1Hi Greg!
2We know you are flat-out denying Bionicle's basically proven return next year. So here's the proof that we've unearthed:
3-A black-and-white picture was leaked in early July. This was thought fake.4-Three weeks later, this picture was found larger and in color.5-The thread in these forums saying Bionicle would not return was removed.6-A couple days after the picture was found in color, 75084 Wookiee Gunship was unveiled, and in the press release, it was stated that there was a new rapid-fire shooter. Upon closer examination, this shooter was found in two sets in the picture of the Bionicle store display. How could the photo have been faked if the launcher wasn't revealed to the public until after the photo was leaked, hmm?
7-Some days ago, LEGO Shop gave a Coming Soon page when searching "Bionicle." A few days later, it reverted to Hero Factory sets. This was dismissed by LEGO reps as a maintenance problem. But with all the rest of this information, it is highly unlikely that it's a maintenance problem.
8So, Greg. Are you currently writing the story for Bionicle 2015 or not?
--Tremah-- wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:--Tremah-- wrote:1Thank you very much, Mr. Farshtey
2So you mean that "destiny" works on Great Beings as well? If so... well, then you ruined all my conception of Matoran Universe
3It was based on the comparison with human being and "destiny" was playing a role of genes stored in every cell, alike to special "destiny" code inside every being in the Matoran Universe.
4So, if it is not a secret, answer this question, please:
5Who invented(discovered) the conception of unity-duty-destiny?
6According to your answer on the 8th question, "destiny" works on the Great Beings, so they only used this conception in the Matoran Universe.
7UDD was something that the Great Beings put into the programming, because it promoted work -- unity (working with others), duty (the duty to work) and destiny (the reward for all the hard work).
8Do you mean that there are two different conceptions of destiny? One of them is UDD and it is nothing more than just the word, and the other one - the destiny, that allowed Toa Mata to transform into Nuva. Am I right.
9Did Great Beings programmed Takua to become the Toa of Light?
10Did they programmed Toa Mata to transform into Nuva?
11Can they predict the reaction of Energized Protodermis to contact with certain substance?
12Do Energized Protodermis have some kind of mind? Is it sapient?
131) UDD destiny was something created as a concept for the benefit of the Matoran. That is not the same as the destiny you achieve in your life.
142) It's unknown how direct a role the GBs played in setting the destiny of the MU residents. We do know that Mata Nui seemed to have an awareness of who was and who wasn't going to become a Toa.
153) No. The GBs do not control EP.
164) No
175) We have seen an EP entity in an earlier story, so yes.
Zidonaro wrote:1Hi Greg ! I have a few questions regarding The element Jungle/The Green.
21- Can plants be revived on the Red Star ? Like Rahi and Matoran(And these 2 can be revived on the Red Star, I believe).
32- Does a Toa of Jungle/The Green have limited "life" powers ? Because they can create plant life, which are living things.
43- Can a Toa of Jungle absorb plants to refill his elemental energy ? If so, does this process kill the plant which he's using to refill himself ?
54- How would be a Jungle/The Green Nova Blast, made by a Toa ?
61) No, and Rahi do not get revived on the RS either.
72) I don't really see it that way
83) Well, what is it you are asking if he is absorbing? The plants themselves, the energy inside them, or what?
94) It would cause a huge burst of growth all over the area, so that everything would be tangled in vines and busbes.
kyle7475 wrote:1Dear Greg,
21) Is it possible for Toa to upgrade/rebuild themselves into newer, stronger forms the same way the mata nui matoran rebuilt themselves?
32) You have previously stated that MU inhabitants cannot feel romantic feelings,making them different from natural, organic beings. Are their any other differences between the minds of organic and MU inhabitants, or does the MU AI programming exactly mimic all the attributes of organic sapient minds?
43) Is elemental power generated via very advanced technology, or is it generated through something mystical/unexplainable?
54) Linking into question 1, can Toa become obsolete? Or do you not consider them to be "hardware."
65) Do MU inhabitants need periodic tune-ups and repairs for their mechanical components
76) Do you think a Bionicle TV show would be/would have been a cool idea?
81) Not that we have seen, no.
92) I am sure there are other differences, simply because of their environment. Agori do not think the same as Matoran and Glatorian do not think the same as Toa, because they came from vastly different worlds.
103) Not something I am going to answer, simply because if BIONICLE ever comes back, that is something a new story team should answer, not me.
114) How would you see them as being obsolete? They may run into menaces more powerful than they are, but there would also still be menaces that were as powerful or less powerful.
125) Hope not.
136) I can't speak for the future, if BIONICLE ever came back, but at the time we were doing it, the story team was not that enthused about that. The feeling was we would lose control of the story if it had to meet the demands of television.
diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Greg, have you ever posted OUTSIDE this topic? Just curious because I have only seen you here.
2The mods asked me not to. Having me post in the same topics they are answering questions in can cause confusion.
3Okay, makes sense, just curious
. Ever read posts on other topics
4Yes, sometimes.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:--Tremah-- wrote:1Do you mean that there are two different conceptions of destiny? One of them is UDD and it is nothing more than just the word, and the other one - the destiny, that allowed Toa Mata to transform into Nuva. Am I right.2Did Great Beings programmed Takua to become the Toa of Light?
