1Hello Greg, hope you and your wife are doing well, and hope you're keeping your sugar levels at a good level. I have a few questions that I would appreciate if you could answer.
21.When you guys had run that 2010 "Who am I?" contest, I had decided to base my entry around the Golden armor, and the consequence I created for my story. But, seeing how this isn't the case, it still begs the questions. Is there some kind of a significant consequence for having the Golden Armor created? I guess to me it just seems like an artifact that would come with fine print, it was a very powerful artifact.
31a. Speaking of consequences, do you think Miserix will target Tahu? Considering Tahu just pretty much decimated all those Rahkshi and destroying a pretty solid chance of him being able to rebuild his kingdom. And two, seeing how Teridax was momentarily distracted from all those Rahkshi being destroyed, it seems possible that the makuta might share some kind of connection with the Rahkshi. So, maybe he would feel spite toward Tahu?
42.A while back you had asked about people's favorite protagonists. Was that just something you were curious about? Or did you want to do something for us fans. I mean, toward the end of Reign of Shadows there was Artahka, Axonn, Brutaka, Miserix, Tuyet, Helryx, etc. Was that some way to fulfill what the fans wanted to see?
53. Seeing how Kraata are Antidermis and they control Rahkshi, which were also kraata of course. Does that mean a Makuta could take control of Rahkshi armor?
6I believe that's it for the time being. As always, thank you very much for taking time out of your day and answering questions.
71) Well, we'll see, I am sure it will pop up in story somewhere. 81a) No. Teridax "felt" the deaths of those Rahkshi because he created them. Miserix did not, so he had no connection to them at all. There's no evidence that Rahkshi will just follow the orders of any Makuta, unless the Makuta who created them wills it. So odds are Miserix could not have used them anyway. 92)Just curious 103)No, because Rahkshi armor is not designed to accomodate AI. It's just empty armor, it's not designed like a robot body.
111 I find very interesting.
1@1a. Remember, Miserex may not be a nice guy, but he's not evil per-say. When he ran the Brotherhood they were still good, I doubt that Miserex would ruin the only chance of going back to his former position and not being hunted down by people by killing Tahu out of spite.
1@1a. Remember, Miserex may not be a nice guy, but he's not evil per-say. When he ran the Brotherhood they were still good, I doubt that Miserex would ruin the only chance of going back to his former position and not being hunted down by people by killing Tahu out of spite.
2Well, I wasn't too sure. For one, I imagine he is pretty sour about losing his position. And 2, Greg did state that he is the type of Makuta to use someone to further his plans. So, I imagine in some way he is still trying to figure a way to rebuild and regain his "throne". And, considering Rahkshi are antidermis, I thought it would have made sense if Miserix went after Tahu for ruining his plan. But, that didn't turn out to be the case, though.
1@1a. Remember, Miserex may not be a nice guy, but he's not evil per-say. When he ran the Brotherhood they were still good, I doubt that Miserex would ruin the only chance of going back to his former position and not being hunted down by people by killing Tahu out of spite.
2Well, I wasn't too sure. For one, I imagine he is pretty sour about losing his position. And 2, Greg did state that he is the type of Makuta to use someone to further his plans. So, I imagine in some way he is still trying to figure a way to rebuild and regain his "throne". And, considering Rahkshi are antidermis, I thought it would have made sense if Miserix went after Tahu for ruining his plan. But, that didn't turn out to be the case, though.
3Well, remember that there are a whole lot of wild Rahkshi running around now, so maybe Miserix will try and sieze control of those and then make some kind of power grab. Remember, he was leading the bad guys in that pocket dimension (The one where the Makuta never rebelled, where Vezon met Tarduk), so maybe that's a forshadowing of events to come...

1@1a. Remember, Miserex may not be a nice guy, but he's not evil per-say. When he ran the Brotherhood they were still good, I doubt that Miserex would ruin the only chance of going back to his former position and not being hunted down by people by killing Tahu out of spite.
2Well, I wasn't too sure. For one, I imagine he is pretty sour about losing his position. And 2, Greg did state that he is the type of Makuta to use someone to further his plans. So, I imagine in some way he is still trying to figure a way to rebuild and regain his "throne". And, considering Rahkshi are antidermis, I thought it would have made sense if Miserix went after Tahu for ruining his plan. But, that didn't turn out to be the case, though.
3Well, remember that there are a whole lot of wild Rahkshi running around now, so maybe Miserix will try and sieze control of those and then make some kind of power grab. Remember, he was leading the bad guys in that pocket dimension (The one where the Makuta never rebelled, where Vezon met Tarduk), so maybe that's a forshadowing of events to come...
