RocketRacer7235 wrote:

1Greg, I think I asked this before and it got buried.

2You said something about matoran requiring latent toa energies to become toa via a toa stone. How do toa know who to give toa stones to?

3Also, can toa make an indefinite amount of toa stones without any permanent side effects?

41) We don't know that they do know.

52) No


voporak1 wrote:
voporak1 wrote:

1Hello Mr Greg 


21.The organic components such as the lungs and tissues and other organs that have not been revealed of the    residents of the MU are techno-organic? or they are really organic? 


32. What is the nanotechnology in Bionicle? 


43. the biomechanical animals of Spherus Magna like the Skopio would they be affected by an EMP? 


54. Is what the animals of Spherus Magna eat by absorbing the energy like the Matoran or they eat like all organic  beings?

6 Buried

71) Organic

82) I am not sure what you mean by this question. Pretty much everything inside the MU is the MU's nanotech.


93) No


104) SM animals eat like organic beings


ToaAE wrote:

1This is a really trivial point, but I was interested in the fate of the Matoran in "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet," namely which ones were revived and which weren't. To refresh your memory: The first Matoran was defeated by having a vat of molten protodermis spilled over him, the second one fell from so high up his mask shattered when he hit the ground, and the last one was drowned. 

2Revived by the RS? Well, the drowned one would have been ... the great height one, probably not ... and the first one would depend on if his head was melted or not.

Orionpaxg1 wrote:

1are any Av matoran that we know destined to trun into bohrok?


2what was the name of the substance thats turns krana/kraata into Krana Kal/Kraata Kal


3what woud be the average I.Q. of a Great being

41) Not that I know

52) It was never given a name in story


63) No idea.


ScribeGT6817 wrote:
RocketRacer7235 wrote:

1Greg, I think I asked this before and it got buried.

2You said something about matoran requiring latent toa energies to become toa via a toa stone. How do toa know who to give toa stones to?

3Also, can toa make an indefinite amount of toa stones without any permanent side effects?

41) We don't know that they do know.

52) No


61) Hmmmkay.

72) How many can a toa make before they get side effects, and what side effects do they get?

Tomasko579 wrote:

1If Lhikan sacrificed his toa power to make toa stones  it means he has fullfilled his destiny. Now he has acompished many Things  during his time as a Toa...  so what exactly  was Lhikan's destiny ?

2probably buried

ScribeGT6817 wrote:
voporak1 wrote:
voporak1 wrote:

1Hello Mr Greg 


21.The organic components such as the lungs and tissues and other organs that have not been revealed of the    residents of the MU are techno-organic? or they are really organic? 


32. What is the nanotechnology in Bionicle? 


43. the biomechanical animals of Spherus Magna like the Skopio would they be affected by an EMP? 


54. Is what the animals of Spherus Magna eat by absorbing the energy like the Matoran or they eat like all organic  beings?

6 Buried


72) I am not sure what you mean by this question. Pretty much everything inside the MU is the MU's nanotech.



82.I wanted to know if nanotechnology in bionicle is the same as that of real life or it's something different.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
RocketRacer7235 wrote:

1Greg, I think I asked this before and it got buried.

2You said something about matoran requiring latent toa energies to become toa via a toa stone. How do toa know who to give toa stones to?

3Also, can toa make an indefinite amount of toa stones without any permanent side effects?

41) We don't know that they do know.

52) No


62. What is the maximum Toa can create of Toa stones? And how come they appear different colors.

1 Just to be clear Tahnok-Kal is the only living Bohrok Kal?
2Can the staff of Arthaka work outside the Great Spirit robot?
3Theoretically could the staff have repaired the robot after Teridax's death?

1When you told me that I fell of my chair! Ouch!

1'Ello Greg. =P Or Mr. Farshtey. =P I have a very pressing philosophical question for you. =)


2Do you like chocolate milk?

1 Let's say one of them needed to so that the rest could continue a quest because back when you where still writing on bioniclestory it seemed pretty evident lewa was going down if you remeber the trap veleka was geting ready for

1Hello Mr. Farshtey!


2I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but if you were to have a Self-MOC, what Kanohi would you use to represent yourself?

1Hey Greg,


2What was the purpose of the schools in Ga-Metru?  Was their job to educate newly created Matoran, or would students just go there to learn for the sake of learning?  Would Matoran from other lands go there to learn?

11. Does the Matoran Universe experience seasons?

22. Does Spherus Magna have longer days than Earth?

33. Is the length of a day in the Matoran Universe the same length as an Earth day? Or a Spherus Magna day? Or are the two the same as an Earth day?


4I actually read a very interesting concept on a tumblr page owned by a nicrophorus-americanus. He has this cool series on there called "Fleshing out the Matoran Universe." On the first blog post in this series he wrote:5* Seasons did exist in the Matoran universe, and were the effects of Mata Nui’s self-regulation of temperature. Much energy was produced in his hands, feet, and internal engines, which he then circulated through the rest of the universe on a regular cycle. The lands of the Su-Matoran and the Southern Islands, however, were almost always swelteringly hot.

6I don't know if you're still canonizing stuff, but I really liked the idea and wanted to hear if you did too, and if you'd be interested in making it canon?


7Thanks for your time Greg.