3Did they programmed Toa Mata to transform into Nuva?
4Can they predict the reaction of Energized Protodermis to contact with certain substance?
5Do Energized Protodermis have some kind of mind? Is it sapient?
61) UDD destiny was something created as a concept for the benefit of the Matoran. That is not the same as the destiny you achieve in your life.
72) It's unknown how direct a role the GBs played in setting the destiny of the MU residents. We do know that Mata Nui seemed to have an awareness of who was and who wasn't going to become a Toa.
83) No. The GBs do not control EP.
94) No
105) We have seen an EP entity in an earlier story, so yes.
11Sorry for being so annoying, but I have a few more questions:
121. Okay, here under the word "destiny" I wil assume the second variant, alright? Is destiny just a "post-factum" term that can be applied to every event appeared in Bionicle (not only Matoran) universe? For instance, if random Muaka ate its prey today, does it mean that it was its destiny?
132. I've heard a speculation about EP that I found to be interesting. Assuming that EP is sapient, can we say that Spherus Magna was sapient, considering its core was made of EP?
143. Also, did Agori find EP on accident? May it be EP that "showed" itself on purpose? If so, what if EP wanted Spherus Magna to shatter?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaAE wrote:
1I had a question about the following two passages concerning the Kestora from The Powers That Be:
2The others paused, as if acknowledging their friend had a point. The one who had remembered Gaardus nodded, saying, “Very well. But if it doesn’t work, do we need to end them like the other ones?”
3All three little beings produced wicked looking hand weapons. “Naturally,” said the first. “How else are we to make things right?”
4“We could keep them,” suggested the third. “Maybe a dissection would tell us why they can’t go back. Of course, we tried that before, and all we wound up with was a mess … a lot of messes, actually … but maybe this time --”
5Does this mean that the Kestora killed some of the people revived on the Star?
7Kestora wear Kanohi, so where do they get it? Is it possible that they took the Kanohi from the same beings they killed on the RS and wore them?
11. Can all rahi wear masks?
22. Is the orange Pakari on the Fikou's back a mask or a shell?
33. If it is a mask, whats the head piece thing? Like a shell?
44. How exactly are Fikou dangerous? BS01 says they are dangerous when threatened but all I see they can do, besides the ones from the Southern Continent, is make some strong webs. Do they have any other abilities?
55. It is stated that there are several different Fikou each adapted to life in a different region. Black is Onu-Metru/Wahi and Orange is Le-Metru/Wahi. Could it be possible for blue Fikou to be related to the water regions, Red to the fire, brown to the stone, white for the Ice?
66. As the Fikou have emmigrated to Spherus Magna, would they migrate to an area that is similar to the region they have already adapted to, or will they just simply adapt to whatever environment they are in now?
77. What would be the conservation status for the Fikou? Would they be common, uncommon, endangered, what?
1Hey Greg, I thought of a couple more questions:
21) The last time we saw him, Conjurer was still in a coma. So when the time came for the MU to be evacuated in favour of Spherus Magna, did he remain on Odina? Or did The Shadowed One order someone to take him with them?
32) Would everyone who remained inside the robot die after a period of time due to the robot's life support systems failing, and be sent to the Red Star as a result?
43) What was the substance that the Bohrok-Kal were exposed to to become... well, Bohrok-Kal?
54) Were Atakus's blades created directly by the Great Beings, or crafted from Great Being technology?
65) In a completely hypothetical situation, if BIONICLE were to come back, would the original story team be reassembled or would a new one be formed?
76) Would someone already powerful enough to wear a Legendary mask (for example, Artakha) be able to use the Vahi to travel forwards in time?
8Thanks again!
11. When Teridax wears an infected Kanohi Hau, could he use the powers of protection?
22. If Krahka were to be infected with a Kanohi, could she use the powers of the infected Kanohi under the influence of the Makuta who infected it?
33. Could Rahi be controlled by Krana?
44. Has there ever been an instance where a Bohrok decided to launch its Krana at a Rahi. For example, the Rahi attacked the Bohrok and the Bohrok launched the Krana.
55. When Makuta appeared as a Matoran with an Infected Hau, could he use the Kanohi? Or was him in the shape of a Matoran somehow made it so he couldn't?
66. Is 'Pin the Tail on the Ash Bear' a real activity Matoran do?
77. Does the Hanhah Crab still have Jaller's Cordak Blaster on its back?
88. Can it shoot at will with it if it does still have it?
99. Does that mean Jaller doesn't have a blaster any more?
1010. Did he find a new blaster? If yes, is it still a Cordak, or is it another type.
1111. Could Toa channel their power through a Cordak Blaster, Midak Skyblaster, Nynrah Ghost Blaster, ect.?
1212. After the defeat of Teridax, did the Hanhah Crabs leave the pit waters to move to Aqua Magna?
1313. Will they just stay in the robot, or will they move to Aqua Magna?
1414. There is a population of Hahnah Crabs migrated to the black waters and are on Aqua Magna, when the planets were merge back into one, did any Hahnah Crabs die in the progress?