5Well, sounds possible. But, Greg did say Rahkshi only take command of those who they spawned from, unless the Makuta wishes for them to obey another Makuta. Again, possible, I think Miserix will somewhere down the line try something.
1Why can't Miserix just make his own Rahkshi? I know it takes time and energy, but isn't it possible? He is a makuta, after all. Why theorize about how he could take control of others when he could just make his own? He could make them any type he wanted instead of being stuck with the remnants.
1Why can't Miserex just make his own Rahkshi? I know it takes time and energy, but isn't it possible? He is a makuta, after all. Why theorize about how he could take control of others when he could just make his own? He could make them any type he wanted instead of being stuck with the remnants.
2Miserix needs a pool of energized protodermis to do that. And, the only ones that are known were on the MU, so, he can't get to them.
1Ah, of course. I forgot. Okay, doesn't SM have EP in its core? Isn't that what started the Core War?
2Never mind, just checked Biosector01. Says "formerly", so I guess that thought is worthless.
3Ah, not to worry, people do make mistakes. But, even if SM did still have Energized Protodermis, for the last time it was salvaged out of the planet, it shattered. So, I doubt anyone would be too enthusiastic about getting it again. At least, that's what I think.
1Thanks. Out of curiosity, would it be out of the question for Miserix to try to extract EP? I seem to remember he said "Let us all die. Let the universe burn . I only want Teridax dead ." in DoD. If he considered it as a way to get revenge on Teridax (why, I don't know) wouldn't he consider it?
2I don't think it makes sense, only that it is possible.
2I don't think it makes sense, only that it is possible.
1Thanks. Out of curiosity, would it be out of the question for Miserix to try to extract EP? I seem to remember he said "Let us all die. Let the universe burn . I only want Teridax dead ." in DoD. If he considered it as a way to get revenge on Teridax (why, I don't know) wouldn't he consider it?
2I don't think it makes sense, only that it is possible.
3Teridax IS dead.
4The universe burned a bit.
5I think there's not much to be considered.
1@1a. Remember, Miserex may not be a nice guy, but he's not evil per-say. When he ran the Brotherhood they were still good, I doubt that Miserex would ruin the only chance of going back to his former position and not being hunted down by people by killing Tahu out of spite.
2Well, I wasn't too sure. For one, I imagine he is pretty sour about losing his position. And 2, Greg did state that he is the type of Makuta to use someone to further his plans. So, I imagine in some way he is still trying to figure a way to rebuild and regain his "throne". And, considering Rahkshi are antidermis, I thought it would have made sense if Miserix went after Tahu for ruining his plan. But, that didn't turn out to be the case, though.
3Well, remember that there are a whole lot of wild Rahkshi running around now, so maybe Miserix will try and sieze control of those and then make some kind of power grab. Remember, he was leading the bad guys in that pocket dimension (The one where the Makuta never rebelled, where Vezon met Tarduk), so maybe that's a forshadowing of events to come...
5Well, sounds possible. But, Greg did say Rahkshi only take command of those who they spawned from, unless the Makuta wishes for them to obey another Makuta. Again, possible, I think Miserix will somewhere down the line try something.
6Actually, Greg said that any old Makuta couldn't take control of those Rahkshi as long as the Makuta who created them was still directly controlling. That's how Rakhshi work. A Makuta creates some, and when he's done with them, he/she sets them free, hence the dozens of "wild" Rahkshi residing beneath Metru Nui. Teridax was able to take control of those in Time Trap, and he obviously couldn't have created all of them. In other words, any Makuta (In this case, Miserix) can take control of "wild" Rahkshi, at which point they are "re-called to duty," I suppose. So, Miserix could do that, if he wanted to. I'm gonna ask Greg in a few months, when he's not so busy.

1Well, sounds possible. But, Greg did say Rahkshi only take command of those who they spawned from, unless the Makuta wishes for them to obey another Makuta. Again, possible, I think Miserix will somewhere down the line try something.
2He could also just branch off and form his own nation of Rahkshi and former BoM servants right now... maybe some Rock Tribe members and exiles would be willing to join simply to have a place to live. Then EVENTUALLY he might have the military strength to attack.
1Thanks. Out of curiosity, would it be out of the question for Miserix to try to extract EP? I seem to remember he said "Let us all die. Let the universe burn . I only want Teridax dead ." in DoD. If he considered it as a way to get revenge on Teridax (why, I don't know) wouldn't he consider it?
2I don't think it makes sense, only that it is possible.
3Teridax IS dead.
4The universe burned a bit.
