BIONICHARGE wrote:1Av-Matoran gain a telepathic link to Toa when they come into physical contact with each other, yet Takua is shown standing on Onua Nuva's shoulders in the 2003 Bionicle animations. Why did he not gain a telepathic link with Onua? Is it because he did not know that he was an Av-Matoran?
2Well, it turns out the Earth Driller isn't the reason all those Ninjago sets pop up. It's because of the use of the word "power" in all those set descriptions. As for the "miner" part, it seems that the search will pull up results with similar words. I searched "minor" and got several City Mining sets. I've noticed that on a customer review for the Golden Dragon, the word "minor" is used.
3However, this has no effect on Bionicle, for the obvious reason that there are no words similar to Bionicle, and if there were, sets with those words would have popped up. But there are no sets, and a "Coming Soon" message is displayed. So yeah.
4I checked with LEGO Shop on this. I've been informed that they were doing maintenance on the site and that the link to the Coming Soon page was simply an error on their part. If you search it now, it should take you to the Hero Factory section, like it always did before.
Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1This is probably a ridiculous question but...
2When Kapura was in space with the others, could he have teleported himself out? I mean, It is as Vakama said, he practiced and became skilled, and he now knows the secret art of travelling great distances by moving very slowly . It is only a small matter for Kapura to be where he is not. It is a useful skill. Where Kapura is, is cold and has no air. Where he is not is overtaken by Makuta and is a city. Could he have been where he was not by moving very slowly?
3And a second question; what is your favorite BIONICLE quote?
4And a third question; how do you feel about all these BIONICLE questions? Does it somewhat make you and/or LEGO know that there is still a demanding fanbase for BIONICLE?
51) The problem is, we do not know the range of his powers, we do not know if he needs to be standing on solid ground for them to work, we do not know if he needs to be in line of sight of where he is going ... so it may not have been possible for his power to be of any use.
62) Everything BIONICLE was four years ago and more, so I do not remember specific quotes after all this time.
73) Nobody has ever doubted there was still a fanbase for BIONICLE story. When pondering if it will ever come back someday, the question is, will there be a new fanbase willing to buy sets?
8I see... Then what would be the range of his powers, would he need to be on solid ground for them to work, and would he need to be in line of sight of where he is going?
9So does the mean teleportation with Kapura is canon?
10And the most important of all... What does Kapura mean by "moving fast by moving slowly"?
11I can't answer these. This was all part of the 2001 story bible, which was written before I worked at LEGO, and it was never explained what his powers were and how they worked. Since I did very little with Matoran, focusing mainly on Toa, I don't have this information.
ToaIhu wrote:ToaIhu wrote:1Hi Greg!
21) Is Takua really the first Matoran of all?
32) Why aren't you allowed to post on BZP anymore?
43) Does the Mask of Light only function when Takanuva wears it, or could other Toa use it?
54) Were there ever Turaga on Metru Nui besides Dume, and if so, were they Turaga at the same time as him or before?
65) How long has the Red Star teleport function been broken for? Because I think I remember Teridax planning to execute the Barraki 80,000 years ago after defeating the League of Six Kingdoms, but wouldn't that have been a bit empty if the Red Star could just fix them and send them back again?
76) Is it possible that there are masks other than those already listed in the books, comics, serials etc that exist? Like a mask of Weather Control? (not that specifically, but other masks with other powers that we haven't seen in the story)
8Thanks again!
9Whoops! Didn't copy across my questions! I think they got buried earlier in the thread.
101) Yes
112) LEGO's social media policy prohibits employees from posting on a non-LEGO site that has kids on it under the age of 13. BZP has no age verificiation system, so they have no way to be sure they don't have members under 13, so I cannot post there.
123) Theoretically, I would think other Toa could use it.
134) Not to my knowledge
145) But imagine me being killed in some horrible way and then brought back ... wouldn't that make it less likely you would want to risk being killed that way again?
156) Yes
Daniil321 wrote:1Hey there Greg,
I'm a huge fan of the Bionicle storyline and I would like to know as to why there aren't any new storyline updates and why has been taken down? Is it becasue you're taking your time to come up with new content for the 2015
sets? Manay thanks and best wishes, Dan.
2BStory has been down for a long time. The line is no longer active, so there was no point in LEGO paying to maintain a website focusing on sets we were no longer selling.
ToaMakendo wrote:1Dear GregF:
2Could you please tell me who were the members of the BIONICLE Story Team? If you can't say names then their jobs would also help.
3thank you very much
4The standard membership was the marketing lead, myself, the web producer, the lead set designer and members of the outside creative agency that worked on BIONICLE.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:1UPDATE ON MY PREVIOUS POST:
2Well, it turns out the Earth Driller isn't the reason all those Ninjago sets pop up. It's because of the use of the word "power" in all those set descriptions. As for the "miner" part, it seems that the search will pull up results with similar words. I searched "minor" and got several City Mining sets. I've noticed that on a customer review for the Golden Dragon, the word "minor" is used.
3However, this has no effect on Bionicle, for the obvious reason that there are no words similar to Bionicle, and if there were, sets with those words would have popped up. But there are no sets, and a "Coming Soon" message is displayed. So yeah.
4I checked with LEGO Shop on this. I've been informed that they were doing maintenance on the site and that the link to the Coming Soon page was simply an error on their part. If you search it now, it should take you to the Hero Factory section, like it always did before.
5Oh... ok. But there's still ONE thing...
6Quoting from Groovebricks:
7"it appears to be that LEGO also renewed the domain again. If you type on your browser now, it will redirect you to This is something rather interesting and it leads us to the thought that LEGO is working on the Official Bionicle site. In fact, if you check the detailed information on the domain name, you’ll see that the domain was last updated on 2014-03-09 by the LEGO Company."
8Soooo... the last time the Bionicle domain was updated was March 9th, 2014? Well, I suppose that's still not enough evidence to prove Bionicle's return, seeing as that it's completely normal for companies to update domains they don't need and for a theme that ended 5 years ago...
cjjlego3 wrote:1Hey Greg, thank you for the answers, I had a few more questons:
21) Was it pheasable for Artakha to have made a golden Kanohi for possible Order of Mata Nui agents while working on their tools?
32) I really enjoy your writing, and I was wondering how you wrote toward the end of serial. I understand you probably went chapter by chapter, but did you also have outlines as you started or just dive into it?
4Kinda got a bit buried in the last few days
1Hey Greg, thank you for the answers, I had a few more questons:
21) Was it pheasable for Artakha to have made a golden Kanohi for possible Order of Mata Nui agents while working on their tools?
32) I really enjoy your writing, and I was wondering how you wrote toward the end of serial. I understand you probably went chapter by chapter, but did you also have outlines as you started or just dive into it?
4Kinda got a bit buried in the last few days