Malurus2000 wrote:

1Ok, I've came back to disrupt your busy life by reading this post. Joking

21. What is your favorite Alternate Dimension? For your convienance, I will put down the semi-official names. Joking A. The Kingdom. B. The Toa Empire. C. The Melding. D. Spherus Magna.

32. What's your second favorite theme (the first of course being BIONICLE)?

43. Why is Lariska your favoirite Dark Hunter to write about (other than she's plain awesome Joking)?

5A word of advice: You seem a bit rough on the edges. Use emotes to tell us you're glad that you have fans instead of making it look like you just do this because you HAVE to.

61) I don't really have a favorite

72) In terms or story or sets?


83) Because I created her.


9Those folks who remember me from BZP know that my answers tend to be straight and to the point, because i am trying to get through as many questions as I can in a sitting so people don't have to wait forever for answers. If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have agreed to be or be spending my weekend time doing this. The fact that I did and I am I think says more than a smiley face would.

clangley387 wrote:

1How was/is working with Christian Faber, Bob Thompson, Toby Dutkiewicz, and everyone at LEGO?

2The BIONICLE story team was probably the greatest collection of talent I have ever had the privilege of working with. It was a true team, in that one person would come up with an idea and someone else would improve on it, and it wasn't about egos or wanting to monopolize the work -- it was about making it the best it could be.

bioniclefanone wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
bioniclefanone wrote:1Wow just wow I never thought that a day like this would come. I mean when I saw this topic on announcements in the bio forum I was thinking Greg was going to tell us Bionicle is dead forever or some other bad news. Few things to say first. I've loved all your bionicle comics with the LEGO magazines. I liked the funny lines the charecters had. 1. Is toa Ignika alive? 2. If Ignika was alive when mata nui was in the mask were they like roomies? 3. Would Ahkmou ever become evil if he had the chance? 4. Do you ever read bionicle fan fiction? 5. Would you ever conisder createing a account on the lmbs your name should Velika!

21) Ignika as a Toa does not exist anymore, it is back to being just a mask. 2) It is more like coats of paint -- Mata Nui's mind is on top of Ignika's. 3) Seems to me, based on his history, he already is pretty rotten. 4) No, I don't.

3Oh I didn't know you would create a account here thought the mods would be speaking for you, 1) Can Ignika use the body mata nui was useing? 2) Does Hydraxon have any memories of being Dekar and does he feel any greif. 3) Can a vahki become self aware? 4) What was your favorite bionicle comic series?

41) I don't think Ignika sees the need to do that at this point. 2) No. 3) Not that we have seen so far. 4) Oh, that's a hard one. I would have to say 2001, even though it wasn't the strongest series by any means, just because it was the first.

1Mr. Greg, who is your favorite villain and hero from Bionicle?

1Hi Greg!!!! I have a couple of questions that were left unanswered on page 38. I know you are buisy but when you have the time can you tell me the answer? *Starts smashing buildings* "Tell me the answer or I'll smash this place to rubble!"-Tahtorak- Love your work by the way! You are my Toa-hero Greg!Happy

joebricks wrote:

1ScribeGT6817 wrote:2joebricks wrote:
3Do you find it weird that Kai means water in Japanese?Not really, no. Proper names are usually not trademarked, and as long as it doesn't mean something offensive, we can use it. It is really hard coming up with character names that don't already belong to somebody else.|||4_______________________________________________ I meant it's weird because Kai's element is fire and his name in Japenese means water.

5Sorry, but Kai does not mean water in Japanese. I believe it is Mizu. Big difference.


2Your a writer for LEGO, so what are some great tips on writing, I love to write and i hope to become a wrter for LEGO someday.

1Wow, the LEGO Message Boards. Haven't been here in a while. I do have a question, though.


2First off, many thanks to Greg for sharing his time. I know he's busy, and it's nice to see that he's still willing to interact with the fanbase in spite of that.


3Anyway, question:


4Every Matoran possesses a miniscule amount of elemental energy which manifests itself in the form of various innate abilities (Ta-Matoran are resistant to heat, Ce-Matoran are mentally shielded, etc.). Several elements - Gravity, Jungle/Plantlife/The Green, Magnetism, and Plasma - do not have specified innate abilities. Can you give some insight as to what these abilities might be?


5Thanks again for your time.

1Well, I never heard of youDisappointed... but I'll try to make sense with this question I racked up...Smile


2Did you have anything to do with the Ninjago TV Show on Cartoon Network?


3Wait... there was another question...Thinking   ummm.... wait.... uh.... it's on the tip of



5Light bulb     DING!



7What inspired your idea of Bionicle?


8OK... phew...Nervous


9That's all! I'm off! *BOOP* [Joking]

ScribeGT6817 wrote:
koren84 wrote:

1Hello, Sir, I would Like to ask one Question and Say ONE thing,

2Question: I Love the story in Bionicle, But Ninjago really did not have much of a Story, Any reason why?

3What I have to say: I love Writing myself, And so it is Great to be able to have a Moment and a Question Awnsered by you.

4I disagree. I think Ninjago has as much story as it needs. Not everything has to be deep and complex and require total immersion to understand, just as not every book needs to be War and Peace.

5Well, I see your Point, But in Bio, Even the Sets... You look at the back and it already has a neat Story about the Bionicle in the Case, Sorta a Bio of a Bio, Ninjago never had the same... Epicness, Maybe I just thing you are better at writing about Epic Bio-Organic Robot things, Anyway, Happy Fourth of July Mister Farshtey.

1Greg, a followup: Which current LEGO theme (in terms of story) would you say is your favorite?

2And a second question (if you are ad liberty to explain this now that BIONICLE has ended, If you have already answered this on one of the BZP Q&A's, just refer me to the topic): What ever became of Kopaka and Pohatu?

1Hi Mr. Greg.


2Now since you can't finish them, can I do it for you :joking: (Do not reply to the strike through, as I now seem to consider it a side-conversation)


3What was the most favorite character to write when you where working on Bionicle?


4Some Dark Hunters remain as just a description, and no art was revealed for them. Is there by any chance, that a contest will be held to determine the looks of the Dark Hunters?


5Will the Golden Being be de-fused in the future?




1Hi Mr. Farshtey,


2I had a question about Kopaka character development. From the time he was introduced in BIONICLE to the time where he is in the Red Star, how comfortable is Kopaka with interacting with others and more specifically with his own team. I remember an instance early on where it said that although Kopaka had something important to say, he would not say it because he was "anti social" to per say. This was him back on Mata Nui, now that he has been through so much with his team and learnt to appreciate Unity, would Kopaka contribute to a conversation with his teammates (or anyone he trusts) when he feels that he has some valuable information and not withhold it as he did earlier?


3Thank You,


1 How muscly in the whole bionicle story2i.e wrote books to made nearly everything