Paploo2 wrote:1Dear Greg,
2If Makuta have ALL 48 rahkshi powers, how could the toa ever defeat them? They seem to rarely use them.
34. In Federation of Fear, how was Spiriah even imprisoned in the first place, when he had so many ways of escape. furthermore, he could easily have destroyed all the members of the crew, whereas he instead only intimidated them and shot Brutaka (I think. I don't quite remember.).
45. I understand that the swamp Makuta were weakened by their mutations, but why didn't they seem to use ANY of their remaining powers?
5So this is what I'm wondering.I know you didn't come up with the whole storyline, and so some of these problems may not be by you, so do not take this offensively.
6Cheerio, Paploo.
71) Keep in mind that the examples you are citing came about largely before it was established in canon that they had all 48 powers, and also that you are quoting from things that happened in the movie, which I did not write. Establishing in the movie that Makuta create kraata and therefore have all the powers, etc,, takes time, and they weren't going to use script time to do that. As for the kolhii match, that was, I think, largely because a violent last battle would have made it hard to sell the film into some markets where they frown on anything violent in childrens' entertainment\.
84) There is precedent for imprisonment -- see Miserix. I do not think the Great Being would create something without also creating the capability to confine/defeat it.
95) You answered your own question. I set it up so that the Makuta could not use their other powers, otherwise the Toa would have been dead in 45 seconds and the story would be over.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:1Couple things -- Makuta would not consider each other to be friends. Brothers, possibly, but not friends. And I can't see Teridax getting all frustrated and despairing - he is a being of action. If the other Makuta were annoying him,he would either punish or kill them to make them stop.
2Thanks, I did the 'friends'-thing, because I wanted Teridax to be the black sheep when talking about relations. So I'll change it to 'equals'. As I think that only Miserix sees himself as more than the other Makuta. And I did the 'frustration' because I wanted another cause than 'jealousy' or 'oppertunity' to make Teridax evil. So I'll stick to the frustration. And in my universe, Teridax will be the only Makuta punished, punished really hard!
nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:1Thanks, I did the 'friends'-thing, because I wanted Teridax to be the black sheep when talking about relations. So I'll change it to 'equals'. As I think that only Miserix sees himself as more than the other Makuta. And I did the 'frustration' because I wanted another cause than 'jealousy' or 'oppertunity' to make Teridax evil. So I'll stick to the frustration. And in my universe, Teridax will be the only Makuta punished, punished really hard!
2How about this:
3'Makuta Teridax was totally annoyed by the situation. Just this week he had already erased two failed viruses, helped with the creation of a small army of new Kraata, and had several meetings with the other makuta. And now, now he was in a hurry to another important meeting. ‘If the other Makuta would just understand how drained I am.’ Teridax thought ‘But my selfish fellow Makuta wouldn’t understand me anyway.’ Teridax didn’t like calling the other Makuta his ‘fellow Makuta’, he just hated implying being their equal. ‘Sometimes I’d wish I was not a Makuta, sometimes I’d wish I was a Toa, or a simple, mindless Vahki, or maybe I’d just wish I was the ruler of the Universe!'
4In the meeting room he noticed two strange things: the face of the Toa they were observing was extremely ugly, and Makuta Miserix was wearing the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. Even though both things didn’t make any sense to him, he didn’t really care. Caring also seemed to be unnecessary, as Miserix started explaining stuff by himself. 'This here my fellow-' Miserix started, while Teridax thought 'There's that 'fellow' thing again.' '-Makuta is not a Toa like you may think.' Miserix continued 'This is an Agori, a villager of the planet 'Spherus Magna'.''
5Instead of 'frustration', I chose 'annoyance' or 'irritation'.
1Greg farshtey if we mad a funrasier for bioncle ideas will you bring it back?
WhiteAlligator wrote:2Hi everyone -
3Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
4The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
5That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
6Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
7While participating in this topic please remember to ...
81. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
92. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
103. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Mace3739 wrote:1A few more questions! Thanks for answering!
21. How well do you think the Cryoshell songs fit in with the overall feel of Bionicle?
32. Did you like the songs?
43. Theoretically, if Bionicle were to return with a jump to the future (To make it easier for new fans to get into it), would you explain the endings of Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be?
51) I never paid that much attention to them
63) How would it help new fans to explain the ending of a story they never read?
7You misunderstand me, I meant jumping to the future would help new fans. And if you. theoretically, jumped to the future with the story, would you give the old fans a nod with the conclusions of Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be?
nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:1Couple things -- Makuta would not consider each other to be friends. Brothers, possibly, but not friends. And I can't see Teridax getting all frustrated and despairing - he is a being of action. If the other Makuta were annoying him,he would either punish or kill them to make them stop.
2Thanks, I did the 'friends'-thing, because I wanted Teridax to be the black sheep when talking about relations. So I'll change it to 'equals'. As I think that only Miserix sees himself as more than the other Makuta. And I did the 'frustration' because I wanted another cause than 'jealousy' or 'oppertunity' to make Teridax evil. So I'll stick to the frustration. And in my universe, Teridax will be the only Makuta punished, punished really hard!
3It's doubtful Teridax thinks of them as equals either -- remember how he used them in 2008.
WarriorWill03 wrote:1Greg farshtey if we mad a funrasier for bioncle ideas will you bring it back?
WhiteAlligator wrote:2Hi everyone -
3Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
4The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
5That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
6Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
7While participating in this topic please remember to ...
81. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
92. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
103. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
11Warrior - LEGO Company has plenty of money if they want to bring it back. That's not the issue. The issue was it hasd been around for nine years and set and movie sales were dropping, so it made sense to try something else.
MnM725 wrote:1Hiya Greg Farshtey!2Okay, there's been a lot of wondering about this question: Which hero likes Breez? I would like(well, a lot of people) to know3Another question: Did Gali give her life for Mata Nui? That's what I've heard anyway. If she did, then how?4Thanks!!5P.S. I know a lot of people have said something like this, but I'm going to say it again. You. Are. So. Cool. And. Amazing. And. A Really. Good. Author!!!!!!!!!!!!
61) No one, that I know of. I haven't written any romance into my HF books, I don't think. Not my thing,.
72) Gali's not dead, so no.
Mace3739 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Mace3739 wrote:1A few more questions! Thanks for answering!
21. How well do you think the Cryoshell songs fit in with the overall feel of Bionicle?
32. Did you like the songs?
43. Theoretically, if Bionicle were to return with a jump to the future (To make it easier for new fans to get into it), would you explain the endings of Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be?
51) I never paid that much attention to them
63) How would it help new fans to explain the ending of a story they never read?
7You misunderstand me, I meant jumping to the future would help new fans. And if you. theoretically, jumped to the future with the story, would you give the old fans a nod with the conclusions of Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be?
8That would be up to whether LEGO wanted me to. They might, they might not. They might feel that posting story officially that had nothing to do with current story or current characters would confuse new fans.