Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:1I have a few questions, Greg:
2By the way, I read Bionicle Legends #3: Power Play recently. I think it might just be my favorite Bionicle book so far, along with Time Trap. Thanks for doing such a great job!
31) I would expect them to continue to be major pains in the neck.
42) No, not in general. I've tried to do that sometimes, but then if you aren't still friends with the person when the book comes out, it gets awkward.
53) Actually, it was because (in part) it had so few characters. With the comics, especially, I had to cram so many characters and sets in that it could get in the way of the story. TT was a clean story, plus it gave me the chance to do Makuta the way I wanted to.
6This is interesting, thank you!
7About #1: Does Takadox still have his Tablet of Transit? If so, would Miserix recognize it him as an ally?
8Although, now that I think of it, the Brotherhood probably doesn't practically exist anymore, even if Miserix is still around...
9And one more question, if you don't mind: If Velika wants to eliminate powerful beings in the universe, would he end up going after Tobduck and the Alternate Teridax?
10I am not sure if alternate Teridax would be at the power level necessary for Velika to worry about him. He might be. But Velika seems more concerned with "wild card" characters than with characters who are all about imposing some kind of order on the universe.
2So do I, allstarpc2, but LEGO proably just decided that it wasn't profitable anymore. It's too bad, but understandable. At least we can still have fun with what they gave us...
3No, actually PM did pretty well. But with a lot playthemes, we go into it knowing it is only going to last a year or two years or three years. Ninjago is unusual in that it was scheduled to last three years and it's been extended.
4Why do we set time limits like that? Basically, because novelty is a big part of our business -- you need to keep coming out with something new -- and if you keep all the old lines around, there will be no room on store shelves for you to launch something new.
yolotyolot wrote:1how is it that toa mata nui actually BECAME a toa? i mean...... he's the great spirit! how? and who is your favorite LEGO bionicle character ever? mine is toa mata nui!
3He is the Great Spirit, but his power derived from his body -- he was no longer in that body. He took the name Toa because that is a hero's name in his universe. And my favorite BIONICLE character was Kopaka.
xeara wrote:1Why is it that Av-Matoran are naturally white-&-gold, yet in Karda Nui they are green, orange, & plain white? I know that Karda Nui increases the sizes of all Av-Matoran & Toa of light, but why are they all different colors?
2Also, do you find it weird that some Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok when they die?
3Av-Matoran are capable of affecting how your eye perceives color, which they use as a form of camouflage.
4Not weird, no, cause it was my idea.
1I don't understand your comment. Who is talking about taking the taste out of people? If you don't like something, you don't spend your money on it -- that applies to toys, movies, food, and anything else you might spend your money on. That is ABOUT your personal taste. And sales is how companies make decisions, in general, not petitions.
2I mean users bullying topics they don't like what about that?
3I hesitate to comment because I am not a moderator. In general, I have never been a fan of "I hate this!" topics, because I am always not sure what purpose they serve. Sometimes they are of great value, if the comments are constructive, because they can show us where we are doing something wrong or confusing. But sometimes it feels like it is someone saying, "I don't like this and it bothers me that other people do, so I will start a "me too" topic and try to talk everyone else into hating it too."
4See, the thing is, if a TV show is bad, the ratings show it ... if a set line is bad, the sales show it ... and sometimes what they show is completely opposite of what you are going to see online on message boards. People tend to be a lot more willing to post if they don't like something than if they do. (Heck, when BIONICLE was active, it became traditional that anything new we did was universally hated on the message boards for at least the first six months.)
STARROCKS923 wrote:1Greg, this question might be too much, but stay with me for a minute.
2I have been an avid fan of your LEGO novels since Bionicle Adventures 4: Tales of the Masks.(Or was it Toa?) I loved the Hero Factory Secret Missions books and am sad to hear that they are ending.
3However, questions still arise that, unless you answer them here, we likely will never know the answer to.
