1Hey Greg, I you don't mind if I ask some more questions:
21) Does racial dicrimmination exist in the MU, or at least stereotypes? For example Vortixx are portrayed as being money-hungry, controlling schemers. Similarly, the Skakdi are portrayed as violent savages. Would Matoran distrust them and rank them lower in society, perhaps putting themselves to an advantage at their expense?
32) Toa armor seems rather ineffective. Does it ever do anything?
43) Did Velika care about what Teridax was doing to the matoran during Teridax's reign?
54) Did Velika participate in the resistance efforts against Teridax? He would've been a very useful addition due to his knowledge of the robot's interior (I think I know that you're going to say no, that he would've attracted too much attention to himself; but he didn't necessarily have to fight in the frontlines-he could've simply passed on useful information to the resistance like where the robot's vital centers are).
Firox555 wrote:diglett809 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
4Thanks, Mr. Farshtey!
Thank you for staying loyal to us the whole way.
5I can't wait to see what the story team has cooked up for us. I'll definitely try to get a set or two.
6I do have a question, by the way, something that I don't fully understand:
7What would the Alternate Teridax be trying to do, now that he is out of the GSR and hanging out on a planet totally alien to him? He's a pretty powerful character, after all. Will he try and help rebuild society? Does Velika know that he exists, and, if so, will he try to eliminate him?
! So glad to see you
! Haven't seen you in FOREVER!
I haven't been gone or anything like that.
10I've kind of been hanging around in the CWRP, just like always. Haven't we crossed paths? I thought you were still with the Droid HQ. If you want to hang out, just check out The Wampa's Den Diner.
11Yes, I still am at the Droid HQ. You said some thing there a week or so ago, I just forgot.
1Recently on BZP, someone was asking why the Mask of Gravity; the Kanohi Garai, was called GArai when the Matoran prefix for Gravity is Ba-. His reasoning is that the AVohkii and KRAahkan has the prefix in their name, why not the Garai.
2What I was thinking is that Ba- (the prefix) refers to the element, while Garai (the noun) refers to the Kanohi. What are your thoughts?
Boidoh wrote:1Recently on BZP, someone was asking why the Mask of Gravity; the Kanohi Garai, was called GArai when the Matoran prefix for Gravity is Ba-. His reasoning is that the AVohkii and KRAahkan has the prefix in their name, why not the Garai.
2What I was thinking is that Ba- (the prefix) refers to the element, while Garai (the noun) refers to the Kanohi. What are your thoughts?
3There isn't a story reason for it. There was no appropriate term starting with Ba on the approved name list, which is why Ba was not used in the name.
HeroraNui wrote:1Could you explain what Metus's motivations were for betraying the Agori. They weren't explicitly stated and it seemed a little inconsistant with his character.
2Metus was, at one point, captured by the Skrall and offered to start feeding them information in return for his life. That was how this all started.
kyle7475 wrote:1Hey Greg, I you don't mind if I ask some more questions:
21) Does racial dicrimmination exist in the MU, or at least stereotypes? For example Vortixx are portrayed as being money-hungry, controlling schemers. Similarly, the Skakdi are portrayed as violent savages. Would Matoran distrust them and rank them lower in society, perhaps putting themselves to an advantage at their expense?
32) Toa armor seems rather ineffective. Does it ever do anything?
43) Did Velika care about what Teridax was doing to the matoran during Teridax's reign?
54) Did Velika participate in the resistance efforts against Teridax? He would've been a very useful addition due to his knowledge of the robot's interior (I think I know that you're going to say no, that he would've attracted too much attention to himself; but he didn't necessarily have to fight in the frontlines-he could've simply passed on useful information to the resistance like where the robot's vital centers are).
61) I would say stereotypes exist, yes. It is sadly in the nature of societies that one group always seems look down on another.
72) Toa armor is designed to do the same thing any other armor does -- protect the being inside, in this case the Toa's organics. Since we have not seen a lot of Toa with damage to their lungs or muscle tissue, it seems like it is doing its job.
83) He would have cared if it went too far and imperiled the functioning of the robot. But to Velika, the Matoran were just stuff he made -- he didn't have emotional attachment to them. They served a purpose.
94) If he had done that, he would have risked giving away his identity. I am sure he participated in some way, because it would have been out of his Matoran character not to. But he wouldn't have suddenly started giving away robot construction secrets when he couldn't explain how he knew them.
maletoaofwater wrote:1Questions about the device that knocks out elemental power from The Yesterday Quest...
21. Was Glu correct in guessing that it was a ranged weapon?
32. Does it only work on toa, or all elementally empowered beings, such as bohrok and certain glatorian?
43. Does it directly affect the toa and shutoff their power, or just the expression of their power? for example, (assuming it's a ranged weapon, as glu (sorry for spelling his name wrong) thought), could a toa standing outside the range still use his power and have an effect on a mass of his element that was inside the range? (for example, could a toa of earth outside the range still raise a column of dirt that was inside the range?)
54. does the device shut off mask powers as well?
61) Yes
72) It is geared to work on Toa.
83) Yes, a Toa who was outside the range of his weapon would still be able to use his powers.
94) No, it does not.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1Questions about the device that knocks out elemental power from The Yesterday Quest...
21. Was Glu correct in guessing that it was a ranged weapon?
32. Does it only work on toa, or all elementally empowered beings, such as bohrok and certain glatorian?
43. Does it directly affect the toa and shutoff their power, or just the expression of their power? for example, (assuming it's a ranged weapon, as glu (sorry for spelling his name wrong) thought), could a toa standing outside the range still use his power and have an effect on a mass of his element that was inside the range? (for example, could a toa of earth outside the range still raise a column of dirt that was inside the range?)
54. does the device shut off mask powers as well?
61) Yes
72) It is geared to work on Toa.
83) Yes, a Toa who was outside the range of his weapon would still be able to use his powers.
94) No, it does not.
102. does that mean it couldn't work on other beings, or that it wouldn't work on them as well?
113/4. why didn't chiara use her mask of stealth to sneak out of range, and then blast the vorox/device with lightning?
125. (new question) When did velika design this device, and why did he give it to the vorox?
1I have a question regarding the planned bionicle 2010 sets, I believe said sets were original going to involve plant hybrid models, redesigned glatorian, and elemental lords(correct me if this information is wrong). Do you know how far into development these sets were before they were cancelled and replaced by the stars. Also did you ever see any prototypes or concept art for said sets, and if you did could you describe what they looked like?