1Wow, it's been a while since I've done something like this. Well, I guess to start off I should say something I probably should have gotten around to saying back on BZP: thanks for putting up with us for all this time. I realize we can be kind of a hard fan group to get along with sometimes; the bickering, the occasional invasion of privacy, the constant asking of inane questions that have little to no bearing on the story as a whole. But you've stuck with us through it all. So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for talking to us and answering our questions. And thank you for helping to make Bionicle a phenomenon that lasted for more than a decade, and hopefully with more to come.
2Well. Now that that's out of the way, down to business: asking inane questions with little to no bearing on the plot as a whole. (If you've already answered these, sorry; I'm still working my way through the topic. Just skip those ones and I'll get to the answers in my own time.)
31. I'm going to assume the Spherus Magnans found a way to disassemble the Makutabot without having the Silver Sea flood everything, so I'll skip to asking: are they going to use the islands and continents inside for anything, or are they just going to salvage what they can and stick strictly to building on the exterior?
42. Can Rahi eat Spherus Magnan plantlife? I would assume they can, otherwise there's going to be a massive population drop before long.
53. If you had had the time, would you have been interested in writing a story about how the various species of the Matoran Universe reacted to being forced out of their homes and into a strange world? We got to see what happened with the Skakdi, sort of, but I wonder how the Vortixx, for example, would have reacted to sharing space with the Matoran and these strange fleshy creatures? (I'm not demanding examples; sorry for the rambling.)
64. Any chance your successor(s) will be coming by here to chat as well, or starting their own topics?
7Thanks for your time
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
4well said...thank you for all you've done and continue to do!
5my parents bought me the gali set in 2001 for Christmas, and since then i've been hooked. i was disappointed to hear that the line was discontinued, and eagerly read the stories that were continued online for a little while after (I really think you should push to have those finished, Mr. F! you can't just leave us hanging! )
6when i heard about the 2015 leaks, i was reluctant to get my hopes up, but now that the line has been confirmed, i'm quite excited, although cautiously so... i worry that a reboot will ruin the continuity somewhat. that was one of my favorite things about bionicle: across all mediums of storytelling, there was one uniform canon. the comics didn't tell a different story than the movies did, or even the books. (I really loved the books, so i think this would be an appropriate time to thank Mr. F again for all those!) I worry that a reboot will ruin that, making bionicle2.0 a different canon than the original. (that's why i'm not a fan of the classic superhero stories... they keep getting rebooted and retold a thousand times, making it hard to tell what "actually" happened) Regardless, i'm looking foward to hearing news from NYCC about the future of bionicle - the hype train cannot be stopped!!!!!!
7another thanks to Mr. F for talking with the fans like he does-few other writers of great stories take/have the time to do that, and i think that just makes bionicle even more special
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I’ve thought up a few more questions for you to consider…
- 2We know that Makuta Chirox created the Visorak species, so does this mean that he also created the Heart of the Visorak, or was it created by someone else? If someone else created the Heart, who was it?
- 3What kinds of threats would the Hand of Artakha have dealt with in its time, aside from natural disasters? Were they mostly minor threats, like Rahi attacks, or were there more major problems?
- 4Could Mata Nui control the Ignika to give a Glatorian elemental powers that did not correspond to their armor colors (i.e. giving Water powers to a green-armored Glatorian)?
- 5On a related note, will members of the Glatorian species continue to seek out elemental empowerment, so they can be more effective guardians of the population?
6 And a bit of a personal question:
- 7What piece of writing are you most proud of, outside of BIONICLE? It doesn’t have to be LEGO-related, either, if there’s something else…
8Thanks in advance!
mattthealmighty wrote:1Is there any particular reason for why you aren't involved with the new line?
2Was there a particular point at which Bionicle stopped selling so well?
31) I wasn't asked to be. I probably could not have played a huge role in the story team anyway, since that tends to involve a lot of traveling and I can't really do that right now.
42) BIONICLE's top year for sales was 2002, which kind of makes sense. When it started, BIONICLE attracted a lot of kids who are into whatever is hot and trending, and eventually those kids fall away and the real fans are left. As nine years went by, a lot of those fans aged out of buying sets, although they still remained fans of the story.
jaegernaught7743 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
81) Ice
92) I don't have one
103) I don't have one
114) Of Toa, or in general?
125) Probably an axe
135) is it a war axe or a battle axe?
14Battle axe.