5I think there's not much to be considered.
6Yeah, but Miserix didn't kill him, did he? Anyone remember Vengence? That is kind of what I meant. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
1I don't see Miserix rebelling anytime soon. He's full of darkness and is power-hungry just like any other Makuta, but he tends to serve the light to gain power. As long as nobody challenges him, he isn't likely to become a villain. I see him manipulating people though, and if one of the Glatorian/Toa (NOT Mata Nui, whom he seems happy to serve) emerges as a leader of Spherus Magna he would probably become a threat.
1Sorry, Official Makuta Topic
2Can't wait util bonesiii closes the OGD. 3|R - Serials Leader in B:Untold|
2Can't wait util bonesiii closes the OGD. 3|R - Serials Leader in B:Untold|
1Sorry, Official Makuta Topic
2Can't wait util bonesiii closes the OGD. 3|R - Serials Leader in B:Untold|
4Well, if you don't like it, then don't read it? If you're sour towards it, don't make everyone else suffer because you do.
1While you are simply doing trying to keep BZP at peak performance (nothing wrong with that), I think Aldian was referring to your "I can't wait for bonesii to close the OGD" comment when he said you were being sour. It seemed unnecessary. I appreciate the work you put into this to keep BZP running smoothly, and apologize for any extra work this post may cause.
1It was just a comment. I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just wanted to say what I was thinking.
1This topic doesn't need to be closed; it helps everyone if we have it. What we need is a more strict rule about liminting discussion to that of the answers.
1No it is supposed to be closed and two new topics will open

1How many posts do you need before you can PM Greg?
1Suffer it? I have to read everything out of topic you write to see the answers? And how did I made anyone to suffer it?
2And if you don't know, rules say that were here to discuss GregF's answers. That discuss belongs to the Makuta Topic.![]()
3Well, I didn't mean to sound like you made people suffer for it. But, the way I perceived your message was "I don't like OGD, I can't wait till it's closed." I know a lot of people comment here and discuss answers from Greg, they like talking in here, and the way you said it kind of sounded like you wanted it closed just because you didn't like it. But, I didn't mean to look at it like that, I apologize.
1More stuff from Greg. 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Some more questions,Greg.Thanks in advance. 61.The new ...thing in Sahmed's Tale...Is it in some way related to EP or the EP enity?That's the only thing I could think of that would be powerful enough to bring it into being... 72.Which is most powerful? 8The gold-skin fusion? 9The EP enity? 10The thing in Sahmed's Tale that gave the sisters of the Skrall their power? 11The Makuta? 12The Great Beings? 13Or The Kanohi Ignika? 143.Is the air in the MU protodermis? 154.Another Mask of Mutation question-can it take away powers? 165.If a Toa Inika charged a Toa Stone, would whoever used the stone be a Toa Inika?
171) No 182) I don't want to go into this 193) I would say probably not, since we know they were able to breathe the outside air. 204) Yes 215) No
22To more questions I forgot. 236)Can Toa of Magnetism work with both ferro(North-South Pole type)and diamagnetism(exclusivly repulsive magnetic force)?If not,then you run into problems with physics again. 247)Can Agori/Glatorian use Kanohi?
251) Sorry, not a physicist, so not a question I can answer 262) No, they cannot. It would be like you trying to get energy by holding four double-A batteries in your hand. They aren't designed to power you,
171) No 182) I don't want to go into this 193) I would say probably not, since we know they were able to breathe the outside air. 204) Yes 215) No
22To more questions I forgot. 236)Can Toa of Magnetism work with both ferro(North-South Pole type)and diamagnetism(exclusivly repulsive magnetic force)?If not,then you run into problems with physics again. 247)Can Agori/Glatorian use Kanohi?
251) Sorry, not a physicist, so not a question I can answer 262) No, they cannot. It would be like you trying to get energy by holding four double-A batteries in your hand. They aren't designed to power you,
1Hi Greg . Great chapter of Sahmad's Tale.
21) Will be named the tentacled being, correct? I believe that characters like him must have a name. 32) So, they are now in the surface? At least. 43) That criature is always shining or has a face? 54) The Yesterday Quest 2 and The Powers That Be 2 will be in September, correct?
61) Most likely 72) Yes 83) I can't answer this 94) Most likely, yes, depending on my baby comes
1Hello Mr. Farshtey . Could you answer some questions for me? 21.Do SM inhabitants have blood? 32. Do SM inhabitants have hair? 43. If a toa of sonics did a nova blast would it create a sonic boom? 54.There is a debate at BNG. Does Krakua wear a normal shaped Suletu or one shaped like a Hau? 6Thank you for your time.
