ScribeGT6817 wrote:Keilax wrote:Keilax wrote:1Hi Mr Farshtey! I know you probably don't care about my personal life, but, I have been into BIONICLE in 2007. My first BIONICLE was Dekar, the Po-Matoran who tragically was doomed to be Hydraxon. I still have him, along with all my other sets. I suppose I just wanted to say, it's really great that you still do this. Even though I can't speak for others, I know it has been postive to me. I think you told a fantastic story, which, in the end, is what matters, I believe. No matter what some people may say, BIONICLE is truly among the best stories I've ever known. That said, I suppose I should ask some questions now.
21) Do you reckon Vezon is capable of actually killing any one? I mean, he was dangerous with the Ignika, but afterwards, no matter how fantastic a character he was, he wasn't really that dangerous.
32) Do you consider him a bad guy? Or something else?
43) Who came up with the Red Star idea? (Of it being an afterlife and rebirth centre)
54) Does the Olmak have limitations? As in, can it only travel to alternate universes in it's own multiverse (the BIONICLE Multiverse) or can it travel to other Multiverses too? I know that it would never happen, but hypothetically, could it?
65) Is it possible for just 2 Toa to fuse? Or is it a minimum of 3?
76) Could 2 Kaita's fuse? What would that make if they can? Would it be some special fusion, or would it be a Toa Nui? As, the fusion would still have 6 Toa.
87) Does the GSB have limitations in its Dream/Reality Warping ability?
9You missed this I think. Sorry if I'm being annoying.
101) Yes, he is.
112) I consider him psychotic
123) Me
134) Only within its own multiverse
145) A Kaita is three
156) No, because then you would have six Toa fused and it would be a Toa Nui, which does not exist.
167) Not that we have seen
171) Who do you reckon he could unalive? A Matoran? Skakdi? Toa?
185) So, the minimu for a fusion is 3? (For a Toa at least)
196) Why doesn't a Toa Nui exist? It's theoretically possible, isn't it?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:lordbio123 wrote:11) No,. It would be a pointless power then
22) Depends. The suns in Metru Nui, for example, were the eyeholes of the robot. The stars read by Makuta in 2004 were the electrical energy of the robot's brain
33) One would assume
44) No
55) No. There are hatches in various places
66) The island on his face was camo. He would submerge in an ocean and create a false island.
77) Depends on if the two dimensions are moving at the same rate of time. Some do, some don't
88) No
99) No, they simply had foresight into possible problems that might occur
1010) We have seen it done by Toa stones and lightning from the red star
1111) If I recall correctly, they have to choose weapons, but I may be misremembering
1212) Do you mean can it be affected by magnetism? Yes
1313) No
144. WHy not? Tren Krom remembered them....
1513. What if a GB did it? or Mata Nui?
164) There was no way for TK to not be aware of them since they were the ones who essentially "fired" him once MN was ready. That doesn't apply in other cases.
1713) A GB could, yes, but why bother? If you need an Air Toa instead of a fire one, it would probably be faster just to build a new Air Toa than convert. Mata Nui could not.
184. Fair enoguh.
1913. I don't know. But it's possible, correct?
2013) Yes
11) Yes, he is.
22) I consider him psychotic
33) Me
44) Only within its own multiverse
55) A Kaita is three
66) No, because then you would have six Toa fused and it would be a Toa Nui, which does not exist.
77) Not that we have seen
81) Who do you reckon he could unalive? A Matoran? Skakdi? Toa?
95) So, the minimu for a fusion is 3? (For a Toa at least)
106) Why doesn't a Toa Nui exist? It's theoretically possible, isn't it?
111) Well, he would have a weapon or weapons if he wanted to kill someone, so any of the above.
122) For a voluntary fusion, yes. Spear of Fusion could merge two Toa.
133) No, it's not. Toa Nui is a myth. Can't exist. Toa bodies, as they currently exist, would burn out if carrying all six elements.
algodrew wrote:1Since the Ignika changed color when Mata Nui died, is it theoretically possible for the Vahi and mask of creation to have something that would make them change color?
2No. The Ignika's color change has to do with its pre-set ability to wipe out all life in the robot. The other masks do not have that.
raymondmay11 wrote:11. Were you part of the Hero Factory story team?21b) Were those who were part of the original BIONICLE team part of the Hero factory team?32. Did LEGO ever have plans on releasing a set for the mysterious villain from Brain Attack?43. Did Carapar get revived on the red star after he was disintegrated by Tren Krom?54. Did Takadox escape the Great Spirit Robot after Teridax's death?65. In Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows, Sidorak was shown to be sort of unintelligent, cowardly, and pathetic. Was this done to make the film more appealing to children, or is he naturally like that?
71) No
81b) There were probably some people, but much of the original team had moved on to other jobs within or outside of LEGO Company by that time.
92) No idea
103) If you're disintegrated, then the RS cannot revive you. Your head has to be intact for them to download the AI
114) Unknown. Story is frozen where we left it.