1Hi Greg,
2On BZP we've recently been discussing where the giant robot that Teridax took over might have landed after Teridax died. We know it's on Spherus Magna of course, but we were wondering where exactly. Journey's End says Teridax was driven to the north by Mata Nui, then one of the moons hit his head and he fell down on the Black Spike Mountains. Comic #7 also states the two robots were fighting in the north, but the Mata Nui Saga depicts the protagonists gathering with the Ignika at the end near some kind of sea or ocean, which suggests them being near Aqua Magna, i.e. on the other side of the desert we visited in 2009. We theorized Mata Nui might have walked from the Black Spike Mountains to Aqua Magna while he was creating plant life all over Bara Magna. It would make sense that he would walk around while doing this, since he was trying to cover the entire desert and his giant robot body wouldn't have made it very difficult for him. We decided to run this theory by you:
31) Did Teridax's robot fall onto the Black Spike Mountains as detailed in Journey's End, after which Mata Nui walked with his robot to the shores of Aqua Magna on the other side of Bara Magna while creating new plant life?42) If not, where exactly on Spherus Magna did Teridax's robot body land when he died?
5Many thanks!
DavidM96 wrote:1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I’ve thought up a few more questions for you to consider…
- 2We know that Makuta Chirox created the Visorak species, so does this mean that he also created the Heart of the Visorak, or was it created by someone else? If someone else created the Heart, who was it?
- 3What kinds of threats would the Hand of Artakha have dealt with in its time, aside from natural disasters? Were they mostly minor threats, like Rahi attacks, or were there more major problems?
- 4Could Mata Nui control the Ignika to give a Glatorian elemental powers that did not correspond to their armor colors (i.e. giving Water powers to a green-armored Glatorian)?
- 5On a related note, will members of the Glatorian species continue to seek out elemental empowerment, so they can be more effective guardians of the population?
6 And a bit of a personal question:
- 7What piece of writing are you most proud of, outside of BIONICLE? It doesn’t have to be LEGO-related, either, if there’s something else…
8Thanks in advance!
91) Yes, he did create it
102) More major problems. You know, any start-up has problems
113) Probably
124) They could try to seek it out, no idea where they will find it.
135) Probably one of my first two novels, The River of God or Hell's Feast. Both were a lot longer than what I did for BIONICLE -- 100,000 words apiece -- and in both cases, I was introducing new universes. One of my favorite things about writing is creating new universes.
11. I'm going to assume the Spherus Magnans found a way to disassemble the Makutabot without having the Silver Sea flood everything, so I'll skip to asking: are they going to use the islands and continents inside for anything, or are they just going to salvage what they can and stick strictly to building on the exterior?
22. Can Rahi eat Spherus Magnan plantlife? I would assume they can, otherwise there's going to be a massive population drop before long.
33. If you had had the time, would you have been interested in writing a story about how the various species of the Matoran Universe reacted to being forced out of their homes and into a strange world? We got to see what happened with the Skakdi, sort of, but I wonder how the Vortixx, for example, would have reacted to sharing space with the Matoran and these strange fleshy creatures? (I'm not demanding examples; sorry for the rambling.)
44. Any chance your successor(s) will be coming by here to chat as well, or starting their own topics?
5Thanks for your time
61) I think they are going to salvage and make use of everything they can
72) They can absorb energy from it, yes, the same way Matoran could do so from non-MU fish.
83) It would have made good stories, but I don't think LEGO has any interest in my writing BIONCLE I stories with BIONICLE II coming out.
94) I doubt they would come to this topic. I assume there will be an official BIONICLE topic on these boards once the line releases, and it would certainly be nice if some folks from the current story team would appear there to share their excitement and enthusiasm for the line.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
4Wow. Just wow. This feels amazing to hear Greg Farshtey say how glad he is to share one of the greatest fictions of all time with us.
6I have been collecting the sets ever since I got Matoro at McDonalds back in 2001. Ever since then, I have been absolutely hooked, buying as many sets as possible and ending up with titans like Vorporak, Toa Mata Nui, Scorpio-XV1, and smaller characters like Turaga Vakam ,Hahli and even the promotional Fikou set.(Hey, do you know where that set came from by any chance? I found it on e-Bay.)
7I wouldn't say you were my idol-I have no idols-but I really looked up to you as a kid. I enjoyed your stories a lot. I bought every Legends book, every Adventures book(Except Maze of Shadows and Voyage of Fear, which I checked out of the library multiple times for weeks), the Papercutz graphic novels 1-8, every Bionicle comic since May-June 2002(except for November-December 2007-July August 2008, there was a mix-up with LEGO Magazine), all the Bionicle movies, all the Hero Factory Secret Missions novels...good greif, I might just start crying.
8Please, find some way to stay involved with Bionicle 2015. How could it be the same without you?
1Hi Greg!
2First off, thanks again for doing this and answering all these questions.
31). Do you have a favorite comic book? I remeber a "Killing Joke" refernce from a 2008 serial (Vultraz I think said something about having one bad day could corrupt the protagonist)
42). How come the mask of life had more sentience than the mask of time, another legendary mask, that had none?
5Thanks again
ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
81) Ice
92) I don't have one
103) I don't have one
114) Of Toa, or in general?
125) Probably an axe
134. Both.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
4Wow, thanks.
xeara wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
81) Ice
92) I don't have one
103) I don't have one
114) Of Toa, or in general?
125) Probably an axe
134. Both.
14White for Toa, blue for me