botven1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:botven1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:botven1 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2When did Makuta think up the Plan? It changed over time didn't it? What was it first going to be, and when did it change to what it was in the end?
3Makuta basically ran a lot of different plans at once. I think the plan he finally ended up executing really came into full flower at the end of 2003 storyline, when his efforts to control when the Matoran would return to Metru Nui failed.
4Aaah.. Because previously he was planning on keeping them away for so long that mata nui would die.
5One more thing; Does the mask of charisma work on Rahi? Do you have to be able to communicate with the target for it to work?
6No, remember, if Mata Nui died without Makuta being in a position to take over, Makuta gained nothing from it. He was going to need Metru Nui functioning when Mata Nui died, otherwise he would be taking over a robot that was effectively brain dead.
7No, I don't think it was intended to work on Rahi
8Hmm.. Then why was he trying to stop them from returning? Why where the TURAGA trying to stop them from returning (wih their cover stories about makuta and mata nui etc.)?
9He wanted to control the timing of when they returned. His plans were timed out very carefully, and when they got back to Metru Nui early, he had to accelerate everything.
10As for the Turaga, that's easy -- if the Matoran had tried to go back to Metru Nui, especially before the Toa showed up, the Turaga feared what might happen to them at the hands of Makuta.
botven1 wrote:Spinjisumaster wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:legopanama wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:legopanama wrote:1GT? Could you read my story? "A Survivor a Verpine's Story.."
2I actually don't read fan fiction.
3I mean here on the MBs..... Still no?
4No, because I write for LEGO, i have always considered it best not to read fan stories so I can't ever be accused of stealing someone else's ideas.
I don't mind if people use my ideas, because I feel proud (but I like it better when they tell me!)
6Jay Vincent is (maybe) using some of my idea's for the new Ninjago Music.
7Well, tey difinitley used a couple of my ideas. I posted a bio and put my dragon name as shard, and three months later; zane's dragon as the name shard. Coincidence? Maybe...
8Keep in mind that TV scripts and set names are decided upon a year in advance, usually.
Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Oh, the Velika theory is REALLY interesting, Firox ... heck, we could talk for days on that one.
2I think I would enjoy discussing it for a bit, if you'd like to.
3My main idea behind the theory is that Velika would somehow have realized that he could hurt the other GB's plans (or at least forward his own) by giving the Matoran sentience.
4Maybe he would have figured that he could use the Matoran much more effectively if they were sentient.
5Also, I don't know what the eventual end of his plan is supposed to be, but if it involves him becoming the ruler of the universe, he would probably rather rule over sentient beings, not mindless drones.
6And I just realized something... if Velika entered a Matoran body as the MU was being launched, he would have had to feign being a mindless worker for quite some time while analyzing the Matoran, at least until figured out how to give the Matoran sentience (assuming that the theory is correct).
7Also - did Velika actually help build the Great Spirit Robot? If he was involved with the creation of the Matoran, he would have had that much more knowledge of their inner workings (and found out what else he needed to know by actually entering a Matoran body).
8Yes, he was involved in the building of the robot. And I do think he had an eye on messing up the GB's plan.9I probably shouldn't stretch this out too long, but there is one more question that I have:
10How did the robot fit into Velika's plans? Did he want to take it over? If so, how much aware was he of Teridax's plan to take over? Did Velika consider it a setback when the robot was destroyed, or a benefit?
11No, Velika did not intend to take over Mata Nui. I do not see him trying to sabotage the plan to reform Spherus Magna, because what he was angry about was that the GBs let the planet get wrecked in the first place.
1Hello Mr. F-
2Questions (What else?)
31. Can Antidermis Makuta be affected by electricity?
42. Can Antidermis Makuta feel pain if their Antidermis is being destroyed?
53. Can Makuta, using their power of Lightning/Electricity, control that element, or merely release bursts of the power? (They also have chain lightning, as you well know, but this is a separate power)
64. In one of the Mistika/Phantoka books, you mentioned that Icarax had more than the normal 42 Kraata powers. Did you ever compile a list, or thought up, some of these powers? If so, what are they?
