1I think this may have been buried:
2I'm pleased to ask you questions Greg and that you take the time out of your days to answer them,
31: From the Bionicle Wiki, it explains that if a Matoran loses their Kanohi mask, they slowly lose energy and then fall into a coma and die unless the mask is replaced, correct?
42: So, on average, in real life terms, how many "days" or "hours" would it take for said Matoran without mask to die or go into a coma?
53: Would the Matoran's will affect how long he/she survives without it?
64: Assuming that they would survive for a day or a few hours, could two Matoran share one mask, one of the mtaking it off and giving it to the other when the other one was about to die? And the vice versa?
7Thanks for this oppurtunity to ask, I know that you've been trying to endure the amount of questions that you aren't allowed to discuss and I'm grateful you haven't quit the topic for the amount of questions being asked.
Blaiz1t wrote:1I think this may have been buried:
2I'm pleased to ask you questions Greg and that you take the time out of your days to answer them,
31: From the Bionicle Wiki, it explains that if a Matoran loses their Kanohi mask, they slowly lose energy and then fall into a coma and die unless the mask is replaced, correct?
42: So, on average, in real life terms, how many "days" or "hours" would it take for said Matoran without mask to die or go into a coma?
53: Would the Matoran's will affect how long he/she survives without it?
64: Assuming that they would survive for a day or a few hours, could two Matoran share one mask, one of the mtaking it off and giving it to the other when the other one was about to die? And the vice versa?
7Thanks for this oppurtunity to ask, I know that you've been trying to endure the amount of questions that you aren't allowed to discuss and I'm grateful you haven't quit the topic for the amount of questions being asked.
81) I can't find anything that says they die. Everything I have for reference says they go into a coma.
92) What we have said is an "extended period of time," so I think you are talking days.
103) No
114) You would wind up with two weakened Matoran instead of one. It would make more sense for one to go for help.
bionikid222 wrote:1Hi Mr.Farshtey can you answer this questions please
21.Where did the Borok go? Where they left in the mata nui robot?
32. how are you?
4Thanks for answering
51) The Bohrok are asleep, but no one is left in the Mata Nui robot because the robot is being disassembled. As one fan suggested here, it would make sense that the Bohrok would be reprogrammed to help the society.
TwistLaw wrote:1Hi Greg, I was having a look at the 2008 Matoran Universe map, and a box says "The southernmost part of the universe is the volcanic island of Artidax. What lies further, is still a mistery..."
2Does this mean we could have seen the "legs" of the MU?
3In toher words, have the story team ever thought about setting the story in these unknown and mysterious islands?
4It was not something the story team discussed, because those discussions were focused on main story, not what went on in the serials, etc. And once the decision was made to wake up Mata Nui, there wasn't going to be time to explore that area of the body.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1A user from BS01 made an interesting point. What he was saying is that from a physics perspective, it is ridiculous to even be wondering wether or not Lehvak-Kal is orbiting SM or not. Since Lehvak-Kal was in the pull of Aqua Magna's gravity, he would have followed the planetoid as it was drawn towards SM. Simple intertia would not cause for him to be ripped out of orbit.
2Since AM was fused with SM, Lehvak-Kal should have been drawn into orbit of SM, since it was the largest mass nearby.
3Or of course, physics don't apply to BIONICLE, as per usual.
4Exactly. I have read loads of comics where things get ripped out of orbit because the celestial body moves. BIONICLE follows comic book physics, not real physics.
5Alternatively, Lehvak-Kal could have been crushed when the Spherus Magna was reformed. It is perfectly possible that the Kal might have just been on the wrong side of Aqua Magna when it was pulled in, and simply got trapped between Bara Magna and the ocean moon when the two collided. This explanation does not violate real physics, and is also, in my opinion, fairly simple.
Boidoh wrote:11. Where will be the new base of the Ta-Koro guard?
22. Who is the new Captain of the Guard?
33. The Golden Being made the mad dreams of skakdi come alive. There are so many skakdi there, and Irnakk is a very popular myth and story I assume. Is it possible Irnakk was in those mad dreams?
4And I'll copy and paste skipped questions.
51.) Did the Earth Tribe have any allies with other tribes?
62.) If yes, which?
73.) Did the Earth Tribe have any other tribes as enemies?
84.) Were any members of the Earth Tribe left on Bara Magna after the shattering?
95.) Approximately how much?
106.) Did the Element Lord of Earth have the same powers as that of the Element Lord of Rock?
117.) What difference in poweres do Toa of Earth and Stone have?
128.) Could an Element Lord be Killed?
139.) Can the chambers used to change the Glatorian into Element Lord still be used today?
1410.) How exactly does that chamber work?
1511.) Can it change Agori?
1612. If a Matoran/Toa/Turaga would find that chamber and activate however it activates the changing, could they also be Element Lords?
1713. What plants would the Earth Tribe farm? Thornax? What else?
1814. What weapons did Lewa have in his space form?
191) Depends where the Ta-Matoran settle
202) No idea
213) No, Irnakk was not part of that battle.
221-3) No idea
234) Don't think so
246) Dirt and rocks are not the same thing
257) One controls soil, one controls rock. Two different things.
268) Yes
279) Don't know what condition they are in
2810) I don't explain exactly how things work, it ruins the mystery
2911) It's not designed to do so
3012) No, it is not designed to work on them.
3113) I don't have information on the botany of Spherus Magna
3214) Not something we worried about, since he was not in combat in space.
alienduck wrote:alienduck wrote:
- 1What happens to the life-force absorbed by the Mask of Undeath once the original wearer removes the mask?
