MasterWuWalker wrote:1Hi Greg! (Sooooooo awesome to get to ask you stuff )
2I'm sure you've been asked thousands of times, and you probably have answered questions about Bionicle's Gen 1 endings throughout this topic. However, since I don't have time to lug through 700+ pages, I'd like to ask you some questions that have haunted me for years. (If anybody else has the answers, I'd be fine to hear it from them)
31. Who is the GB spy (as shown in Yesterday's Quest and PtB)? I've heard that it's velika, and if so, why and when did you choose him?
42. Is it possible to give any description of what the conclusion was to Yesterday's Quest and the Powers that Be? (I don't know if you ever had an idea, or LEGO won't let you talk about it, or what. I'm fine with any answer, even if it's just your thoughts, non-canon)
53. Is the Golden Skinned Being's conscienceness a certain character that we've already seen (Zaktan, Teridax, etc.), or is he something completely different?
64. Has Teridax truly passed away, or is he still living? (Or is there no way to know?)
75. What ever happened to Voporak after he got the Vahi?
86. Are the GB all equally powerful? (Angonce, Velika, etc)?
9Thanks a lot for your time! (Sorry if you've already been asked these Qs a million times already)
101) It is Velika. I chose him because I thought it made sense that a Matoran who spoke in riddles all the time would be doing it for a reason, such as avoiding direct answers.
112) No. I don't plan the endings of my stories ahead of time, and after all this time, I barely remember the events of those stories anyway.
123) Different character.
134) He's dead.
145) Nothing, to my knowledge. He is still alive.
156) GBs really don't have "powers" so much as tech -- they are scientists.
voporak1 wrote:
1I Mr Greg
21. You said that the Great Being Cursed had managed to get out of the tower before it explode without anyone knowing. My question is whether the others in the tower have left the tower before it explodes. And how the Great Being cursed has managed to get out of the tower?
32. Is it possible that Tuma forms a new army to conquer Spherus Magna and maybe take his revenge on the Skrall who have abandoned him to his fate after his defeat against Mata Nui?
43. After the shattering the Great Beings have kept some Energized Protodermis to continue to study it?
54. The Ignika is it linked to life itself? Let me explain, if the Ignika is destroyed all forms of life in the Bionicle universe will die.
65. Just a question like that it will seem you stupid, but in terms of RAW POWER and not of the NUMBER OF POWER. is what Axonn and Brutaka are more powerful than a Makuta?
76. What is the maximum range of the power of anger and fear of a Makuta? Is it reasonable to think they can affect an entire village with these two powers? Such as provoke a civil war in a village with their power of hate. I need this information for a fanfiction that I'll write. Again. Thank you very much.
81) I had no plans to kill the characters in the tower. They all would have escaped.
92) I can't see anyone being willing to follow a failed general very far.
103) They must have, they put it in the robot.
114) Yes
125) I don't think so, no.
136) No idea. Not something we calculated.
commandercody113 wrote:1More questions
21) In the Powers that be, it seemed like Velika had a plan involving the Red Star. Does this plan have anything to do with the 'zombified' MU inhabitants?
32) Is it possible that some of the Great beings did not go into exile, but rather became leaders of agori society on Bota or bara magna?
43) Is there a canon reason why velika was sent to Karzahni?
51) Yes
62) I doubt it.
73) You only get sent to Karzahni if you are damaged in some way.
Keilax wrote:Keilax wrote:Keilax wrote:1Hi Mr Farshtey, me again. I have some more questions, if that's ok.
21) What would happen if a someone used the Spear of Fusion in reverse (splitting) on a half being, like Vezon? Would they split further, or would it not have any effect?
32) How long can a Kaita or Nui maintain its form (e.g. a Toa Kaita or a Matoran Nui)? Is it until it willingly splits, or does it have a time limit?
43) Did a Matoran Kaita or Nui have any Elemental Powers, or would it still lack them?
54) Is a Turaga Kaita or Nui possible? How powerful would they be in reference to a Toa?
65) Who or what assigned a Matoran's name upon creation?