75. Can the Mask of Time be used, if you had a high enough mental power, to travel back into the past?
86. Let me put this in scenario-style. Bitil, with the Mask of Time Duplication (MOTD), creates a Duplicate in the present, from an undetermined time in the past. While in the present, this Dupe gets hit by an physical bullet. This bullet lodges in the Dupe's armor, causing a superficial injury (painless of course). Not long afterwards, the Dupe gets sent back to the past, albeit with the bullet still lodged within the Dupe's armor. Would the bullet, being an injury, travel with the Dupe to the past? Or would the Dupe's body disappear, and the bullet stays in the present, dropping to the ground?
95. Another scenario question. What, exactly, is brought with a MOTD's Dupe from the past? For example, I have noticed in the comic series that the Bitil Dupes came with their weapons. However, if the Dupe was holding something else in the past, would that come too? If the Dupe was still flesh-and-blood, and was eating breakfast, would his cereal spoon come with him? ()
ScribeGT6817 wrote:botven1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:botven1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:botven1 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2When did Makuta think up the Plan? It changed over time didn't it? What was it first going to be, and when did it change to what it was in the end?
3Makuta basically ran a lot of different plans at once. I think the plan he finally ended up executing really came into full flower at the end of 2003 storyline, when his efforts to control when the Matoran would return to Metru Nui failed.
4Aaah.. Because previously he was planning on keeping them away for so long that mata nui would die.
5One more thing; Does the mask of charisma work on Rahi? Do you have to be able to communicate with the target for it to work?
6No, remember, if Mata Nui died without Makuta being in a position to take over, Makuta gained nothing from it. He was going to need Metru Nui functioning when Mata Nui died, otherwise he would be taking over a robot that was effectively brain dead.
7No, I don't think it was intended to work on Rahi
8Hmm.. Then why was he trying to stop them from returning? Why where the TURAGA trying to stop them from returning (wih their cover stories about makuta and mata nui etc.)?
9He wanted to control the timing of when they returned. His plans were timed out very carefully, and when they got back to Metru Nui early, he had to accelerate everything.
10As for the Turaga, that's easy -- if the Matoran had tried to go back to Metru Nui, especially before the Toa showed up, the Turaga feared what might happen to them at the hands of Makuta.
11Yeah, I suppose that makes sense....
12Just one more question (Sorry to keep plagueing you with them; as you might have guessed, I'm a Bionicle Fanatic);
13Why do the blade burrowers carve the matoran sign for the Three Virtues? And if it was the universal sign for the Three Virtues, then why didn't Mutran recognise it? Unless he doesn't take much notice of matoran customs..
lego613master wrote:1Hello Mr. F-
2Questions (What else?
31. Can Antidermis Makuta be affected by electricity?
42. Can Antidermis Makuta feel pain if their Antidermis is being destroyed?
53. Can Makuta, using their power of Lightning/Electricity, control that element, or merely release bursts of the power? (They also have chain lightning, as you well know, but this is a separate power)
64. In one of the Mistika/Phantoka books, you mentioned that Icarax had more than the normal 42 Kraata powers. Did you ever compile a list, or thought up, some of these powers? If so, what are they?
75. Can the Mask of Time be used, if you had a high enough mental power, to travel back into the past?
86. Let me put this in scenario-style. Bitil, with the Mask of Time Duplication (MOTD), creates a Duplicate in the present, from an undetermined time in the past. While in the present, this Dupe gets hit by an physical bullet. This bullet lodges in the Dupe's armor, causing a superficial injury (painless of course). Not long afterwards, the Dupe gets sent back to the past, albeit with the bullet still lodged within the Dupe's armor. Would the bullet, being an injury, travel with the Dupe to the past? Or would the Dupe's body disappear, and the bullet stays in the present, dropping to the ground?
95. Another scenario question. What, exactly, is brought with a MOTD's Dupe from the past? For example, I have noticed in the comic series that the Bitil Dupes came with their weapons. However, if the Dupe was holding something else in the past, would that come too? If the Dupe was still flesh-and-blood, and was eating breakfast, would his cereal spoon come with him? (
11Well, I'm no Greg Farshtey, but I can answer 6.12Bitil considered his Kanohi power a blessing and a curse: he could summon armies of himself, but often he'd wake up with injuries without the slightest rememerence of what happened.
13And BTW, why are there two 5s?
