1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I have two questions. One about B:U and one evolving my Epic.
21. The GBs built themselves (with their hands) the Prototype Robot? Or did they put, the Agori and Glatorian? 32. A lightning from the Red Star, is it possible to turn Turaga into Toa? 4Thank you, 5-Riglax Serials Leader in Bio: Untold-
61) No they did not build it with their own hands. There aren't that many GBs, it would have taken them ages to build something that big by hand. They mostly used construction robots and a few Agori. 72) No. The only thing capable of turning a Turaga back into a Toa would be the Mask of Life.
8So, yeah interesting to see they used robots to build a robot.

1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I have two questions. One about B:U and one evolving my Epic.
21. The GBs built themselves (with their hands) the Prototype Robot? Or did they put, the Agori and Glatorian? 32. A lightning from the Red Star, is it possible to turn Turaga into Toa? 4Thank you, 5-Riglax Serials Leader in Bio: Untold-
61) No they did not build it with their own hands. There aren't that many GBs, it would have taken them ages to build something that big by hand. They mostly used construction robots and a few Agori. 72) No. The only thing capable of turning a Turaga back into a Toa would be the Mask of Life.
8So, yeah interesting to see they used robots to build a robot.9Second was disappointing. Oh, well. 10-Riglax Serials Leader in Bio: Untold-
11I like the second one. That means it would theoretically be possible to bring the Toa Metru back.

1Dear Mr.Farshtey, 21. What would happen to the Toa Nuva's power if their Nuva Symbol was broken? 32. Why didn't Lewa lose his sanity when he visited Tren Krom? 43. Did Mata Nui know any of the Great Beings? 54. Can Nuva Mask powers be shared with Bara Magnans? 65. If Tahu has Kraata powers does that mean he has Antidermis in him? 76. Do the Toa know about the Banterra? 87. Is there a limit to the amount of Masks a Suva can hold? 9Thank You in advance for your time.
101) They would lose their elemental power. 112) Because Tren Krom did not need to probe deeply into Lewa's mind, he already had the info he needed. 123) No. 134) Yes 145) No 156) They may have heard about them, yes 167) I'd say so, yes
17I am glad Tahu has no Makuta essence in him.
1Hello, Greg, I have some questions that I'd like you to answer. I've sent these to you before, but I'm not sure if you got them. 21. Did the GBs completely create the Iron Wolves and bio-mechanical dinosaurs, or did they just modify existing creatures? 32. Do you think the Rock Agori will join the new social system? 43. In a previous PM, you said that your official job is the Editorial Director for Lego Club. What do you do as the Editorial Director? 54. Are SM inhabitants born with their mechanical implants? 64b. If not, then how do they get them, and at what age? 74c. If not, then how do the Iron Wolves and Bota Magna Dinosaurs get them? (not the originals) 85. Did the Ignika unmutate the Shadow Matoran? 96. Why did the Ignika give Gresh Air powers? 107. Will the OOMN stay together? 118. In the absence of TSO, has Lariska taken control of the DH, like in Time Trap? 129. Do the Bota Magna Agori actually have real plants in their armor, or does it just look like plants? 1310. Why did the GBs transform the Sand Tribe in the first place? 1411. BS01 says that after the shattering, the Agori lost the ability to make new things. Is this true? If so, why couldn't they? 1512. If Toa of Gravity are so powerful, how was Lariska able to kill one? Was he a rookie? 1612b. Also, why did he make her be in zero-gravity? Wouldn't it make more sense to increase the gravity around her to the point where she couldn't move? 1713. Are Orde, Zaria, and Chiara the only Toa searching for the GBs? 1814. Why did Angonce stay on SM? 1915. Why are the Makuta's masks considered immoral? I can see how the Avsa and Felnas might be considered immoral, but the Jutlin, Crast, Shelek, and maybe even Mohtrek could all be useful for good if worn by Toa. 2016. What happens if a duplicate summoned by the Mohtrek gets killed or mutated or something else happens to them?
21P.S. I really appreciate all you do for us Bionicle fans, and on your own time too, and with such a busy personal life. Thank you so much.
