32. What makes the elemental powers of Earth and Stone two separate powers?43. Is there a chance that LEGO will make a set of the Preeminent?54. Is episode 54 the last episode of Season 5, or will there be more episodes later on, like Season 3?65. Will there be any NInjago books for Season 5?76. Does Shadow of Ronin take place between season 4 and 5?87. Will the 1st half year sets of Ninjago remain in production during the 2nd half year?
11. It was said the Great Beings descended from the heavens, to a slightly more primal race such asAgori andGlatorain they would perceive anything falling from the skies, to be from the heavens, the point of this is how did the Great Beings arrive onSpherusMagna? Through ships or other means? And wasSpherusMagna their intended location or did they arrive accidentally? Lastly had they already visited other worlds?
22. You stated that Great Beings don't wear kanohi but to they wear a normal powerless mask to conceal their identities from the residents of SM?
33. How were the Great Beings clothing/robes/cloaks crafted? By themselves or others?
44. What is the average lifespan of a Great Being, or are they immortal, if so how?
55. You stated earlier to my question that the Great Beings posse no powers, though according to BS01 they have ethereal powers, is this over their creations or power in general that they can use?
66. What is the average height of a Great Being?
77. Do Great Beings age in a process similar to our own?
88. Did Great Beings from alternate dimensions interact with one another?
99. The Cursed Great Being can Freeze space and time around an individual, when this occurs does time and everything else freeze or continue at a rate so slow it feels normal to the frozen individuals making it so they don't notice they are frozen?
1010. How long can The Cursed Great Being pause space?
1111. Did any Great Beings have preferred areas of work? Or a specific element they preferred to work with?
1212. What was a Great Beings skull structure similar to?
1313. Do Great Beings have DNA and genetics, if so is it similar to ours?
1414. Does Great Being's body structure vary in between individuals?
1515. With only 20-ish Great Beings to work on many large scale projects (ie: the Baterra project) did they work on them using only their man power or did they take trusted individuals from villages or construct machines to aid in the construction?
16I think you missed this, not sure though.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
13.karda nui is below the southern continent. when voya nui was ripped from the SC, and it smashed through the "roof" of the dome to aqua magna, a waterfall came through that gap and fell down into karda nui, flooding it. after voya nui returned to the continent when the mahri destroyed the Cord, wouldn't the waterfall have flooded voya nui and the surrounding continent?
24.we know an Iden has to stay on in order for the user to continue projecting his spirit, and if the mask is somehow turned off, the spirit will forcibly return to the body. what would happen if an Iden user's spirit went through a dimension gate to another reality? he'd basically be stuck there in spirit form?
31) Not one that is generally known, no
42) I don't think the Makuta particularly wanted to deal with Karzahni. And you have to remember that K is extremely self-absorbed. Even if he knew every last thing about the MU, he just wouldn't care.
53) The chest armor of the robot sealed itself after Voya Nui passed back through.
64) Only if the gate closed.
72. I don't think Karzahni would be particularly happy with someone else aiding him, he seems like the narcissistic type that would want to be the sole leader. ANd the Makuta of Karzahni being Icarax....uh huh, civil war
Would Karzahni care if Icy was there?
84. What if said gate reopened, could they go back?
92) I don't think Karzahni would mind so much as long as the Makuta didn't interfere with what he was doing104) Depends. If the gate is open when the mask is turned off, then the spirit comes back. If the gate is closed and the spirit is stranded, then it depends on when the gate reopens. If a spirit is out of a body for too long, it dissipates and can't return.
112. Ooooh, that makes sense.
124. I think it's like this. The spirit goes through the gate/portal, it closes, then re-opens quickly, can the spirit come back through?
raymondmay11 wrote:11. In the 54th episode of Ninjago, Morro uses the Realm Crystal to bring him and Lloyd through the 16 dimensions. One of these dimensions was Chima. Does this mean that Chima is one of the 16 dimensions parallel to Ninjago?21b) Does this suggest, or confirm a Ninjago-Chima Crossover?
32. What makes the elemental powers of Earth and Stone two separate powers?43. Is there a chance that LEGO will make a set of the Preeminent?54. Is episode 54 the last episode of Season 5, or will there be more episodes later on, like Season 3?65. Will there be any NInjago books for Season 5?76. Does Shadow of Ronin take place between season 4 and 5?87. Will the 1st half year sets of Ninjago remain in production during the 2nd half year?
