chirox580 wrote:1First of all I'd like to thank LEGO for the way they have handled the reboot, what you guys have created is everything I could have hoped for, a new story that respects everything the old bionicle was.
2Now onto the questions, seeing as to how the bionicle website has now shown the toa I now ask Mr Farshtey what do you think of the new figures and out of the six toa which one is your favourite(toy wise that is)?
3Chirox, as I have said before, sort of pointless to ask me questions about my personal opinion of sets. I am on here as an employee of LEGO Company, so my job is to promote all the sets. My personal preferences don't really matter.
1Dear Greg,
2When writing the BIONICLE novels over a decade ago, you set in motion a story that really had a great deal of depth. Do you think you will have an opportunity to create such in-depth material in the future, LEGO or otherwise? Or is your career path demanding a different writing approach?
3Thanks again.
11. Asking this again for direct confirmation: did any or all of the following list of beings (Hafu, Kapura, Artakha, Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, Tuyet, Miserix, and Vezon) escape the Great Being's fortress before Velika could kill them?
2The following questions assume that these beings did escape; if they did not, feel free to disregard these entirely.
32. How did they escape? Did they use the teleportation powers of Artakha, Brutaka, Miserix, Vezon (which would have required the cursed GB's help), or Kapura? Or did they escape some other way?
43. Did Velika destroy the fortress? Is he aware that he did not succeed in killing his targets?
54. You stated that the cursed Great Being escaped, but that "the heroes" didn't know about it. Did he escape with the company of Tuyet, Miserix, or Vezon (the villains)? Who freed him from his chains?
6Thank you for your time.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1Guys,
2Since there is now a dedicated BIONICLE message board on the LMBs, I would suggest you take your BIONICLE 2015 comments and questions over there. Since I am not involved with the new line, there really isn't going to be anything I can share with you about it that you won't already know.
3Okay. Is it okay to ask your opinion on Bio 2015 stuff here though? Also, we can still ask old Bio stuff here, right
1Greg, how do you feel about the differences between Kopaka from the old theme and Kopaka in the reboot?
2I know he's one of your favorite characters, and the change from serious, grim Batman to clumsy, moral warrior(Not saying this is bad) must feel strange.
3Or did you give some kind of imput on this?
GBailey46 wrote:1Dear Greg,
2When writing the BIONICLE novels over a decade ago, you set in motion a story that really had a great deal of depth. Do you think you will have an opportunity to create such in-depth material in the future, LEGO or otherwise? Or is your career path demanding a different writing approach?
3Thanks again.
4My gut feeling is that, if this happens, it will happen in something of my own, as opposed to something owned by someone else. Based on my experiences with Torg and with BIONICLE, I obviously like that sort of thing, but you need space and time to do that and that is not always possible to get. And when you are writing for things that you do not own, they can end abruptly because of circumstances outside your control, which isn't really conducive to universe building.
diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1Guys,
2Since there is now a dedicated BIONICLE message board on the LMBs, I would suggest you take your BIONICLE 2015 comments and questions over there. Since I am not involved with the new line, there really isn't going to be anything I can share with you about it that you won't already know.
3Okay. Is it okay to ask your opinion on Bio 2015 stuff here though
? Also, we can still ask old Bio stuff here, right
4Yes, it okay to ask about old BIONICLE, of course. As for my opinion on 2015, my opinion doesn't matter -- yours does.
LQ1998 wrote:1(not a question about Bionicle 2015, but related to it)
2Greg, with Bionicle 2015 starting now, will you still be able to answer questions about the old Bionicle cannon for us?
3Yes. No one has suggested to me that I can't do that, and I don't think this board is going to be distracting anyone from new BIONICLE in any way.