Boidoh wrote:1When the Bohrok were unleashed on Mata Nui, did they travel to the Kumu Islets to 'cleanse' it?
2Also, did the mutated rahi that resided there evacuate before the rising, or did they die?
3For a quick refresher, the Kumu Islets were some small islands just off the coast of Kanae Bay on Mata Nui. The mutated rahi of Metru Nui resided there.
41) There was no mention of that in the 2002 story bible. It would make sense, but it is not something we ever discussed.
52) Rahi would not have known to evacuate, unless someone came to get them, which I tend to doubt. And there's no evidence those Rahi had ever migrated to Metru Nui.
1Would it be safe to say that the Avohkii and Kraahkan being the masks they have their own form of AI or Sentience. Not to the level of intelligence that say a Matoran or even a Rahi would have, but enough to react to certain stimuli. Like we have the example of when the Kraahkan pummeled Reidak with shadow blasts when he picked it up. Plus considering their powers, well we've seen what the balance of light and dark within an entity can do in the MU. What do you think? Also would it also be safe to say the Avohkii like the Kraahkan is also made of Protosteel?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:PointlessQuestions wrote:1Buried once more.
2Matoran Kanohi Questions
31. Did Ehrye, Vhisola, and Orkahm keep their masks from Metru Nui on Mata Nui? No storyline source has ever suggested that they didn't, but BS01 demands explicit clarification in order to add it to the pages.
42. On a tangentially related note, how frequently did Matoran on Mata Nui break their masks and replace them?
53. If we know which mask a Matoran wore on Metru Nui, is it safe to say that they wore the same mask on Mata Nui?
6Shadow Takanuva Questions
7When a previous message asked if the Shadow Takanuva wore the Kanohi Avohkii, you answered that they "would not wear masks that promote peace and light". However, in the same post, you said that their masks looked like the 2008 Avohkii (the one that was partially drained of light). This is a little confusing to me, so if you don't mind my asking, can you clarify what the situation is with the Shadow Takanuva's masks?
81. Do the Shadow Takanuva wear Kanohi Avohkii?
92. If these Kanohi Avohkii have been light-drained, does that mean their powers have changed?
103. What are the powers of the Shadow Takanuva's masks?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Yes
132) No idea.
143) Yes
151) Yes, they did wear Avohkii but they were Avohkii that had no light. Which begs the question, how does an object react to being drained of light? Would its powers change, or would it simply (in this case) cease to have any power at all? I am open to a discussion on this, rather than just making a pronouncement.
16I'd personally say that it would cease to have any power at all. As cool as it would be for it to turn into basically a Kraahkan, I don't think a mask has any 'inner darkness', so if the light was drained, the power goes with it too.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1When the Bohrok were unleashed on Mata Nui, did they travel to the Kumu Islets to 'cleanse' it?
2Also, did the mutated rahi that resided there evacuate before the rising, or did they die?
3For a quick refresher, the Kumu Islets were some small islands just off the coast of Kanae Bay on Mata Nui. The mutated rahi of Metru Nui resided there.
41) There was no mention of that in the 2002 story bible. It would make sense, but it is not something we ever discussed.
52) Rahi would not have known to evacuate, unless someone came to get them, which I tend to doubt. And there's no evidence those Rahi had ever migrated to Metru Nui.
61) How did they get there? Krana-Vu? When they got there what happened? How did the mutated rahi react to them?
72) So.. they died?
1Hello Greg,
2I have returned with the results from two of the polls. The Toa Mangai of Ice Kanohi Poll, and the Kakama Poll. The Toa Mangai of the Green's Weapon Poll is still ongoing, since that's a lenghty process. So here are the results. I'll only give the Top 3 for the Toa Mangai of Ice's Kanohi Poll because there was a three-way tie for fourth place and a tiebreaker is going on in a separate poll for that one. So the masks that the community has chosen for the Toa Mangai of Ice to wear are the Calix, Rode, and the Mask of Conjuring. Do you approve?
3For the second poll, the results show that the majority of the community want this information to be known, and the Toa Mangai who wore the Kakama should be the Toa Mangai of Earth. Do you approve?
1Hello again, Greg. I was looking through my collection of BIONICLE parts, and I noticed one that can fit onto head pieces and has a distinct resemblance to the new Mask of Creation. Since all masks in the new universe look different from their counterparts in the original universe, could this piece, which came as a Golden Armor piece in BIONICLE Stars Takanuva, be the Mask of Creation in the original universe? If it is not, could you make it so?
2I would just like to take some time to say how grateful I am for all of the hard work that you put into this fanatastic story. Thanks for an amazing 10 years of great BIONICLE (and all of your great answers to questions in this topic)!
Daler99 wrote:1Hello again, Greg. I was looking through my collection of BIONICLE parts, and I noticed one that can fit onto head pieces and has a distinct resemblance to the new Mask of Creation. Since all masks in the new universe look different from their counterparts in the original universe, could this piece, which came as a Golden Armor piece in BIONICLE Stars Takanuva, be the Mask of Creation in the original universe? If it is not, could you make it so?
2I would just like to take some time to say how grateful I am for all of the hard work that you put into this fanatastic story.
Thanks for an amazing 10 years of great BIONICLE (and all of your great answers to questions in this topic)!
3It was never intended to be that mask when produced, so no, I don't think I can do that.
Fourpack wrote:1Would it be safe to say that the Avohkii and Kraahkan being the masks they have their own form of AI or Sentience. Not to the level of intelligence that say a Matoran or even a Rahi would have, but enough to react to certain stimuli. Like we have the example of when the Kraahkan pummeled Reidak with shadow blasts when he picked it up. Plus considering their powers, well we've seen what the balance of light and dark within an entity can do in the MU. What do you think? Also would it also be safe to say the Avohkii like the Kraahkan is also made of Protosteel?
2No, they are not intelligent masks.
11. Was there a more diverse ecosystem in and closely around Tajun, compared to most of Bara Magna, because of the water?
22. Are there any Viruses left?
33. Would a Makuta wearing an Iden be redundant?
4 3b. and a follow-up question: can a Makuta leave their armor suit whenever they wish, even if it's not broken?
1Once again Hello Mr. Farshtey
2I just wanted to ask if you read my message. It's been a while since I posted it, like over a month ago, so I am aware you might forget. But I've asked for an siganture from you in that message and it was also a long and over-emotional a bit ^^;
3Yet I do prefere to receive a negative answer than not receiving one at all that's why I wish to confirm if you read it
4Sincerely Christopher.