1What is Nektann's vision power?
2BTW, were the Piraka's vision powers and Skakdi powers derived from their elements? For example, I noticed that Thok's spellbinder vision could be seen as derived from making a target slip on ice and Vezok's power absorption ability could be taken from a sponge soaking up water.
1Greg Farstey, I have some questions.
- 2Who is your favorite character in The LEGO Movie?
- 3Who is your least favorite character in The LEGO Movie?
- 4Who is your least favorite character in Ninjago?
- 5What is your favorite The LEGO Movie set?
- 6What is your favorite Ninjago set?
- 7What is your favorite comic? (besides your own)
- 8Do you like Minecraft?
- 9Do you play Minecraft?
- 10Are you friends with Markus Notch?
- 11Are you friends with Herobrine?
1Thank you for answering!
21. So, if I understand it correctly, you partially don't want to do it beause you're not in the habit of thinking in Bionicle terms, and you might forget what "made sense" back then?
32. I would like to discuss this as well -
4So, I've been thinking about Velika's motives for such an action. My basic idea is that giving them sentience would disrupt the effect of the robot. If I may use your "toaster" analogy - if you gave the components of a toaster sentience, they would start thinking such things as "Hey! What am I doing here?" and "I don't like my job! I want a break!". Does this make sense?
5Also, how exactly would Velika have made the Matoran sentient? My thinking is that he developed a program of some sort, and then installed it into the Matoran manufacturing devices. If this is the case, though, how could he have made existing Matoran sentient?
6My final thought is this: Once the matoran had gained sentience and stopped working according to plan, wouldn't the Great Beings have known? To explain this further - wouldn't the Mata Nui robot have had a kind of tracking/update device installed, so that the great Beings could monitor its progress? If not, then my point is moot, but it does seem a bit odd to me to send such a robot out and not try to keep tabs on it remotely.
7Thanks again,
8 Firox
9That definitely sounds like my kind of vacation.
Were you just writing for fun?
10Also, do you have any thoughts/answers/comment on my ideas above?
11I was writing some stuff for my Polish publisher.
121) Yes
132) But why disrupt the robot? He's traveling in the robot - if it crashes, he could die. And no, the GBs did not know what happened to Mata Nui, so I doubt they would have known what happened to the Matoran.
1 1. About Spear of Fusion. How does it choose what to merge and what to divide? 2. Can Ignika fully transform Glatorian into Toa? (species vise)
23. If Bohrok somehow manages to put a Krana on Makuta, could the Bahrag take control of him?
34. How the inhabitants of MU (other species apart from Matoran) are brought to life? 5. Can Skakdi create a Kaita form? Any other species in MU?
46. If MU inhabtants have inside of them functunally similar to blood liquid, than what kind of liquid it is? 7. What kind of communication ways exist in MU?
58. Are there any funeral ceremonies in MU or on Spherus Magna?
69. Are there other forests types on Bota Magna apart from jungle? 10. How is developed medicine on Spherus Magna?
711. Were there an advanced technologies on Spherus Magna in ancient times (not counting Great Beings)? If yes, could it be compared with any of Earth ages?
812. Also, since a graphic novel #10 was cancelled, could you please share with us what it was about?
91) I don't think it is a conscious choice, because the Spear is not sentient.
102) No. A Toa is bio-mechanical - the Ignika cannot create mechanical parts, because they aren't alive.
113) I doubt it. His willpower is too strong.
124) Well, we know that the Makuta were using viruses to create Rahi.
135) Many of the non-Toa, non-Matoran species are made up of beings who probably would not trust each other enough to form a Kaita.
146) They don't have blood - they have some kind of a lubrication system.
157) We purposely did not have Matoran culture being real high-tech, though we did show jumbo screens in the Metru Nui movie.
168) On SM, yes. We know they did memorial stones in the MU, but they would not have had bodies to bury.
179) No idea
1810) Primarily herbs. They don't have hospitals
1911) I can't recall what we did as far as that
2012) Don't know what you are talking about. The only BIONICLE graphic novels were collections of the original comics.
garmagic wrote:1A couple of questions:21 - After the Core War, the Borox and Zesk of Bara Magna were regresed into a more primal state of being, so I ask: If Bara Magna was more like their natural enviroment, what was the reason of their "involution"?
