ScribeGT6817 wrote:hawaiiandog5000 wrote:1Can Bionicle's cry?
2Not that we have ever seen. I would assume they have a lubrication system of some sort, but I see no reason it would be connected to emotions since they were not intended by their designers to have those kind of emotions.
3Glatorian can cry; Kiina did in Journey's End. I don't tink MU inhabitants can though...
LQ1998 wrote:TopSecretSpyGuy wrote:1Here's something I'd like to see, as I never really payed much attention to BIONICLE when it was out:
2Please summarize the entire BIONICLE storyline.
3I'm sure Greg doesn't have enough time for that
. I'd ask Keplers to do it
4Okay. This should take about five character limits.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:1I have a few questions, Greg:
21. The surviving Barraki, after they emigrated onto Spherus Magna, had their mutations reversed by the Mask of Life and so can breathe air. Now that they are free and on the move, what would you expect them to do?
32. When you come up with characters for your stories, do you often take inspiration from people that you know in real life? I've modeled characters in some of my own fiction after real people - do you do this, or do you tend to start from scratch?
43. You've said that your favorite Bionicle book was Time Trap. I enjoyed it a lot myself - why exactly did you enjoy writing it? Was it because it had so many great characters at once? (Vakama, Teridax, TSO...)
5By the way, I read Bionicle Legends #3: Power Play recently. I think it might just be my favorite Bionicle book so far, along with Time Trap. Thanks for doing such a great job!
61) I would expect them to continue to be major pains in the neck.
72) No, not in general. I've tried to do that sometimes, but then if you aren't still friends with the person when the book comes out, it gets awkward.
83) Actually, it was because (in part) it had so few characters. With the comics, especially, I had to cram so many characters and sets in that it could get in the way of the story. TT was a clean story, plus it gave me the chance to do Makuta the way I wanted to.
9This is interesting, thank you!
10About #1: Does Takadox still have his Tablet of Transit? If so, would Miserix recognize it him as an ally?
11Although, now that I think of it, the Brotherhood probably doesn't practically exist anymore, even if Miserix is still around...
12And one more question, if you don't mind: If Velika wants to eliminate powerful beings in the universe, would he end up going after Tobduck and the Alternate Teridax?
2about Teridax was the UM could it drain the energy3of the planets.
4the power of golden fusion was there a based on5an power elementary legendary that has not6was revealed.
7why have two version8of the Teridax death which was the true
9would it be possible for the Grand beings10to create a toa possessing all power11elementary even if it would be too powerful for12be controlled.
1Why is it that Av-Matoran are naturally white-&-gold, yet in Karda Nui they are green, orange, & plain white? I know that Karda Nui increases the sizes of all Av-Matoran & Toa of light, but why are they all different colors?
2Also, do you find it weird that some Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok when they die?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:olympicmascots wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:VORTIXXFAN wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:VORTIXXFAN wrote:1Whats you opinion on the ELCP and the EELCPP?
2I don't know what those are.
3End LEGO Chima Petition and the End the 'End LEGO Chima Petition' Petition. But I'm sure you'll just say something along the lines of 'Petitions never work'.
4Put simply, I would assume that someone who does not like Chima (and so signs a petition against it) would not be buying the sets. If the sets don't sell, the line eventually gets cancelled. If lots of people sign a petition, but lots more buy the sets (as seems to be the case now with Chima, since the TV series started being on regularly) then the line does not get cancelled.
5As I have said before, it is not about petitions -- LEGO Company is a business, it is about set sales.
6Given that a lot of the hostility against Chima was because it was perceived as replacing Ninjago -- and Ninjago is not only not being replaced, but Time magazine last week talked about a Ninjago movie for 2015 -- I see no point in hating on Chima. If you don't like it, just don't buy it. Nobody expects you to like every LEGO line or want to purchase sets from every LEGO line. Buy what you like, don't buy what you don't.
7As for the petition to end another petition, that is something you should probably talk to White Alligator about. I am not a moderator, so I have no say on what topics/petitions get closed.
8Also didn't you say that if you don't like it don't buy it if you take the taste out of people than you're wrong. What about that part?
9I don't understand your comment. Who is talking about taking the taste out of people? If you don't like something, you don't spend your money on it -- that applies to toys, movies, food, and anything else you might spend your money on. That is ABOUT your personal taste. And sales is how companies make decisions, in general, not petitions.
10I mean users bullying topics they don't like what about that?
2I have been an avid fan of your LEGO novels since Bionicle Adventures 4: Tales of the Masks.(Or was it Toa?) I loved the Hero Factory Secret Missions books and am sad to hear that they are ending.
3However, questions still arise that, unless you answer them here, we likely will never know the answer to.
4Karter worked for a major company of some sort with major political and military leverage. We know of one other being belonging to that company, someone on an ocean planet with crimson armor.
5What is his name? What is the name of his organization? What are they after?