STARROCKS923 wrote:1So after watching the Ninjago episodes dealing with the return of the Serpentine, I couldn't help but notice(And cringe. Serpentine who were shown trying to destroy the ninja and be interested in ruling the world actually trying to warn the very beings they were trying to harm? Ridiculous!) that the Serpentine were telling a very different origin story then what was established in your own Ninjago graphic novel #4, Tomb of the Fangpyre.
2I will put spoilers for graphic novel #4 in Jammers, because it's an excellent book worth reading without spoiling:
3So, were the Serpentine really trying to warn the people about the Golden Master, or was your book the most accurate, in which the history of the Serpentine is revealed as the Great Devourer breathes forth the four tribes (And in the book, it mentioned four tribes, not five. Did you not mention the Anacondrai on purpose?) to conquer Ninjago? Was this "Serpentine turn good" a last minute attempt to give happy pre-teen girls more fan-fiction ideas? Which do you think sounds more reasonable?
4Sorry for so many questions, I just don't know what to think.
5There was no mention of the GM in the story bible I was working from at the time. I can only work with the info I have available when I do the stories. It's an evolving epic.
gelu12 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Yes, but that assumes the functioning of this armor is directly tied to the state of Mata Nui. We haven't seen that with other Toa armor or weaponry, so it is a stretch to say only this armor would get directly affected by his awakening.
24) Correct
35) I really don't recall. We did a lot of masks.
42. I see. That makes sense. I guess you also can’t confirm the desert form theory simply because you are not a set designer. Then I’ll just assume that the Nuva being sky and swamp forms is similar to how Takanuva possesses his Power Lance and Midak Skyblaster in the book Journey of Takanuva. It was simply a matter of artistic license. I have just one more question about the adaptive armor: When would the Toa Nuva’s armor be in its default form? In an urban area? Or elsewhere?
54. Voya Nui is no exception to this, right? So even if someone died on the robot’s outer shell, they would still not be revived?
62) If it was standard Metru Nui conditions, yes.
74) Correct. The star is not programmed to work outside of the MU because no one is supposed to be outside of the MU
STARROCKS923 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:alienduck wrote:1Greg, how many Internet Signatures would be required for you to reveal TSO's real name? Because I think I could legitimatley pull off any number you name (other than like 10,000 or something.) These signatures would also aknowledge that his name may be a total dissapointment and that they don't care.
2I don't think this would be worth your time.
3I admit, we have more free times on our hands then we can handle. But I thought you said you forgot TSO's name.
4Were there any other big names you planned to reveal, before the unjust Teridax backlash?
5No, I can't recall any other character whose true name was hidden, at least not to the point anyone cared
STARROCKS923 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1 The major difference is that Ninjago is really open to my creating new villains. I have a doozy coming up in the third book this year.
2Ooh, is this the one about Ninjas in space?
3I'm notoriously slow, so I won't be able to buy Graphic novel #10 until I see it in a store I go to, in which case I will buy it and run around in circles screaming "YES!!!"
4Could you tell us a little something about the idea of sending our favorite ninjas into space? Maybe a hint as to the big bad of the book, such as his motives? Maybe the slightest hint to what we should expect to see in #12...?
5I can't, unfortunately, because it is part of TV series plot
legocrazy9460 wrote:1When the Piraka were fused into the golden skinned being, were they teleported to the red star? And also, couldn't a Makuta or Olmak user teleport reincarnated beings back to the motoran universe/spherus magna? If Vezon were refused with Vezok, would he be sent to the red star? And would Vezok get Vezon's memorioes and personality?
2Being fused with someone results in a combined being -- you're not dead, you're part of a larger whole, so you would not be sent to the red star. As for the two you mentioned, it would depend on whether they are able to teleport without being able to see where they are going to, for one thing -- if they can't, then they couldn't do this. It also doesn't seem like the MU inhabitants were aware of the problem.
kyle7475 wrote:1Hey Mr. Farshtey,
2What happened to Lhikan's mask after it was brought to Daxia? Was it taken out of the Universe when Teridax was killed?
3Not sure. It could well have been destroyed, but if not, it would take a salvage team a long time to find something that small in all that wreckage.
maletoaofwater wrote:1When botar was "ended", he would have gone to the red star, right? And considering his teleportation powers, couldn't he have returned on his own? So with that in mind, two questions: a. Why didn't he help solve the overpopulation problem up there, and b. Why did they have "botar's replacement" instead of the original botar?
2Keep in mind the mental state of those revived by the red star. From what we have seen, they seem pretty confused and out of sorts, so he might not have had the presence of mind to do that.
MJLaubacher wrote:1Oh, also, sorry for two posts, forgot to put this in the last one, but if Bionicle were to ever come back, what would be your personal preference: Continue on with the already set story, exploring more deeply into its already vast world, or would you prefer a reboot, where you could change things up a bit?
2My answer would be that you have to think about who the people are who would be most likely to buy new sets -- the vast majority of them were too young when BIONICLE was around to remember it well, if at all. You can't expect to throw them into a universe with 10 years of history and expect them to "catch up" before they can start enjoying the story. It would be like picking up an issue in the middle of one of the big DC or Marvel "event" stories and expecting to be able to figure out what's going on.
11) I think this brings up an interesting point. Anyone who has played an MMOG knows about the idea of someone killing your character, then staying where the battle happened until you respawn and killing you again, on and on. To avoid something like that, the red star does not send you back to where you started from. They might send you back a long way from where you started from, and who knows what you might encounter there that would prevent you from getting back to where you started from.
22) From what we have seen, beings on the RS are pretty disoriented, so while they may know what happened, they may not be clear on the where or how.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) If it was standard Metru Nui conditions, yes.
24) Correct. The star is not programmed to work outside of the MU because no one is supposed to be outside of the MU
3Those are some nice confirmations, thank you.
4Just one last question:
5In an interview, you stated that how Matoran were made was a secret that the Story team decided not to reveal. Are there any other secrets that only members of the Story team know, and that will most likely not be revealed?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:STARROCKS923 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:alienduck wrote:1Greg, how many Internet Signatures would be required for you to reveal TSO's real name? Because I think I could legitimatley pull off any number you name (other than like 10,000 or something.) These signatures would also aknowledge that his name may be a total dissapointment and that they don't care.
2I don't think this would be worth your time.
3I admit, we have more free times on our hands then we can handle. But I thought you said you forgot TSO's name.
4Were there any other big names you planned to reveal, before the unjust Teridax backlash?
5No, I can't recall any other character whose true name was hidden, at least not to the point anyone cared
6 Okay, I got a lot of time on my hands.
7Name your price.