1Thank you for answering my questions (:
21. Why do Skakdi have one long arm and one short arm?
32. After 75,000 years of constant civil war should'nt the Skakdi have wiped each other out by now?
43. About how many beings live in the Mata nui robot? Lets say around the time of the great cataclysm.
54. About how many Dark Hunters are there? Great cataclysm time period.
65. How much business do the Dark Hunters actually get? There can't be enough people who want other people to hurt or die to justify having a mecenary army with at least hundreds of members waiting on standby.
76. During the 1,000 years that there weren't any Matoran on Metru nui why didn't the Dark Hunters or the Brotherhood of Makuta take over the city? With only the Rahaga, Dume and Keetongu defending it, it would have been easy to just send an army to take it over, and it is the most important place in the Matoran universe.
86.2 If they didn't take over the city simply because there weren't any Matoran in it, then why not take over the city and leave a reserve army to wait for them to come back?
97. How did the various Piraka get off their home island of Zakaz when the Brotherhood of Makuta put a quarantine on the island?
108. The Matoran of Metru nui keep Mata nui's brain working, and Karda nui is his "heart" so what is the purpose of Zakaz and What were the Skakdi originally intended to do?
11Got buried.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
Zidonaro wrote:11)You said there's a machine that makes Matoran. In this case, who operates it ?
22)Why would they need it if Mata Nui could just make new Matoran ?
33)Is "Matoran-making" a common thing ? Do other Matoran know about this ?
41) The Turaga decided if it would be used or not.
52) Because that was not Mata Nui's job.
63) Yes and yes
Boidoh wrote:1Your name is listed in the credits for the finale of the BIONICLE 2015 animated shorts. How did you contribute to BIONICLE 2015?
2I didn't. I read over the story bible and gave some input, which to my knowledge was not used. That was spring of 2014 and that was the extent of my involvement.
jayzor17 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:jayzor17 wrote:1Because the Red Star was supposed to bring back any Matoran that died, would that mean that there was no reason to have a machine to make more?
2No. If you have, let's say, 100 Matoran and 10 die, and the RS brings them back, you have 100 again. But if you need 150 for a job, the RS can't help with that. You are going to need to make 50 more.
4Was it ever defined when exactly the Red Star went offline?
lordbio123 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:1Hey greg. Few questions.
21. Does the Makuta power of Accuracy become useless if the target can move and thus dodge?
32. How does Lava Control/Creation come into play in the MU?
43. Could Gravity manipulate an Explosion?
54. Could you describe BIONICLE physics?
61) That depends on whose skill is greater, the Makuta or his target
72) Off the top of my head, I don't recall us having a character who controlled lava
83) In what way?
94) Nope.
101. Both are Makuta perhaps however
112. Well there are not to be rude. But wouldn't Elemental Stone or Elemental Earth as well as Elemental Fire create Lava?
123. Like move it to a different plac
134. Alrighty.
141) Then it depends on which has the greater skill and willpower
152) Earth couldn't, because earth does not control rock; Stone controls rock, but cannot melt it; Fire can melt rock, but cannot control lava because lava is not fire.
163) Don't know. I have read stories with characters who have gravity powers and have never seen one do anything like that.
GBailey46 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Three Questions:
31. What made the story team decide it would be Matoro who sacrificed himself?
42. Could a non-Toa but on the mask of life and restart Mata Nui's heart?
53. Axonn had the ability to cure Gali Nuva's madness. Is there a limit on this ability,meaning someone too crazy for him to help?
6Thank you as always.
71) Actually, that was my pick. I felt that since Matoro had always felt he did not deserve to be a Toa and that he wasn't a real hero, it would be a nice twist to make him the greatest hero of all.
82) If they could use mask powers and were destined to do so, yes.
93) Yes
1Hi Mr Greg
2When a Makuta absorbs a being such as a Toa is what the Makuta gets his powers and his memories?
3The people of MU do they need to be recharged like robots? or they not need to be charged because they have an unlimited energy source in them?
4How the Great Beings have given the powers to the inhabitants of MU? For example, is what it is because of the technology whose some of the inhabitants of MU were made which give them some powers? As some beings were created from the technology of teleportation others were made of technology to control fire and so on.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:1Hey greg. Few questions.
21. Does the Makuta power of Accuracy become useless if the target can move and thus dodge?
32. How does Lava Control/Creation come into play in the MU?
43. Could Gravity manipulate an Explosion?
54. Could you describe BIONICLE physics?
61) That depends on whose skill is greater, the Makuta or his target
72) Off the top of my head, I don't recall us having a character who controlled lava
83) In what way?
94) Nope.
101. Both are Makuta perhaps however
112. Well there are not to be rude. But wouldn't Elemental Stone or Elemental Earth as well as Elemental Fire create Lava?
123. Like move it to a different plac
134. Alrighty.
141) Then it depends on which has the greater skill and willpower
152) Earth couldn't, because earth does not control rock; Stone controls rock, but cannot melt it; Fire can melt rock, but cannot control lava because lava is not fire.
163) Don't know. I have read stories with characters who have gravity powers and have never seen one do anything like that.
171. Okay
182. Hmmm, odd. Wait, what about Hakann and Norik?
193. Alright.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive. Who's the shadowed one?
1Hello Mr Greg
2Which has a better control over darkness between the Makuta and a Toa of shadow?
3Veiled you Velika succeed his plan and impose its political to the people of Spherus Magna? If yes veiled you the Toa Mata join the side of Velika?
4What does Tuma will do now that Spherus Magna was reformed is he going to find a new team for take his revenge of Mata Nui and the others tribes?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:1Hey greg. Few questions.
21. Does the Makuta power of Accuracy become useless if the target can move and thus dodge?
32. How does Lava Control/Creation come into play in the MU?
43. Could Gravity manipulate an Explosion?
54. Could you describe BIONICLE physics?
61) That depends on whose skill is greater, the Makuta or his target
72) Off the top of my head, I don't recall us having a character who controlled lava
83) In what way?
94) Nope.
101. Both are Makuta perhaps however
112. Well there are not to be rude. But wouldn't Elemental Stone or Elemental Earth as well as Elemental Fire create Lava?
123. Like move it to a different plac
134. Alrighty.
141) Then it depends on which has the greater skill and willpower
152) Earth couldn't, because earth does not control rock; Stone controls rock, but cannot melt it; Fire can melt rock, but cannot control lava because lava is not fire.
163) Don't know. I have read stories with characters who have gravity powers and have never seen one do anything like that.
17I know I'm not the one who asked, but
182) Doesn't that mean that toa of stone can control lava, and also, in the mask of light movie Onua and Tahu combined their powers to make lava, but this might just be the writers work and uncanon.
193) Can gravity hold back an explosion like invisible women did in the first fantastic 4 movie, if you've seen it?