jesusHERCULESchrist wrote:1 Right off the bat, i understand fully why you and others wouldn't want it to be canon. Romance in living animals exists for the rather singlular purpose of reproduction, and that is not something that exists within the Matoran species. Plus this is a childrens toy and its probably best to stay as far from a topic like that as possible. However, i feel that the relationships included in some of the older books offer a good reason to include the EMOTION of love at least. Take the relationship between Nokama and Matau (or rather how Matau acts towards Nokama) for example. Normally he is a very confident character, sort of full of himself, but in the older books he has a major soft-spot for Nokama specifically. He is very protective of her, and is shy of his feelings. I know that these scenes are now non-canon, but i feel that choice threw away some really unique character building. Without those scenes, Matau is sort of a one-dimensional over-confident dude (no offense), but with them he gets that crutial extra bit of depth that makes his character that little bit more interesting.
2You could argue that Matau/Nokama relationship is just one of very close friendship, but i think that at least leaving it open to enterpretation would make it a little more interesting. It is more fun and engaging for the reader to have two characters that you can't quite tell whether or not they are more than friends, than to have two characters that you know exactly what sort of relationship they have. That unknown factor can spawn discussion, and ultimately that is a good thing (most of the time).
3So i guess my real question is this;
4Would you ever consider reinstating love (outwith what a sort of brother/sister love) as a thing that the Matoran kind can experience?
5That said, though -- you are now going to have MU inhabitants exposed to the concept on SM. So there is no telling what effect that might have.
1Well, it turns out the fanabse is taking that and running with it as far as confirmation goes.
2Just to be absolutely clear - Are you saying it'd merely be interesting to see if Matoran observation will have any affect on them? Or that Matoran can now love as an Agori or a human can?
3(I figure it's the former, but people love to read into things so I just wanna make sure)
1Hi Mr. Farshtey,
2I honestly don't know why I haven't come on this topic sooner, but I'm here now XD
3First off, I'm a huge fan of your writing! I've read practically all your Ninjago books through the season 2 canon, and now that I finally had time to catch up with the episodes for seasons 3 and 4 I'm hoping I can read your more recent ones soon, too!
4Being an aspiring author myself, I gotta ask- what advice would you offer to ameteur writers like me? And how did you get started with working for LEGO?
5And do you ever critique stories for people? I know you probably don't, but I thought I might as well ask on the off chance that you do happen to XD
6Sorry if I'm asking questions that you've already answered- I haven't read through all 680+ pages of the topic And thanks in advance!
You're awesome!
1Hello Greg, I think my questions got buried:
- 2Is there winter in the Matoran Universe? For example on Zakaz?
- 3Can Toa forge a mental link with other Toa?
- 4Can Toa of Light absorb Skakdi's Visions? For example light or heat vision?
- 5Can Skakdi's Vision be deflected by a mirror or a weapon?
- 6Can we find salt water inside the Matoran Universe? Or maybe "salt protodermis"?
- 7Is Botar's species capable of interplanetary travels?
- 8Can some of the species (for example: Skakdi) survive being frozen in a block of solid ice for... a few months? Or years?
- 9Can Toa of Light move as fast as light?
- 10Can Toa use their Toa Power to heal themselves?
11Have a nice day
22. What is your favorite Bionicle book?33. Which Bionicle book did you find was the most fun to write?44. What's the size of a Kakgarak compared to a Toa?54b) how about the regular visorak?