91) There are no plans for a Ninjago-Chima crossover of any kind that I am aware of. As far as what showed up in the realm crystal, that was probably just an inside joke on the part of the show creators.
102) Well, this is my stock answer to this question (which I have gotten a lot): what's the difference between being hit in the head with a clump of dirt and being hit in the head with a rock? Earth is dirt. Stone is rock.
113) No idea. Not a set designer.
124) No idea
135) If you are asking about the Papercutz books I did, no. Papercutz no longer has the license. Little Brown has it now and I don't know what they are planning to cover.
146) Don't know what you are referring to
157) I don't know production plans, but they normally would be available all year unless they sell out.
14.we know an Iden has to stay on in order for the user to continue projecting his spirit, and if the mask is somehow turned off, the spirit will forcibly return to the body. what would happen if an Iden user's spirit went through a dimension gate to another reality? he'd basically be stuck there in spirit form?
21) Not one that is generally known, no
32) I don't think the Makuta particularly wanted to deal with Karzahni. And you have to remember that K is extremely self-absorbed. Even if he knew every last thing about the MU, he just wouldn't care.
43) The chest armor of the robot sealed itself after Voya Nui passed back through.
54) Only if the gate closed.
62. I don't think Karzahni would be particularly happy with someone else aiding him, he seems like the narcissistic type that would want to be the sole leader. ANd the Makuta of Karzahni being Icarax....uh huh, civil war
Would Karzahni care if Icy was there?
74. What if said gate reopened, could they go back?
8292) I don't think Karzahni would mind so much as long as the Makuta didn't interfere with what he was doing104) Depends. If the gate is open when the mask is turned off, then the spirit comes back. If the gate is closed and the spirit is stranded, then it depends on when the gate reopens. If a spirit is out of a body for too long, it dissipates and can't return.112. Ooooh, that makes sense.
124. I think it's like this. The spirit goes through the gate/portal, it closes, then re-opens quickly, can the spirit come back through?
134) If it happens quickly enough, yes.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
14.we know an Iden has to stay on in order for the user to continue projecting his spirit, and if the mask is somehow turned off, the spirit will forcibly return to the body. what would happen if an Iden user's spirit went through a dimension gate to another reality? he'd basically be stuck there in spirit form?
21) Not one that is generally known, no
32) I don't think the Makuta particularly wanted to deal with Karzahni. And you have to remember that K is extremely self-absorbed. Even if he knew every last thing about the MU, he just wouldn't care.
43) The chest armor of the robot sealed itself after Voya Nui passed back through.
54) Only if the gate closed.
62. I don't think Karzahni would be particularly happy with someone else aiding him, he seems like the narcissistic type that would want to be the sole leader. ANd the Makuta of Karzahni being Icarax....uh huh, civil war
Would Karzahni care if Icy was there?
74. What if said gate reopened, could they go back?
8292) I don't think Karzahni would mind so much as long as the Makuta didn't interfere with what he was doing104) Depends. If the gate is open when the mask is turned off, then the spirit comes back. If the gate is closed and the spirit is stranded, then it depends on when the gate reopens. If a spirit is out of a body for too long, it dissipates and can't return.112. Ooooh, that makes sense.
124. I think it's like this. The spirit goes through the gate/portal, it closes, then re-opens quickly, can the spirit come back through?
134) If it happens quickly enough, yes.
14Ok thx
11. It was said the Great Beings descended from the heavens, to a slightly more primal race such asAgori andGlatorain they would perceive anything falling from the skies, to be from the heavens, the point of this is how did the Great Beings arrive onSpherusMagna? Through ships or other means? And wasSpherusMagna their intended location or did they arrive accidentally? Lastly had they already visited other worlds?
22. You stated that Great Beings don't wear kanohi but to they wear a normal powerless mask to conceal their identities from the residents of SM?
33. How were the Great Beings clothing/robes/cloaks crafted? By themselves or others?
44. What is the average lifespan of a Great Being, or are they immortal, if so how?
5I think you missed this, not sure though.
61) A lot of things are "said," doesn't mean they are true.