221) They modified existing creatures. 232) I don't think they will be allowed to 243) I plan out and oversee the execution of the nine editions of the magazine we do every other month, plus work on other LEGO communication projects. 254) No 264b) Through surgery, and when they need them 274c) The ones that exist are the ones that the GBs created. 285) Not to my knowledge, no 296) Because Mata Nui was the governing will, and to him, green means air 307) Yes 318) Right now, the DH is pretty disorganized, so not at this time 329) Real plants 3310) Why do they do anything? Like most scientists, because they can. 3411) It was a post-holocaust society. Over time, skills get lost in a situation like that. 3512) Or Lariska is simply really good at her job. 3612b) Could be he had done that already, and then erased her gravity as a way of disorienting her. 3713) They are the ones assigned to do it. There is a lot of work for the others to do on SM. 3814) I personally feel it is because he felt more of an attachment to the Agori than some of the others did. 39Keep in mind, though, that there is no evidence the other GBs actually left the planet, just that they disappeared. No one knows where they went. 4015) Think about it -- who is going to hear, say, "Mask of Corruption" and think, "Wow, what a benevolent mask that is." The Mohtrek violates the laws of time. And in some cases, they were considered immoral because of who wore them and what they did with them. They are symbols now. 4116) Someone just asked me this the other day, and it's a good question. In comics, if your past self gets damaged, what happens is an alternate future gets created in which your present day self is similarly damaged. It does not affect your "main universe" self. But we do not know if that applies here, it's something BZP should probably discuss.

1Hy Mr.Farshety I just have two quick questions, 21. If say a Mohtek user summoned a dozen past selfs, could those past selves summon more past selves? 32. Could you confirm that the mask of mutation was made of Reconstitutes at random disks? Because that would be the only thing that really makes sense for the mask. 4Thanks
51) Possibly but It would require a high amount of focus. 62) I'm ok with that.
51) Possibly but It would require a high amount of focus. 62) I'm ok with that.
1Tuma55, could you please stop asking Greg to confirm random things? Because, in the past, Greg's confirmed two random things, and then people got all confused and angry because the two unneeded things collided canonically with each other. * It also puts Greg in a bad position, because he considers this very thing.
2Now, I'm sure he won't write about how to make a Mask of Mutation, but just saying.
3* Can you old timers guess what it is I'm talking about? *COUGHRahagaspearCOUGH*
2Now, I'm sure he won't write about how to make a Mask of Mutation, but just saying.
3* Can you old timers guess what it is I'm talking about? *COUGHRahagaspearCOUGH*
1Tuma55, could you please stop asking Greg to confirm random things? Because, in the past, Greg's confirmed two random things, and then people got all confused and angry because the two unneeded things collided canonically with each other. * It also puts Greg in a bad position, because he considers this very thing.
2Now, I'm sure he won't write about how to make a Mask of Mutation, but just saying.
3* Can you old timers guess what it is I'm talking about? *COUGHRahagaspearCOUGH*
4He's free to do so if Greg's alright with it. And by the look of Greg's answer, He is.
1Tuma55, could you please stop asking Greg to confirm random things? Because, in the past, Greg's confirmed two random things, and then people got all confused and angry because the two unneeded things collided canonically with each other. * It also puts Greg in a bad position, because he considers this very thing.
2Now, I'm sure he won't write about how to make a Mask of Mutation, but just saying.
3* Can you old timers guess what it is I'm talking about? *COUGHRahagaspearCOUGH*
4He's free to do so if Greg's alright with it. And by the look of Greg's answer, He is.
5I'm free to ask Greg what I want. And canonizing what Kanoka make a Kanohi is not colliding canonically. De-canonize if you want, I d'ont care. And you are no one to say what I'm allowed to send Greg or not, It's one thing to canonize a whole new character like Tiro but a mask?

1Tuma55, I'm not saying that what you're asking isn't monumental in storyline, it inspires others to ask moumental things to be canonized.