71) Most likely, though it may not look like ours does 82) Probably, yes 93) That's one thing that might happen, yes 104) A normal shaped Suletu would not look like a Hau, and the model is obviously wearing a Hau, so he cannot be wearing a normal shaped Suletu.
1Sonic Boom, Global Destruction. What's next?
1A sonic boom doesn't sound (hehe) too bad. I'd really hate to be around during a fire nova blast, though.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey,
2after reading the last chapter of Sahmad's Tale I have some questions about it:
31)Are the Iron Agori Sahmad sees at the end of the fourth chapter illusions, or are they real like the Sisters of the Skrall?
42)Are all the Sisters now controlled by the tentacled being, or just a few? 52a)When were they placed under its control?
63)How comes the tentacled being was on Bara Magna if the Iron Agori (whose plague it caused) lived on Bota Magna (even before the Shattering, those two locations are quite far from each other)?
74)Did the being hide to escape the Great Beings or did they imprison it? If the former, why did it wait 100,000 years and didn't re-emerge right after the Shattering?
85)Did the Great Beings model Tren Krom after this being? 95a)Who would you say is stronger, Tren Krom or this being?
106)Will Metus's re-transformation be explained?
11Now some other questions:
127)Have you heard any news about GN10?
138)When do you believe Papercutz will decide whether to publish it or not?
149)You already said the part you've already written will be posted on Bzp? Is there a possibility you will write the rest and post it online or that a contest will be hosted for the fans to write it instead?
151) Illusions, remember, they turn into the Sisters of the Skrall in chapter 5. 162) All 172a) When they went in search of the Great Being 183) Um, cause it's capable of moving. The Iron Agori were wiped out 3000 years before the Core War. That gave it a lot of time to get to Bara Magna, don't you think? 194) No, they did not imprison it 205) No 216) Yup 228-9) There was a topic on BZP about this the other day. A member contacted Papercutz and was told they had no plans to publish the book.
23I'm sorry to bother you again, Mr. Farshtey, but not all your answers were clear to me:
242)Will the actual event of their capture be portrayed in future story?
254)Sahmad says at the end of Chapter 5 the being was imprisoned. Was it just an assumption? 264a)If he was not imprisoned, why did he wait so long to re-emerge? Why stay hidden for so long?
272) No. 284) Well, let's say you are in a park and there is a wild animal loose. You run and hide in a cave so the animal won't hurt you. For as long as the animal is out there, you are basically imprisoned in the cave -- you can't leave without risking harm. It's not the same as someone arresting you and putting you in jail, but the results are the same. 294a) Fear of the Great Beings.
30Does anyone know which topic he is talking about (question 9)?
1A sonic boom doesn't sound (hehe) too bad. I'd really hate to be around during a fire nova blast, though.
2If you're strong, you can fly, You can reach the other side of the rainbow. It's alright, take a chance, 'cause there is no circumstance That you can't handle (when you use your mind)...
3But yeah, obscure reference ftw. But while a Toa of Sonics Nova blast would certaintly cause a sonic boom, that definitely wouldn't be the majority of the blast.
1All the Sisters of the Skall have no will now. That's really sad.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey . Could you answer some questions for me? 21.Do SM inhabitants have blood? 32. Do SM inhabitants have hair? 43. If a toa of sonics did a nova blast would it create a sonic boom? 54.There is a debate at BNG. Does Krakua wear a normal shaped Suletu or one shaped like a Hau? 6Thank you for your time.
71) Most likely, though it may not look like ours does 82) Probably, yes 93) That's one thing that might happen, yes 104) A normal shaped Suletu would not look like a Hau, and the model is obviously wearing a Hau, so he cannot be wearing a normal shaped Suletu.
11Whoa . #2 is really interesting...
1Hello Mr. Farshtey . Could you answer some questions for me? 21.Do SM inhabitants have blood? 32. Do SM inhabitants have hair? 43. If a toa of sonics did a nova blast would it create a sonic boom? 54.There is a debate at BNG. Does Krakua wear a normal shaped Suletu or one shaped like a Hau? 6Thank you for your time.
71) Most likely, though it may not look like ours does 82) Probably, yes 93) That's one thing that might happen, yes 104) A normal shaped Suletu would not look like a Hau, and the model is obviously wearing a Hau, so he cannot be wearing a normal shaped Suletu.
11Whoa . #2 is really interesting...
12Someone asked that way back in February of last year or something. But I had forgotten about it until now.
13Ackar's hair must be white or falling off. Or maybe he's bald.

1That's so not epic.