76) If you could be any BIONICLE species, what would you be?
9You missed this
101) They would split further
112) Usually has to do with the willpower of the beings involved. Being in a Kaita is a strain.
123) It would still lack them, basically because if we give them powers, then who needs Toa?
134) Yes, but their power would still not approach that of a Toa
145) Probably the Turaga
156) I wouldn't be interested in being bio-mechanical.
puma7372 wrote:1Hi Greg, I've been a huge fan of all your work for nearly 8 years so it's a huge honor to be able to finally talk to you! Hope you can consider these questions:
21. Can the Kualsi teleport to other planets? Say if a Kualsi user viewed a moon, say, would they be able to instantly teleport there or would it be too far away to be precise enough?
32. Is there an upper limit to how fast a Kakama user can run, or is it pretty much infinite?
43. Does the Pakari grant a user durability as well as strength?
54. Could the Hau be used underwater to cocoon oneself in air and breathe while submerged?
65. Does the Kaukau have to be consciously activated or does it automatically switch on in water? Can the same be said when the user is outside of the water i.e. so they do not suffocate
7- - To be continued - -
81) Not likely. If you were standing on the moon and saw Earth and tried to teleport there, you would have absolutely no way of knowing if you might teleport into a solid object.
92) There is an upper limit on just about all mask powers, I believe.
103) No
114) Good question. I would say the answer is quite possibly yes, but it would require so much effort to maintain the shield you wouldn't be able to do much besides that.
125) It would need to be activated, but doing so pretty much becomes an automatic reflex action after a short while.
1Thanks for answering, here's a few more if you don't mind.
21. Did LEGO ever consider making a Bionicle movie during 06-08?
32. Were you in charge of the Bionicle theme?
43. Do you think Gen2 will be as popular or as loved as Gen1 was?
54. Are you still active in Bionicle communities (bz power being the main one)? If so, what type of role or position do you play in them?
65. Did you wish that Bionicle could've gone on for another year or so, or were you done with it along with LEGO?
76. Who was your least favorite character? (And I don't know if this is basically the same question, but who was the hardest character to write?)
8Thanks again!
MasterWuWalker wrote:1Thanks for answering, here's a few more if you don't mind.
21. Did LEGO ever consider making a Bionicle movie during 06-08?
32. Were you in charge of the Bionicle theme?
43. Do you think Gen2 will be as popular or as loved as Gen1 was?
54. Are you still active in Bionicle communities (bz power being the main one)? If so, what type of role or position do you play in them?
65. Did you wish that Bionicle could've gone on for another year or so, or were you done with it along with LEGO?
76. Who was your least favorite character? (And I don't know if this is basically the same question, but who was the hardest character to write?)
8Thanks again!
91) Not to my knowledge
102) No. I was one member of the story team, which was chaired by the global marketing lead.
113) No idea. I have not seen sales figures for Gen2.
124) No. Under LEGO Company's social media policies, LEGO employees cannot post on non-LEGO sites where there might be kids under 13. Since none of the BIONICLE fan sites have any age verification system in place, I am no longer allowed to post there.
135) I wanted it to go on for another 10-20 years
146) The hardest characters to write were anyone who spoke treespeak and enemies who had no personalities, like the Vahki and the Bohrok.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:commandercody113 wrote:1More questions
21) In the Powers that be, it seemed like Velika had a plan involving the Red Star. Does this plan have anything to do with the 'zombified' MU inhabitants?
32) Is it possible that some of the Great beings did not go into exile, but rather became leaders of agori society on Bota or bara magna?
43) Is there a canon reason why velika was sent to Karzahni?
51) Yes
62) I doubt it.
73) You only get sent to Karzahni if you are damaged in some way.
8*Makes note; "Fanon is withstanding"*
16. Would the Tryna be considered an immoral mask since it reanimates the dead as zombies?
27. In Trinuma's Mask of Charisma the default shape of the mask (therefore Tahu's Hau Nuva simply happened to look similar)?
