ScribeGT6817 wrote:Akuumo wrote:1Dear Greg,
21) are there any sapient species on other planets in the Galactic Universe in BIONICLE storyline?
32) is it possible, that one of the "Dimensions of Meaningless Time and Space" (information from BS01) is inhabited?
43) can you say something more about your idea of "Great Beings' Civil War"?
51) It's not something the story team ever discussed, because we had no plans to take BIONICLE into outer space
62) Sorry. I don't know what you are referring to
73) Not really, no. That was an idea I was toying with for future story, but it was never fleshed out because the line got cancelled.
82) It was in one of the 2006 books, either Island of Doom or Dark Destiny, when the Toa Nuva were fighting the Voya Nui Resitance Team and Dalu used her tools to make Gali's vision go wild, and she saw dimensions where time and space had no meaning. It drove her insane until she met Axxon.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) I cannot make anything official that has to do with new BIONICLE. You would need someone from the new story team to do that.
21) Because we wanted it to.
32) Lehvak-Kal would if we chose for it to do so. It's our universe, we make the rules.
4So basically the Ignika could make it through the atmosphere of Aqua Magna and Bara Magna, because the story team wanted it to... So anything could make it through the atmosphere of a planet, once the story team agrees to it?
5Could there atleast be some story reason? Maybe the Ignika was forged with Protosteel so the atmousphere didn't affect it much, or something else.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:dfgh159 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:dfgh159 wrote:1How much longer will Bionicle and Ninjago continue?
Do you (Greg Farshtey) know if Hero Factory will end because of Bionicle? Will Ninjago ever have a prequal?
2I can't discuss future product plans. That is confidential LEGO information.
3Okay. What other products have you designed other than Bionicle and Ninjago?
4I did not create BIONICLE or Ninjago, and I don't do set design.
5I meant the story line. You do help with the story line, right?
dfgh159 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:dfgh159 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:dfgh159 wrote:1How much longer will Bionicle and Ninjago continue?
Do you (Greg Farshtey) know if Hero Factory will end because of Bionicle? Will Ninjago ever have a prequal?
2I can't discuss future product plans. That is confidential LEGO information.
3Okay. What other products have you designed other than Bionicle and Ninjago?
4I did not create BIONICLE or Ninjago, and I don't do set design.
5I meant the story line. You do help with the story line, right?
6I was on the story team for the original BIONICLE. I am not on the story team for Ninjago. I write stories for it, but they are based off the overall storyline created by the team in Billund and the TV show writers.
legoguy2805 wrote:legoguy2805 wrote:1Hi Greg, I have a couple questions about the backstory of the Dark Hunter codenamed Prototype.
2In his biography on BS01 (and presumably also in the Dark Hunter book, but I don't own it), it says that he was once a Toa of Earth and a Toa of Fire, who were stumbled upon by another Dark Hunter. At the time, said Dark Hunter was looking for beings to test the Spear of Fusion on, so when the two Toa combined themselves, he took the opportunity to then fuse the two Toa together permanently using the spear. So...
31) According to BS01, any amount of Toa can enter a fusion, as long as that amount is MORE than two. This would mean that the two Toa could not have naturally formed this fusion unless one of them used the Mask of Fusion (one of the masks that you canonized a while back) to form it. Can you confirm that this was the case?
42) Why did at least one of the two Toa choose to combine at that moment? Was it because they saw the unknown Dark Hunter approach them, and decided that they would have a better chance at fighting him or her off if they were fused together?
5Thanks again for your time
6I think this got buried
7Triple buried! D:
1Dear Greg I want to ask you a few questions,
21: Will you ever be on the TTV podcast again?
32: Why did the Bahrag look like T-rexes? I would think the GBs would make them less threatning.
43: Why were their tubes of energised protodermis in the Bahrag's lair.
54: Why did the Bohork look like giant pill bugs? Couden't the GBs make them more destructive?
6Thanks again!
AnAverageLegoLover wrote:AnAverageLegoLover wrote:1Were these characters revived?
