NRGJay1232 wrote:1Greg, you are so cool! I want to work at a LEGO store when I grow up!(Just for a while) I really love Ninjago! It's the best thing! Everything I have is about Ninjago! Ninjago bed covers, Ninjago Posters,Ninjago Jackets,Ninjago Episodes,and Ninjago blankets! So, here are some questions!21. Do you like AMC'S The Walking Dead?32. What's going to happen to Nya?43. What happen to Pythor?(I know he got eaten, just why didn't he survive if Sensei did?)54. What happened to Kai's father?65. What is Kai's last name?76.What is Cole's last name?8Thank you! Bye!
91) Nope
102-6) I do not believe either Kai or Cole have ever been given last names in story. As for the rest, I either don't have this information or I can't discuss it.

ScribeGT6817 wrote:Spinjisumaster wrote:1I thought you moght be able to answer these questions:
- 4could I help write a book for a new ninjago Season?(like the books on the Ninja that you did
61) The Hagemann brothers write the show
72) I didn't create Ninjago
83) Have you had anything published before?
9No, I never have had anything published before, but I have a peotry blog on which I post up my poetry. I also write the Ninjago Fan fiction "Stormchild and the Ninja". I am starting a book about some kids who have different magical powers. I'm hoping to get it published!
NRGJay1232 wrote:1OH MY GOSH YOU RESPONDED! Oh um, It is so cool how Kai is getting his own hair piece! I'm a huge LEGO fan! I have another question, Why doesn't LEGO start doing Halloween,and Christmas specials? I bet people would be exited!A lot of people look forward to stuff like that! I'd think Zane and Sensei would be secret Santas! It would be awesome! And Kai would find out,And Lloyd would be an Elf! I know that's a bit random!
But, I think it sounds fun!
2Who knows, maybe it will happen one day?
sign5456 wrote:1Oh my gosh i have like all your books, you are awesome. What was the start of bionicle?2Who created the great beings?
3BIONICLE got started a couple of years before I came to LEGO, as a project to see if a line with a really deep storyline could work. As for the Great Beings, there is nothing in the story bibles about how they came to be. To the best of my knowledge,they were native to Spherus Magna.

legomisstress123 wrote:1do you think LEGO might bring back bionicle if the fans give them very very very very very very very very very good ideas? and on hero factory do you think that they might add bioformers? because triple threat and diode are awesome
2BIONICLE wasn't cancelled due to a lack of ideas, trust me -- we were in the midst of planning the next movie when the cancellation got announced. It was cancelled due to declining sales.
3I don't know what bioformers are, sorry.
2Some questions;
31. Are Antidermis Makuta affected by electricity/lightning?
42. Let me give you a scenario for this one. Say that Bitil, using the Mask of Time Duplication, summoned a Dupe form sometime in the far past. In the present, this Dupe was shot by, say, an arrow. This arrow stuck in him. Shortly after, the Dupe was de-summoned, and sent back to his time. Would the arrow go back with him to the past, or would it stay in the present?
53. Could the average Bionicle use multiple powers at the same time?
64. This is just a little fact for you(

ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:1What if it was Velika who gave them their sentience? Would Velika want to mess with the system created by the other GBs? I might make sense, considering that they're at odds...
2Another possibility is Tren Krom. He might have had the power to somehow "glitch" the Matoran into sentience, yes?
3Oh, the Velika theory is REALLY interesting, Firox ... heck, we could talk for days on that one.
4I agree! I had never thought of that... However, why would Velika want to mess up the system created by his fellow GBs?