- 2Can beings using an Iden possess machinery or other Iden users?
- 3Why did the GB's give Makuta Shadow Powers/Make them beings of shadow? Would it possible for a Matoran with the right combination to forge an Olisi, Kraakhan, or Avohkii?
- 4 , is there a Mask of "Increase Weight" or is that just the Garai, Mask of Gravity?
- 5In addition, would it be safe to assume there is a mask of "Remove Poison," "Weakness," and "Freeze" considering that the original Kanoka Disk powers contained these abilities?
- 6Are there "reverse" Disks/Masks? Some Disks and Masks have opposite abilities, for example, Mask of Translation and Incomprehension, etc.
- 7Are the Copper Masks of Victory made of Copper or some other metal, or could they function as actual Kanohi?
8Greg, did you read this?
91) If the life force has not been used and the mask is removed, the life force disperses because the mask is no longer in use
102) They could possess another Iden user if that user's spirit was absent. They cannot possess machinery.
113) That reason did not come from us, I don't think. But remember that Makuta were also supposed to be overseeing their areas and protecting the Matoran, and you need powers to do that.
124) No
135) It wouldn't be a Garai because a Garai can do more than that. It's like half a Garai.
146) Depends on if masks were ever made from disks like that.
157) I guess it's possible
168) The copper masks of victory are powerless masks. They are made of metallic protodermis.
Boidoh wrote:11. Is Pin-the-tail on the Ash Bear a common or favorite game to play?
22. On what occasions would this be played?
33. The robot is being taken apart, correct? What are the materials used for now?
44. Could you please confirm finally wether or not Lehvak-Kal is orbiting Spherus Magna or not?
5 7. According to BS01, the Krana-Kal escaped desctruction of the Bohrok-Kal's shells. Did all escape destruction?
68. It says the Turaga kept them. Do they still have them?
79. Were the Bohrok reprogrammed in The Kingdom?
810. What will happen to the Bohrok in their nest? Just lay to waste there while the rest of the robot is being taken down?
911. Is Spherus Magna's core currently containing Energized Protodermis.
1012. Could war break out over the EP in the MU?
1113. If protodermis was discovered and you weren't told about it, and you found out, would you finally consider real life physics to work in BIONICLE?
121) Depends on the region
132) Same occasions we play games on
143) Shelters for the Matoran and other MU species
154) Like I said, if he wasn't ripped out of orbit, he is. If he is, eventually his orbit will decay and he will burn up on re-entry before crashing into the planet. One way or the other, he's toast. Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.
167-8) I really don't recall, that was 11 years ago.
179) I know they were reprogrammed in one of the alt. dimensions, I don't recall which one
1810) Most likely they will be reprogrammed to serve the society
1911) I doubt it. The planet blew up, my guess is any EP left either froze in space or drifted away
2012) I don't think so. Most of the EP pools were being destroyed prior to the last battle
2113) No, because we live in the real world and BIONICLE is not the real world.
Boidoh wrote:11. There is a Fikou sub-species on Voya Nui that has a tail and pincers. How did they gain these. Were they made by the Makuta as a different Rahi, or did they adapt. Or something else?
22. You said earlier that the Fikou may find a region similar to the region they have already adapted to, but many may die through looking. Could you confirm wether or not if a population of Fikou are doing exactly that or not?
33. Sorry for another conservation status question. What would be the conservation status of Hahnahs?
44. Are the Toa currently moving the Hahnahs and all other water Rahi to spherus magna?
55. If the waters in the MU would leak out would that make mutagen on SM?
66. Did Mata Nui cure Aqua Magna of the mutagen?
71) They would have been made that way by the Makuta
82) I am sure they are
93) No idea
104) Those they can, yes, but it's a complicated operation
115) It would be leaking out onto sand, so it probably wouldn't be an issue
126) I don't think so, no
DavidM4400 wrote:1thanks for answering my questions and I have a few more
21) when a being is sent to the red star would they be rebuilt in there original form or the form they were last in (for example would Lhikan be rebuilt as a matoran a toa or as a turagra)
32) did matoro get sent to the red star or not because of his energy being used to power the Mata Nui robot
43) I heard that toas of plantlife were origanly all going to be female why was it changed?
54) would you one day want to finish the storys that were on bioniclestory.com if you ever get the chance?
61) Lhikan would have been rebuilt as a Turaga
72) His body vaporized, so no, he was not sent to the RS.
83) I don't recall that, it was years ago
94) I have asked about that, but there really is no interest at TLC in it at this point. BIONICLE has been gone for four years and the company wants me focused on current product.
MtMNC wrote:1Hi! I think my question might have been buried.... Anyway, do you think it's most correct to describe Skakdi with Matoran prefixes (e.g. "Hakann is a Ta-Skakdi"), "Skakdi of [element]" ("Hakann is a Skakdi of Fire"), or "Skakdi with control over [element]" ("Hakann is a Skakdi with control over Fire")? Thank you!
2I would probably go with the second option, myself
1Hi Greg. I have a couple questions I would like to ask you about the final battle against makuta and his army.
21. During the final battle, were lewa, gali, pohatu, onua and kopaka still trapped inside the makuta robot, or did they escape like tahu and takanuva to join the fight?
32. What happened to the toa nuva after teridax was defeated? Did they return to their toa mata forms as well, because there was no need for their adaptive armor?
4Thank you for reading my question. I'm a huge bionicle fan.