DuplexBeGreat wrote:1Sorry, I think my question was buried.
2Is Alternate Universe Teridax integrating into Spherus Magnan society? Or do the others fear him because he is a Makuta?
3No one native to SM knows what a Makuta is, so they have no reason to fear him. As far as the MU folks go, I would assume he has been vouched for to whoever he is working with.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MorroLaval13 wrote:1DEAR GREG FARSHTEY,
4I have a followup question. Had the fanbase not of reacted poorly to Teridax's name, would you of revealed the Shadowed One's name?
5Possibly. But one thing to keep in mind -- that name was never trademarked or anything. So the fact that it was legally approved for us all those years ago does not mean it would be legally approved now. Someone else could have claimed it, or something close enough to it that LEGO would not want it used. So even if I wanted to reveal it, it would need to go through Legal again, and there is no budget to get Gen1 BIONICLE names approved.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Wilmerkardell wrote:1Many of the villian names or evil worlds through out bionicle has used a common character, K.
16Is this a coincidence? Or might it be because of "Kra-", meaning shadow, often is used as a symbol of evil, and therefor, "K" has become a letter meaning evil or shadow?
17It's because if you add K's or sometimes X's to words, it makes it a lot easier to get them through a Google search or a legal check.
18You realise of course that the word "makuta" is actually the plural form of a discontinued African currency, correct?
19I wasn't working for LEGO at the time the name Makuta was chosen, or legally approved for use.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:CadetMayDay wrote:1Hey Greg, sorry if someone already asked this. Is the new 2015 Bionicle line still linked to the previous time? Because I know that they were dragged through time to the island of Okoto and when I saw the videos,they looked like their Toa Nuva forms.
2Also, is the new line going to branch away from the original Bionicle timeline to start its own or is it eventually going to link back?
3As Tonks said, I do not answer questions re: new BIONICLE, as I am not involved with it at all.
4*Reads Bionicle animation credits, spots Greg's name* Traitor!
5I have no involvement at all with the animations and have no idea why my name would be anywhere on them. My only involvement with new BIONICLE was reading over the completed story bible in spring of last year, giving a little feedback which I don't think was used, and that's it. All of the BIONICLE Club material is being written by Matt Killeen.
Akuumo wrote:1Greg, I'm askinfg 4th TIME. I hope You'll finally answer:
51) There was a discussion a while ago about seasons in the BIONICLE universe, and I don't recall where it netted out. My question is, what purpose would winter serve? Do you want the inside of your toaster covered in snow and ice? Certainly, the robot would have had an internal cooling system, but I don't know that it would have been producing winter like we think of winter.
62) I believe Gali did that somewhere early in the story, but we never used it again.
73) I would lean toward yes. If it is a form of light, then Takanuva should be able to absorb it. The question is, could he move fast enough to absorb it before it hit its target?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:CadetMayDay wrote:1Hey Greg, sorry if someone already asked this. Is the new 2015 Bionicle line still linked to the previous time? Because I know that they were dragged through time to the island of Okoto and when I saw the videos,they looked like their Toa Nuva forms.
2Also, is the new line going to branch away from the original Bionicle timeline to start its own or is it eventually going to link back?
3As Tonks said, I do not answer questions re: new BIONICLE, as I am not involved with it at all.
4*Reads Bionicle animation credits, spots Greg's name* Traitor!
5I have no involvement at all with the animations and have no idea why my name would be anywhere on them. My only involvement with new BIONICLE was reading over the completed story bible in spring of last year, giving a little feedback which I don't think was used, and that's it. All of the BIONICLE Club material is being written by Matt Killeen.
6You are credited along with Christian Faber & Christoffer Raundahl for "Original Concept".
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MorroLaval13 wrote:1DEAR GREG FARSHTEY,
4I have a followup question. Had the fanbase not of reacted poorly to Teridax's name, would you of revealed the Shadowed One's name?
5Possibly. But one thing to keep in mind -- that name was never trademarked or anything. So the fact that it was legally approved for us all those years ago does not mean it would be legally approved now. Someone else could have claimed it, or something close enough to it that LEGO would not want it used. So even if I wanted to reveal it, it would need to go through Legal again, and there is no budget to get Gen1 BIONICLE names approved.
6Ah, so there are 2 things going against us.
71. The fans having reacted poorly to the reveal of Teridax's real name for no good reason.
82. Now that G1 is completely dead and irrelevant to LEGO, the Shadowed One's real name will never go through a legality check again.
