eevee435 wrote:11) You've mentioned many times you disliked the 2005 story; why might this be?
22) Is there ANYTHING from the 2005 saga you liked? Roodaka, the Toa Hagah...?
31) I didn't like basically turning the Toa into monsters -- and set sales bore me out, since kids could not tell who the good guys and the bad guys were. And I HATED what was done with Vakama - it went totally against everything that had been established for his character.
42) There were individual characters I liked, but the story itself was too dark and too grim for BIONICLE at that stage, and I think we lost some fans.
alienduck wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1Which Toa have more control over metal? Toa of Iron, or Toa of Magnetism?
2I would say Magnetism. Iron controls iron, but there are other metals besides iron.
3Wait, Iron only controls Iron? How come Zaria was able to control Chiara and Orde in the Yesterday Quest? Were they made of iron?
4I am working on an assumption that Iron controls iron - I may be wrong, because that may contradict something I have written in the past. That is the problem with answering questions about stuff you wrote five years ago or more.
kyle7475 wrote:11) This might seem like a strange question, but do you think Toa armor is bulletproof?
22) When an MU inhabitant "eats" say, a fruit or a rahi the old fashioned way or with their hands, is the organism's mass directly converted into energy?
31) Yes
42) No. There will be something left behind if he eats, say, a fish - essentially, a withered husk.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:pengar13 wrote:1mr. Farshtey the questions i have for you are:
- 2what things from the real world influenced parts of the bionicle story. i think one thing that seemed to me to be a model for the glatorian is the Roman empire.
- 3since the bionicle planet is seperated would it be possible to put the planet back together again?
- 4since the bionicle planet is seperated would it be possible to put the planet back together again?
- 5if two is no, is it possible to travel from one chunk of the planet to another?
- 6are there toa of magnitisim or did they go extinct like the iron tribe?
- 7while you where making the bionicle story did you ever think to make the skrall good guys?
- 8what things helped you create such an awesome story as bionicle?
- 9which type of bionicle did you like better the minifigure type or the normal type?
- 10if you were to create the bionicle story all over again what would you change?
- 11there is alot of rumors involving bionicle in 2015. if this were to happen how would you design the characters pieces to be like?would it be like HF,the orignal bionicle,a mixture of both,or something different ?
- 12i know this is a lot of questions but i want have the best answers on the subject and since you created bionicle you know the most about it .
131) Yes, Glatorian were based on the gladiatorial system. Offhand, I can't remember other real-world things we riffed off of, though I am sure there were some.
142) Already happened, in 2010 story
153) Yes, there are Toa of Magnetism, but extremely few.
164) No. The Skrall were always intended to be villains.
175) We had a very good story team
186) The "normal" type were really what the line was based on. Playtheme BIONICLE was something we tried for a while.
197) I would omit 2005 story
208) If it were to happen, I would have nothing to do with the design of the characters. That is up to the set designers.
21thanks for answering.
teridaxrules wrote:1Hello once again Mr. Farshtey. I would like to know, from your personal opinion, what is your favorite year of BIONICLE? Mine is 2008.
2Probably 2004. Not because it was necessarily the best year for sets or the best year for story, but it was the first year i was writing novels and so got to be so much more involved in creating the universe.

WhiteAlligator wrote:7Hi everyone -
8Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
9The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
10That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
11Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
12While participating in this topic please remember to ...
131. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
142. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
153. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!

1I'm working on a Bionicle fanfic, and the main villain is a rogue Toa of Iron, which got me to wondering. What is the effect of an Iron Nova Blast. Does it rupture or destory nearby metal, repel it, draw it towards the Toa, or something else? I'd really like to know, just to make my story more accurate. Thanks.