38. Can the Mask of Charisma permanently alter a being's worldview i.e. the changes remain after the user has stopped focusing the mask power on them? If not it would seem underpowered since the user has to maintain quite a lot of effort and diplomacy for the Mask to take effect anyway.
49. Was the fact that the Toa Inika's masks stayed on all the time a feature of them being organic masks, or is it a feature of those masks specifically?
510. Are newly created Matoran given pre-programmed identities and personalities?
611. Can Bara Magnans reproduce as we do i.e. male-to-female?
712. Are the Great Beings more organic or biomechanical? Can they be compared to us?
813. Is there a 'genetic' difference between Agori tribes i.e. could separate tribes interbreed? What would the result look like?
914. Can Volitak users be seen? Is it much like the perception filter in Doctor Who, where it takes lots of concentration to see them, or does the stealth effect wear off if the user is discovered?
106) I have been asked this before and to be honest do not remember my past answers. I think an argument can certainly be made for it being immoral.
117) Don't know.
128) Not unless you are dealing with a really weak-willed person.
139) Not sure what you're asking.
1410) Yes
1511) Yes
1612) I don't see them as being bio-mechanical. That doesn't mean they couldn't have an implant or two, but it would be the equivalent of someone having an artificial heart or an artificial hip.
1713) Which tribes are you talking about?
1814) Once you get spotted, the effect is basically blown
1so greg, I was reading in Bionicle Legneds #8: Challenge of the Hordika, chapter 7, I quote: "Nokama's words pierced Matau's heart. She was his friend, and at times he wished she could be more than that."
2More than a friend? that is love being involved in a book you wrote, even though you made love uncannon before then
3Can this contraditction to cannon be explained?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ouberry wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Johnyjo wrote:1Hello Mr Farshtey,
2I have a question that's probably been asked before so sorry if you've already had to answer it.
How soon did you personally find out that Mata Nui was a giant robot?
Or was that known right from the start?
3Thank you!
4That was part of the very first story bible, back in 2000. MN being a robot was the original concept for BIONICLE.
5When Bionicle was originaly planned to end in 2001, was this planned to be revealed?
6Good job on keeping it a secret for 7 years, though
7Well, the original plan was to reveal it at the end of 2001, since no one was certain BIONICLE would last more than a year.
8Just curious, how were you planning to reveal that? Since Mata Nui (island) was on Mata Nui's (robot) face, wouldn't they all fall off, espically when the Bohrok hadn't arrived to "clean" the island?
1Question about Legendary Kanohi:
2I know I've asked this before, but I didn't quite get a clear answer: Since there disastorus effects (time unraveling, everyone dying) when Legendeary Kanohi are destroyed, are they basically time bombs now? Because all things deteriorate after a while, so does this essentially spell doom for the whole universe? Or a deteriation will have no effect, becuase it is just a natural decay?
29. Sorry, I meant the fact that they were always active. For example, Kongu's Suletu, Jaller's Calix, Hewkii's Mask of Accuracy and Hahli's Mask of Detection. They were active so long as the mask was on. Was this because the masks were in a more 'organic' form akin to the Toa Inika, or was it a feature of the mask alone?
313. The Agori/Galtorian elemntal tribes e.g. Fire, Water, Iron, Jungle, Earth etc.
4Thanks for responding to all my questions
11. If Zaktan had died before his fusion, would he have been revived on the Red Star?
22. Who sent the cyclone against Kopaka and Pohatu? Was it Velika?
33. If it was Velika, how did he do it? Can he channel Lesovikk's elemental powers?
44. Do the Agori and Glatorian of different tribes all have differing abilities as the Matoran did? I.e. resistance to fire, resistance to cold etc.
55. In The Kingdom universe, what would have happened to the Great Beings?
66. Were the Great Beings threatened by the Shattering? Was this their reason for building Mata Nui, to reassemble a home for THEM, or was it more out of altruism for the Agori and Glatorian?
77. In regard to the element of Plasma, what does this power involve? Is it simply manipulating superheated gas, as we understand plasma?
88. Are the Skakdi tied to elements other than the original six?