32 - Were the Skrall and Vorox Glatorian in ancient times? Were the Bone Hunters and Zesk Agori as well?
41) It's not unusual for a culture to regress after a cataclysm
52) The Glatorian system did not exist then. And we never discussed the ancient past of the Bone Hunters and Zesk.
fighterlord wrote:1What is Nektann's vision power?
2BTW, were the Piraka's vision powers and Skakdi powers derived from their elements? For example, I noticed that Thok's spellbinder vision could be seen as derived from making a target slip on ice and Vezok's power absorption ability could be taken from a sponge soaking up water.
31) I don't think that was ever defined
42) No
GoldNinjaM wrote:1Greg Farstey, I have some questions.
- 2Who is your favorite character in The LEGO Movie?
- 3Who is your least favorite character in The LEGO Movie?
- 4Who is your least favorite character in Ninjago?
- 5What is your favorite The LEGO Movie set?
- 6What is your favorite Ninjago set?
- 7What is your favorite comic? (besides your own)
- 8Do you like Minecraft?
- 9Do you play Minecraft?
- 10Are you friends with Markus Notch?
- 11Are you friends with Herobrine?
121-2) I haven't seen th emovie
133) Jay
144-5) I haven't been buying sets for a year or so, I ran out of room at home for them.
156) Avengers
167-8) Don't play
179-10) No, I don't know them
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1That definitely sounds like my kind of vacation.
Were you just writing for fun?
2Also, do you have any thoughts/answers/comment on my ideas above?
3I was writing some stuff for my Polish publisher.
41) Yes
52) But why disrupt the robot? He's traveling in the robot - if it crashes, he could die. And no, the GBs did not know what happened to Mata Nui, so I doubt they would have known what happened to the Matoran.
6Anything you could tell us about what you were writing, or is that a secret?
72) Good point - now that you mention it, I think you said this already. I should have remembered that.
8So the question is - how would giving the Matoran sentience have benefitted Velika?
9After brainstorming ideas with a brother of mine, I came up with something: Maybe Velika felt that Mata Nui's purpose could be fulfilled much better if the components were sentient. It's possible that he felt that Mata Nui's destiny (or at least, what he wanted Mata Nui's destiny to be) would be better achieved if the Toa, Matoran, and others actually had feelings - especially if we assume that he wanted Mata Nui to eventually reunite Spherus Magna.
10If I may quote Hero Factory, Preston Stormer once said that heroes do best at jobs they actually care about. Maybe it's the same with Toa - they may argue, they may get angry, but they might just be that much more desperate and effective if they actually care about the universe and those around them.
11The downside to this is that once you give robots sentience, they may rebel or stop working. Velika might have felt that this price was worth it.
12Any thoughts on this? (Thanks again!)
1Anything you could tell us about what you were writing, or is that a secret?
22) Good point - now that you mention it, I think you said this already. I should have remembered that.
3So the question is - how would giving the Matoran sentience have benefitted Velika?
4After brainstorming ideas with a brother of mine, I came up with something: Maybe Velika felt that Mata Nui's purpose could be fulfilled much better if the components were sentient. It's possible that he felt that Mata Nui's destiny (or at least, what he wanted Mata Nui's destiny to be) would be better achieved if the Toa, Matoran, and others actually had feelings - especially if we assume that he wanted Mata Nui to eventually reunite Spherus Magna.
5If I may quote Hero Factory, Preston Stormer once said that heroes do best at jobs they actually care about. Maybe it's the same with Toa - they may argue, they may get angry, but they might just be that much more desperate and effective if they actually care about the universe and those around them.
6The downside to this is that once you give robots sentience, they may rebel or stop working. Velika might have felt that this price was worth it.
7Any thoughts on this? (Thanks again!)
81) Ninjago short stories
92) Hmmmm ... well, if he thought of the Matoran as sentient beings who were still programmed, and so could be more easily influenced him ... maybe he felt they would be the core of the new society he planned to build. Maybe Matoran and Toa would have enforced his rule?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Greg, was your job at LEGO your first job? If not, was it your first job as a writer
2No, I didn't come to LEGO until I was 35. Prior to that, I had been a newspaper reporter, a sports editor, a game designer, and a direct marketing copywriter.
3Wow, nice! What sport(s) did you cover
? I LOVE sports