alienduck wrote:1Greg, how many Internet Signatures would be required for you to reveal TSO's real name? Because I think I could legitimatley pull off any number you name (other than like 10,000 or something.) These signatures would also aknowledge that his name may be a total dissapointment and that they don't care.
2I don't think this would be worth your time.
1AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE CONTINUE THE YESTERDAY QUEST AND THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!!!!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER TO SEE THEM FINISHED!!!!!!!! Could you add alternate dimension piraka that are good and not mutated into snakes in The Powers That Be or The Yesterday Quest?? I love the bionicle books so much!!! It was LEGO's best theme, tied with ninjago.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:MamaJulz wrote:1This, this is FANTASTIC!
Anyway, I have two questions. If your overloaded with questions right now, there's no need to give these any priority.
21. Will you continue The Yesterday's Quest and Powers That Be?
32. Where could they be continued?
41) I don't have plans to right now.
52) As far as I know, there is no place where they could be continued.
6On the bionicle wiki, a new website, or on the message boards.
1Hello again Mr. Farshtey. Sorry for the double post, that was a mistake on my part. I have a question: Do you think Radiation would be a feasible element? I don't think a Toa of Radiation is out of the question, because being able to control infrared, ultraviolet and microwave radiation does seem, at least for me, to be a useful skill in a Toa Team. For example, a Toa of Radiation (admittedly, "Radiation" is not a cool elemental name) could concentrate microwaves to melt objects, control infrared radiation to fake heat signatures, and possibly manipulate X-ray radiation to see through walls. Also, this wouldn't overlap with a Toa of Light's powers because from what we've seen, Takanuva is only able to control radiation on the VISIBLE spectrum. What do you think?
2Your Fan,
ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Yes. The comics had to show the sets we were trying to sell. That was the rule.
23) Yes. All the names had to go through Legal before we could use them, and all the story chapters had to get approved at HQ in Billund before being posted.
34) The original Pit was inside the MU, because the Barraki were sent there prior to Mata Nui crashing.
45) I doubt any Toa would have knuckled under to Makuta. But I don't know who would have been the most pessimistic.
52. My explanations for these are theories. I always theorized that Mata Nui’s awakening caused a glitch that delayed the shape shifting of the Toa’s armor. This same glitch for whatever reason caused the pilots to revert into their sky forms. For Tahu’s exit, I assume that he was in some swamp like environment as he exited and another delaying glitch occurred. Either that or his desert form is similar to his swamp form. Do any of these theories work?
63. I guess that makes new reveals for fans improbable. Oh well.
74. Then, if someone died in the new Pit or Mahri Nui, would they not be revived?
85. Yeah, I guess that even the most corrupt Toa (If one exists among the few left) would prefer dying over becoming Makuta’s servant.
maletoaofwater wrote:14. Earlier, you said that the way Kabrua's device works wasn't decided yet. I have a theory might be some
2elemental power jammer that blocks a connection between Toa's spirit and his body so the power cannot be channeled.
It was stated that Toa need unity of body and spirit in order to use their powers, so this would make sense...
3I actually thought about this recently as well... i was thinking that whatever it was, it was the same way/thing that made the exo-toa block the elemental powers. Speaking of that, did the makuta specifically have them designed to do that?
4Some kind of a jammer or a power dampener of some sort would certainly make sense. And for the Exo-Toa to function properly, they could not have elemental energies coursing through them, which is why there was a power dampener installed.
11) How would a Toa of Plasma incapacitate his opponents
22) Speaking of fire, how would a hypothetical battle between a Toa of Fire and a Toa of Plasma go?
33) Earlier you said that the bones of the Spherus Magna inhabitants are not metallic. However, the Glatorian's weapons are made of animal bones. If they are not metallic, then how could they have lasted so many millenia?
45) Were there any Glatorian occupations that didn't revolve around fighting? Could any Glatorian have been healers? Or mechanics?
56) Were the Great Beings a space-faring race? Did they ever colonize other planets?
67) Are the Glatorian/Agori cybernetics based around clockwork (e.g. pistons, gears, etc.) like the components of MU inhabitants? Or do their cybernetics more akin to microchips and devices w/ electrical components, that sort of thing?
78) Given that the Toa are superior to the Glatorian in nearly every conceivable way-they have elemental powers, mask powers, and as you previously mentioned, an edge in strength-wouldn't there be a rift between the two groups? I mean, surely the Glatorian would be distrustful of such powerful beings in their society. And I doubt the Toa would appreciate working with being who fought for sport, however noble.
89) Onu matoran don't have increased strength like Po-matoran do, right?
910) Once destined matoran become Toa, are they trained by other Toa? Surely they don't have to learn tactics on their own?
101) My first thought would be to use the plasma to create a barrier of some sort.
112) I never speculate on the potential results of battles, too many variables
123) Why do you assume their weapons would have to last for ages without being replaced?