2As stated in the first post:
4I feel the same way. It's a little annoying to have people canonizing things left and right. Yes, I know, it's fun to have things canonized, but I'm sure soon more and more people will send storyline suggestions, and the Rahaga spear thing (was it Gaaki's or Pouks's?) might just happen all over again, and people will get angry at these trivial retcons, and, well, yeah.
2As stated in the first post:
3Do NOT send Greg every little storyline suggestion you have. Yeah, a couple people got lucky. Oh well. Greg simply cannot accept most of these suggestions, and having to deal with them just wastes his time when he could be answering questions.
4I feel the same way. It's a little annoying to have people canonizing things left and right. Yes, I know, it's fun to have things canonized, but I'm sure soon more and more people will send storyline suggestions, and the Rahaga spear thing (was it Gaaki's or Pouks's?) might just happen all over again, and people will get angry at these trivial retcons, and, well, yeah.
116. What happens if a duplicate summoned by the Mohtrek gets killed or mutated or something else happens to them?
216) Someone just asked me this the other day, and it's a good question. In comics, if your past self gets damaged, what happens is an alternate future gets created in which your present day self is similarly damaged. It does not affect your "main universe" self. But we do not know if that applies here, it's something BZP should probably discuss.
3that be me ^-^
1(was it Gaaki's or Pouks's?)
2Well, he originally canonized Gaaki's, and in my defense it was confirmation on a PM I had sent to Greg long before the whole "canonization is prohibited" issue. Then someone turned right around and had Pouks's spear done, and BS01 staff had the bright idea to confuse Greg to make a point.
3Anyway, this a minor thing, which really isn't a confirmation considering that there is only one Mask of Mutation in existence (last I checked), and we know it wasn't made from Kanoka (Kanoka were only created a relatively short time ago in Bionicle terms - within the last ten thousand years or so), so the point is moot, really. Oh, and we aren't supposed to send major canonization theories to Greg any more; that's what the Story Squad is for. If you have something like that, PM it to them, and if it's worthwile they'll forward it.
4~Lord Rahl~
1Tuma55, could you please stop asking Greg to confirm random things? Because, in the past, Greg's confirmed two random things, and then people got all confused and angry because the two unneeded things collided canonically with each other. * It also puts Greg in a bad position, because he considers this very thing.
2Now, I'm sure he won't write about how to make a Mask of Mutation, but just saying.
3* Can you old timers guess what it is I'm talking about? *COUGHRahagaspearCOUGH*
4Chill out, Tuma55 isn't hurting anyone. It's one thing to say "Can soandso have this as their toa tool?" which is completely random, and asking if a mask of mutation is made from a reconstitutes at random disk, which would logically make sense. This is not really a disputable issue where someone could want a different disk for the mask. It seems like you are jealous because you can't get your theories canonized.
1Calm down .
Canonizing a minor thing like that disk really doesn't hurt you, does it, seeing as it makes perfect sense? More complex canonization ideas should be sent to the BIONICLE Story Squad, though. 

1Hy Mr.Farshety I just have two quick questions, 21. If say a Mohtek user summoned a dozen past selfs, could those past selves summon more past selves? 32. Could you confirm that the mask of mutation was made of Reconstitutes at random disks? Because that would be the only thing that really makes sense for the mask. 4Thanks
51) Possibly but It would require a high amount of focus. 62) I'm ok with that.
7Awww. I asked that a while ago. He said no.

11. Kanohi are attached by magnetism, but is it the mask that's magnetic or the face or both?
22. Does the target of a Mask of Charisma have to understand the user's language for the mask power to work? Like could a Mask of Charisma make its wearer more successful at calming a Rahi by talking in a soothing voice, or is it more of a 'logical persuasion you have to understand' kind of thing?
33. Also, could a Toa of the Green create explosive Madu fruit and large logs to use as weapons?
41) Both 52) A Rahi would be able to understand the tone of voice, the same way your dog can understand yours without speaking English. But the Mask is certainly way more effective if the target speaks the language. 63) Yes
1Greg's answers in bold.
21. You mentioned in your BS01 podcast interview that a character based on Hungarian folklore would appear in Sahmad's Tale. Have we met him yet?