125) I wasn't involved with the writing of that movie, so I can't really speak to the reasons why they wrote him as they did
Xerack1234 wrote:1Mr farshtey bionicle is my favorite franchise and I want to ask you a question why do the Toa,turaga or the matoran ever show they're face without masks? I have been looking everywhere and couldn't find anything
2Do you mean why they DON'T show their faces without the masks? Because they need their masks for power and energy, so they don't take them off voluntarily (although a Toa might, if he had to change masks). As for the movies, showing characters with their masks off would have required doing new animations of them, which gets expensive. Since there was no story reason to do that, we didn't.
Toa_Conley1998 wrote:11.why is there genders in the motaran (don't know if spelled right) if love is not in the story?22.the motaran are robots. What energy do they live off of?33. Does the parts to make motaran/Toa already have life in them before they are made into a motaran/Toa. If not then were does the life of them come from?
41) Opposite genders has nothing to do with romantic love, first of all ... the concept of romantic love did not even start on Earth until the Middle Ages. Biologically, you need opposite genders in most species to reproduce, so the better question is why are there opposite genders if they do not biologically reproduce?
5And the answer is, there were male and female Great Beings, and the female Great Beings saw no reason that every one of their creations should have male psychological characteristics. They were striving for balance.
62) They're not robots. They are bio-mechanical. And they can feed off energy from energy stations inside the robot, and we have also seen them drain energy from things like fruit and fish.
73) From the energy they are powered by, the same way your body is sustained by the energy of the foods you consume.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Toa_Conley1998 wrote:11.why is there genders in the motaran (don't know if spelled right) if love is not in the story?22.the motaran are robots. What energy do they live off of?33. Does the parts to make motaran/Toa already have life in them before they are made into a motaran/Toa. If not then were does the life of them come from?41) Opposite genders has nothing to do with romantic love, first of all ... the concept of romantic love did not even start on Earth until the Middle Ages. Biologically, you need opposite genders in most species to reproduce, so the better question is why are there opposite genders if they do not biologically reproduce?
5And the answer is, there were male and female Great Beings, and the female Great Beings saw no reason that every one of their creations should have male psychological characteristics. They were striving for balance.
62) They're not robots. They are bio-mechanical. And they can feed off energy from energy stations inside the robot, and we have also seen them drain energy from things like fruit and fish.
73) From the energy they are powered by, the same way your body is sustained by the energy of the foods you consume.
8Mr. Farshtey, that is actually wrong Romantic love and marriage existed since Ancient Greece, which is before the Middle Ages.
11) Opposite genders has nothing to do with romantic love, first of all ... the concept of romantic love did not even start on Earth until the Middle Ages. Biologically, you need opposite genders in most species to reproduce, so the better question is why are there opposite genders if they do not biologically reproduce?
2And the answer is, there were male and female Great Beings, and the female Great Beings saw no reason that every one of their creations should have male psychological characteristics. They were striving for balance.
32) They're not robots. They are bio-mechanical. And they can feed off energy from energy stations inside the robot, and we have also seen them drain energy from things like fruit and fish.
43) From the energy they are powered by, the same way your body is sustained by the energy of the foods you consume.
5Mr. Farshtey, that is actually wrong
Romantic love and marriage existed since Ancient Greece, which is before the Middle Ages.
6I woudl disgaree with you, in part. Marriage certainly existed in ancient times, but marriage in ancient times was not based on romantic love or often even choice. Greek philosophers certainly did discuss love, which is where we get the term "platonic love" -- but platonic love is not romantic love, and romantic love as the basis for marriage was not the standard. What we think of as a romantic love got its start in courtly love, which was a product of medieval Western culture.
7In the case of the Great Beings, they saw love as leading to marriage and childbirth. Since they had no need for childbirth in the MU, they saw no need to program even latent romantic love in, and neither did Velika later on. It would serve no purpose.
1ScribeGT6817:2777stairs:3I was thinking about consolidating species and islands--the topic's been discussed in BZP and elsewhere quite a lot recently--and I thought I may have found something that won't contradict anything in Dark Hunters.
4I have an idea that Conjurer, Tyrant, Ancient, and The Shadowed One are all from the same Southern Island that Ancient plunged into war. Tyrant and Conjurer were two who individually gave up on conquering the island and left for another southern island to conquer with plans to later conquer other areas.
5TSO and Conjurer are from the same species (both have similar heads and builds) which is related to, but not the same as Krekka's species, and Ancient and Tyrant are from the same species (both have similiar heads, tails, and claw hands). Both of the races are based in the same island--especially considering Ancient's home island is one of [shadows and ice] and Tyrant is impervious to extreme cold. The fact that TSO & Conjurer and Ancient & Tyrant have different sets of powers is of no consequence; some of them may have been experimented on in the war.
6The fact that they may have been rivals on their island may provide additional reasons why Conjurer and Tyrant are so insolent to the Shadowed One and Ancient.
7I think my question is -- why? This isn't a retcon that is going to harm anything, as you point out, but I am not sure what it helps either. It sort of feels like a retcon for its own sake.
8Consolidating species is a topic that has been floating around a lot. This would fulfill some of that. It would also
9Contribute to all four characters' backstories
10Increase the significance of the species of Ancient & TSO
11Show effects/backstory of the civil war (despite being described as a great war, effects aren't felt elsewhere in the universe--this would change that). See 777's reasons
12Characterize Tyrant and Conjurer
13Consolidate species & islands
14I can think of other reasons, but I'm almost out of symbols and I have erased as much as I really can