9Thanks for the insight!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:CadetMayDay wrote:1Hey Greg, sorry if someone already asked this. Is the new 2015 Bionicle line still linked to the previous time? Because I know that they were dragged through time to the island of Okoto and when I saw the videos,they looked like their Toa Nuva forms.
2Also, is the new line going to branch away from the original Bionicle timeline to start its own or is it eventually going to link back?
3As Tonks said, I do not answer questions re: new BIONICLE, as I am not involved with it at all.
4*Reads Bionicle animation credits, spots Greg's name* Traitor!
5I have no involvement at all with the animations and have no idea why my name would be anywhere on them. My only involvement with new BIONICLE was reading over the completed story bible in spring of last year, giving a little feedback which I don't think was used, and that's it. All of the BIONICLE Club material is being written by Matt Killeen.
6Huh... Interesting...
TonksM wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:CadetMayDay wrote:1Hey Greg, sorry if someone already asked this. Is the new 2015 Bionicle line still linked to the previous time? Because I know that they were dragged through time to the island of Okoto and when I saw the videos,they looked like their Toa Nuva forms.
2Also, is the new line going to branch away from the original Bionicle timeline to start its own or is it eventually going to link back?
3As Tonks said, I do not answer questions re: new BIONICLE, as I am not involved with it at all.
4*Reads Bionicle animation credits, spots Greg's name* Traitor!
5I have no involvement at all with the animations and have no idea why my name would be anywhere on them. My only involvement with new BIONICLE was reading over the completed story bible in spring of last year, giving a little feedback which I don't think was used, and that's it. All of the BIONICLE Club material is being written by Matt Killeen.
6You are credited along with Christian Faber & Christoffer Raundahl for "Original Concept".
7What that probably means is they credited him as being part of the concept without actually having truly listened to anything he had to say.
1I have questions ...
21 Could a great being modify powers that work only on MU beings to work on organic beings as well?
32 According to the wiki Pahrak Kal melted to the core of Aqua Magna and died, but it doesn't have a core or magama, since its just a chunk of Aqua Magna, so is it possible that Pahrak Kal is just stuck in a VERY deep hole
43 Can Arthaka make more great disks, and by extension more masks of time?
54 can Piraka form natural kaita?
1Hello Mr. Farshety,
2I myself am a big thirteen year old fan. I actually only began my increasing love for Bionicle AFTER it ended. My friend told me about it, I did research, and immediately was a huge fan. I have about 50 Bionicles, all of them bought after your amazing story ended.
3Here are my questions on Bionicle:41. What are your views on the new Bionicle? Are you dissapointed at the sudden change and liberties LEGO has taken (not to mention the generic names), or relieved that they brought it back, no matter the changes.
52. I heard that the age it was targeted for was greatly dropped, is this true?
63. Was the Bionicle story in 2010 resolved completely, or was it never properly ended? I read the comics for Journey's end, but heard that you continued it afterwards.
74. I heard that Bionicle was expected to last until 2020. Is this true? Was there more ideas for the future that you never had released?
85. The BAttera. What happened to them? Where did they go?
96. Just Makuta questions. Someone told me they are Antidermis in armor. Also, I never found how they came into existence.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MorroLaval13 wrote:1DEAR GREG FARSHTEY,
4I have a followup question. Had the fanbase not of reacted poorly to Teridax's name, would you of revealed the Shadowed One's name?
5Possibly. But one thing to keep in mind -- that name was never trademarked or anything. So the fact that it was legally approved for us all those years ago does not mean it would be legally approved now. Someone else could have claimed it, or something close enough to it that LEGO would not want it used. So even if I wanted to reveal it, it would need to go through Legal again, and there is no budget to get Gen1 BIONICLE names approved.
6How does it cost money to see if it's trademarked and stuff? You just use google to see if you can use it.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Akuumo wrote:1Greg, I'm askinfg 4th TIME. I hope You'll finally answer:
51) There was a discussion a while ago about seasons in the BIONICLE universe, and I don't recall where it netted out. My question is, what purpose would winter serve? Do you want the inside of your toaster covered in snow and ice? Certainly, the robot would have had an internal cooling system, but I don't know that it would have been producing winter like we think of winter.
62) I believe Gali did that somewhere early in the story, but we never used it again.
73) I would lean toward yes. If it is a form of light, then Takanuva should be able to absorb it. The question is, could he move fast enough to absorb it before it hit its target?
8I believe that Gali forged a mental link with Takanuva to tell if he was lying or not.