11. Can Antidermis Makuta be affected by electricity?
22. Can Antidermis Makuta feel pain if their Antidermis is being destroyed?
33. Can Makuta, using their power of Lightning/Electricity, control that element, or merely release bursts of the power? (They also have chain lightning, as you well know, but this is a separate power)
44. In one of the Mistika/Phantoka books, you mentioned that Icarax had more than the normal 42 Kraata powers. Did you ever compile a list, or thought up, some of these powers? If so, what are they?
55. Can the Mask of Time be used to travel back into the past?
66. Bitil, with the Mask of Time Duplication (MOTD), creates a Duplicate in the present, from an undetermined time in the past. While in the present, this Dupe gets hit by an physical bullet. This bullet lodges in the Dupe's armor, causing a superficial injury (painless of course). Not long afterwards, the Dupe gets sent back to the past, albeit with the bullet still lodged within the Dupe's armor. Would the bullet, being an injury, travel with the Dupe to the past? Or would the Dupe's body disappear, and the bullet stays in the present, dropping to the ground?
75. Another scenario question. What, exactly, is brought with a MOTD's Dupe from the past? For example, I have noticed in the comic series that the Bitil Dupes came with their weapons. However, if the Dupe was holding something else in the past, would that come too? If the Dupe was still flesh-and-blood, and was eating breakfast, would his cereal spoon come with him? (
91) Yes
102) Yes
113) They can make use of that power, but they do not have Toa-level control of it
124) No, I only focus on things I actually need to put into story. I never had time for anything extraneous
135) No
146) But the bullet is not an injury -- the bullet is lodged in the armor. The injury would come back with him, but if the bullet is out of him, it's irrelevant.
157) Yes
Malurus2000 wrote:1Well, I'm no Greg Farshtey, but I can answer 6.2Bitil considered his Kanohi power a blessing and a curse: he could summon armies of himself, but often he'd wake up with injuries without the slightest rememerence of what happened.
3And BTW, why are there two 5s?
4(The other #5 would have been a 7)
5Yeah, IK about that; I was wondering along the lines of if an injury-causing object could travel back into the past.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11. Can Antidermis Makuta be affected by electricity?
22. Can Antidermis Makuta feel pain if their Antidermis is being destroyed?
33. Can Makuta, using their power of Lightning/Electricity, control that element, or merely release bursts of the power? (They also have chain lightning, as you well know, but this is a separate power)
44. In one of the Mistika/Phantoka books, you mentioned that Icarax had more than the normal 42 Kraata powers. Did you ever compile a list, or thought up, some of these powers? If so, what are they?
55. Can the Mask of Time be used to travel back into the past?
66. Bitil, with the Mask of Time Duplication (MOTD), creates a Duplicate in the present, from an undetermined time in the past. While in the present, this Dupe gets hit by an physical bullet. This bullet lodges in the Dupe's armor, causing a superficial injury (painless of course). Not long afterwards, the Dupe gets sent back to the past, albeit with the bullet still lodged within the Dupe's armor. Would the bullet, being an injury, travel with the Dupe to the past? Or would the Dupe's body disappear, and the bullet stays in the present, dropping to the ground?
75. Another scenario question. What, exactly, is brought with a MOTD's Dupe from the past? For example, I have noticed in the comic series that the Bitil Dupes came with their weapons. However, if the Dupe was holding something else in the past, would that come too? If the Dupe was still flesh-and-blood, and was eating breakfast, would his cereal spoon come with him? (
91) Yes
102) Yes
113) They can make use of that power, but they do not have Toa-level control of it
124) No, I only focus on things I actually need to put into story. I never had time for anything extraneous
135) No
146) But the bullet is not an injury -- the bullet is lodged in the armor. The injury would come back with him, but if the bullet is out of him, it's irrelevant.
157) Yes
16OK, thanks.
