ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaofTime4266 wrote:1I meant Takanuva in my earlier message. My iPad auto corrected it as what you saw. How come his elemental power is lower than that of a normal Toa?
2When and where did we state that to be the case?
3It was never stated. however, it was stated that he is on a lower power level than the toa nuva. this was because many fans were confused and thought he was a toa nuva due to his name and honorary position on their team, so it had to be clarified that takanuva is just a regular toa.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Hello Greg,
2After 10 days, 75 members have voted total on the poll, and the winner of the poll is for the final Toa Mangai to be a Toa of.... the Green.
4Yes and yes.
5resulting questions:
61. the other Mangai lived in the metru of their own element (or at least we know lhikan and tuyet did... i would assume the others did the same, right?) Which metru did this toa of the green live in?
72. (this one's more about the mangai in general. also requires more context than i planned, sorry about that.) In "mystery of metru nui", the first of the bionicle adventures novels, nokama travels to vhisola's home after becoming a toa in order to enlist her help with the great disks. however, vhisola's not home, and nokama's actions draw the attention of one of her neighbors, who inquires about her ID. nokama simply replies that she's "the toa of water", to which the matoran responds, "A toa? Here? I know of Toa Lhikan, of course, but I have never met a toa up close. where did you come from? are you here to stay?"
82a. were the toa mangai not around too often? why would the matoran (in general, and that one specifically) be so surprised to hear of the presence of a toa in the city? what, if anything, does her surprise say about how the Mangai did their job?
92b. considering it was odd for a toa of a primary element to be around, wouldn't it be really odd for a toa of a secondary element to be walking around? (referring to the toa mangai of jungle)
103. we know that makuta teridax made the morbuzakh to attack the city so he could carry out his grand plan.
113a. considering this origin (creation by makuta), is the morbuzakh a rahi?
123b. why would Teridax make a plant monster if he knew there was a toa of plants in the city?
13Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
Boidoh wrote:1Hello,
2I have questions on which Kanohi would be eligible for the poll.
3Would the Mask of Elemental Energy go on the poll? I'm unsure if this is a Kanohi that is usually worn as a primary mask.
4Also, how about Rua and Aki? I know they are formed by merging, but I don't know if they can be made otherwise.
5I'm also unsure if the Olmak should be a choice. I'm also unsure about the Olisi.
7Rua and Aki are fusion exclusive, so no. As far as I know, only 2 Olmak has ever existed, both made by Artahka, Olisi I think there's only one of. Rode and Kiril works, along side all Makuta Mask(only that Toa don't like them) as far as I know.
Boidoh wrote:1Hello,
2I have questions on which Kanohi would be eligible for the poll.
3Would the Mask of Elemental Energy go on the poll? I'm unsure if this is a Kanohi that is usually worn as a primary mask.
4Also, how about Rua and Aki? I know they are formed by merging, but I don't know if they can be made otherwise.
5I'm also unsure if the Olmak should be a choice. I'm also unsure about the Olisi.
7You missed the Tryna.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaofTime4266 wrote:1I meant Takanuva in my earlier message. My iPad auto corrected it as what you saw. How come his elemental power is lower than that of a normal Toa?
2When and where did we state that to be the case?
3It was never stated. however, it was stated that he is on a lower power level than the toa nuva. this was because many fans were confused and thought he was a toa nuva due to his name and honorary position on their team, so it had to be clarified that takanuva is just a regular toa.
4Well, yes, he would be lower than a Toa Nuva, but a Toa Nuva is not a "normal" Toa. He was not at a lower power level than a Mata.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Hello Greg,
2After 10 days, 75 members have voted total on the poll, and the winner of the poll is for the final Toa Mangai to be a Toa of.... the Green.
4Yes and yes.
5resulting questions:
61. the other Mangai lived in the metru of their own element (or at least we know lhikan and tuyet did... i would assume the others did the same, right?) Which metru did this toa of the green live in?
72. (this one's more about the mangai in general. also requires more context than i planned, sorry about that.) In "mystery of metru nui", the first of the bionicle adventures novels, nokama travels to vhisola's home after becoming a toa in order to enlist her help with the great disks. however, vhisola's not home, and nokama's actions draw the attention of one of her neighbors, who inquires about her ID. nokama simply replies that she's "the toa of water", to which the matoran responds, "A toa? Here? I know of Toa Lhikan, of course, but I have never met a toa up close. where did you come from? are you here to stay?"
82a. were the toa mangai not around too often? why would the matoran (in general, and that one specifically) be so surprised to hear of the presence of a toa in the city? what, if anything, does her surprise say about how the Mangai did their job?
9Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
101) Most likely in Ga-Metru. While it was not "green." it was a place that was close to nature for a city.
112) Simple explanation is that the concept of the Mangai did not exist yet when that was written. Plus this is one Matoran talking -- maybe that Matoran traveled a lot and simply never saw the Toa in action. Maybe she wasn't in Metru Nui that often. It's also possible that the Mangai were a less public team and more of a black ops sort of team.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Hello Greg,
2After 10 days, 75 members have voted total on the poll, and the winner of the poll is for the final Toa Mangai to be a Toa of.... the Green.
4Yes and yes.
53. we know that makuta teridax made the morbuzakh to attack the city so he could carry out his grand plan.
63a. considering this origin (creation by makuta), is the morbuzakh a rahi?
73b. why would Teridax make a plant monster if he knew there was a toa of plants in the city?
8Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
93a) I would say no. The story team's definition of a Rahi is an animal, bird, insect, fish or something like that. Morbuzakh is a plant, and while it is predatory, we don't consider Venus flytraps to be animals in our world.
103b) Because he knew the Toa Mangai were not going to be active in Metru Nui when he unleashed it, and indeed, they were not.
bubbameister10 wrote:1Dear Greg,
21:Why did Mata Nui not stop The BoM From putting into a coma,because he did know.
id the Turaga of Mata Nui sort of know after they came out of the robot, that they lived in a robot?
43:Why did the MU inhabitants not know that they were in a robot?
61) By the time he knew, it was too late to do anything about it.
72) No. Remember, all they saw was a tropical island.
83) Because they didn't need to know. They were intended to do certain jobs. The pistons in your car engine don't need to know they are inside a car to do their job.
NillocSkywalker wrote:1So if Agoria are reproduced, does that mean they can die from old age? And to them does 1 year pass like our 1 year would, or is evryrthing more slower causing it not to seem too long? Like to them a year is like a few months to us
21) Yes
32) We never determined how long a year is on SM, as compared to Earth.
elric00 wrote:1Hello Greg, I have a question about the Toa Mangai of there Kanohi. (reason of asking this is the poll going on BZP about the Toa of the Green Kanohi Mask)
2Did any of them had the Kanoh Mask of Rahi Control? Because with the Kanohi Dragon and the month-long battle and all)
3I would say no. If they had that mask, it would have been a shorter battle, right?
keplers wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Hello,
2I have questions on which Kanohi would be eligible for the poll.
3Would the Mask of Elemental Energy go on the poll? I'm unsure if this is a Kanohi that is usually worn as a primary mask.
4Also, how about Rua and Aki? I know they are formed by merging, but I don't know if they can be made otherwise.
5I'm also unsure if the Olmak should be a choice. I'm also unsure about the Olisi.
7I'm not Greg, but an EE Kanohi is one-time and bad as a primary. The Rua and Aki ca only be made via a Kaita and the Olisi is a unique mask.
8I would say no to all of them.