31) Yes
42. How did Teridax unleash the virus that caused Mata Nui to sleep? My guess is that he teleported to Mata Nui's brain, took out the two Glatorian, inserted the virus, and for it to work properly, he absorbed all the energy from Metru Nui's power source when he revealed himself to the Toa Metru. Is this correct?
52) No. The Glatorian died in the crash. What Teridax was using was a computer virus, so it could be introduced from a number of different sites.
63. Do you know if the polish Glatorian books by Ameet are still being produced? I ask because if not, would it be legal for you to release The Crossing (I don't know how this legal stuff works)? I know there are translations, but it would still be nice to have the real version.
73) I can't release anything that someone has paid me for, because they own the rights to it. It doesn't belong to me and I have no rights to share it with anyone.
84. Are you able to release the bio of the winning entry of the Who Am I? contest? Or will you reveal the figure's history in a serial?
94) I don't plan to release the bio, no.
10I kind of figured that would be his answer to number three, but I was just making sure. Two is intereting; there are websites in the BIONICLE world.
11500th post . Yay .
21. You mentioned in your BS01 podcast interview that a character based on Hungarian folklore would appear in Sahmad's Tale. Have we met him yet?
31) Yes
42. How did Teridax unleash the virus that caused Mata Nui to sleep? My guess is that he teleported to Mata Nui's brain, took out the two Glatorian, inserted the virus, and for it to work properly, he absorbed all the energy from Metru Nui's power source when he revealed himself to the Toa Metru. Is this correct?
52) No. The Glatorian died in the crash. What Teridax was using was a computer virus, so it could be introduced from a number of different sites.
63. Do you know if the polish Glatorian books by Ameet are still being produced? I ask because if not, would it be legal for you to release The Crossing (I don't know how this legal stuff works)? I know there are translations, but it would still be nice to have the real version.
73) I can't release anything that someone has paid me for, because they own the rights to it. It doesn't belong to me and I have no rights to share it with anyone.
84. Are you able to release the bio of the winning entry of the Who Am I? contest? Or will you reveal the figure's history in a serial?
94) I don't plan to release the bio, no.
10I kind of figured that would be his answer to number three, but I was just making sure. Two is intereting; there are websites in the BIONICLE world.

11500th post . Yay .
1Hi Greg .
2My condolences about being diagnosed with diabetes. My father struggles with type 2 and I understand that it can be quite an ordeal. Best of luck with that.
3I was wondering if you had the time to answer a couple of questions about Spherus Magna locations and other.
41) There's been some debate as to the exact location of the EP Spring on Spherus Magna. You mentioned that it could have been in an Ice Tribe outpost just as much as it could have been in the Northern Frost. Have you answered other member's questions about it one way or the other? And if you have not, are you in a position to make a decision about it for accuracy's sake? i.e. Could you tell us one way or another?
52) There was mention in mid-2009 that the Element Lord of Fire's domain was the area around the Great Volcano. Now that we know the true nature of the Great Volcano, that doesn't seem very plausible anymore, as the Maze was designed to keep ELs out (I know that the Maze was built in the late stages of the Core War, but still...) Is it more likely that the volcanic unstable area the Skrall originally conquered post-Shattering was the domain of the EL of Fire?
63) A couple of months ago, I asked you to canonize the Dune Snake as visual inspiration for Vastus' armor design, which you graciously accepted. I also saw on the OGD, however, that the Talon Snake creature, a name which much better befits the snake on Vastus' armor, was the animal from which the venom was collected. Because it was I who asked about the Dune Snake canonization in the first place, would you feel comfortable decanonizing the Dune Snake info and making the Talon Snake the visual inspiration? I've done my research, and it looks like this would only affect the rejigging of one piece of info on BS01.
7Thanks so much for your time and attention.
91) Outpost 102) No, first statement was correct. Remember, the power plant was disguised, so the EL did not know it was there. And by the time the maze was built, it was irrelevant as the EL of Fire was out with his troops. 113) Fine by me
12Well, that's that.
