1I am well aware of that. I also know that the shadowed one does have a name, and there has been a lot of curiosity lately. You claim not to reveal it due to backlash, which is almost certainly the case - I am not doubting you, but it could be due to the reason that the name is the same as a protagonist in 2015's story. There has been some evidence of confirmation that the two (storylines) are connected, and if the shadowed one's name was revealed to be the same name as another character, the 2015 story would be ruined.
1Hello mr Greg
2Now that Voporak has the vahi at its disposal what is it he going to do with?
31.The axe of Axonn can it cut the Protosteel?
42.it was mentioned that when Axonn is angry his strength greatly increases. Is that this force is sufficient to break the Protosteel?
53.The Krana can it controlled the people of spherus magna?
64.When and how velika has given the sensitivity to the people of the MU.
75.velika has evolved the specie of makuta?
86.How the great being cursed has sucessful to escape from the fortress while he was chained?
97.What role the golden skinned being will play in the story?
108.Why the elemental lords was research of the Red Star.
119.A toa of iron can it shape the metal as he wishes such as: changing the solid metal into liquid metal?
1210. In yesterday quest Gelu said he had not seen the weapons of the Vorox of bota magna since the core war. Is what this weapons was part of the old military weapons of glatorian and other? because before the shattering the people of Spherus Magna was a very advanced civilization but they have lost the ability to create new things and they lost a large part of their technology.
1Hey Greg,
2After a Toa completes his/her destiny, is he/she allowed to choose WHEN they want to become a Turaga? For example, say a Toa completed his destiny a thousand years ago. After those thousand years, would he still be able to become a Turaga if he wanted to? Or is there a certain 'time limit?'
Brikkyy wrote:1I am well aware of that. I also know that the shadowed one does have a name, and there has been a lot of curiosity lately. You claim not to reveal it due to backlash, which is almost certainly the case - I am not doubting you, but it could be due to the reason that the name is the same as a protagonist in 2015's story. There has been some evidence of confirmation that the two (storylines) are connected, and if the shadowed one's name was revealed to be the same name as another character, the 2015 story would be ruined.
2Well, it's not the case, so there is no need to worry. The name Ekimu was never on any legally approved list of names during the old BIONICLE era - it was approved for new BIONICLE -- so it could not have been the one I chose for TSO.
3The only connection I have seen between old and new story is the talk about the Vahi being a half mask, and since I do not know story past 1HY 2015, I have no idea if that is something that will actually factor into story or not.
4That said, I think it is very important that people take new story on its own merits. The people who wrote it worked hard on it and they deserve that. I see people on here (not you) twisting themselves into pretzels looking for some way this is really old story disguised, and it's not. It's something new that a new team created, and people should love it or not based on what it is, not what they think it might turn into someday.
jakob19991221 wrote:1Hey Greg,
2After a Toa completes his/her destiny, is he/she allowed to choose WHEN they want to become a Turaga? For example, say a Toa completed his destiny a thousand years ago. After those thousand years, would he still be able to become a Turaga if he wanted to? Or is there a certain 'time limit?'
4Yes, he would still have the option.
Zidonaro wrote:1I don't know if you can answer this, but can you tell us if the new bionicle team is 100% composed of new people ? Or there are some people from the old line working on it ?
2Don't know. I can tell you that the same creative agency that contributed to Gen1 story and also did all the concept art and a lot of other things for Gen1 is heavily involved in Gen2 as well.
11) Are the effects of shrink and enlarge Kanoka permanent or temporary?
22) Did Garan and the other Voya Nui Matoran keep their Karzahni forms after emigrating to Spherus Magna?
33) If Matoran Universe creatures can't actually reproduce, why divide them into "species"?
5(got buried, sorry.)
keplers wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Zidonaro wrote:1Why do you hate bionicle fans to the point of not revealing The Shadowed One's name ?
2Has nothing to do with hating anybody. As noted above, when we revealed Teridax's name, we got a lot of very hostile backlash,. That said, Teridax had to be named, to differentiate him from the other Makuta. TSO does not need to be named -- he has a perfectly good name -- and any name we give him is just going to set off another round of complaining. I see no reason to do that to add an element to story that is completely irrelevant. Unless you are planning to send him a birthday card, you don't need to know his real name.
3I actually had meant to send TSO something for Christmas...
4Just address it to Bob, I'm sure he'll get it.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hi mr Greg
23. The kanohi mask are magical mask or a form of advanced technology?
33) In old story, they were a product of GB technology. I do not know what they are in new story. There was no magic in old story.
4What about elemental powers? (and other powers?). Those abilities clearly defy the universe's laws of physics (referring to bionicle's laws of physics... otherwise elements would respond to everyone, not just those with the powers). I agree that we can't call those powers "magic", at least not in the traditional "spell-casting" sense, but i don't think we can call it purely tech either. perhaps tech was how they achieved those powers, but the powers themselves can't be tech.
5i think this got buried.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:1Also, a short follow-up to this answer:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Thormmen wrote:2Hi Greg,
3 If a Toa who already completed his/her destiny were to be locked up for a long period of time in the vicinity of an activated Nui Stone, long enough for the Nui Stone to completely drain the Toa of Toa Energy, what would happen? We saw these possibilities:
41) The Toa would be left with zero Toa Energy but remain a Toa. Since he/she never gave up any of his/her Toa Energy willingly, and will never be able to do so again because he/she is "empty", he/she will never be able to turn into a Turaga.5(...)
