ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fippe_ wrote:1[quote]Prototypes usually look different from what follows. The Mata were among the first Toa created. [/quote]
2Does that mean that Helryx's body is similar to a body of a Toa Mata?
3Or she could have looked somewhat different, since as the first Toa, she was an even earlier prototype than the Mata were.
4Speaking of, how did she live for so long? Do being in Mata Nui not expire, except from being wounded?
1I'm not sure how much info you get on the "insider top-secret classified confidential stuff" while working at LEGO, but do you know anything about the picture of 2015 Bionicle sets going around on the internet?
2It's basically a picture of a cardboard stand holding several Bionicle sets in bags similar to HF bags. A LEGO employee somewhere has already confirmed that new action figure theme is coming in 2015... and is this it? Is Bionicle returning in 2015? Are you not allowed to tell me? Is the picture just a really really good fake?
3Sorry about bothering you with "is Bionicle coming back" questions, but I've never seen so much convincing evidence...
xeara wrote:1I'm not sure how much info you get on the "insider top-secret classified confidential stuff" while working at LEGO, but do you know anything about the picture of 2015 Bionicle sets going around on the internet?
2It's basically a picture of a cardboard stand holding several Bionicle sets in bags similar to HF bags. A LEGO employee somewhere has already confirmed that new action figure theme is coming in 2015... and is this it? Is Bionicle returning in 2015? Are you not allowed to tell me? Is the picture just a really really good fake?
3Sorry about bothering you with "is Bionicle coming back" questions, but I've never seen so much convincing evidence...
4I have not seen the image nor do I plan to. But as a general rule, I am not allowed to confirm or deny anything regarding future product or story. If I did that, I would a) get yanked off these boards and b) probably lose my job. This applies to BIONICLE, Star Wars, and any other line LEGO has or has had or might ever have, and it's a rule that applies to all LEGO employees.
5And the reasoning is very simple -- let's say Power Miners was coming back next year and I announced that. It's July. Other companies would have plenty of time to rush out knock-offs of PM before we released our product and hurt our sales.
6So that's my answer. Whether something is coming out or not, I am not allowed to discuss it either way until LEGO makes an official announcement one way or the other.
SprinkleOtter wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fippe_ wrote:1[quote]Prototypes usually look different from what follows. The Mata were among the first Toa created. [/quote]
2Does that mean that Helryx's body is similar to a body of a Toa Mata?
3Or she could have looked somewhat different, since as the first Toa, she was an even earlier prototype than the Mata were.
4Speaking of, how did she live for so long? Do being in Mata Nui not expire, except from being wounded?
5MU inhabitants have very long lifespans.
SprinkleOtter wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:SprinkleOtter wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:agentaaa wrote:1Hi Greg! I just have a couple questions regarding the bionicle story.
21: Is there a general statement you could give regarding the difference between a toa and a toa nuva's level of power over their chosen element?
32: Is there any part of the bionicle story you specifically don't like or like less looking back that you included?
43: Other than just the fact the sets had changed a lot in design and the like, was there any reason in particular that the Toa Mata looked so different from pretty much any toa team that came after?
51) Not really, no. The major difference between the two is that Nuva can share their mask powers, Mata cannot. On an elemental level, they did have more power and they did have better control of it, but the mask thing was a much bigger change.
62) Yes. I never liked Vakama turning bad in the third movie. I protested against that then and I still feel it was a mistake.
73) Prototypes usually look different from what follows. The Mata were among the first Toa created.
82. Was tree-speak mandatory?
9Not sure what you mean. Do you mean in the Matoran universe or in the writing of the story?
10In the writing.
11Could Le- Matoran/Toa speak normally if they wanted?
12Yes. But like any other dialect or slang, you tend to talk the way people around you talk. It's like how baseball players could just talk like normal people, but the sport has its own slang and its own language and so that is what they tend to use because it identifies them as part of that group.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ZuyGrubas wrote:1Well, I've got few questions:
22) What influence can Makuta's viruses have on a living person?
3Okay, maybe more than few auestions.
42) You mean like a Glatorian? Probably none, they are the equivalent of computer viruses.
5But computer viruses don't come in a powdered form that can be blown into someone's face, inhaled, and give them flight powers. Or physically dissolve armor. I'm thinking that the reason they don't work on the glatorian is the same reason humans can't get sick from most animals viruses: they aren't adapted to infect us.
6Furthermore, on that topic...
71. I've always thought of the makuta as masters of all kinds of viruses... regular, computer viruses, etc. Obviously the virus that brought down the mata nui robot was some kind of "computer virus", given that the robot is totally mechanical, but most other viruses that they made were just "regular viruses". Along with what i said above, a computer virus isn't something that can be physically exposed to liquid protodermis and become an animal (rahi).
82. In that respect, couldn't the makuta design a virus capable of infecting beings with a higher organic composure (like glatorian or agori)?
93. and another question: BS01 says that the makuta made rahi by submerging viruses in liquid protodermis... but several times in the story, makuta were shown to use energized protodermis (such as making rahkshi). and considering liquid protodermis is basically just water, wouldn't the makuta have had to use energized, not liquid, protodermis to make rahi?
1Bumping this set of questions for a friend who kindly asked.
2Questions about a certain Toa of Plasma's status.
- 3In Island of Doom, Avak recalls a Toa of Plasma who had a one-on-one session with Zaktan. When they were done, all that was left was half a mask, some armor shreds, and a puddle of liquid. This might sound silly, but for confirmation purposes, did Zaktan kill the Toa of Plasma?
- 4It seems implied that Zaktan let his protodites eat the Toa. Am I correct in assuming this?
- 5Was this Toa revived on the Red Star?
6Moving on to the next subject: Great Beings.
- 7In Brothers in Arms, six Great Beings hold council with Mazeka and Vultraz. Might Velika have been one of these Great Beings?
- 8Since the Great Beings of that universe never created the Ignika, might the cursed Great Being have been among the councilpersons?
9One last question.
- 10When Teridax recreated the Visorak horde, did he recreate them exactly as they were, or did he add a few touches of his own?
- 11Did he recreate the seven breeds we know of, or pick and choose a few specific ones, or even do away with breeds altogether and just have one type of Visorak?
- 12If he did add his own touches, what sorts of changes do you think he would make to the Visorak?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm not sure how much info you get on the "insider top-secret classified confidential stuff" while working at LEGO, but do you know anything about the picture of 2015 Bionicle sets going around on the internet?
2It's basically a picture of a cardboard stand holding several Bionicle sets in bags similar to HF bags. A LEGO employee somewhere has already confirmed that new action figure theme is coming in 2015... and is this it? Is Bionicle returning in 2015? Are you not allowed to tell me? Is the picture just a really really good fake?
3Sorry about bothering you with "is Bionicle coming back" questions, but I've never seen so much convincing evidence...
4I have not seen the image nor do I plan to. But as a general rule, I am not allowed to confirm or deny anything regarding future product or story. If I did that, I would a) get yanked off these boards and b) probably lose my job. This applies to BIONICLE, Star Wars, and any other line LEGO has or has had or might ever have, and it's a rule that applies to all LEGO employees.
5And the reasoning is very simple -- let's say Power Miners was coming back next year and I announced that. It's July. Other companies would have plenty of time to rush out knock-offs of PM before we released our product and hurt our sales.
6So that's my answer. Whether something is coming out or not, I am not allowed to discuss it either way until LEGO makes an official announcement one way or the other.
7Well, now I know why LEGO tends to keep incomplete products confidential. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see...