1It seem that Greg canonizes everything we want xD
1It seem that Greg canonizes everything we want xD
2Well that was necessary. In 2009 I canonized the Talon snake. But then, early this year I think, it was canonized as the Dune Snake. So now we had conflicting canon. But now that person retracted the Dune Snake suggestion, so my beloved Talon Snake has taken the spotlight.
1I wish I could canonize my stuff.
11. Can the Toa Nuva still use regular Kanohi or just Kanohi Nuva? 22. Can the Toa Nuva use their Kanohi Nuva powers with Spherus Magna's inhabitants?
31) They can use regular Kanohi 42) Yes
6"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
1Hi Greg how you`re doing? I hope you can answer me onemore time please.
21.- I hope you received my last pm because you didn`t answered but it`s o.k 32.- recently you told another member that if a Skakdi Hordika existed he could only use his Rhotuka if he combined his powers with other Skakdi, why? 43.-If Matau as a Toa shapeshifted into a fish could he breathe underwater? 54.- and finally is there a BIG secret of Bionicle left that we fans don`t know yet? because it seems that Mata Nui as a giant robot was the biggest secret and we are hungry for more like that, maybe the secret of the Red Star which has been there for years? 6thanks in advance
72) Because Skakdi can only use their elemental powers in cooperation with another Skakdi, and the same applies to Rhotuka with those powers. 83) No 94) I don't really consider the RS to be a big secret, no. The biggest secret I think would what the GBs look like, what they are, etc., and I am still not allowed to reveal that despite the line being cancelled.
10Great we still have that big secret awaiting us .

1Red star still seems like a pretty big secret. I mean, sure , we know what it does. But we don't actually know what it physically looks like (does it actually look like a jetpack or what?). And then there's the Matoran inside of it and the inner mechanisms. I remember hearing Greg saying that such things would have been revealed in GN #10, or possibly a future one but I cannot be sure.
1Well we know it can't be Glatorian or Agori that inhabit the Red Star or Gali would have thought them to be Toa or Matoran. Maybe.
1Hey Greg. I have a few questions.
21. What kind of experiments were done to Vultraz? 32. Would they turn him back to normal? 43. Would they kill him? 53b. Would they mentally scar him? 64. If Vultraz is turned back to normal, can you consider putting him in a serial so we can see if he's ok? 7Thanks in advance.
8I don't have plans for Vultraz at this point. As for what the alt. dimension GBs are doing to him, who knows?
9Well, this makes me feel sad.
1Hey Greg. I have a few questions.
21. What kind of experiments were done to Vultraz? 32. Would they turn him back to normal? 43. Would they kill him? 53b. Would they mentally scar him? 64. If Vultraz is turned back to normal, can you consider putting him in a serial so we can see if he's ok? 7Thanks in advance.
8I don't have plans for Vultraz at this point. As for what the alt. dimension GBs are doing to him, who knows?
9Well, this makes me feel sad.
10Me too. I loved Vultraz... now, who cares about him?
1I know, I really didn't like the way that brothers in arms ended, it was really abrupt and poorly written I think. Vultraz and Mazeka had a lot more potential and it was thrown away, especially after such a big lead up to their final battle.
1The Red Star not a big secret? With all of those people in it that we don't know about? I think that it's a pretty big deal...
2I'm thinking they must be a pilot crew from Spherus Magna or something, if they aren't an unrevealed species.
3Red star still seems like a pretty big secret. I mean, sure , we know what it does. But we don't actually know what it physically looks like (does it actually look like a jetpack or what?). And then there's the Matoran inside of it and the inner mechanisms. I remember hearing Greg saying that such things would have been revealed in GN #10, or possibly a future one but I cannot be sure.
4I know. First, the beings that manipulate the Red Star are a completely new species. And it's half size of the MU. What would then make the Red Star a big mystery? When a whole new city with new species, could be on it, then I think that a pretty big mystery. 5-R, Serials Leader in B. Untold-
1Anybody having trouble getting responses from Greg lately? I sent him something twice, ten days apart, and its been another ten days with no response. Message tracker says he's read them. 2I know he's having a rough month, but he seems to be answering other things. Anybody know what's going on?
