1I think I know the answer to this one, but I'll ask anyway.
2Considering that you've reviewed 2015's story, are there any details (no matter how small) that you would be allowed to release?
3E.G. Are skull spiders an existing problem in okoto or did they just appear to steal the masks of power?
4(on the subject of skull spiders, the one included with Pohatu has a stinger, is it a skull scorpion?)
kyle7475 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:kyle7475 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:kyle7475 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) I'd rather not. I am already getting screamed at for canonizing things, and I also think that if every mystery gets explained, BIONICLE loses some of its appeal.
2Surely this question is simpler than it sounds?
3I don't really see the reasoning behind a need to determine this. These characters have been around for 13 years now. It seems a little late in the game to change the "light in which you see them."
4Actually, I just want to know out of curiosity. I think this is a small matter; if you gave me an answer I don't think you'd be criticized by the other fans.
5I think you underestimate other fans.
6But there's only two possibilities-mechanical or organic brains. This isn't like that whole "Toa Cordak" fiasco where the canonization sort of came out of the blue (not saying it was bad, I liked it), because the two choices are basically what every Bionicle fan would expect--after all, everyone already knows that they're biomechanical. I'm begging you to consider an answer
7Personally, I don't really care if this is revealed or not, but if Greg does not want to answer this question, please just accept that. You're even calling it "a small matter" and you "just want to know out of curiosity", so why are you so intent on having Greg make something up and call it canon, even though he does not want to?
1Hello again Mr Farshtey,
2I just wanted to thank very kindly for answering to my questions.
3I'm amazed by your patience. As I stroll occasionaly through the forum I see very interesting and complicated questions regarding the Bionicle world that you are answering with full seriousnes. Also I've noticed that many questions are repeated. You patience is highly admirable.
4But I believe there are also the good sides of this overpacked with questions forum. Many people are leaving comments how the Bionicle story line influenced their life or how much it made their childhood that much more memorial. That part I envy you very much
5I would also want to tell you that your work left a giant mark in my life. When I gaze at my wast colection of not only Bionicle sets but also franchise my heart is filled with nostalgic warmth. I live in Poland where hobby-world isn't as developed as in USA so there are many things about Bionicle IDK or have seen. You could say I'm a Bioni fan on a Hard Difficulty level When the Bonicle Ended I mainly focused on finding new ways to safely and in a organized way store my collection. With my small room once more it's a difficult task. I'm glad that Bionicle are back, mainly cuz that will make me want to once more continue collecting the old sets
Thank God for E-bay. Your contribution to LEGO is a great legacy that I'm sure will last for decades
6As I write this message I want to think I'm somewhat different from other fans. But I was often told I'm very naive ^ ^; Yet still, as a fullfledged Bionicle Collector I can't help myself from asking this question that might give me probably the most valueable piece in my collection. So I'll just ask straight.
7Mr Farshtey, would you be willing to give me your autograph on a special notebook of mine I made 12 years ago ?
8I am aware this might be too much of a favor but please give it a thought.
9Sincerely Christopher.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:zevihartmanseeskin wrote:1When will the new Bionicle story section take place in relation to the first 3 movies? The only reason that I think it could be a coninuation of the old story is that there's been no news about a new Makuta figure, which may be because Teridax killed all of the others when he took over Mata Nui's origonal body.
2The new story is a reboot, Zev, it is not intended to be a continuation of old story. There is no point in looking for a connection to the movies. To the best of my knowledge, the events of the movies did not happen in this storyline. The reason is very simple: old story ended almost five years ago. Most of today's 8 and 9 year olds -- the ones most likely to buy sets -- were 3 and 4 at the time. Expecting them to catch up on old story to get into new BIONICLE would be unreasonable.
3Well TTV interviewed some of the BIONICLE people at NYCC, and they said something along the lines of "Remember what Vakama made in LOMN?", and then they said it was the Vahi, and they suggested that there was something off about it, as if it was only 'half a mask'...
4Might as well ask this now. Is the Vahi half a mask?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:bubbameister10 wrote:1Dear Greg, in ttv podcast 119, they had seen my earlier comment, you proably don't remember it, but they said in 59:55 of the podcast my question and how they would want to interview you. Just throwing that out there. Thanks and reply if you can.
2Yes, they contacted me but I have not had time to write back yet. I am undecided. With new BIONICLE on the way, I feel like I am somewhat "old news" and they might be better served talking to someone from the new story team.
3BIONICLE is timeless... If you were 'old news', we would not want to even talk to you here on the LMB.
Boidoh wrote:1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2Boidoh wrote:
31) There are still people who care about old BIONICLE. Thats why I'm here, and why everyone else who asks BIONICLE questions are here.
42) Do you know what they are for, and just keeping it away from us so there is some mystery in BIONICLE?
61.) Could the galaxy in which the Solis Magna System resides be called "Galaxia Magna", latin for Great Galaxy(or rather Galaxy Great)? BIONICLE uses a lot of latin terms, like Aqua Magna, and most, if not all, the MNOGII matoran names. Could it? Also, I'm sure that when scientific names for living things come about, they don't have to go through any legal process..
72) Is there an asteroid belt in the Solis Magna System?
83) How far would Bara/Bota/Aqua Magna be from Solis Magna? You can use comparisons with our solar system. For example, Aqua Magna could be about the same distance from the sun as Mars, Bara could be where the asteroid belt is, and Bota Magna Jupiter.
94) What type of star is Solis Magna?
1Her's another list of random questions.
21. Did Mecha One even enter combat, or just his clones?
32. Was there anything stopping Mecha One's clones from rebelling against him like he had against the humans?
43. Were the citizens of the Golden City human?
54. Where did they go?
65. Did the Golden City citizens creat robots like Mecha One?
76. What enemies did the Golden City have to face if they kect such a large force of battle machines and developed so many superweapons?
87. Was Sentai Mountain an island? If not, why didn't the robots simply travel down the mountain and overrun the world that way? And for that matter, why didn't Exo-Force contact the rest of the world for help in the war?
98. Just what is a Shadow Toa?
109. Is it true that there was supposed to be a team of Shadow Toa led by Toa Ahkmou, but was canceled in favor of a team of Makuta?
1110. Does a Shadow Toa posess the power of shadow?
1211. Takanuva was supposedly a Makuta's worst enemy- why? Was he really more powerfual than a Makuta? He himself said that he probably would have lost his fight with Teridax had Teridax used all of his powers.
1312. Were the Makuta ever "good"?
1413. Did Triglax encounter Keetongu, or some other being of his species?
1514. Why is Keetongu known as a "Rahi"?
1615. Did the Great Beings have any knowledge of Mata Nui's progress on his mission?
1716. If there were female Skrall, were there females of the other races on Bara Magna?
1817. Were there any Makuta left alive after Teridax fell?
1918. Were there any Matoran in the Mana Nui prototype, and was it alive?