4Did you plan for Velika to die? Similarly, did you plan for Velika to kill any more characters?
5Oh yeah, and was Botar revived?
6Anyone who died within the MU would be revived. Anyone who died outside of the MU would not.
7And I did not as of the point the story stopped have plans to kill Velika. Most likely, he would have offed a couple more people.
bubbameister10 wrote:1Dear Greg I want to ask you a few questions,
21: Will you ever be on the TTV podcast again?
32: Why did the Bahrag look like T-rexes? I would think the GBs would make them less threatning.
43: Why were their tubes of energised protodermis in the Bahrag's lair.
54: Why did the Bohork look like giant pill bugs? Couden't the GBs make them more destructive?
6Thanks again!
71) I haven't been asked to be, but since they would probably want to focus on new BIONICLE now, not old BIONICLE, I would assume they would want to interview someone else.
82, 4) There are no story reasons for why they looked as they did. They looked that way because a) that is how the set designers made them and b) the intent was for them to be perceived as bad guys before their real motivations were revealed.
93) My assumption was that they were put there by the GBs during the construction, for purposes as yet unknown
legoguy2805 wrote:legoguy2805 wrote:legoguy2805 wrote:1Hi Greg, I have a couple questions about the backstory of the Dark Hunter codenamed Prototype.
2In his biography on BS01 (and presumably also in the Dark Hunter book, but I don't own it), it says that he was once a Toa of Earth and a Toa of Fire, who were stumbled upon by another Dark Hunter. At the time, said Dark Hunter was looking for beings to test the Spear of Fusion on, so when the two Toa combined themselves, he took the opportunity to then fuse the two Toa together permanently using the spear. So...
31) According to BS01, any amount of Toa can enter a fusion, as long as that amount is MORE than two. This would mean that the two Toa could not have naturally formed this fusion unless one of them used the Mask of Fusion (one of the masks that you canonized a while back) to form it. Can you confirm that this was the case?
42) Why did at least one of the two Toa choose to combine at that moment? Was it because they saw the unknown Dark Hunter approach them, and decided that they would have a better chance at fighting him or her off if they were fused together?
5Thanks again for your time
6I think this got buried
7Triple buried! D:
81) First off, I would need to know where it is stated in official canon that you have to have more than two Toa to make a fusion. It probably is stated somewhere, but I don't remember it and I don't want to answer a question based on info I am not sure about.
92) Unknown. Remember, the DH profiles came from the stories written by the contest entrants - those were their stories, so the whys and wherefores behind them are known to the individual writers.
Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Akuumo wrote:1Dear Greg,
21) are there any sapient species on other planets in the Galactic Universe in BIONICLE storyline?
32) is it possible, that one of the "Dimensions of Meaningless Time and Space" (information from BS01) is inhabited?
43) can you say something more about your idea of "Great Beings' Civil War"?
51) It's not something the story team ever discussed, because we had no plans to take BIONICLE into outer space
62) Sorry. I don't know what you are referring to
73) Not really, no. That was an idea I was toying with for future story, but it was never fleshed out because the line got cancelled.
82) It was in one of the 2006 books, either Island of Doom or Dark Destiny, when the Toa Nuva were fighting the Voya Nui Resitance Team and Dalu used her tools to make Gali's vision go wild, and she saw dimensions where time and space had no meaning. It drove her insane until she met Axxon.
9Some of them are inhabited, but by forms of life unlike anything we have seen before.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:dfgh159 wrote:1How much longer will Bionicle and Ninjago continue?
Do you (Greg Farshtey) know if Hero Factory will end because of Bionicle? Will Ninjago ever have a prequal?
2I can't discuss future product plans. That is confidential LEGO information.
3Ninjago is getting a prequel. Why?
4How much longer they will last isn't really a secret. Neither is is Hero factory ending.5The only thing that is a secret is the Ninjago prequel! And if they wen't doing it it wouldn't be a secret!
6This is just a theory but still.