legocrazy9460 wrote:matt5412599 this for real?
2Ok here's my question....are you making up the new Bionicle storyline?
3No, Greg is just an advisor.
4Actually, no, I'm not. I was briefly involved last spring - I read over the completed story bible and gave some feedback -- and that was the extent of my involvement. I am not involved at all at this point.
kristiane143 wrote:1Hi Mr.Greg! I am a HUGE Ninjago fan. I just wanted to ask you a few questions:
21. Where did you get the idea of NInjago?
32. What inspired you to make a TV series?
43. What is your dream?
5Well, thanks for taking your time to answer these questions!! Hope to hear from you soon!
6I didn't create Ninjago and I'm not involved at all with the TV series. My involvement with Ninjago has been writing graphic novels and short stories for it.
misterbrickguy wrote:misterbrickguy wrote:1Hey, Greg, just a simple question.
2Would male Vortixx look exactlly like female Vortixx? Since male and female Matoran look the same, I was wondering about this. Would a male Vortixx have more of a man's type of a body, while female Vortixx have quite a feminine look?
3Or do they look the same, like Matoran?
4Thanks for the answer!
5This was buried. Mind if you still answer it?
6Don't know. No design was ever done for a male Vortixx.
legocrazy9460 wrote:1I have a question regarding the Matoran language. Most of the commuity assumes the name of the mask is its power, like for "Kanohi Kakama" "Kanohi" = "mask", "Kakama" = "speed". But if that is true then "Iden" would mean "spirit", but "Mata" is supposed to mean "Spirit", as "Mata Nui" is "Great Spirit" in Matoran and "Nui" means "Great". And then "Garai" would mean "gravity", even though the Matoran prefix for "gravity" is "Ba-". As well, "Avsa" would mean "hunger", but the Rahkshi of hunger is named "Vorahk" and the Kraata of Hunger's prefix is "Vo-", which is also the Matoran prefix for "Lightning". This seems very contradictory. Is there an explanation? Thanks again for answering fan questions!
2Well, if I was pressed, I would say that "Iden" could just as easily refer to what the mask does -- freeing the spirit -- rather than just "spirit." Remember that English translations of Matoran are not always literal.
blurf32 wrote:1so Greg here are my questions.
2-In bionicle if matoran are created via machine but av-matoran were created by the great beings were the av-matoran around before the machine?
3-how did takua get with the rest of the matoran?
4Av-Matoran were created by a similar machine used by the GBs.
5The Order of Mata Nui scattered Av-Matoran througout the MU to protect them.

41.) Are you going to be working on BIONICLE again, now that it's back? Will there be paperback novels and spin-off stories that aren't directly related to the sets, like "Federation of Fear"?
52.) Have you seen the Clutch Powers movie from 2010? If so, what would you do if you were (hypothetically) asked to write a sequel? I'd like to try my hand at writing a story like that, and I'd like some input from one of LEGO's greatest writers (you).

63.) How does one go about writing comics for LEGO? (I'd like to get such a job.)
74.) Do you know if Mata Nui exists in the new BIONICLE canon?
85.) Who are your favorite writers, and why?
96.) Do you use google or bing?

107.) What are your favorite books, and why?
11Have a great one!

121) No, I'm not. And I don't know what the publishing plans are for it.132) No, and it's doubtful I would be asked to write something like that. Hollywood tends to stick to established screenwriters.
143) There is no actual "comic writing" job. We have a staff of five writers here, who write everything from comics to catalog copy to web missions. Basically, whatever needs writing on a given day.
154) I am not involved with BIONICLE 2015.
165) Ambrose Bierce, S.J. Perelman, a handful of others.
176) No
187) Way too many to list. I read on average four or five books a week.
19Thanks a ton for your reply, Greg!

21Either way, good job!

4I know that you are not working on the new Bionicle, but I have some questions.
51. What do you like/dislike about the new Bionicle storyline and why?62. Do you like the simplified ideas in the new storyline and why? Such as the simplified names (protectors, masters, etc.)

9A lot of Chima haters need to hear that.

5Ok here's my question....are you making up the new Bionicle storyline?6No, Greg is just an advisor.

8Hmmmm.... Would you like to be more involved, Greg?

1Hi Greg, could you answer some questions for me
21. Earlier you said that the Great Beings weren't a separate species, but rather a title. Does this mean that they are Agori/ Glatorian?
32. Was Helryx ever a Matoran?
43. Was it ever revealed what function Zakaz had in the Great Spirit Robot?
54. When was it decided that Makuta would take over the MU at the end of 2008?
65. About how many Toa were left in the Universe at the end of the story?
7Thank you
1Did the Turaga know that using the Toa Stones would summon the Toa Mata? If so, why did they wait 1000 years? Earlier you said that the 1000 years on Mata Nui were the truce between Vakama and Makuta, but wasn't the truce only for 1 year, and for the other 999 Makuta attacked the villages with infected rahi? Though it was stated that these attacks weren't earnest, just enough to keep them scared and away from Metru Nui.
2Could it be truce was that Makuta would not make legitimate attacks on the Matoran, for as long as the Turaga would not summon the Toa? This theory has a legitimate basis, as the Turaga had Takua gather the Toa Stones after an increase in Rahi attacks. It would make sense for Makuta to do this, as he would want the Toa Mata to come eventually, and that time makes sense as it would be relatively shortly before Mata Nui would die, and his plan would come to fruition.
3What do you think? Is this a good explaination, or did something different happen?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:legocrazy9460 wrote:1I have a question regarding the Matoran language. Most of the commuity assumes the name of the mask is its power, like for "Kanohi Kakama" "Kanohi" = "mask", "Kakama" = "speed". But if that is true then "Iden" would mean "spirit", but "Mata" is supposed to mean "Spirit", as "Mata Nui" is "Great Spirit" in Matoran and "Nui" means "Great". And then "Garai" would mean "gravity", even though the Matoran prefix for "gravity" is "Ba-". As well, "Avsa" would mean "hunger", but the Rahkshi of hunger is named "Vorahk" and the Kraata of Hunger's prefix is "Vo-", which is also the Matoran prefix for "Lightning". This seems very contradictory. Is there an explanation? Thanks again for answering fan questions!
2Well, if I was pressed, I would say that "Iden" could just as easily refer to what the mask does -- freeing the spirit -- rather than just "spirit." Remember that English translations of Matoran are not always literal.
3Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I know words in other languages have multiple english translations. I have another question:
4The Piraka Thok, Vezok, Hakaan, and Reidak use weapons that channel their elemental powers. Who made them? It seems like Skakdi would have trouble making advanced weapons, as most of their weaponsare very crude. And very few people would want to give Skakdi more power than their power and vision power, except Vortixx or Dark Hunters