maletoaofwater wrote:1Apparently I can't quote on mobile... I'm responding to the one about a noble mask of light.
2What about in the kingdom when takanuva had turned into a turaga?
3Good point. But I really have no clue what it would have looked like. I'm not a designer and I tend to think in words, not in pictures.
ninjaboy029 wrote:1Hi Greg will they make a ninjago and chima cross over
2I can't say no, because this is a decision that would be made by people above me. But I am not sure they would be in a rush to do it, because we are still trying to get fans into the Chima universe, and mixing another universe in with it might confuse them.
gurthang2000 wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey!
2I admit I don't like Bionicle but I would like to know (sort of) what it's about and why do you think so many people love it.
4Well, there is no quick and simple way to explain what it was about, it was a nine-year long story. As far as why people liked it, I think there were a lot of reasons. It had an in-depth story with a lot of mystery in it ... it was something different from what LEGO had done before (we hadn't really done a story-based line, not to that extent, prior to that) ... the models were quick to build, so you could start roleplaying right away ... and it gave fans a lot to talk about and speculate on and sparked a lot of fan fiction. I am sure there are other reasons I am missing, but those are what spring to mind.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:gurthang2000 wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey!
2I admit I don't like Bionicle but I would like to know (sort of) what it's about and why do you think so many people love it.
4Well, there is no quick and simple way to explain what it was about, it was a nine-year long story. As far as why people liked it, I think there were a lot of reasons. It had an in-depth story with a lot of mystery in it ... it was something different from what LEGO had done before (we hadn't really done a story-based line, not to that extent, prior to that) ... the models were quick to build, so you could start roleplaying right away ... and it gave fans a lot to talk about and speculate on and sparked a lot of fan fiction. I am sure there are other reasons I am missing, but those are what spring to mind.
6One more thing, do you think people loved it so much because of the LEGO sets or the story line?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1How many Bionicle sets do you have, if any? Also, which Bionicle set do you like the most?
2I have maybe a dozen. I don't know that any stand out as a particular favorite. I had more at one point, but I gave some away to the local children's hospital.
3That's very nice of you!
1Hello Mr.Farshtey, some other questions for you :
21) We know the power in pounds of thrust that can be exerted by engines of the Axalara T9 and the Rockoh T3. But do you know the weight of these vehicles ?
32) In the dome of Metru Nui, there were two suns, existing thanks to Sun Holes. The artifcial lighting of the artificial sky reproduced these two suns in all domes of the MU to not disturb the inhabitants inside?
43) When Makuta Teridax took the control of the MU, he had remained as Antidermis, controlling the machines of the robot, or he became literally the "Great Sprit", with his conscience and his mind inside the Core Processor of the Great Spirit Robot, like Mata Nui?
1technical issues abound once again...
2i'm replying to the conversation with the guys who doesn't like bionicle...
3So i had a fairly long reply written to this before, but apparently it was empty when i submitted it... anyone else having lots of technical problems like this? it's not my computer, b/c i'm not having issues with anything else.
4Anyway, much shorter version of what i had before: i've been a fan of bionicle since the beginning, and it was always the story for me. bionicle pretty much defined my childhood, and even after that, i still kept myself current with the story as a hobby. i only bought a couple sets early on, like gali and gali nuva. one thing that became my favorite aspect of the story was the elemental manipulation. (although to be honest, there are far too many of those now, and some are basically repeats of each other, like ice and water, and others aren't really elements... psionics anyone? i heard that one was even just a fan submission...)
5as far as explaining the story, google image "bionicle posters"... then look at the one on the far right in the top row. i had the link in here, but apparently that was causing yet more technical issues.... grr.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1So... by that logic would Tahu's sword also be his "hand" in the set? If not, then why are Gali's hooks considered as so? I read some of the stuff that the guy brought up on BS01 about this and was wondering about some of them... like for example in the earlier books, they were referred to as her "hooked arms."
21) First off, which "earlier books" are you referring to? The ones I wrote, or the ones written before me?
32) I don't think Tahu's sword was ever regarded to be his hand from a set standpoint.
41.) Such as "Tale of the Toa" and "Beware the Bohrok", so yes, the ones written before you. Also, in the comics before they transformed into Nuva, it always seemed as if they were her hands: she never let go of them or set them down like the others did with their tools, and she always used them to grab stuff, and they even flexed like a hand would.
52.) So why was Gali's? Why was there a difference in the set interpretation and the story one?
6Thank you so much for your time!
7Bringing this thread back...