1Excuse me, Mr. Farshtey. I have a Ninjago question:
2Now Mr. Farshtey, don't get me wrong. I really like Ninjago, but there are a few quesions that I have about the episode: "Wrong place, Wrong time"
3So, if I recall correctly, in order to prevent the "Super Weapon" from destroying the past, the ninjas took the four individual weapons and destroyed them in the fire temple. But didn't Garmadon use the weapons to destroy the Great Devourer? And didn't the weapons save their lives, and Lloyd's life on many occasions? If the weapons were destroyed in the past, they wouldn't have them in the future! Hence, all of Ninjago would either be ruled by Garmadon, or eaten by the Devourer! Could you please explain it to me?
lego613master wrote:Malurus2000 wrote:1Well, I'm no Greg Farshtey, but I can answer 6.2Bitil considered his Kanohi power a blessing and a curse: he could summon armies of himself, but often he'd wake up with injuries without the slightest rememerence of what happened.
3And BTW, why are there two 5s?
4(The other #5 would have been a 7
5Yeah, IK about that; I was wondering along the lines of if an injury-causing object could travel back into the past.
6I am going to say no, simply because I do not want to open the door to "future tech" being able to go back in the past.
skoudis wrote:
1Now Mr. Farshtey, don't get me wrong. I really like Ninjago, but there are a few quesions that I have about the episode: "Wrong place, Wrong time"
2So, if I recall correctly, in order to prevent the "Super Weapon" from destroying the past, the ninjas took the four individual weapons and destroyed them in the fire temple. But didn't Garmadon use the weapons to destroy the Great Devourer? And didn't the weapons save their lives, and Lloyd's life on many occasions? If the weapons were destroyed in the past, they wouldn't have them in the future! Hence, all of Ninjago would either be ruled by Garmadon, or eaten by the Devourer!
Could you please explain it to me?
3It is my theory that, after blowing up the Mega Weapon & the 4 Golden Weapons, time reversed & Garmadon never went back in time at all. But the only reason Garmadon would be prevented from going back in time would be if the Mega Weapon was destroyed when he had already travelled, which would result in a paradox. (Confused yet?) So thus, the Mega Weapon was erased from time into nothing before he could use it to travel back in time, thus preventing a paradox. However the Mega Weapon was only erased from that day onward. It still existed previously, but simply disappeared out of Garmadon's hands tha night before he tried to time travel.
5When the Ninjas destroyed the Mega Weapon & the 4 Golden Weapons, which was why they had travelled back in time in the first place to destroy them, the Mega Weapon in present time simply disappeared into nothing shortly before the events of "Wrong Place, Wrong Time". Note it wasn't completely erased from time, just erased from the events during & following the episode.
6Also, just a note, at the end of the episode, Sensei Wu can be seen looking up at the stars. There's an unsually bright star. Earlier, the Mega Wepaon & 4 weapons got shot into the sky. Kinda looks like a wishing star, & the Mega Weapon CAN grant wishes...
xeara wrote:skoudis wrote:
1So, if I recall correctly, in order to prevent the "Super Weapon" from destroying the past, the ninjas took the four individual weapons and destroyed them in the fire temple. But didn't Garmadon use the weapons to destroy the Great Devourer? And didn't the weapons save their lives, and Lloyd's life on many occasions? If the weapons were destroyed in the past, they wouldn't have them in the future! Hence, all of Ninjago would either be ruled by Garmadon, or eaten by the Devourer!
Could you please explain it to me?
2It is my theory that, after blowing up the Mega Weapon & the 4 Golden Weapons, time reversed & Garmadon never went back in time at all. But the only reason Garmadon would be prevented from going back in time would be if the Mega Weapon was destroyed when he had already travelled, which would result in a paradox. (Confused yet?
) So thus, the Mega Weapon was erased from time into nothing before he could use it to travel back in time, thus preventing a paradox. However the Mega Weapon was only erased from that day onward. It still existed previously, but simply disappeared out of Garmadon's hands tha night before he tried to time travel.
4When the Ninjas destroyed the Mega Weapon & the 4 Golden Weapons, which was why they had travelled back in time in the first place to destroy them, the Mega Weapon in present time simply disappeared into nothing shortly before the events of "Wrong Place, Wrong Time". Note it wasn't completely erased from time, just erased from the events during & following the episode.
5Also, just a note, at the end of the episode, Sensei Wu can be seen looking up at the stars. There's an unsually bright star. Earlier, the Mega Wepaon & 4 weapons got shot into the sky. Kinda looks like a wishing star, & the Mega Weapon CAN grant wishes...
6But at the end of "Wrong Place, Wrong Time", Lloyd inquires what a "Mega-Weapon" is.