2Hi Greg,
3I have two questions concerning some points in Bionicle
41) You previously stated that DM Takua was not destined to transform into Takanuva. That however left a question of whether or not the Prime universe Avohkii still had the "charge" to transform Matoran. If for example another Takua was destined to transform, does the Prime Universe Avohkii have the sufficient "charge" to activate that Takua's Toa Energy? In other words, can the Prime Universe Avohkii still transform Matoran?
52) We know that Lhikan's team was slowly killed off before Teridax took over Metru Nui. So why didn't Lhikan call for help from the other islands? I assume he had many Toa willing to help him who served in the Toa-DH war, and those contacts would be willing to help. Can we assume that Teridax-Dume or the hired Dark Hunters intercepted any such messages to the other day islands?
6Thank you for your time!
11) Does Norik still think about Varian and care about her, or has he long since given up on ever finding her again?
22) Is it still possible for new Matoran to come into being with the destruction of their universe?
33) Were you not limited by sets, would the story be drastically different?
4Always been a big fan of Bionicle and your writing for it; it's brilliant to be able to at least ask you questions on your work.
- 1When did "the Awakening" take place? 90,000 YA, 80,000 YA...? Was it before or after the Red Star broke down?
- 2When was Velika injured and sent to Karzahni? Do you have at least a rough estimate?
- 3For that matter, when did Karzahni send all of the 2006/2007 Matoran to Voya Nui?
- 4When the Shadowed One disappeared from Xia, did Darkness accompany him?
1This got buried, so reposting...
21) Since Rahi aren't revived by the Red Star, burial of them is common in the Matoran Universe right? That explains the Toa Hordika burying dead Visorak in 2005.32) So was Sidorak revived in the Red Star, or did Keetongu crush him badly enough to destroy his head and thus he wasn't?43) Back when the Red Star worked, was it common knowledge in the Matoran Universe that the dead could return, and this was later forgotten?54) Is Sahmad the last person of the Iron Tribe still alive?65) Did you have any particular plans for Marendar?76) Was Gaardus responsible for the Red Star's system malfunctioning?87) Is Botar currently in a severely damaged psychological state on the Red Star or something similar? Otherwise why hadn't he just teleported out of the Star by now? Or has he and we just haven't seen him?
2Well, this is partly a sympathy message.

4Anyways, I am actually going to go ask a question, and since the "topic" of this thread is to ask questions to Greg (not saying what types of questions exactly), I'm going to ask this one:
5How are you Greg?
6(I have no real questions about old BIONICLE stuff, and I don't follow the stories of the new sets, so that is the most fantastic question ever (and Doesn't ask him something that he cannot talk about, true or not).)