3Might have something to do with the fact that his wife's about ready to squeeze out a kid any day now.

1Hello Mr.Farshety, 21. Just to get an idea of how ancient the tentacled beig in Sahmad`s Tale chapter 5 is; who is older the tentacled creature or The Shadowed One? 31b. The creature or Lein? 42. Wich is the smallest tribe on Spherus Magna (minus Iron)? 53. Is Artakha gray-green in the sense gray &green or gray-green the color? 64. If a Makuta wore a Mask of Spirit would he set his spirit free or his Antidermis? 75. Is it possible that their are Ba-,Ce or Fe-Matoran on Voya Nui? Because they could have been sent their from Karzahni? 86. Is Telluris a Glatorian-Agori hybrid because he is very short for a Glatorian? 97. Would you be ok with ``Glatorian`` meening fighter in Agori? 108. Is their at leats one Av-Matoran on the NC? 119. If a Mohtrek user at one point in his life used a Mask of Spirit and possessed another body would he be able to bring that body back to aid him? 1210. Who is older Certavus or Ackar? 13Thanks
141) Um, Tuma, go back and read the story -- the creature says it predates the Great Beings. TSO came to being in the MU, which was created by the GBs, so the creature is older than anything in the MU, right? 152) Unknown 163) Huh? 174) Good question. Have to think about it. 185) No 196) No, there's no such thing as a Glatorian-Agori hybrid. 207) That's basically what it does mean 218) Yes 229) No, because it wouldn't actually be him. 2310) Certavus
1Anybody having trouble getting responses from Greg lately? I sent him something twice, ten days apart, and its been another ten days with no response. Message tracker says he's read them. 2I know he's having a rough month, but he seems to be answering other things. Anybody know what's going on?
3He usually reads them and goes back to answering the ones he doesn't get in the morning later. But he might have forgotten about yours since he must get twenty a day.
1Anybody having trouble getting responses from Greg lately? I sent him something twice, ten days apart, and its been another ten days with no response. Message tracker says he's read them. 2I know he's having a rough month, but he seems to be answering other things. Anybody know what's going on?
3Might have something to do with the fact that his wife's about ready to squeeze out a kid any day now.
4It is possible that you have block him. 5-R, Serials Leader in B. Untold-
1Anybody having trouble getting responses from Greg lately? I sent him something twice, ten days apart, and its been another ten days with no response. Message tracker says he's read them. 2I know he's having a rough month, but he seems to be answering other things. Anybody know what's going on?
3Might have something to do with the fact that his wife's about ready to squeeze out a kid any day now.
4Yeah. I'm just typing down any questions that pop into my head on a Word Document, and then, when the flood gates are re-opened, I'll just send that.

1Anybody having trouble getting responses from Greg lately? I sent him something twice, ten days apart, and its been another ten days with no response. Message tracker says he's read them. 2I know he's having a rough month, but he seems to be answering other things. Anybody know what's going on?
3Might have something to do with the fact that his wife's about ready to squeeze out a kid any day now.
4Yeah. I'm just typing down any questions that pop into my head on a Word Document, and then, when the flood gates are re-opened, I'll just send that.
6Brilliant...cuz I do that too. lawl.
1Hey Greg. A few new questions for ya.
21. If he were inclined to do so, would a Toa of Fire be able to "breathe fire", as in unleashing flames and fire bolts from his mouth? It would kinda explain why the Le-Matoran of Mata/Metru Nui called Ta-Matoran and Toa "fire-spitters".
32. Do the Sisters of the Skrall have names, or are they mostly nameless like the males? 42a. Does their leader have a name?
53. I heard somewhere that Great Beings possess the ability to shape-shift. Is this true?
64. I think I already know the answer to this, but what the hey: Are the GB native to Spherus Magna or did they come from... somewhere else?
81) No 92) Yes, they do 102a) Yes 113) I have no idea where you would have heard that, because we have never said anything like that. 124) I can't discuss it
1Seems like we will never have a fire-breathing toa. Shame, it would have been so cool to use in the story.