1Mr. Farshtey
21. Why are toa of fire usually the leader?
32. Were their any Makuta who escaped being smasehd for not following teridax, similary were their any that escaped persecution from the Order of Mata Nui
5Signed: Robo Skeleton Astronaut
11) I was talking about viruses used by Makuta to create Rahi (or maybe the one used by Spirah to "improve" Skakdi). How would these viruses affect a Toa?
22) Biosector01, article: Others Kanohi. There is Mask of Undeath. Now can you answer my previous questions?
33)How did Velika steal Lesovikk's sword (latet, he smashed Karzahni with it)? I know he's a Great Being, but I'm still curiours.
44) Could you at least tell us, how BIONICLE stories would end? Velika would be stopped? Toa Mahri would be saved?
55) I think that this question was asked before, but: Do beings from Matoran Universe have blood? And do they have heart or maybe just some "pump".
66) I know this one is weard: Is there tar in Matoran Universe?
71) I wouldn't think it would have any effect.
82) No, there is nothing in the mask description that says they die once they complete their objective. They would probably just wander aimlessly once the objective is completed. They probably could talk and feel emotions, but would not need to eat. And no, the mask is not going to work more than once -- the returned body will not have enough life force in it for the mask to siphon for a second reanimation.
93) He defeated Lesovikk and then he took it.
104) Nope, because I don't plan my stories ahead of time. I wrote them as they came to me. I don't believe in outlining.
115) MU inhabitants have the equivalent of a lubrication system. They do not have blood.
126) No idea. Why?
131) Velika defeated Lesovikk but he spared Toa's life?
142) In Alternative Dimension Vezon heard "Tar, duck" - Tarduk. Also, tar could be used to building wooden ships.
153) But Spirah's viurs changed Skakdi into monsters. Toa would be just okay?
1Hi Mr. Farshtey. Recently, I'm reading Ninjago graphic novels (you stated that they're canonical) and I have a question. As you maybe know, TV episode "Curse of the Golder Master" featured an origins of Serpentine. They are quite different than these presented in "Tomb of Fangpyre" graphic novel. Because TV show tell main story, its version is canon. But, the story from "Tomb of Fangpyre" (about Ninja searching the Serpentine Stone) doesn't collide with main story, so I have a question. Can I assume, that history written at Serpentine Stone is fake OR its human version of how Serpentine were created and locked underground (TV show mentioned that humans considered Serpentine as enemies, so they could change their story that future generations will consider Serpentine as enemies too). If so, which version should I take? I think this solution is better than consider that the graphic novel is non-canonical, especially since only one element doesn't match.
manoftomorrow wrote:1Hey Greg!
2Just a quick question regarding Jovan's Toa Team. Do you know what elements they were, or what masks they wore? One wore a Olmak, and Jovan had a Kadin, but what about the others? Thanks!
3PS Do you have any more Kratta powers for Tahu?
41) We never established any of that, because we had no need to for story.
52) No, I have been tied up getting November magazines done
lego613master wrote:1Some questions related to moves recently made in the Bionicle RP.
21. Can a being using an Olmak make more than one portal at the same time?
31.2 If said being makes a portal, can he/she place the opening and exit in the same dimension?
41.3 If the answer to the first two is "Yes", then could a being with an Olmak possibly create a 'box of portals', where a being inside is trapped (whenever he tries to escape through a portal, he just comes back into the box)?
52. A more silly question.
In the realm of twisted logic, shadow is faster than light, because however long it takes for light to travel somewhere, darkness is already there.
Would it be possible to malnipulate this to say that beings with the elemental Shadow power can move even faster than light? (Takanuva, I believe, had the ability to move at the speed of light, due to his elemental power) Really, though; if light can travel quickly, shadow should be able to even more so.
6Sorry for sounding like I'm interrogating you
91) I don't believe so, no.
101.2) I don't think I understand your question
111.3) No
122) No.
whatpumpkin wrote:1If Bionicle were to return, would it be too much to expect a lift of the draconic and somewhat irrational gender ratios of the Matoran species? If nothing else, could we at least see the end of monogender tribes?
2No idea. I don't know the reason they were done that way in the first place, so I don't know if that reason would still exist if it came back.
Rick7021 wrote:1Mr. Farshtey
21. Why are toa of fire usually the leader?
32. Were their any Makuta who escaped being smasehd for not following teridax, similary were their any that escaped persecution from the Order of Mata Nui
__________________________________________ 5Signed: Robo Skeleton Astronaut
61) Because red sets sell the best.
72) No