alienduck wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:kyle7475 wrote:1Greg, if you're not writing the story for 2015, then who is? Will there even be a writen story (as in books, comics, etc)?
2There is a team in Denmark that is responsible for the story. As for books, my understanding is there will be books at some point next year, but I do not know if a writer has been selected for them yet. That will be up to the publishers.
3If they don't choose you they would be making a stupid buisness descision, and thus would deserve their stock to be eaten by hungry owls.
4Well, anything could happen. A lot has changed since 2003, and a lot of publishers lean toward using in-house writers for things now. At any rate, it's too soon to tell if I will get contacted or not.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Greg, will you continue the Bionicle serials now that Bionicle is coming back? If so, will they storyline of the new Bionicle have something to do with those serials
2There are no plans for that that I am aware of. No one has asked me to do that.
3Aw, that's to bad.
1Hello, Greg
21. I was wondering, how did the Great Spirit Robot seal up the hole in its body after Voya Nui returned to its original spot? If it hadn't would there still be a torrent of water flooding down on the middle of the Southern Continent?
32. Can masks show expression? I ask because it says that different characters smile, frown, etc. in the books.
43. When was the idea for the 2005 story thought up?
54. Were six Matoran planned to become what would be known as the Toa Inika from the beginning? If not, do you know when that was thought up?
65. Would Vakama and the other Turaga remember the Toa Mangai's battle with the Kanohi Dragon? Were they alive at that time?
75a. If they were, why didn't they remember Nidhiki?
8Thanks in advance.
diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Bionicle is coming back
! I have a question:
2Was Chat with Greg Farshtey made before or after Bionicle was being planned to come back
3It was made before I or the moderators here knew it was coming back.
4Oh okay, interesting. Do you think LEGO new yet?
5I have no idea when the decision was made in Billund to bring it back.