4Karter worked for a major company of some sort with major political and military leverage. We know of one other being belonging to that company, someone on an ocean planet with crimson armor.
5What is his name? What is the name of his organization? What are they after?
6Hi -- Yes, let's talk about this here, because I am bummed I did not get to finish that plot line.
7Basically, the approach I was taking was this -- HF is a private company. It's not a government body, it doesn't represent anyone's interests, but it is enforcing the law all over the universe. I don't think everyone would be happy about that. Essentially, Makuhero has a private army at his beck and call that is doing a job that should be done by planetary or a galactic government.
8So my feeling that it would make sense for industrialists, frontier governments and other disaffected types to start conspiring against HF. I did not see this as a Von Nebula-super-villain thing -- these are people who, if they were unscrupulous and dangerous, legitimately disagree with the idea behind HF and saw it as dangerous.
9Feel free to ask more about this and let's explore it.
Tahmid1Cute wrote:1Greg,You're the author of those paprercutz books.What will happen on the new on with the description like:The ninja are unstopable.Unless they have to face one of their own.The one realesed on Oct. 22,2013?
2Hi Tahmid - I never discuss future book plot. If I give plot away ahead of time, then there is no reason for anyone to buy and read the books.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:1Why is it that Av-Matoran are naturally white-&-gold, yet in Karda Nui they are green, orange, & plain white? I know that Karda Nui increases the sizes of all Av-Matoran & Toa of light, but why are they all different colors?
2Also, do you find it weird that some Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok when they die?
3Av-Matoran are capable of affecting how your eye perceives color, which they use as a form of camouflage.
4Not weird, no, cause it was my idea.
5Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:STARROCKS923 wrote:1Greg, this question might be too much, but stay with me for a minute.
2I have been an avid fan of your LEGO novels since Bionicle Adventures 4: Tales of the Masks.(Or was it Toa?) I loved the Hero Factory Secret Missions books and am sad to hear that they are ending.
3However, questions still arise that, unless you answer them here, we likely will never know the answer to.
4Karter worked for a major company of some sort with major political and military leverage. We know of one other being belonging to that company, someone on an ocean planet with crimson armor.
5What is his name? What is the name of his organization? What are they after?6Hi -- Yes, let's talk about this here, because I am bummed I did not get to finish that plot line.
7Basically, the approach I was taking was this -- HF is a private company. It's not a government body, it doesn't represent anyone's interests, but it is enforcing the law all over the universe. I don't think everyone would be happy about that. Essentially, Makuhero has a private army at his beck and call that is doing a job that should be done by planetary or a galactic government.
8So my feeling that it would make sense for industrialists, frontier governments and other disaffected types to start conspiring against HF. I did not see this as a Von Nebula-super-villain thing -- these are people who, if they were unscrupulous and dangerous, legitimately disagree with the idea behind HF and saw it as dangerous.
9Feel free to ask more about this and let's explore it.
10Would there be anyone who sees it as more trouble than it's worth, considering that almost all of the main HF year's problems were caused by them (Von Ness was made in HF, Witch Doctor got his ideas from HF, Breakout was a crime surge caused by HF keeping all the villains in one place, Brain Attack was based off of HF itself,) and wishes they would be destroyed for the greater good?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Tahmid1Cute wrote:1Greg,You're the author of those paprercutz books.What will happen on the new on with the description like:The ninja are unstopable.Unless they have to face one of their own.The one realesed on Oct. 22,2013?
2Hi Tahmid - I never discuss future book plot. If I give plot away ahead of time, then there is no reason for anyone to buy and read the books.
3 Okay, I have gathered up some info from LEGO about season three of Ninjago, and I finnally predicted what will happen in 2014 . Techno Blades, nindroids, etc.! Are you as excited as I am
! P.S. The episode list I showed you was a fake that somewhat made it through and Cylan and Ace are not characters, either. The new characters are accually Cyrus Borg, General Cryptor, Nindroids, etc.