ScribeGT6817 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:11) When and how Nuhrii, Vhisola, Orkahm, Ehrye, Ahkmou and Tehutti knew the locations of the Great Disks?
2My personnal thinking is that Teridax knew them and, with or whitout the help of Nidhiki and Krekka, he informed the Matoran about it, before they know that Vakama and the others were transformed into Toa Metru.3Because, if they had been informed of the emplacements of the Great Disks too early, they would already have to try to catch them for personnal purpose, in view of them behavior in BA 1, in my opinion.
42) The Great Beings had tampered the Blade Burrowers for that to begin digging a series of tunnels representing the Three Virtues. But, the only Great Being inside the MU was Velika.5So, this is Velika who had tampered the Blade Burrowers, correct ?61) I am pretty sure it said in the original story how they knew.
72) No. The tampering took place before Mata Nui was launched.
81) I made many researches on the Nuvapedia (the equivalent of BS01 in french) and BA books, and I finally find nothing for this information :/92) I'm confused... How the tampering can take place before Mata Nui was launched : the brotherhood of Makuta and his members were created after the depart of the Great Spirit Robot from Spherus Magna. So the Blade Burrowers could not exist yet since Mutran did not still exist himself for created them.
11. In Downfall, as Matoro traveled through the giant waterfall to Karda Nui, he heard a voice in his head that told him, "Put on the mask". The origins of the voice were never completely explained, though you said at one point that it might have been the Ignika. I was wondering: did this voice belong to Velika? Was he trying to influence the course of history by ensuring Mata Nui's revival?
22. Similarly, in the Toa Nuva Blog, Lewa mentions that "some weird voice" sent him up to Mata Nui to retrieve the Great Sundial and bring it to Metru Nui. The Order of Mata Nui later shrank the sundial and gave it to Takanuva so that he could find the Codrex. Did this voice belong to Velika? Or was it perhaps Artakha? (The latter would make sense, considering his close ties to the Order of Mata Nui.)
1Mr. Farshtey, I was wondering about the biology of the creatures of the Matoran Universe.
2How exactly do they move? Considering that they are mostly robotic, do they have an organic brain which sends neuronic impluses to the muscle and tissues in the armor? And what organic organs do they have, as I have seen references to lungs and a stomach in several of the books. Most of all, how, if at all, did the Great Beings expect the inhabitants of the MU to function as repair nanobots, as Metru Nui is the only inhabited island so far that seems to serve any real function in the Mata Nui Robot, other than living space.
1Random BIONICLE questions I have Some off these you might not be able to answer. Just skip them.
2What happened to Nuju's eypiece when he became a Turaga?
3Is it possible that the mask of light and the mask of shadow were made out of great disks like the Vahi was?
4Can you confirm the name of Keetungu's species?
5Do the visorak still live on Metru Nui?
6In The Mask Of Light is the "Disaponted Po-Matoran" in the kolii match scene a Ta-Koro fan?
1Dear Greg:
21a) We know that Matoran affiliated with Stone and Earth have the elemental trait of increased strength. My question is, would this elemental trait manifest in a physical manner through increased muscle mass? Or does the increased strength of Po- and Onu- matoran not affect their physiology (meaning they have the same amount of muscles as everyone else)?
31b) If Po- and Onu- matoran do in fact have more muscle mass, could Toa of Stone and Toa Earth conceivably look slightly bulkier or more muscular than other types of Toa? Lack of mention in the story could be explained by the fact that armor plating would probably smooth out major aesthetic deviations.
42) Speaking of strength, do you think Glatorian are naturally stronger than Humans (I think I asked you this question earlier, but the answer wasn't clear)? Keep in mind that they're a long-lived warrior race, with the average individual being around 7 feet tall.
53) We know they're not as strong as Toa, but could a Glatorian with strength implants lift over 1 ton?
64) Can Glatorian run faster than Humans? I mean, taller height=longer legs=longer strides, right?
7Thanks for your time,
Clone2625 wrote:1Random BIONICLE questions I have
Some off these you might not be able to answer. Just skip them.
2What happened to Nuju's eypiece when he became a Turaga?
3Is it possible that the mask of light and the mask of shadow were made out of great disks like the Vahi was?
4Can you confirm the name of Keetungu's species?
5Do the visorak still live on Metru Nui?
6In The Mask Of Light is the "Disaponted Po-Matoran" in the kolii match scene a Ta-Koro fan?
71. His mask devolved into a noble, that's what happened
82. He wouldn't have that information
93. He wouldn't have that information, all we know is that he's a sapient rahi.
104. No, the visorak all fled at Vakama's behest. The rahaga and turaga Dume helped to rebuild Metru Nui and they all came to re-settle metru nui when Teridax was beat up.