134) Already answered
145) Nope
156) Can't answer it
167) Don't know
178, 9, 10) Already answered from one of your other posts
STARROCKS923 wrote:1Greg, were you told not to use Pythor in your Ninjago books and graphic novels because LEGO had other plans for him? Or did you decide not to so the show could focus on him instead?
2For that matter, do you usually choose which sets and characters to focus on, are you given a list of sets and characters to focus on, or are you given a blacklist of what NOT to use? Can you give some examples?
31) No, I have never been told not to use a particular character in the books. I simply wasn't telling stories I needed him for. Remember, I am telling side stories, and he tends to be part of main story.
42) I obviously have to avoid focusing on sets that may not be available anymore, but in a lot of cases with the books, I don't focus much on sets at all. The graphic novels are often more character-driven than set driven. It's basically the same as doing the BIONICLE comics was -- focus on the current year's heroes and villains as much as possible. The major difference is that Ninjago is really open to my creating new villains. I have a doozy coming up in the third book this year.
Kar0l wrote:1Hi Mr. Farshtey. I know that you aren't a part of any story team, but maybe you can answer my question. You see, I have a wiki about Chima and I don't know about what I can write. So my question is: what sources can I consider as canon? I know that websites (Chima and LEGO Club), TV series and books are canon. What about comics? There is a Chima magazine in Europe which contain comics (the same as Chima graphic novels from Papercutz in USA). These are side stories and they can fit into the main storyline. Can I assume that they are canon? There are also two games: "Laval's Journey" and "Chima Online". Their storylines aren't contrary to main storyline (at least "Chima Online" storyline). Can I assume that they are canon? The last thing is "Brickmaster" book. It include new locations and vehicles exclusive to this book and several new information that aren't really contrary to what we know about Chima. Can I consider it as canon? Before in this topic you say that all story concepts have to be approved by the respective story teams. Are this refer to all types of media or only to books?
21) Anything published by LEGO or by a company licensed by LEGO has to be approved by the LEGO Licensing Dept. and usually the story team as well. For example -- I do short stories for Chima and Ninjago which are published by an EU company and sometimes reprinted by Scholastic. Both the concepts and the stories themselves have to be approved by the EU publisher, Scholastic, and LEGO Company before they can be printed.
legocrazy9460 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MamaJulz wrote:1This, this is FANTASTIC!
Anyway, I have two questions. If your overloaded with questions right now, there's no need to give these any priority.
21. Will you continue The Yesterday's Quest and Powers That Be?
32. Where could they be continued?
41) I don't have plans to right now.
52) As far as I know, there is no place where they could be continued.
6On the bionicle wiki, a new website, or on the message boards.
7I really don't see it happening. Even though I might at some point have the time to work on them, anything I do for BIONICLE would have to get approved by LEGO and there is no budget to get the reviews and approvals done since it's no longer an active line.
kyle7475 wrote:1Hello again Mr. Farshtey. Sorry for the double post, that was a mistake on my part. I have a question: Do you think Radiation would be a feasible element? I don't think a Toa of Radiation is out of the question, because being able to control infrared, ultraviolet and microwave radiation does seem, at least for me, to be a useful skill in a Toa Team. For example, a Toa of Radiation (admittedly, "Radiation" is not a cool elemental name) could concentrate microwaves to melt objects, control infrared radiation to fake heat signatures, and possibly manipulate X-ray radiation to see through walls. Also, this wouldn't overlap with a Toa of Light's powers because from what we've seen, Takanuva is only able to control radiation on the VISIBLE spectrum. What do you think?
2Your Fan,
4I really don't want to add any more new elements to the canon. I feel that we have enough.
gelu12 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Yes. The comics had to show the sets we were trying to sell. That was the rule.
23) Yes. All the names had to go through Legal before we could use them, and all the story chapters had to get approved at HQ in Billund before being posted.
34) The original Pit was inside the MU, because the Barraki were sent there prior to Mata Nui crashing.
45) I doubt any Toa would have knuckled under to Makuta. But I don't know who would have been the most pessimistic.
52. My explanations for these are theories. I always theorized that Mata Nui’s awakening caused a glitch that delayed the shape shifting of the Toa’s armor. This same glitch for whatever reason caused the pilots to revert into their sky forms. For Tahu’s exit, I assume that he was in some swamp like environment as he exited and another delaying glitch occurred. Either that or his desert form is similar to his swamp form. Do any of these theories work?
63. I guess that makes new reveals for fans improbable. Oh well.
74. Then, if someone died in the new Pit or Mahri Nui, would they not be revived?
85. Yeah, I guess that even the most corrupt Toa (If one exists among the few left) would prefer dying over becoming Makuta’s servant.
92) If the tech is that badly broken, though, then aren't the suits pretty much worthless? If you are in an underwater Toa armor and then you travel to the desert, but the glitch keeps the suit from changing, then you might as well throw the suit out.
103) There really weren't plans for new reveals, since the line is no longer active.
114) Correct