ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1Hey Greg, how possible is it that some Matoran from Metru Nui like Tehutti, had their masks replaced on Mata Nui for the same reason that Jaller's Komau was replaced by a Hau?2Buried
3It's possible
4Okay, so where do they get the masks from?
1Hello again mr Farshtey,
2I have a question regarding the now, clearly retired, LEGO theme known as Hero Factory. Is it possible you might be able to reveal who the over arching master mind (Brain attack/Breakout mastermind) was? Although he is most likely Von Nebula, a little bit of confirmation would be nice as it was left unanswered after Brain Attack.
11: is there anything you have written that you regret, like defeating of a certain character, and then realiesing too late that it was a bad idea.
22: what was your least favorite thing to work on.
33: even though you wrote it along with the whole rest of the bionicle writting team, what was your least favorite year PERIOD. (why am i saying period, i am british.)
maletoaofwater wrote:1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2maletoaofwater wrote:
32. the only problem with that is that time, unlike life, was universal both inside and outside the robot. you can't effect time inside the robot but not effect time outside of it. of course we have the theory of relativity, but that doesn't account for the kind of time chaos that vakama was describing when he threatened to destroy it.
4True. On the other hand, do we believe that something so powerful it could affect a fundamental force in the entire universe was thrown together by a bit of nanotech inside a robot? Why would the Great Beings feel the need to make the creation of something that would affect the universe outside of the robot like that a part of Mata Nui? What need would the robot's systems have to affect time on a universal scale?
5i don't think the great beings designed it to happen that way though. like so many other things that they couldn't forsee, the mask of time just happened to come into being. (and 100,000 years after the MU launched) (sure, vakama carved it, but i don't think even he knew that merging the great disks would result in a mask of time. iirc, he just knew that what he was making was important, and after he was finished, he realized what he'd made.) plus, that bit of "nanotech" turned out to be fully sentient beings. (and the one who made the mask, vakama, seemed to be a special one with a sense for the future, even outside of his visions.)
6would melting the mask have the same effect as cracking it? we know that the process of making a mask takes away some of the power the composing disks had, so perhaps remolding the mask a time or two (excuse the pun) would get rid of the possibility to destroy time.
1Hello Mr Greg
2What is the maximum range of the power of anger and fear of a Makuta? Is it reasonable to think they can affect an entire village with these two powers? Such as provoke a civil war in a village with their power of hate. I need this information for a fanfiction that I'll write. Again. Thank you very much.
Roblotix27 wrote:1Hey Greg, are you still continuing the Ninjago comic book series for next year?? Does it have to do with the new TV series???
2The Papercutz series of books I was writing is over, because the publisher lost the LEGO license. The new publisher, Little Brown, is using stories written by a company called Blue Ocean and I am doing some source material for the back of the book.
Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1Hey Greg, how possible is it that some Matoran from Metru Nui like Tehutti, had their masks replaced on Mata Nui for the same reason that Jaller's Komau was replaced by a Hau?2Buried
3It's possible
4Okay, so where do they get the masks from?
5The Toa Metru brought masks with them from Metru Nui when they migrated to Mata Nui.
1Hi Mr Greg
2What is the maximum range of the power of anger and fear of a Makuta? Is it reasonable to think they can affect an entire village with these two powers? Such as provoke a civil war in a village with their power of hate. I need this information for a fanfiction that I'll write. Again. Thank you very much.
commandercody113 wrote:1I have a variety of questions nessiscary for expanding my own personal fanon. I'd appreciate any answers you could give my to make it more believeable
- 2Was the 'Elemental inhibitor' Velika gave to Kabrua in any wat linked to Marender?
- 3Would it be in Velika's personality to immedietly immolate the beings he had trapped in the fortress of the Insane GB, or would he rather show his hand first, and cherish the looks of surprise on their faces?
- 4What is the current status of the Sisters of the Skrall?
- 5Were there any other substances in the Great Spirit Robot that supplied power besides EP?
- 6After teridax's GSR fell, was it at all still inhabitable, despite massive destruction? Would the artificial gravity still function?
- 7Is it plausible for the barraki to raise an army after teridax's fall to conquer SM?
- 8Is it plausible that Makuta Teridax had reserves of Antidermis somewhere that survived?
- 9Were there more of Annona's species, or was she one of a kind?
- 10Does the Energized Protodermis Entity represent any being native to SM?
- 11What is the Origin of Energized protodermis? How did it gain sentience? Is it considered a 'native species' to Spherus Magna alongside Annona?
- 12If I recall correctly, you stated there were just under 20 Great beings. There are about 18 differant elements in Canon Bionicle. Is there any correlation between this? (I.E. are GBs specifically attuned to a specific element?)
- 13Is there more of the GB race somewhere in the universe, or are they the last of their kind?
- 14Do Great beings have any equals on Spherus Magna? Is the EP Entity considered their equivelant?
- 15Is tehre a correlation between Tren krom and Annona's similar appearance?
16That's all for now, I look forward to your answers!
17It's possible greg missed this,^ soo... repost!
diglett809 wrote:1Greg, at the end of the final BIONICLE web episode it lists the people who helped. Under original concept it had "Greg Farshtey". Does this mean you just were the creator of the original BIONICLE, or did you have some concept part in the new one?
2No, I had nothing to do with the creation of original BIONICLE, although I did add some elements to it over the years, and nothing to do with the creation of new BIONICLE. New BIONICLE was pretty much done by the time I got to see any of it.
BeorntheBear wrote:1Hello again mr Farshtey,
2I have a question regarding the now, clearly retired, LEGO theme known as Hero Factory. Is it possible you might be able to reveal who the over arching master mind (Brain attack/Breakout mastermind) was? Although he is most likely Von Nebula, a little bit of confirmation would be nice as it was left unanswered after Brain Attack.
3The HF team never told me who it was. I was planning to do a book on their origin, and they told me not to, and that was the last conversation we had about the brains.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Greg, at the end of the final BIONICLE web episode it lists the people who helped. Under original concept it had "Greg Farshtey". Does this mean you just were the creator of the original BIONICLE, or did you have some concept part in the new one?
2No, I had nothing to do with the creation of original BIONICLE, although I did add some elements to it over the years, and nothing to do with the creation of new BIONICLE. New BIONICLE was pretty much done by the time I got to see any of it.
3Interesting. So any idea why it said "original concept: Greg Farshtey"?