LQ1998 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Shougun70 wrote:1I was wondering- who played on the Le-Koro and Onu-Koro Kohlii teams? I was also wondering if the Mata Nui Online Games were considered cannon or not. Thanks! Have a good day!21) I don't have this information
32) Some of it was, some of it wasn't. Things like all the romance crammed into the games were not.
4I can answer #1
5Onu-Koro: Taipu and Onepu
6Le-Koro: Kongu and Tamaru (Wish we could have gotten sets of them
7Tell me about it.
Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2If you could bring BIONICLE back right now, what would be the setting? Will it be a continuation? Will the Toa come back or the Glatorian? Is Makuta coming back?
3Thank you for your time.
4It's probably useless for me to speculate on this, because if it came back, it wouldn't be like I would be doing it by myself and making all the decisions. There would be a story team working with an overall project manager in Billund, and I might or might not be involved, depending on the direction they wanted to go. Regardless, it would be team decisions on what to do with BIONICLE, it wouldn't be up to me.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:geek7534 wrote:1Hey Greg, I was wondering some questions about Krahka
21) The Krahka's species was a intelligent Rahi species, as that Keetongu's one?
31a) If it is not the case, how the Krahka's intelligence appeared? According to old messages from OGD, she obtained it by shapeshifting into sapient beings.
42) How Krahka can copy a power, and using it, with a simple look?52a) According to old messages from OGD, she can even using it just by metamorphosing into the user, without having seen it in use necessarily before. How it is possible?63) Shapeshifting can't altered natural body material of the user. Consequently, you had ruled that Krahka, and other shapeshifters of Matoran Universe, can't imitate the organic physilogy of Agori, Glatorian, and other natives of Shperus Magna.7So, how Krahka was able to shapeshifting into a gaseous creature made of animate smoke, in BIONICLE Adventures 3: The Darkness Below?
81) We know that she was quite intelligent, we do not know about the rest of her species. If she survived, and they didn't, then perhaps she was smarter than they were.
92-3) Short and simple answer is "because I said so." I created her, so I make the rules that apply to her. She can do what she does the way she does because I chose to allow her to do so.
102-3) So, if she can transmute is biomechanical body material into animate smoke, why she can't change it into an organic (or simply organic-like) one ?
2Also, did you have any answers for my earlier questions? They were in the batch on page 365, but didn't get answered with the others...
4-Toa Ihu
DataDoggieEin wrote:1Hello, Greg! I love your work! I have two questions.
21. What is the Makuta of Stelt's name?
32. Are there any female serpantine?
41) I don't believe he was ever given a character name
52) Not that we have seen, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. We have seen their military and it may be their women do not fight.
ToaIhu wrote:1Hi Greg!
2Please forgive me for being a total nerd, but I just discovered this thread existed and a tonne of questions sprung to mind.
31) It's already been confirmed that beings other than Ce-Matoran can put up psychic shielding (e.g. Order of Mata Nui members), but is it then possible for MU beings to build on that and develop other psychic capabilities, such as mind reading or telekinesis?
42) Kind of an extension of 1, but if yes, since Mazeka has psychic shielding and is a Matoran, does that mean Matoran could potentially use the same or a similar method to develop telepathy or other psychic powers?
53) Did the substance used to turn Krana into Krana Kal have any other uses (aside from mutating Kraata Kal, which was kind of an accidental function)?
64) I think I remember reading, possibly in BIONICLE: World, that new Matoran could be created in Metru Nui (prior to the Great Cataclysm). Now that the Matoran have moved to Spherus Magna, do the materials exist on that world to make new Matoran? If so, could new Matoran be made from Spherus Magna's wealth of non-Protodermis materials?
75) Is Lehvak Kal now orbiting Spherus Magna?
86) What happened to the black hole that destroyed Nuhvok Kal? Does it still exist or, with Nuhvok Kal's gravity powers gone, did it collapse/evaporate?
97) Can Av-Matoran who turn into Bohrok ever be returned to normal?
10Sorry for my copious nerdity!
11Many thanks,
12-Toa Ihu
131) I would lean toward no. Shielding your mind is something that can be learned, where things like telekinesis are natural abilities
142) See answer to #1
153) Not that I am aware of
164) The tech would only exist in a Great Being location, it would not exist just anywhere on the planet. Plus the protodermis that Matoran are made of is an artificial substance, so it's not something you would just stumble across
175) If Aqua Magna did not move so quickly through space that he was torn out of orbit, yes
186) Unknown
197) No
Filipos38 wrote:1Hi Greg,2I'm curious to know answers for these questions:
31) What happened to Ahkmou after death of Teridax?42) Is Takadox alive? And what's happening to him?53) Is Krana can control Teridax or Arthaka?
6I hope you will give me answers, because I need them
71) Ahkmou always knows which side his bread is buttered on. He will now try to ingratiate himself with the Glatorian.
82) Hard to say. If you were a Toa salvage team, would you be in a hurry to rescue him if you found him?
93) No. Their willpower is too strong.