1 Well, I knew LEGO wouldn't do something like that unless it was the right thing for the company -- it is better to end something while it is still successful than wait for it to fail. Personally, of course, I was sad about it, because I loved playing in that world.
1 1) He already has a name.22) Right now, they are, because I don't have the free time to work on them.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) I came to work for LEGO in late 2000. 2) Super Heroes, probably, although I liked Monster Hunters a lot too. 3) Read a lot.

2You mean Monster Fighters? Joking

1 I had to give priority to my office work, the books I had contracts for, and taking care of my little girl. I just didn't have time to do a good job on the stories anymore.
1 I didn't. Ninjago wasn't created by me.
1 Hi Sam - I don't write for the TV series, so I actually didn't do any of that Smile
1 1) Keep in mind a long time had gone by between LOMN and the start of the 2001 story. He got stronger. 2) That was really a set design thing, not a story thing.
1 Hi Bryan - I hear you, but it's not a decision I have any influence over. It's something that the folks who run LEGO Company have to deal with. I just write stuff Smile
1 I liked them. The only one I was personally involved with was the last one, I wrote the story for that one.
1 No idea.

1Dear Greg Farshtey,


2Was BIONICLE your favorite story you wrote? I kmow it's mine.

1 My favorite BIONICLE was Time Trap. My favorite Hero Factory was probably Dark Mirror Universe, and my favorite Ninjago so far was Stone Cold.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1I didn't. Ninjago wasn't created by me.



3You... are even... awesomer... THAN MATA NUI!!!!!!



diglett809 wrote:

1Hello Greg. I am a HUGE Bionicle fanHappy! I loved Bionicle from beginning to end. My question is: What is your favorite Toa? I personally am a Tahu fan(the original Tahu was the first Bionicle set I got). I still play Mata Nui Online Game to this day, I love watching the videos too! I also play many old Bionicle games on the Biomedia Project. Also, I didn't know that you had anything to do with NinjagoSurprised. Personally, I am not a big Ninjago fan, but I still love BionicleSmile.

2Forget this, you told somebody else already that your favorite character is Kopaka.

1Greg, are you allowed to friend us with the new friends widget? If so, can I add you?