka's destiny is not a specific event, but more of a general event that could happen at any time due to specific circumstances?
4Thank you for taking your time to answer this question, I appreciate very much.
51) Why the third robot was never built has not yet been revealed, so I can't discuss it 62) No, it means that his destiny may or may not play into story, depending on where story goes in 2011. I certainly hope that it will, but I am not locking myself into it.
7I find number 2 interesting...