6Which, if any, of these options is the correct one?
7Many thanks!8I personally would lean toward #1, however -- you could also have a case where the Toa is locked up and CHOOSES to remain so for some reason (maybe to protect others), and so could become a Turaga because he chose to remain in a situation where his energies were drained.
9If the Toa chooses to remain in a situation where his energies are drained, does it matter whether he knows that his energies are drained? E.g. if he chooses to stay in his prison, but he does not know that there's a Nui stone lying right next to it, would he still become a Turaga?
11yes it matters, or yes he would become a turaga?
12i think this got buried as well.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:M0TR wrote:1Hello Greg. I hope you are doing well.
21. Without a Ta-Matoran's resistance to fire, Takua must have been very uncomfortable in their usual habitats. Did he or anyone else ever notice this as being very odd?
35. We have it written down on BS01 that Toa armor is a separate object that Toa can remove if necessary (though with no source for that information), but a member asserts that Toa armor is just their regular protodermis exoskeleton transformed into a new shape and so cannot be removed. Which is correct?
41) That probably did inspire some of his wanderings
55) It is a separate object
61. Did other disguised Av-matoran have trouble fitting in with the other matoran tribes they lived with as takua did?
71a. How many av-matoran were relocated during the time slip?
81b. were there any other av-matoran in metru/mata-nui, or was takua the only one?
95. This seems odd to me... as noted in the original question, there's no source for the fact that toa armor is something separate they wear like clothing. additionally, in the films, (which are canon, right?) we can clearly see the toas' organic parts right beneath their outermost layer, indicating that they only have their mechanical parts and their organic ones, w/o anything extra on top of it, further pointing to the fact that they don't wear any extra armor on top of their mechanical exoskeleton. Isn't their "armor" just their mechanical parts?
105a. Additionally, considering the MU inhabitants are mostly mechanical (instead of organic), and the great beings were trying to conserve resources (red star is an example of that), wouldn't it make sense for them to just have the toa use their natural bodies as armor w/o creating additional stuff that would require more resources? if a robot is designed to fight, (as the toa basically were) you wouldn't make it so that it had to put on additional armor to defend itself, you'd just incorporate the armor into the design.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:alienduck wrote:1This got buried.
alienduck wrote:
- 2Naho was known to meet her demise on a mission to shut off the flood gates at the hands of Eliminator. It's known that a Kakama was found around the are she would be. Is it safe to say that Naho wore a Kakama?
31) Yes
4Is the fact that she wore a mask of speed also the reason she was the one to sneak through enemy lines to go get reinforcements during the toa-DH war?
15a. Additionally, considering the MU inhabitants are mostly mechanical (instead of organic), and the great beings were trying to conserve resources (red star is an example of that), wouldn't it make sense for them to just have the toa use their natural bodies as armor w/o creating additional stuff that would require more resources? if a robot is designed to fight, (as the toa basically were) you wouldn't make it so that it had to put on additional armor to defend itself, you'd just incorporate the armor into the design.
35b. That said, we know that matoran can rebuild themselves into stronger forms, as seen in the 2003 story. it would seem to me that they do this by modifying their mechanical parts, and leaving their organic ones alone. (yes?) relating to what the original question said about toa being able to take their armor off if need be, i'd think that toa could still do so, even if said armor is just their mechanical parts: considering matoran can do so to rebuild themselves, what's stopping a toa (the same species as matroan) from doing the same thing?
15. This seems odd to me... as noted in the original question, there's no source for the fact that toa armor is something separate they wear like clothing. additionally, in the films, (which are canon, right?) we can clearly see the toas' organic parts right beneath their outermost layer, indicating that they only have their mechanical parts and their organic ones, w/o anything extra on top of it, further pointing to the fact that they don't wear any extra armor on top of their mechanical exoskeleton. Isn't their "armor" just their mechanical parts?
25a. Additionally, considering the MU inhabitants are mostly mechanical (instead of organic), and the great beings were trying to conserve resources (red star is an example of that), wouldn't it make sense for them to just have the toa use their natural bodies as armor w/o creating additional stuff that would require more resources? if a robot is designed to fight, (as the toa basically were) you wouldn't make it so that it had to put on additional armor to defend itself, you'd just incorporate the armor into the design.
35b. That said, we know that matoran can rebuild themselves into stronger forms, as seen in the 2003 story. it would seem to me that they do this by modifying their mechanical parts, and leaving their organic ones alone. (yes?) relating to what the original question said about toa being able to take their armor off if need be, i'd think that toa could still do so, even if said armor is just their mechanical parts: considering matoran can do so to rebuild themselves, what's stopping a toa (the same species as matroan) from doing the same thing?
45c. another thing i just thought of: if toa armor is akin to clothing instead of simply being part of their body, doesn't that make the exo-toa pointless? i remember when those sets were released, the big selling point was that now you could actually put your toa in a suit of armor. if toa armor is a separate thing, doesn't that contradict the point of the exo-toa?