72) No
83) A lot of these questions do not have answers at this point, and this is one of them. The story team never had a discussion on the nature of the GBs, and even my conception of them relatively vague.
94) I doubt very much they are immortal, but I have no figures on their lifespan
vanderbelt wrote:
15. You stated earlier to my question that the Great Beings posse no powers, though according to BS01 they have ethereal powers, is this over their creations or power in general that they can use?
26. What is the average height of a Great Being?
37. Do Great Beings age in a process similar to our own?
48. Did Great Beings from alternate dimensions interact with one another?
59. The Cursed Great Being can Freeze space and time around an individual, when this occurs does time and everything else freeze or continue at a rate so slow it feels normal to the frozen individuals making it so they don't notice they are frozen?
610. How long can The Cursed Great Being pause space?
711. Did any Great Beings have preferred areas of work? Or a specific element they preferred to work with?
812. What was a Great Beings skull structure similar to?
913. Do Great Beings have DNA and genetics, if so is it similar to ours?
1014. Does Great Being's body structure vary in between individuals?
1115. With only 20-ish Great Beings to work on many large scale projects (ie: the Baterra project) did they work on them using only their man power or did they take trusted individuals from villages or construct machines to aid in the construction?
12I think you missed this, not sure though.
135) I have no idea what "ethereal powers" would refer to in this context.
146) No idea
157) Yes
168) Not to my knowledge
179) No, they would notice
1810) Don't know, never pondered the limits of his powers. Had no need to do so.
1911) Don't know
2012) Huh?
2113) Yes, whether it is similar to ours I do not know. Humans do not exist in this universe.
2214) I would assume so
2315) Well, when they had to make a giant robot, they created Matoran to do the work. They probably did something similar for other big projects.
22. There are rumors that Chima will be discontinued next year, and there are also rumors that Chima will continue for two more years. Which one of these is true?
33. Is Wrayth's weapon, from Ninjago, a chain scythe or something like that?44. Did you write the chapters in the "Explore" section of the Ninjago page on LEGO.com?55. What do you do for LEGO besides writing the books?
raymondmay11 wrote:11. In 2012, Universal Studios was planning to create a movie based on Hero Factory. Since Hero Factory was discontinued this year, does that mean the movie will never be released? Or was it never in production in the first place?
22. There are rumors that Chima will be discontinued next year, and there are also rumors that Chima will continue for two more years. Which one of these is true?
33. Is Wrayth's weapon, from Ninjago, a chain scythe or something like that?44. Did you write the chapters in the "Explore" section of the Ninjago page on LEGO.com?55. What do you do for LEGO besides writing the books?
61) I never heard anything about plans for an HF movie. And, no, once a toy line is cancelled, no movies will get done. Movies and books rely on the toys to be "free advertising" -- plus it does not benefit LEGO any to have a movie promoting a line we are no longer selling.
72) I can't discuss future plans. Any announcements on that will come from the company.
83) I would have to check, I haven't written much about him
94) No
105) My book writing is strictly freelance. My staff position at LEGO Company is Editorial Director. I primarily oversee the LEGO Club Magazines.
1Hi Greg,
2Is there any particular reason Toa of air seem to be more easily corrupted? Dark Hunters Spinner and Nidhiki were both Toa of Air, Lewa was influenced by outside forces twice, Lesovikk seemed to be a little wayward, even Toa Iruni went AWOL for a short period of time. Do you think this is mostly coincidence, or perhaps more linked to personality types of air beings? Thanks again.
1Hi Greg, I had another question, I don't know if you might've overlooked it or something, so I'm reposting it.
2This one's been bugging me: The Toa Metru used the Great Disks to destroy the Morbuzahk, but then later Vakama combined the Great Disks to create the Disk of Time (and later the Vahi). How did they get the Great Disks back after using them? Correct me if I'm wrong, it's my understanding that Kanoka are used once and then are gone once they've hit their target.
3Also, is it possible, with enough willpower and unity, for a Toa team such as the Toa Mata to create a Toa Nui?
4On this topic, is there the capability for three Toa Kaita (that's 9 toa creating 3 beings!) to create a Kaita from those three Kaita, creating a "Kaita Nui" of sorts?
5Thank's so much for taking time out of your day to answer us!