115. That's kind of irrelevant don't you think?
kyle7475 wrote:1Dear Greg:
21a) We know that Matoran affiliated with Stone and Earth have the elemental trait of increased strength. My question is, would this elemental trait manifest in a physical manner through increased muscle mass? Or does the increased strength of Po- and Onu- matoran not affect their physiology (meaning they have the same amount of muscles as everyone else)?
31b) If Po- and Onu- matoran do in fact have more muscle mass, could Toa of Stone and Toa Earth conceivably look slightly bulkier or more muscular than other types of Toa? Lack of mention in the story could be explained by the fact that armor plating would probably smooth out major aesthetic deviations.
42) Speaking of strength, do you think Glatorian are naturally stronger than Humans (I think I asked you this question earlier, but the answer wasn't clear)? Keep in mind that they're a long-lived warrior race, with the average individual being around 7 feet tall.
53) We know they're not as strong as Toa, but could a Glatorian with strength implants lift over 1 ton?
64) Can Glatorian run faster than Humans? I mean, taller height=longer legs=longer strides, right?
7Thanks for your time,
91) I don't see them as having "muscle mass" as we define it. They have organic tissue that links their mechanical parts together. We have never referred to that as being muscle.
102) More than some humans, not more than others. There is a vast range of strengths across the human race. You might be stronger than me, but a professional bodybuilder might be stronger than you.
113) No idea
124) Again, more than some, not more than others.
BioRaiders532 wrote:1Mr. Farshtey, I was wondering about the biology of the creatures of the Matoran Universe.
2How exactly do they move? Considering that they are mostly robotic, do they have an organic brain which sends neuronic impluses to the muscle and tissues in the armor? And what organic organs do they have, as I have seen references to lungs and a stomach in several of the books. Most of all, how, if at all, did the Great Beings expect the inhabitants of the MU to function as repair nanobots, as Metru Nui is the only inhabited island so far that seems to serve any real function in the Mata Nui Robot, other than living space.
31) It has never been confirmed that their brain is organic. It may well be AI, especially since we know their consciousness can be downloaded and transferred in the red star.
42) The only organic organs that have been confirmed are the lungs. They would not have a stomach because they do not eat like we do.
53) Metru Nui is where we focused the story and it was the robot's brain. A robot does not need a lot of other organs - it doesn't need a digestive system, etc. It would have things like lubrication systems, power systems and such that would run throughout the body, and we do know there were inhabited islands in many parts of the body (remember, Metru Nui was a big trade port at one time - they had to be trading with somebody). And you are also forgetting about Karda Nui, which was inhabited and was the heart.
PointlessQuestions wrote:11. In Downfall, as Matoro traveled through the giant waterfall to Karda Nui, he heard a voice in his head that told him, "Put on the mask". The origins of the voice were never completely explained, though you said at one point that it might have been the Ignika. I was wondering: did this voice belong to Velika? Was he trying to influence the course of history by ensuring Mata Nui's revival?
22. Similarly, in the Toa Nuva Blog, Lewa mentions that "some weird voice" sent him up to Mata Nui to retrieve the Great Sundial and bring it to Metru Nui. The Order of Mata Nui later shrank the sundial and gave it to Takanuva so that he could find the Codrex. Did this voice belong to Velika? Or was it perhaps Artakha? (The latter would make sense, considering his close ties to the Order of Mata Nui.)
31) No, it wasn't Velika.
42) That actually came from the story bible, and there was no explanation given for whose voice it was supposed to be.
Biomeca132 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:11) When and how Nuhrii, Vhisola, Orkahm, Ehrye, Ahkmou and Tehutti knew the locations of the Great Disks?
2My personnal thinking is that Teridax knew them and, with or whitout the help of Nidhiki and Krekka, he informed the Matoran about it, before they know that Vakama and the others were transformed into Toa Metru.3Because, if they had been informed of the emplacements of the Great Disks too early, they would already have to try to catch them for personnal purpose, in view of them behavior in BA 1, in my opinion.
42) The Great Beings had tampered the Blade Burrowers for that to begin digging a series of tunnels representing the Three Virtues. But, the only Great Being inside the MU was Velika.5So, this is Velika who had tampered the Blade Burrowers, correct ?61) I am pretty sure it said in the original story how they knew.
72) No. The tampering took place before Mata Nui was launched.
81) I made many researches on the Nuvapedia (the equivalent of BS01 in french) and BA books, and I finally find nothing for this information :/92) I'm confused... How the tampering can take place before Mata Nui was launched : the brotherhood of Makuta and his members were created after the depart of the Great Spirit Robot from Spherus Magna. So the Blade Burrowers could not exist yet since Mutran did not still exist himself for created them.
101) I will check.
112) Where does it say the Makuta were not created until after the robot launched?